Helpers are like simple functions that can be used in templates. We'll create a simple one to allow us to create a string representation of a Date
(or a string
passed to the Date
constructor). A library like Moment.js would be able to perform a similar task, but given that it's fairly large (16.7k minified, gzipped) it's probably overkill for just this one thing.
Once defined, helpers can be used in any of an app's templates.
The goal of this task is to define a JavaScript module for date-related utilities, a dateToString
function within it that transforms date-like values into strings, and accompanying unit tests.
Your app/utils
folder is a great place for low-level utilities like these. Ember allows modules to quickly be created using the generate
command in the cli. Let's generate a utils
module by running
ember generate util date
Ember CLI will generate the following files:
- the utils moduletests/unit/utils/date-test.js
- a passing unit test
Replace the contents of app/utils/date.js
with the following:
Click to reveal date.js
const MONTH_NAMES = [
* Pad a numeric value with zeroes, if needed
* @example
* padLeadingZeroes(13, 4); // "0013"
* padLeadingZeroes(130, 2); // "130"
* @param {number} val value
* @param {number} digits number of digits to pad
* @returns {string}
function padLeadingZeroes(val, digits) {
let valString = `${val}`;
while (valString.length < digits) valString = 0 + valString;
return valString;
* Create a string representation of a Date
* @param {string|number|Date} date
* @returns {string}
export function dateToString(date) {
if (
typeof date === 'string' ||
typeof date === 'number' ||
date instanceof Date
return null;
const d = new Date(date);
const ampm = d.getHours() > 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
return `${
} ${d.getDate()}, ${d.getFullYear()} ${padLeadingZeroes(
d.getHours() % 12,
)}:${padLeadingZeroes(d.getMinutes(), 2)}.${padLeadingZeroes(
)} ${ampm}`;
Now, any code that needs to use this function can import it and do so. For Example:
import { dateToString } from 'shlack/utils/date';
dateToString('5/3/1985'); // 'May 3, 1985 00:00.00 AM'
Now let's fill in the regular QUnit test module that Ember CLI created for us. Replace the contents of tests/unit/utils/date-test.js
with the date-test.js
Click to reveal date-test.js
import { dateToString } from 'shlack/utils/date';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
// A QUnit Module
module('Unit | Utility | date', function () {
// A QUnit Test
test('string inputs', function (assert) {
// A QUnit Assertion
'Apr 5, 1983 00:00.00 AM',
'Apr 5, 1983 00:00.00 AM',
dateToString('26 June 2010 13:14'),
'Jun 26, 2010 01:14.00 PM',
'26 June 2010 13:14'
// A QUnit Test
test('empty and invalid inputs', function (assert) {
// @ts-ignore
assert.equal(dateToString(), null);
// @ts-ignore
assert.equal(dateToString(null), null);
// @ts-ignore
assert.equal(dateToString([]), null);
// @ts-ignore
assert.equal(dateToString({}), null);
Now we can go to http://localhost:4200/tests?filter=date&nolint and see the test runner UI, showing that our new test is now passing:
Now that we have the core utility for converting a date-like thing into a consistently-formatted string, we just need create a helper to allow us to consume this in our .hbs
We can use Ember CLI to generate a starting point for our helper, as well as basic (passing) integration test. Let's run:
ember generate helper format-timestamp
Ember CLI will generate the following files:
- the helpertests/integration/helpers/format-timestamp-test.js
- a passing integration test
The code in app/helpers/format-timestamp.js
will look something like this:
import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
export default helper(function formatTimestamp(params, hash) {
return params;
Note the arguments formatTimestamp
receives: params
and hash
. When a helper is used like this:
can be thought of as the function to invoke, and everything that follows it can be thought of as arguments passed to that function via params
and hash
hbs |
params |
hash |
{{foo "a" "b"}} |
['a', 'b'] |
{} |
{{foo c="hello"}} |
[] |
{ c: 'hello' } |
{{foo "a" "b" c="hello" d="world"}} |
['a', 'b'] |
{ c: 'hello', d: 'world' } |
{{foo}} |
[] |
{} |
in our case, we want to be able to write something like this
so we can expect the string "05-01-2019"
to be passed to the helper as the 0th element of the params
array. We can combine this with destructuring, and end up with a helper implementation in app/helpers/format-timestamp.js
import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
import { dateToString } from 'shlack/utils/date';
export default helper(function formatTimestamp([date]) {
const str = dateToString(date);
return str || '(unknown)';
While we'll see in a moment that writing tests for helpers is quick and easy, I still recommend that helpers of this kind be implemented as a thin layer wrapping some unit-tested pure vanilla JS function. This approach allows you to use the same code easily in both the .hbs
and .js
Now let's put our new helper to use. Open up app/templates/components/chat-message.hbs
and replace the hardcoded timestamp with an invocation of our new helper
<time class="message__timestamp text-grey-darker text-xs font-normal">
- Apr 21, 2019 12:21.38 PM
+ {{format-timestamp '4/21/2019 12:21:38'}}
Next, we should also write integration tests for our helper, just to make sure the helper is hooked up to the underlying "utils" function correctly.
Integration tests are all about testing the junctions between parts of a system. In this case, we'll test our new helper's junction with the outside world: its public API. To do this, we'll set up a testing scenario using a small piece of inline-compiled handlebars that matches exactly how we'd invoke the helper normally. We can then make assertions against this.element
, which contains the test scenario.
You can think of this as if hbs`{{format-timestamp "05-01-2019"}}`
is transformed into
The starting point for your test in tests/integration/helpers/format-timestamp-test.js
should look like this
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
module('Integration | Helper | format-timestamp', function (hooks) {
// Replace this with your real tests.
test('it renders', async function (assert) {
this.set('inputValue', '1234');
await render(hbs`{{format-timestamp this.inputValue}}`);
assert.equal(this.element.textContent.trim(), '1234');
You can view the current state of the tests by visiting http://localhost:4200/tests?hidepassed. Note that the {{format-timestamp}}
test is failing. Let's make the first test more meaningful by passing it a more reasonably "date-ish" string
- test('it renders', async function(assert) {
+ test('01-01-2019', async function(assert) {
- this.set('inputValue', '1234');
- await render(hbs`{{format-timestamp inputValue}}`);
+ await render(hbs`{{format-timestamp '01-01-2019'}}`);
- assert.equal(this.element.textContent.trim(), '1234');
+ assert.equal(
+ this.element.textContent.trim(),
+ 'Jan 1, 2019 00:00.00 AM'
+ );
We can also add a negative test case below the first one (but still inside the callback passed to module()
) to ensure the helper behaves reasonably when passed no arguments
test('No argument passed', async function (assert) {
await render(hbs`{{format-timestamp}}`);
assert.equal(this.element.textContent.trim(), '(unknown)');
We don't have to worry about too much more than this, given that we've already unit tested the interesting part.
Congrats! We're done with this helper!