- Signature help showing ouside of ()
- Dynamic variable formatting
- Improvements to completion suggestions when typing FQNs
- Signature help not returning a result when in method
- Incorrect parse error with <?= expression lists
- Constructor completion
- Handle undefined range in TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
- lowercase true, false, null
- -> static methods
- Removed debug option in favour of trace
- !== format bug
- crash on merge conflict marker
- workspace activation event
- @method static support
- Dont use snippet or trigger param hints in completion if function/method/constructor has no params
- Use DocumentHighlightKind.read for highlights
- Make private members workspace searchable
- Allow utf8 names
- Backslash prefix default is now false
always included when finding php files.
- Various PSR2 formatting fixes
- Various keyword completions in class header and body
- Completion item sortText
- Crash relating to anon functions used without assignment
- Import symbol edits existing use decl
- Completions for trait names in use trait clauses.
- Case where private and protected members not suggested inside last function in class
- Crash when no storagePath available
- References not found after first call to reference provider.
- Incorrect symbol kind for built in class constants causing completion crash.
- Fix member completions inside instanceof type guard.
- Improved error handling when reading and writing to cache
- use JSONStream for reading/writing large arrays
- completions for static members with static keyword.
- default public members
- global inbuilt variable completions
- crash when forwarding to html server
- Reference provider
- hover provider
- highlight provider
- Auto add use declarations on completion and associated config option
- Config to enable/disable formatting
- Config to enable/disable backslash prefix of global functions and constants
- Invoke param hints on method/function completion
- phpdoc inheritance
- multi root workspace support
- html request forwarding
- Up to 4 fold improvement in parsing speeds
- Return multiple locations for go to defintion when applicable
- Improved type resolution for phpdoc static and $this
- Caching moved from client to server
- Extra lines and spaces repeatedly added when formatting
- Various PSR2 format fixes
- Completions within closures
- Go to defintion for defines
- Intelephense 0.8.0
- Error on signature help for function with no params
- Format weirdness after comments
- Parse error on unset cast
- Workspace discover errors when textDocument is undefined.
- Intelephense 0.7.2
- Crash when reading anon. classes.
- Intelephense 0.7.0
- PSR2 compatible, lossless document and range formatting.
- Index cache.
- Add use declaration command.
- Indexing of constants declared with define().
- HTML language mode support allowing full HTML/Javascript/CSS/PHP dev experience.
- Improved completions when a use declaration is available.
- Conflicts with docBlocker extension
- Conflicts with local history extension
- Complex string parsing
- null coalesce expr type resolution
- Cleaned up built-in symbol definitions
- Intelephense 0.7.0
- Errors with variable completion inside anon.functions
- Use group declaration parse bug
- Heredoc parse bug
- Crash when encountering parse error on namespace use
- Traits mangling parse tree (php7parser)
- intelephense 0.6.8
- intelephense 0.6.7 (php7parser)
- Sorting of fuzzy symbol matches
- Diagnostics being reported on wrong file.
- Document becoming out of sync when applying multiple changes
- Variable types not resolving in various contexts.
- intelephense 0.6.6
- Shortened name completion item labels to name without namespace prefix.
- Shortened method override/implementation completion labels to just method name.
- Reduced completion spam for extends and implements contexts.
- Rolled back indexing on fqn parts.
- Use directives from other files showing as completion items
- intelephense 0.6.5
- Detail on variable and constructor completion items.
- Indexing on fqn parts.
- Variable types not resolving when on rhs of assignment
- Infinite recursion on cyclical inheritance
- Sort order of backslash prefixed completions
- intelephense 0.6.4
- Completion provider fixes and tweaks.
- Definition provider go to property fix.
- intelephense 0.6.2
- Document symbols provider
- Workspace symbols provider
- Type definition provider
- Signature help provider
- Diagnostics provider
- Completion provider