This guide establishes the standards for SQL in Boundary.
These guidelines are designed to make our SQL more readable, maintainable, and greppable.
- No tabs. 2 spaces per indent.
- No trailing whitespace.
- No more than two blank lines between statements.
- No empty lines in the middle of a single statement.
- Do not SHOUTCASE or "Sentence case" SQL keywords (e.g., use
Keep the object of create
, alter
, drop
, and comment on
statements on the
same line as the statement.
create table imaginary_basket (
public_id wt_public_id primary key,
store_id wt_public_id not null
constraint imaginary_store_fkey
references imaginary_store (public_id)
on delete cascade
on update cascade,
basket_name text not null
constraint basket_name_must_not_be_empty
length(trim(basket_name)) > 0
basket_type text not null default 'fruit_basket'
constraint basket_type_enm_fkey
references basket_type_enm (name)
on delete restrict
on update cascade,
constraint imaginary_basket_store_id_basket_name_uq
unique(store_id, basket_name)
comment on table imaginary_basket is
'imaginary_basket is a table where each row is a resource that represents an imaginary shopping basket.';
For create table
- Keep the
create table
statement and the name of the table on the same line. - For columns, keep the column name, column type,
not null
(if applicable), and default value (if applicable) on the same line. - Put the
primary key
declaration at the start of thecreate table
statement. - If the
primary key
is a single column, put theprimary key
declaration on the same line as the column name and column type. - Put constraints for a single column on a new line indented under the column declaration.
- Name all constraints.
- Give
constraints a name that describes what rule the constraint is enforcing. - The naming pattern for foreign key constraints is
is the name of the referenced table. - The naming pattern for unique constraints is
is the name of the table andcol1_colx
is the name of each column in the unique constraint.
create or replace function colorize_basket(basket_id wt_public_id, basket_color text) returns void
as $$
$$ language plpgsql;
comment on function colorize_basket is
'colorize_basket is a function ....';
For create function
and create or replace function
- Keep the
create function
statement, function name, function parameters andreturns
statement on the same line.
create trigger update_version_column after update of version, termination_reason, key_id, tofu_token, server_id, server_type on session
for each row execute procedure update_version_column();
For create trigger
- Keep the
create trigger
statement, trigger name,before | after
, event name, andon table_name
statement on the same line. - Put the remaining statements on a new indented line.
create domain wt_private_id as text not null
length(trim(value)) > 10
comment on domain wt_private_id is
'Random ID generated with';
For create domain
- Keep the
create domain
statement, domain name,as data_type
,not null
(if applicable), and default value (if applicable) on the same line. - Put check constraints on new lines.
For comment on
- Keep the
comment on
statement, object type, object name, andis
statement on the same line. - Put
comment on
statements directly below the database object the comment is on. - Do not put any blank lines between the
comment on
statement and the database object declaration block that comment is for. - Put the text of the
comment on
a new indented line.