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File metadata and controls

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Using sc2reaper's database

Once you've run sc2reaper on your replay files, you'll store a database in the MongoDB instance you were running. This tutorial will show how this database is structured and how to query information that you would want to extract.

The (default) structure of the database.

replays_database holds the following collections:

  • replays
  • players
  • states
  • actions
  • states

Let's explain in more detail what each of these hold:


In the replays collection, you can find documents that hold the relevant general information about a replay, such as the name of the file, the replay_id, the duration of the game, the matchup. More precisely, this is how each replay_doc is defined in the collection:

replay_doc = {
            "replay_name": replay_file, # the whole path to the file
            "replay_id": replay_id, # the name of the replay (without .SC2Replay)
            "match_up": match_up,
            "game_duration_loops": amount_of_loops,
            "game_duration_seconds": amount_of_seconds,
            "game_version": game_version,
            "map": map_doc

Each time a replay is ingested, a replay_doc is saved in this collection.


The players collection stores two player_docs per replay, holding the following information:

player_doc = {
                "replay_name": replay_file,
                "replay_id": replay_id,
                "player_id": player_id, #1 or 2
                "player_mmr": player_mmr,
                "player_apm": player_apm,
                "race": race, # "T", "Z" or "P"
                "result": result # 1, -1 or 0


In states you will find state_documents, which are built as follows:

state_doc = {
    # ids for localization
    "replay_name": replay_file,
    "replay_id": replay_id,
    "player_id": player_id,
    "frame_id": the_actual_frame,
    # actual frame statistics
    "resources": a_dict_of_resources,
    "supply": a_dict_of_supplies,
    "units": a_dict_of_friendly_units,
    "units_in_progress": a_dict_of_BUILDINGS_in_progress,
    "visible_enemy_units": a_dict_of_visible_enemy_units,
    "upgrades": a_list_of_upgrades

for more information on how these dicts are built, i.e. what the state abstraction is and how you can modify it, check this file. Every time a replay is ingested, several state_docs are stored: one per relevant frame (see STEP_MULT in


actions stores one action_doc per (relevant) frame. These look like this:

action_doc = {
            "replay_name": replay_file,
            "replay_id": replay_id,
            "player_id": player_id,
            "frame_id": frame,
            "actions": a_list_of_actions_performed

Moreover, the elements in this list of actions performed are a particular type of document whose keys are ["ability_id", "unit_tags", "target_unit_tag", "target_world_space_pos"]. In order to know what the "ability_id" means, we suggest checking the stableid.json (which can be found in your StarCraftII folder in Documents) or using controller.data_raw as is used here.


Finally, the scores collection stores several score_docs per replay, one per relevant frame. A score_doc is defined as:

score_doc = {
            "replay_name": replay_file,
            "replay_id": replay_id,
            "player_id": player_id,
            "frame_id": frame,
            "collection_rate": a_dict_of_coll_rate,
            "idle_worker_time": idle_worker_time,
            "killed_minerals": a_dict_of_killed_minerals,
            "killed_vespene": a_dict_of_killed_vespene,
            "used_minerals": a_dict_of_used_minerals,
            "used_vespene": a_dict_of_used_vespene,

Querying this information from the database

In this tutorial, I assume there's already a mongod service running in the background in which your database is stored. I will assume it's the usual 27017 port.

The relevant ids

Notice that, due to how the docs are stored, the relevant ids are replay_id, player_id and frame_id. Say you wanted to access the state of the game for player i at frame t in replay r, then you'll have to find the state_doc in states_collection such that replay_id == r, player_id == i and frame_id == t. This can be easily done using pymongo.

Using pymongo

I'll go through some of the basics of pymongo for the specific example of the database generated by sc2reaper. Feel free to jump to the end of this section if you want all the code.

Importing, accessing and indexing

Start by importing pymongo:

import pymongo

After importing it, you can connect to the running instance of mongod by creating an instance of MongoClient:

client = pymongo.MongoClient()

By passing no arguments, it assumes you're trying to connect to the usual 27017 port. Feel free to pass the address of your instance as an argument if you need to. This client object allows us to access the database as follows:

db = client["replays_database"]

Now you can access every collection by using its name as a key, namely,

replays = db["replays"]
players = db["players"]
states = db["states"]
actions = db["actions"]
scores = db["scores"]

As we have discussed, the main indices that we'll be querying over are replay_id and frame_id. In order to reduce look-up time, we need to create them as indices in our collections.

states.create_index([("replay_id", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("frame_id", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
actions.create_index([("replay_id", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("frame_id", pymongo.ASCENDING)])
scores.create_index([("replay_id", pymongo.ASCENDING), ("frame_id", pymongo.ASCENDING)])

This process takes quite a while, but after it finishes, all look-ups should run way faster. Think of it as doing a very big amount of work being done just once, instead of doing big amount of work several times.

Example 1: Getting all replay ids

Let's create a list of all replay_ids so that we can iterate over it. Recall that every MongoDB collection has the method .find(d1, d2). This function takes two dicts d1 and d2, where d1 can hold requirements for some of the entries (such as {replay_id: some_specific_id}) and d2 indicates the information that we want from the document (for a better explanation of pymongo, check this tutorial). Finally, the function returns a cursor which we can iterate over. For example, in order to get all replay ids we can run the following loop:

replay_ids = []
for replay_doc in replays.find({}, {"replay_id": 1}):

or in more pythonic fashion

replay_ids = [replay["replay_id"] for replay in replays.find({}, {"replay_id": 1})]

Notice that, by leaving the first dict empty, we're iterating over all replay docs.

Example 2: Getting all player's APMs

We can use these replay_ids to find all players APMs. What do we need to do?, for each replay_id we need find the player_docs such that player_doc["replay_id"] == replay_id and, in these, we need to store player_doc["player_apm"]. I will create a dictionary whose keys are replay_ids and values are tables {1: player 1's apm, 2: player 2's apm}. Using .find() we can find the player_docs we need easily:

players_apm = {}
for replay_id in replay_ids:
	players_apm[replay_id] = {}
	for player_id in [1, 2]:
		cursor = players.find({'replay_id': replay_id, 'player_id': player_id})
		for player_doc in cursor:
			players_apm[replay_id][player_id] = player_doc["player_apm"]

Example 3: Gathering all supply information for a player in a single replay

As another example, say we want to extract all the supply information of player 1 in a single replay. We can do so by querying the right condition. As an example, suppose that we are tackling the last replay on the replay_ids list:

replay_1 = replay_ids[-1]
for state in states.find({"replay_id": replay_1, "player_id": 1}).sort("frame_id", 1):
	print(f'frame: {state["frame_id"]}, supply: {state["supply"]}')

Notice that, with .sort, we can sort the frames in increasing order.


After creating a dataset by ingesting several replays using sc2reaper, you can extract the information you want from the mongoDB database using pymongo. This tutorial explains how the (default) database stores the data from these replays. Remember that sc2reaper is a template, and that you could modify the way in which states, actions and scores are stored.