diff --git a/locales/messages.cs.json b/locales/messages.cs.json index f95fb823a8..57ebc67180 100644 --- a/locales/messages.cs.json +++ b/locales/messages.cs.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": "V adresáři {env_var} chybí source.properties: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Na počítači probíhá jiná instalace, která před opakováním 6 s přechází do režimu spánku.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Pro tento kořen vcpkg byla použita integrace na úrovni uživatele.", - "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal processing: {path}", + "ApplocalProcessing": "Zpracování v místní aplikaci vcpkg: {path}", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} nemá žádný vliv na artefakt hledání.", "AssetSourcesArg": "Přidejte zdroje pro ukládání prostředků do mezipaměti. Podívejte se na téma „vcpkg help assetcaching“.", "AttemptingToFetchPackagesFromVendor": "Pokus o načtení tohoto počtu balíčků od {vendor}: {count}", @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "DateTableHeader": "Datum", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Výchozí prohlížeč spuštěný pro {url}", "DefaultFlag": "Nastavuje se výchozí hodnota --{option}.", - "DefaultTriplet": "Starting with the September 2023 release, the default triplet for vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet ({triplet}). To resolve this message, add --triplet x86-windows to keep the same behavior.", + "DefaultTriplet": "Od verze ze září 2023 se výchozí triplet pro knihovny vcpkg změní z x86-windows na zjištěný hostitelský triplet ({triplet}). Pokud chcete tuto zprávu vyřešit, přidejte --triplet x86-windows, aby se zachovalo stejné chování.", "DeleteVcpkgConfigFromManifest": "-- Nebo odeberte vcpkg-configuration ze souboru manifestu {path}.", "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug je teď zastaralý.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Rozpoznává se hodnota hash kompilátoru pro triplet {triplet}...", @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "EmptyLicenseExpression": "Výraz licence SPDX byl prázdný.", "EndOfStringInCodeUnit": "Našel se konec řetězce uprostřed bodu kódu.", "EnvInvalidMaxConcurrency": "{env_var} je {value}, musí být > 0.", - "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Build environment commands are not supported on this platform", + "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Příkazy prostředí buildu nejsou na této platformě podporované.", "EnvStrFailedToExtract": "nepovedlo se rozbalit řetězec prostředí:", "ErrorDetectingCompilerInfo": "při zjišťování informací o kompilátoru:\nObsah souboru protokolu v { path} je:", "ErrorIndividualPackagesUnsupported": "V režimu manifestu nástroj vcpkg install nepodporuje jednotlivé argumenty balíčku.\nPokud chcete nainstalovat další balíčky, upravte soubor vcpkg.json a pak spusťte příkaz vcpkg install bez argumentů balíčku.", @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Následující balíčky nemají platnou hodnotu CONTROL nebo vcpkg.json:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Následující balíčky nejsou nainstalovány:", "FollowingPackagesUpgraded": "Následující balíčky jsou aktuální:", - "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Environment variable VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES must be set on arm, s390x, ppc64le and riscv platforms.", + "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Proměnná prostředí VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES musí být nastavená na platformách arm, s390x, ppc64le a riscv.", "FormattedParseMessageExpression": "výraz on: {value}", "GenerateMsgErrorParsingFormatArgs": "parsuje se řetězec formátu pro hodnotu {value}:", "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "zpráva {value} má nesprávný komentář:", @@ -388,29 +388,29 @@ "GraphCycleDetected": "V grafu byl zjištěn cyklus v {package_name}:", "HashFileFailureToRead": "Nepodařilo se přečíst soubor {path} pro hashování: ", "HeaderOnlyUsage": "{package_name} je jenom hlavička a dá se použít z CMake přes:", - "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimental feature: this may change or be removed at any time**\n\nvcpkg can use mirrors to cache downloaded assets, ensuring continued operation even if the original source changes or disappears.\n\nAsset caching can be configured either by setting the environment variable X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES to a semicolon-delimited list of sources or by passing a sequence of --x-asset-sources= command line options. Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources. Commas, semicolons, and backticks can be escaped using backtick (`).\n\nThe optional parameter for certain strings controls how they will be accessed. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\" and defaults to \"read\".\n\nValid sources:", - "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Adds an Azure Blob Storage source, optionally using Shared Access Signature validation. URL should include the container path and be terminated with a trailing \"/\". , if defined, should be prefixed with a \"?\". Non-Azure servers will also work if they respond to GET and PUT requests of the form: \"\".", - "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Disables fallback to the original URLs in case the mirror does not have the file available.", - "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Dispatches to an external tool to fetch the asset. Within the template, \"{{url}}\" will be replaced by the original url, \"{{sha512}}\" will be replaced by the SHA512 value, and \"{{dst}}\" will be replaced by the output path to save to. These substitutions will all be properly shell escaped, so an example template would be: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". \"{{{{\" will be replaced by \"}}\" and \"}}}}\" will be replaced by \"}}\" to avoid expansion. Note that this will be executed inside the build environment, so the PATH and other environment variables will be modified by the triplet.", - "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg can cache compiled packages to accelerate restoration on a single machine or across the network. By default, vcpkg will save builds to a local machine cache. This can be disabled by passing \"--binarysource=clear\" as the last option on the command line.\n\nBinary caching can be further configured by either passing \"--binarysource=\" options to every command line or setting the `VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` environment variable to a set of sources (Example: \";;...\"). Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources.\n\nThe \"\" optional parameter for certain strings controls whether they will be consulted for downloading binaries and whether on-demand builds will be uploaded to that remote. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\".\n\nGeneral sources:", - "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Uses the aws CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include s3:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Adds an AWS configuration; currently supports only 'no-sign-request' parameter that is an equivalent to the --no-sign-request parameter of the AWS CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web Services sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an Azure Blob Storage source. Uses Shared Access Signature validation. should include the container path. must be be prefixed with a \"?\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an COS source. Uses the cos CLI for uploads and downloads. should include the scheme 'cos://' and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Adds the default file-based location. Based on your system settings, the default path to store binaries is \"{path}\". This consults %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% on Windows and $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME on other platforms.", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Adds the default file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Adds a custom file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) source. Uses the gsutil CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include the gs:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Adds a custom http-based location. GET, HEAD and PUT request are done to download, check and upload the binaries. You can use the variables {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} and {{triplet}}. An example url would be'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}'. Via the header field you can set a custom header to pass an authorization token.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Adds a NuGet-based source; equivalent to the \"-Source\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Adds a NuGet-config-file-based source; equivalent to the \"-Config\" parameter of the NuGet CLI. This config should specify \"defaultPushSource\" for uploads.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet's cache is not used by default. To use it for every NuGet-based source, set the environment variable \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" to \"true\" (case-insensitive) or \"1\".\nThe \"nuget\" and \"nugetconfig\" source providers respect certain environment variables while generating NuGet packages. If the appropriate environment variables are defined and non-empty, \"metadata.repository\" field will be generated like one of the following examples:", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Enables NuGet interactive credential management; the opposite of the \"-NonInteractive\" parameter in the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Specifies a NuGet timeout for NuGet network operations; equivalent to the \"-Timeout\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", + "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimentální funkce: může se změnit nebo odebrat bez upozornění.**\n\nVcpkg může ukládat stažené prostředky do mezipaměti pomocí zrcadlení a zajistit tak plynulý provoz i v případě, že se původní zdroj změní nebo zmizí.\n\nUkládání prostředků do mezipaměti je možné nakonfigurovat buď nastavením proměnné prostředí X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES na seznam zdrojů oddělený středníky, nebo předáním posloupnosti možností příkazového řádku --x-asset-sources=. Zdroje příkazového řádku se interpretují po zdrojích prostředí. Čárky, středníky a obrácené čárky je možné uvozovat pomocí obrácené čárky (`).\n\nVolitelný parametr pro určité řetězce určuje, jak se k nim bude přistupovat. Je možné ho zadat jako read, write nebo readwrite s výchozí hodnotou read.\n\nPlatné zdroje:", + "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Přidá zdroj Azure Blob Storage, volitelně pomocí ověření sdíleného přístupového podpisu. Adresa URL by měla obsahovat cestu ke kontejneru a měla by končit koncovým znakem /. , pokud je definován, by měl mít předponu ?. Servery mimo Azure budou fungovat také v případě, že reagují na žádosti GET a PUT ve tvaru: .", + "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Zakáže náhradní použití původních adres URL pro případ, že v zrcadlení není potřebný soubor k dispozici.", + "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Odešle se externímu nástroji, aby načetl prostředek. V šabloně se {{url}} nahradí původní adresou URL, {{sha512}} se nahradí hodnotou SHA512 a {{dst}} se nahradí výstupní cestou, do které se má provést uložení. Všechny tyto náhrady budou správně uvozené znakem v prostředí. Ukázková šablona může vypadat takto: curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}. {{{{ se nahradí {{ a }}}} se nahradí }}, aby se zabránilo rozšiřování. Připomínáme, že tato operace se provede v prostředí buildu, takže triplety změní hodnotu PATH a další proměnné prostředí.", + "HelpBinaryCaching": "Vcpkg může ukládat zkompilované balíčky do mezipaměti, aby se urychlilo obnovení na jednom počítači nebo v síti. Ve výchozím nastavení bude vcpkg ukládat buildy do mezipaměti místního počítače. To je možné zakázat předáním --binarysource=clear jako poslední možnosti na příkazovém řádku.\n\nBinární ukládání do mezipaměti je možné dále nakonfigurovat buď předáním možností --binarysource= do každého příkazového řádku, nebo nastavením proměnné prostředí VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES na sadu zdrojů (příklad: ;;...). Zdroje příkazového řádku se interpretují po zdrojích prostředí.\n\nVolitelný parametr pro určité řetězce určuje, jestli se do nich bude nahlížet při stahování binárních souborů a jestli se na dané vzdálené zařízení nahrají buildy na vyžádání. Dá se zadat jako read, write nebo readwrite.\n\nObecné zdroje:", + "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimentální: může se změnit nebo odebrat bez upozornění.**\nPřidá zdroj AWS S3. Pro nahrávání a stahování používá rozhraní příkazového řádku aws. Předpona prefix by měla obsahovat schéma s3:// a mít příponu /.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimentální: může se změnit nebo odebrat bez upozornění.**\nPřidá zdroj AWS S3. Přidá konfiguraci AWS. V současné době podporuje pouze parametr no-sign-request, který je ekvivalentem parametru --no-sign-request rozhraní příkazového řádku AWS.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Zdroje webových služeb Azure", + "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimentální: může se změnit nebo odebrat bez upozornění.**\nPřidá zdroj Azure Blob Storage. Používá ověřování sdíleného přístupového podpisu. by měla obsahovat cestu ke kontejneru. musí mít předponu ?.", + "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimentální: může se změnit nebo odebrat bez upozornění.**\nPřidá zdroj COS. Pro nahrávání a stahování používá rozhraní příkazového řádku cos. by měl obsahovat schéma cos:// a mít příponu /.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Přidá výchozí umístění na základě souborů. Na základě nastavení systému je výchozí cesta k ukládání binárních souborů {path}. Nahlíží do %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% ve Windows a $XDG_CACHE_HOME nebo $HOME na jiných platformách.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Přidá výchozí umístění na základě souborů.", + "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Přidá vlastní umístění na základě souborů.", + "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimentální: může se změnit nebo odebrat bez upozornění.**\nPřidá zdroj Google Cloud Storage (GCS). Používá rozhraní příkazového řádku gsutil pro nahrávání a stahování. Předpona by měla obsahovat schéma gs:// a mít příponu /.", + "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Přidá vlastní umístění založené na protokolu HTTP. Žádosti GET, HEAD a PUT se provádí ke stažení, kontrole a nahrání binárních souborů. Můžete použít proměnné {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} a {{triplet}}. Příklad adresy URL je https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}. Prostřednictvím pole hlavičky můžete nastavit vlastní hlavičku tak, aby předala autorizační token.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Přidá zdroj založený na NuGet. Je ekvivalentem parametru -Source rozhraní příkazového řádku NuGet.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Přidá zdroj založený na konfiguračním souboru NuGet. Je ekvivalentem parametru -Config rozhraní příkazového řádku NuGet. Tato konfigurace by měla pro nahrávání uvádět hodnotu defaultPushSource.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "Mezipaměť služby NuGet se ve výchozím nastavení nepoužívá. Pokud ji chcete použít pro každý zdroj založený na NuGet, nastavte proměnnou prostředí VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE na true (bez rozlišování velkých a malých písmen) nebo 1.\nZdrojoví zprostředkovatelé nuget a nugetconfig respektují při generování balíčků NuGet určité proměnné prostředí. Pokud jsou definované příslušné proměnné prostředí a nejsou prázdné, vygeneruje se pole metadata.repository jako jeden z následujících příkladů:", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "Zdroje NuGet", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Povolí interaktivní správu přihlašovacích údajů NuGet. Je opakem parametru -NonInteractive v rozhraní příkazového řádku NuGet.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Určuje časový limit služby NuGet pro síťové operace NuGet. Je ekvivalentem parametru -Timeout rozhraní příkazového řádku NuGet.", "HelpBuiltinBase": "Směrný plán odkazuje na potvrzení v úložišti vcpkg, které určuje minimální verzi každé závislosti v grafu. Pokud například nejsou zadána žádná jiná omezení (přímo nebo přechodně), bude verze přeložena na směrný plán manifestu nejvyšší úrovně. Směrné plány přechodných závislostí se ignorují.", - "HelpCachingClear": "Removes all previous sources, including defaults.", + "HelpCachingClear": "Odebere všechny předchozí zdroje včetně výchozích.", "HelpContactCommand": "Umožňuje zobrazit kontaktní informace pro odeslání názoru.", "HelpCreateCommand": "Vytvořte nový port.", "HelpDependInfoCommand": "Zobrazí seznam závislostí pro porty.", @@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ "IncrementedUtf8Decoder": "Inkrementovaný Utf8Decoder na konci řetězce", "InfoSetEnvVar": "Proměnnou prostředí {env_var} můžete také nastavit ve vámi zvoleném editoru.", "InitRegistryFailedNoRepo": "Na cestě {path} se nepovedlo vytvořit registr, protože se nejedná o kořenový adresář úložiště GIT.\nPomocí příkazu git init {command_line} vytvořte v této složce úložiště GIT.", - "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} done", + "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} dokončena", "InstallFailed": "selhalo: {path}: {error_msg}", "InstallPackageInstruction": "Při otevřeném projektu přejděte na Nástroje->Správce balíčků NuGet->Konzola správce balíčků a vložte: \n Install-Package \"{value}\" -Source \"{path}\"", "InstallRootDir": "(Experimentální) Zadejte instalační kořenový adresář.", - "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} skipped, up to date", + "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} přeskočena, aktuální", "InstallWithSystemManager": "Tento nástroj můžete nainstalovat prostřednictvím správce systémových balíčků.", "InstallWithSystemManagerMono": "Uživatelé Ubuntu 18.04 můžou potřebovat novější verzi mono, která je k dispozici na adrese {url}.", "InstallWithSystemManagerPkg": "Tento nástroj můžete nainstalovat prostřednictvím správce systémových balíčků ({command_line}).", diff --git a/locales/messages.de.json b/locales/messages.de.json index 888af4308b..78bee46d17 100644 --- a/locales/messages.de.json +++ b/locales/messages.de.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": "\"source.properties\" fehlt im Verzeichnis \"{env_var}\": {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Auf dem Computer wird gerade eine andere Installation ausgeführt. 6 Sekunden warten, bevor der Versuch wiederholt wird.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Die benutzerweite Integration für diesen vcpkg-Stamm wurde angewendet.", - "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal processing: {path}", + "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal-Verarbeitung: {path}", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} hat keine Auswirkungen auf \"Artefakt suchen\".", "AssetSourcesArg": "Fügen Sie Quellen für die Ressourcenzwischenspeicherung hinzu. Siehe „vcpkg help assetcaching“.", "AttemptingToFetchPackagesFromVendor": "Es wird versucht, {count} Pakete von {vendor} abzurufen.", @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "DateTableHeader": "Datum", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Der Standardbrowser wurde zum {url} gestartet.", "DefaultFlag": "Standardmäßig wird --{option} aktiviert.", - "DefaultTriplet": "Starting with the September 2023 release, the default triplet for vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet ({triplet}). To resolve this message, add --triplet x86-windows to keep the same behavior.", + "DefaultTriplet": "Ab dem September 2023-Release ändert sich das Standard-Triplet für vcpkg-Bibliotheken von „x86-Windows“ in das erkannte Host-Triplet ({triplet}). Um diese Meldung zu beheben, fügen Sie „--triplet x86-windows“ hinzu, um dasselbe Verhalten beizubehalten.", "DeleteVcpkgConfigFromManifest": "– Oder entfernen Sie \"vcpkg-configuration\" aus der Manifestdatei \"{path}\".", "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug ist jetzt veraltet.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Compilerhash für Triplet {triplet} wird erkannt...", @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "EmptyLicenseExpression": "Der SPDX-Lizenzausdruck war leer.", "EndOfStringInCodeUnit": "Ende der Zeichenfolge in der Mitte des Codepunkts gefunden", "EnvInvalidMaxConcurrency": "{env_var} ist {value}, muss > 0 sein", - "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Build environment commands are not supported on this platform", + "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Buildumgebungsbefehle werden auf dieser Plattform nicht unterstützt.", "EnvStrFailedToExtract": "Die Umgebungszeichenfolge konnte nicht erweitert werden:", "ErrorDetectingCompilerInfo": "beim Erfassen von Compiler-Informationen:\nDer Inhalt der Protokolldatei unter „{Pfad}“ lautet:", "ErrorIndividualPackagesUnsupported": "Im Manifestmodus unterstützt „vcpkg install“ keine einzelnen Paketargumente.\nUm zusätzliche Pakete zu installieren, bearbeiten Sie „vcpkg.json“, und führen Sie dann „vcpkg install“ ohne Paketargumente aus.", @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Die folgenden Pakete verfügen nicht über eine gültige CONTROL- oder vcpkg.json-Datei:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Die folgenden Pakete sind nicht installiert:", "FollowingPackagesUpgraded": "Die folgenden Pakete sind auf dem neuesten Stand:", - "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Environment variable VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES must be set on arm, s390x, ppc64le and riscv platforms.", + "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Die Umgebungsvariable VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES muss auf ARM-, S390x-, riscv- und ppc64le-Plattformen festgelegt werden.", "FormattedParseMessageExpression": "beim Ausdruck: {value}", "GenerateMsgErrorParsingFormatArgs": "Formatzeichenfolge für {value} wird analysiert:", "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "Die Nachricht {value} weist einen falschen Kommentar auf:", @@ -388,29 +388,29 @@ "GraphCycleDetected": "Zyklische Abhängigkeit im Graphen erkannt bei {package_name}:", "HashFileFailureToRead": "Fehler beim Lesen der Datei „{Pfad}“ zum Hashen: ", "HeaderOnlyUsage": "„{package_name}“ ist Header-only und kann von CMake aus verwendet werden über:", - "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimental feature: this may change or be removed at any time**\n\nvcpkg can use mirrors to cache downloaded assets, ensuring continued operation even if the original source changes or disappears.\n\nAsset caching can be configured either by setting the environment variable X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES to a semicolon-delimited list of sources or by passing a sequence of --x-asset-sources= command line options. Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources. Commas, semicolons, and backticks can be escaped using backtick (`).\n\nThe optional parameter for certain strings controls how they will be accessed. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\" and defaults to \"read\".\n\nValid sources:", - "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Adds an Azure Blob Storage source, optionally using Shared Access Signature validation. URL should include the container path and be terminated with a trailing \"/\". , if defined, should be prefixed with a \"?\". Non-Azure servers will also work if they respond to GET and PUT requests of the form: \"\".", - "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Disables fallback to the original URLs in case the mirror does not have the file available.", - "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Dispatches to an external tool to fetch the asset. Within the template, \"{{url}}\" will be replaced by the original url, \"{{sha512}}\" will be replaced by the SHA512 value, and \"{{dst}}\" will be replaced by the output path to save to. These substitutions will all be properly shell escaped, so an example template would be: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". \"{{{{\" will be replaced by \"}}\" and \"}}}}\" will be replaced by \"}}\" to avoid expansion. Note that this will be executed inside the build environment, so the PATH and other environment variables will be modified by the triplet.", - "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg can cache compiled packages to accelerate restoration on a single machine or across the network. By default, vcpkg will save builds to a local machine cache. This can be disabled by passing \"--binarysource=clear\" as the last option on the command line.\n\nBinary caching can be further configured by either passing \"--binarysource=\" options to every command line or setting the `VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` environment variable to a set of sources (Example: \";;...\"). Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources.\n\nThe \"\" optional parameter for certain strings controls whether they will be consulted for downloading binaries and whether on-demand builds will be uploaded to that remote. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\".\n\nGeneral sources:", - "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Uses the aws CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include s3:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Adds an AWS configuration; currently supports only 'no-sign-request' parameter that is an equivalent to the --no-sign-request parameter of the AWS CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web Services sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an Azure Blob Storage source. Uses Shared Access Signature validation. should include the container path. must be be prefixed with a \"?\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an COS source. Uses the cos CLI for uploads and downloads. should include the scheme 'cos://' and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Adds the default file-based location. Based on your system settings, the default path to store binaries is \"{path}\". This consults %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% on Windows and $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME on other platforms.", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Adds the default file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Adds a custom file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) source. Uses the gsutil CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include the gs:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Adds a custom http-based location. GET, HEAD and PUT request are done to download, check and upload the binaries. You can use the variables {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} and {{triplet}}. An example url would be'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}'. Via the header field you can set a custom header to pass an authorization token.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Adds a NuGet-based source; equivalent to the \"-Source\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Adds a NuGet-config-file-based source; equivalent to the \"-Config\" parameter of the NuGet CLI. This config should specify \"defaultPushSource\" for uploads.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet's cache is not used by default. To use it for every NuGet-based source, set the environment variable \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" to \"true\" (case-insensitive) or \"1\".\nThe \"nuget\" and \"nugetconfig\" source providers respect certain environment variables while generating NuGet packages. If the appropriate environment variables are defined and non-empty, \"metadata.repository\" field will be generated like one of the following examples:", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Enables NuGet interactive credential management; the opposite of the \"-NonInteractive\" parameter in the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Specifies a NuGet timeout for NuGet network operations; equivalent to the \"-Timeout\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", + "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimentelles Feature: Kann jederzeit geändert oder entfernt werden**\n\nvcpkg kann Spiegelungen verwenden, um heruntergeladene Ressourcen zwischenzuspeichern, wodurch ein ununterbrochener Betrieb sichergestellt wird, auch wenn sich die ursprüngliche Quelle ändert oder verschwindet.\n\nDie Asset-Zwischenspeicherung kann konfiguriert werden, indem Sie entweder die Umgebungsvariable „X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES“ auf eine durch Semikolons getrennte Liste von Quellen festlegen oder eine Sequenz von „--x-asset-sources=“-Befehlszeilenoptionen übergeben. Befehlszeilenquellen werden nach Umgebungsquellen interpretiert. Kommas, Semikolons und Anführungszeichen (') können als Escapezeichen verwendet werden.\n\nDer optionale Parameter steuert für bestimmte Zeichenfolgen, wie auf sie zugegriffen wird. Sie können „read“, „write“ oder „readwrite“ angeben. Standardmäßig wird der Parameter auf „read“ festgelegt.\n\nGültige Quellen:", + "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Fügt eine Azure Blob Storage-Quelle hinzu, die optional eine Überprüfung mithilfe von Shared Access Signature verwendet. Die URL muss den Containerpfad enthalten und mit einem nachstehenden „/“ beendet werden. Falls , definiert ist, muss ein „?“ als Präfix vorangestellt werden. Nicht-Azure-Server funktionieren ebenfalls, sofern sie auf GET- und PUT-Anforderungen im folgenden Format reagieren: „“.", + "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Deaktiviert das Fallback auf die ursprünglichen URLs, falls die Datei für die Spiegelung nicht verfügbar ist.", + "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Verteilt an ein externes Tool, um die Ressource abzurufen. In der Vorlage wird „{{url}}“ durch die ursprüngliche URL „{{sha512}}“ durch den SHA512-Wert und „{{dst}}“ durch den Ausgabepfad ersetzt, in dem gespeichert werden soll. Diese Ersetzungen werden alle ordnungsgemäß mit Shell-Escapezeichen verwendet. Ein Beispiel für eine Vorlage wäre: „curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}“. „{{{{“ wird durch „}}“ und „}}}}“ durch „}}“ ersetzt, um eine Erweiterung zu vermeiden. Beachten Sie, dass dies innerhalb der Buildumgebung ausgeführt wird, sodass der PFAD und andere Umgebungsvariablen durch das Triplet geändert werden.", + "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg kann kompilierte Pakete zwischenspeichern, um die Wiederherstellung auf einem einzelnen Computer oder im Netzwerk zu beschleunigen. Standardmäßig speichert vcpkg Builds im Cache eines lokalen Computers. Dies kann deaktiviert werden, indem „--binarysource=clear“ als letzte Option in der Befehlszeile übergeben wird.\n\nDie binäre Zwischenspeicherung kann weiter konfiguriert werden, indem Sie entweder die Option „--binarysource=“ an jede Befehlszeile übergeben oder die Umgebungsvariable „VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES“ auf eine Gruppe von Quellen festlegen (Beispiel: „;;...“). Befehlszeilenquellen werden nach Umgebungsquellen interpretiert.\n\nDer optionale Parameter „“ für bestimmte Zeichenfolgen steuert, ob sie zum Herunterladen von Binärdateien abgefragt werden und ob bedarfsgesteuerte Builds auf dieses Remotegerät hochgeladen werden. Sie können „read“, „write“ oder „readwrite“ festlegen.\n\nAllgemeine Quellen:", + "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimentell: Wird ohne Warnung geändert oder entfernt**\nFügt eine AWS S3-Quelle hinzu. Verwendet die AWS-CLI für Uploads und Downloads. Das Präfix muss das Schema „s3://“ enthalten und „/“ als Suffix haben.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimentell: Wird ohne Warnung geändert oder entfernt**\nFügt eine AWS S3-Quelle hinzu. Fügt eine AWS-Konfiguration hinzu. Unterstützt zurzeit nur den Parameter „no-sign-request“, der dem Parameter „--no-sign-request“ der AWS CLI entspricht.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure-Webdienste-Quellen", + "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimentell: Wird ohne Warnung geändert oder entfernt**\nFügt eine Azure Blob Storage-Quelle hinzu. Verwendet eine Überprüfung mithilfe von Shared Access Signature. Die sollte den Containerpfad enthalten. muss ein „?“ vorangestellt werden.", + "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimentell: Wird ohne Warnung geändert oder entfernt**\nFügt eine COS-Quelle hinzu. Verwendet die COS-CLI für Uploads und Downloads. muss das Schema „cos://“ enthalten und „/“ als Suffix haben.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Fügt den dateibasierten Standardspeicherort hinzu. Basierend auf Ihren Systemeinstellungen lautet der Standardpfad zum Speichern von Binärdateien „{path}“. Hierdurch wird %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% unter Windows und $XDG_CACHE_HOME oder $HOME auf anderen Plattformen abgefragt.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Fügt den dateibasierten Standardspeicherort hinzu.", + "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Fügt einen benutzerdefinierten dateibasierten Speicherort hinzu.", + "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimentell: Wird ohne Warnung geändert oder entfernt**\nFügt eine Google Cloud Storage-Quelle (GCS) hinzu. Verwendet die gsutil-CLI für Uploads und Downloads. Das Präfix muss das Schema „gs://“ enthalten und „/“ als Suffix haben.", + "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Fügt einen benutzerdefinierten http-basierten Speicherort hinzu. GET-, HEAD- und PUT-Anforderungen werden ausgeführt, um die Binärdateien herunterzuladen, zu überprüfen und hochzuladen. Sie können die Variablen {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} und {{triplet}} verwenden. Eine Beispiel-URL wäre: https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}. Über das Headerfeld können Sie einen benutzerdefinierten Header festlegen, um ein Autorisierungstoken zu übergeben.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Fügt eine NuGet-basierte Quelle hinzu, die dem Parameter „-Source“ der NuGet-CLI entspricht.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Fügt eine auf NuGet-Konfigurationsdatei basierende Quelle hinzu, die dem Parameter „-Config“ der NuGet-CLI entspricht. In dieser Konfiguration muss für Uploads „defaultPushSource“angegeben werden.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "Der Cache von NuGet wird standardmäßig nicht verwendet. Um sie für jede NuGet-basierte Quelle zu verwenden, legen Sie die Umgebungsvariable „VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE“ auf \"true\" (keine Unterscheidung von Groß- und Kleinschreibung) oder „1“ fest.\nDie Quellanbieter „nuget“ und „nugetconfig“ berücksichtigen bestimmte Umgebungsvariablen beim Generieren von NuGet-Paketen. Wenn die entsprechenden Umgebungsvariablen definiert und nicht leer sind, wird das Feld „metadata.repository“ wie in einem der folgenden Beispiele generiert:", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet-Quellen", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Aktiviert die interaktive NuGet-Anmeldeinformationsverwaltung, die das Gegenteil zum Parameter „-NonInteractive“ in der NuGet-CLI ist.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Gibt ein NuGet-Timeout für NuGet-Netzwerkvorgänge an. Entspricht dem Parameter „-Timeout“ der NuGet-CLI.", "HelpBuiltinBase": "Die Baseline verweist auf einen Commit innerhalb des vcpkg-Repositorys, der eine Mindestversion für jede Abhängigkeit im Diagramm festlegt. Wenn beispielsweise keine anderen Einschränkungen angegeben werden (direkt oder transitiv), wird die Version in die Baseline des Manifests der obersten Ebene aufgelöst. Baselines transitiver Abhängigkeiten werden ignoriert.", - "HelpCachingClear": "Removes all previous sources, including defaults.", + "HelpCachingClear": "Entfernt alle vorherigen Quellen, einschließlich Der Standardwerte.", "HelpContactCommand": "Kontaktinformationen anzeigen, um Feedback zu senden.", "HelpCreateCommand": "Erstellen Sie einen neuen Port.", "HelpDependInfoCommand": "Zeigt eine Liste der Abhängigkeiten für Ports an.", @@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ "IncrementedUtf8Decoder": "Erhöhter Utf8Decoder am Ende der Zeichenfolge", "InfoSetEnvVar": "Sie können die Umgebungsvariable „{env_var}“ auch auf den Editor Ihrer Wahl festlegen.", "InitRegistryFailedNoRepo": "Unter {path} konnte keine Registrierung erstellt werden, da es sich nicht um einen Git-Repositorystamm handelt.\nVerwenden Sie „git init {command_line}“, um ein Git-Repository in diesem Ordner zu erstellen.", - "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} done", + "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} abgeschlossen", "InstallFailed": "Fehler: {path}: {error_msg}", "InstallPackageInstruction": "Wechseln Sie bei geöffnetem Projekt zu Tools > NuGet-Paket-Manager-> Paket-Manager Konsole und fügen Sie Folgendes ein:\n Install-Package „{ wert}“ -Quelle „{path}“", "InstallRootDir": "(Experimentell) Geben Sie das Installationsstammverzeichnis an.", - "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} skipped, up to date", + "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} übersprungen, aktuell", "InstallWithSystemManager": "Möglicherweise können Sie dieses Tool über Ihren Systempaket-Manager installieren.", "InstallWithSystemManagerMono": "Ubuntu 18.04-Benutzer benötigen möglicherweise eine neuere Version von Mono, die unter {url} verfügbar ist.", "InstallWithSystemManagerPkg": "Möglicherweise können Sie dieses Tool über Ihren Systempaket-Manager ({command_line}) installieren.", diff --git a/locales/messages.ja.json b/locales/messages.ja.json index f4118ca333..42359d1d80 100644 --- a/locales/messages.ja.json +++ b/locales/messages.ja.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": "{env_var} ディレクトリに source.properties がありません: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "コンピューターで別のインストールが進行中です。再試行する前に 6 をスリープ状態にします。", "AppliedUserIntegration": "この vcpkg ルートにユーザー全体の統合を適用しました。", - "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal processing: {path}", + "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal 処理: {path}", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} は成果物の検索には影響しません。", "AssetSourcesArg": "資産キャッシュのソースを追加します。'vcpkg help assetcaching' を参照してください。", "AttemptingToFetchPackagesFromVendor": "{vendor} から {count} 個のパッケージをフェッチしようとしています", @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "DateTableHeader": "日付", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "既定のブラウザーで {url} が開かれました。", "DefaultFlag": "既定で --{option} をオンにしています。", - "DefaultTriplet": "Starting with the September 2023 release, the default triplet for vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet ({triplet}). To resolve this message, add --triplet x86-windows to keep the same behavior.", + "DefaultTriplet": "2023 年 9 月のリリース以降、vcpkg ライブラリのデフォルトのトリプレットは、x86-windows から検出されたホストのトリプレット ({triplet}) に変更されます。このメッセージを解決するには、--triplet x86-windows を追加して、同じ動作を維持します。", "DeleteVcpkgConfigFromManifest": "-- または、マニフェスト ファイル {path} から \"vcpkg-configuration\" を削除します。", "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug は現在非推奨です。", "DetectCompilerHash": "トリプレット「{triplet}」のコンパイラ ハッシュを検出しています...", @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "EmptyLicenseExpression": "SPDX ライセンス式が空でした。", "EndOfStringInCodeUnit": "コード ポイントの中央で文字列の終端が見つかりました", "EnvInvalidMaxConcurrency": "{env_var} は {value}であり、> 0 にする必要があります", - "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Build environment commands are not supported on this platform", + "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "ビルド環境コマンドは、このプラットフォームではサポートされていません", "EnvStrFailedToExtract": "次の環境文字列を展開できませんでした:", "ErrorDetectingCompilerInfo": "コンパイラ情報の検出中:\n\"{path}\"のログ ファイルの内容は次のとおりです:", "ErrorIndividualPackagesUnsupported": "マニフェスト モードでは、「vcpkg install」は個々のパッケージ引数をサポートしていません。\n追加のパッケージをインストールするには、vcpkg.json を編集し、パッケージ引数を指定せずに「vcpkg install」を実行してください。", @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "次のパッケージには有効な CONTROL または vcpkg.json がありません:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "次のパッケージはインストールされていません:", "FollowingPackagesUpgraded": "次のパッケージは最新です:", - "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Environment variable VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES must be set on arm, s390x, ppc64le and riscv platforms.", + "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "arm、s390x、ppc64le、riscv プラットフォームでは、環境変数 VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES を設定する必要があります。", "FormattedParseMessageExpression": "式: {value}", "GenerateMsgErrorParsingFormatArgs": "{value} の書式指定文字列を解析しています:", "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "メッセージ {value} のコメントが正しくありません:", @@ -388,29 +388,29 @@ "GraphCycleDetected": "{package_name} のグラフ内で循環が検出されました:", "HashFileFailureToRead": "ハッシュのためにファイル \"{path}\" を読み取れませんでした: ", "HeaderOnlyUsage": "{package_name} はヘッダーのみであり、CMake から次の方法で使用できます:", - "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimental feature: this may change or be removed at any time**\n\nvcpkg can use mirrors to cache downloaded assets, ensuring continued operation even if the original source changes or disappears.\n\nAsset caching can be configured either by setting the environment variable X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES to a semicolon-delimited list of sources or by passing a sequence of --x-asset-sources= command line options. Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources. Commas, semicolons, and backticks can be escaped using backtick (`).\n\nThe optional parameter for certain strings controls how they will be accessed. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\" and defaults to \"read\".\n\nValid sources:", - "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Adds an Azure Blob Storage source, optionally using Shared Access Signature validation. URL should include the container path and be terminated with a trailing \"/\". , if defined, should be prefixed with a \"?\". Non-Azure servers will also work if they respond to GET and PUT requests of the form: \"\".", - "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Disables fallback to the original URLs in case the mirror does not have the file available.", - "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Dispatches to an external tool to fetch the asset. Within the template, \"{{url}}\" will be replaced by the original url, \"{{sha512}}\" will be replaced by the SHA512 value, and \"{{dst}}\" will be replaced by the output path to save to. These substitutions will all be properly shell escaped, so an example template would be: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". \"{{{{\" will be replaced by \"}}\" and \"}}}}\" will be replaced by \"}}\" to avoid expansion. Note that this will be executed inside the build environment, so the PATH and other environment variables will be modified by the triplet.", - "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg can cache compiled packages to accelerate restoration on a single machine or across the network. By default, vcpkg will save builds to a local machine cache. This can be disabled by passing \"--binarysource=clear\" as the last option on the command line.\n\nBinary caching can be further configured by either passing \"--binarysource=\" options to every command line or setting the `VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` environment variable to a set of sources (Example: \";;...\"). Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources.\n\nThe \"\" optional parameter for certain strings controls whether they will be consulted for downloading binaries and whether on-demand builds will be uploaded to that remote. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\".\n\nGeneral sources:", - "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Uses the aws CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include s3:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Adds an AWS configuration; currently supports only 'no-sign-request' parameter that is an equivalent to the --no-sign-request parameter of the AWS CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web Services sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an Azure Blob Storage source. Uses Shared Access Signature validation. should include the container path. must be be prefixed with a \"?\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an COS source. Uses the cos CLI for uploads and downloads. should include the scheme 'cos://' and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Adds the default file-based location. Based on your system settings, the default path to store binaries is \"{path}\". This consults %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% on Windows and $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME on other platforms.", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Adds the default file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Adds a custom file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) source. Uses the gsutil CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include the gs:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Adds a custom http-based location. GET, HEAD and PUT request are done to download, check and upload the binaries. You can use the variables {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} and {{triplet}}. An example url would be'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}'. Via the header field you can set a custom header to pass an authorization token.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Adds a NuGet-based source; equivalent to the \"-Source\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Adds a NuGet-config-file-based source; equivalent to the \"-Config\" parameter of the NuGet CLI. This config should specify \"defaultPushSource\" for uploads.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet's cache is not used by default. To use it for every NuGet-based source, set the environment variable \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" to \"true\" (case-insensitive) or \"1\".\nThe \"nuget\" and \"nugetconfig\" source providers respect certain environment variables while generating NuGet packages. If the appropriate environment variables are defined and non-empty, \"metadata.repository\" field will be generated like one of the following examples:", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Enables NuGet interactive credential management; the opposite of the \"-NonInteractive\" parameter in the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Specifies a NuGet timeout for NuGet network operations; equivalent to the \"-Timeout\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", + "HelpAssetCaching": "**実験的な機能: これはいつでも変更または削除される可能性があります**\n\nvcpkg はミラーを使用してダウンロードしたアセットをキャッシュし、元のソースが変更または消失した場合でも操作を継続できるようにします。\n\n資産キャッシュは、環境変数 X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES をセミコロンで区切られたソースのリストに設定するか、一連の --x-asset-sources= コマンド ライン オプションを渡すことによって構成できます。コマンド ライン ソースは、環境ソースの後に解釈されます。コンマ、セミコロン、およびバックティックは、バックティック (`) を使用してエスケープできます。\n\n特定の文字列の オプション パラメーターは、それらへのアクセス方法を制御します。\"read\"、\"write\"、または \"readwrite\" として指定でき、既定値は \"read\" です。\n\n有効なソース:", + "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "オプションで Shared Access Signature 検証を使用して、Azure Blob Storage ソースを追加します。URL にはコンテナー パスを含め、末尾の \"/\" で終了する必要があります。 が定義されている場合は、\"?\" をプレフィックスとして付ける必要があります。Azure 以外のサーバーも、\"\" の形式の GET および PUT 要求に応答する場合に機能します。", + "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "ミラーに使用可能なファイルがない場合に備えて、元の URL へのフォールバックを無効にします。", + "HelpAssetCachingScript": "資産をフェッチするために外部ツールにディスパッチします。テンプレート内で、\"{{url}}\" は元の URL に置き換えられ、\"{{sha512}}\" は SHA512 値に置き換えられ、\"{{dst}}\" は保存先の出力パスに置き換えられます。これらの置換はすべて適切にシェル エスケープされるため、テンプレートの例は次のようになります: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\"。拡張を避けるために、\"{{{{\" は \"}}\" に置き換えられ、\"}}}}\" は \"}}\" に置き換えられます。これはビルド環境内で実行されるため、PATH およびその他の環境変数はトリプレットによって変更されることに注意してください。", + "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg は、コンパイルされたパッケージをキャッシュして、単一のマシンまたはネットワーク全体での復元を高速化できます。既定では、vcpkg はローカル マシンのキャッシュにビルドを保存します。これは、コマンド ラインの最後のオプションとして \"--binarysource=clear\" を渡すことで無効にできます。\n\nバイナリ キャッシュは、すべてのコマンド ラインに \"--binarysource=\" オプションを渡すか、`VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` 環境変数を一連のソースに設定することで、さらに構成できます (例: \";;...\")。コマンド ライン ソースは、環境ソースの後に解釈されます。\n\n特定の文字列の \"\" オプション パラメーターは、バイナリをダウンロードする際に参照するかどうか、およびオンデマンド ビルドをそのリモートにアップロードするかどうかを制御します。\"read\"、\"write\" または \"readwrite\" として指定できます。\n\n一般的なソース:", + "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**実験的: 警告なしに変更または削除されます**\nAWS S3 ソースを追加します。アップロードとダウンロードに aws CLI を使用します。プレフィックスには s3:// スキームを含め、\"/\" をサフィックスとして付ける必要があります。", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**実験的: 警告なしに変更または削除されます**\nAWS S3 ソースを追加します。AWS 構成を追加します。現在、AWS CLI の --no-sign-request パラメーターに相当する 'no-sign-request' パラメーターのみをサポートしています。", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web サービス ソース", + "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**実験的: 警告なしに変更または削除されます**\nAzure Blob Storage ソースを追加します。Shared Access Signature 検証を使用します。 にはコンテナー パスを含める必要があります。 には \"?\" を前に付ける必要があります。", + "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**実験的: 警告なしに変更または削除されます**\nCOS ソースを追加します。アップロードとダウンロードに cos CLI を使用します。 にはスキーム 'cos://' を含め、\"/\" のサフィックスを付ける必要があります。", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "既定のファイルベースの場所を追加します。システム設定に基づいて、バイナリを格納するための既定のパスは “{path}” です。これは、Windows では %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% を参照し、他のプラットフォームでは $XDG_CACHE_HOME または $HOME を参照します。", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "既定のファイルベースの場所を追加します。", + "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "カスタム ファイル ベースの場所を追加します。", + "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**実験的: 警告なしに変更または削除されます**\nGoogle Cloud Storage (GCS) ソースを追加します。アップロードとダウンロードに gsutil CLI を使用します。プレフィックスには gs:// スキームを含め、\"/\" をサフィックスとして付ける必要があります。", + "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "カスタム HTTP ベースの場所を追加します。バイナリをダウンロード、確認、アップロードするために、GET、HEAD、PUT 要求が実行されます。変数 {{name}}、{{version}}、{{sha}}、および {{triplet}} を使用できます。URL の例は、'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}' になります。ヘッダー フィールドを介して、認証トークンを渡すカスタム ヘッダーを設定できます。", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "NuGet ベースのソースを追加します。NuGet CLI の \"-Source\" パラメーターに相当します。", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "NuGet 構成ファイル ベースのソースを追加します。NuGet CLI の \"-Config\" パラメーターに相当します。この構成では、アップロード用に \"defaultPushSource\" を指定する必要があります。", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet のキャッシュは既定では使用されません。すべての NuGet ベースのソースで使用するには、環境変数 \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" を \"true\" (大文字と小文字を区別しない) または \"1\" に設定します。\n\"nuget\" および \"nugetconfig\" ソース プロバイダーは、NuGet パッケージの生成中に特定の環境変数を尊重します。適切な環境変数が定義されていて空でない場合、次の例のいずれかのように \"metadata.repository\" フィールドが生成されます。", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet ソース", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "NuGet の対話型資格情報管理を有効にします。NuGet CLI の \"-NonInteractive\" パラメーターの反対です。", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "NuGet ネットワーク操作の NuGet タイムアウトを指定します。NuGet CLI の \"-Timeout\" パラメーターに相当します。", "HelpBuiltinBase": "ベースラインでは、グラフ内のすべての依存関係で最小バージョンを確立する vcpkg リポジトリ内のコミットを参照しています。たとえば、(直接または推移的に) 指定された他の制約がない場合、バージョンは最上位レベルのマニフェストのベースラインに解決されます。推移的な依存関係のベースラインは無視されます。", - "HelpCachingClear": "Removes all previous sources, including defaults.", + "HelpCachingClear": "既定を含め、以前のすべてのソースを削除します。", "HelpContactCommand": "フィードバックを送信するための連絡先情報を表示します。", "HelpCreateCommand": "新しいポートを作成します。", "HelpDependInfoCommand": "ポートの依存関係の一覧を表示します。", @@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ "IncrementedUtf8Decoder": "文字列の末尾に増分された Utf8Decoder", "InfoSetEnvVar": "環境変数「{env_var}」を選択したエディターに設定することもできます。", "InitRegistryFailedNoRepo": "これは Git リポジトリのルートではないため、{path} にレジストリを作成できませんでした。\n'git init {command_line}' を使用して、このフォルダーに Git リポジトリを作成します。", - "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} done", + "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} 完了", "InstallFailed": "失敗しました: {path}: {error_msg}", "InstallPackageInstruction": "プロジェクトを開いて、[ツール] -> [NuGet パッケージ マネージャー] -> [パッケージ マネージャー コンソール] に移動し、次を貼り付けます:\n Install-Package \"{value}\" -Source \"{path}\"", "InstallRootDir": "(試験段階) インストール ルート ディレクトリを指定します。", - "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} skipped, up to date", + "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} はスキップされました。最新の状態です", "InstallWithSystemManager": "このツールは、システム パッケージ マネージャーを使用してインストールできる場合があります。", "InstallWithSystemManagerMono": "Ubuntu 18.04 のユーザーは、{url} で入手可能な、新しいバージョンの mono が必要な場合があります。", "InstallWithSystemManagerPkg": "このツールは、システム パッケージ マネージャー ({command_line}) を使用してインストールできる場合があります。", diff --git a/locales/messages.pt-BR.json b/locales/messages.pt-BR.json index 0ce90c8d9c..57214e1587 100644 --- a/locales/messages.pt-BR.json +++ b/locales/messages.pt-BR.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": "source.properties ausente no diretório {env_var}: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Outra instalação está em andamento no computador, suspenso 6s antes de tentar novamente.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Integração aplicada para todo o usuário para esta raiz vcpkg.", - "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal processing: {path}", + "ApplocalProcessing": "Processamento applocal vcpkg: {path}", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} não tem efeito em localizar artefato.", "AssetSourcesArg": "Adicionar fontes para o cache de ativos. Consulte 'vcpkg help assetcaching'.", "AttemptingToFetchPackagesFromVendor": "Tentando buscar {count} pacote(s) do {vendor}", @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "DateTableHeader": "Data", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Navegador padrão iniciado para {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "O padrão é --{option} estar ativado.", - "DefaultTriplet": "Starting with the September 2023 release, the default triplet for vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet ({triplet}). To resolve this message, add --triplet x86-windows to keep the same behavior.", + "DefaultTriplet": "A partir da versão de setembro de 2023, o trio padrão para bibliotecas vcpkg será alterado de x86-windows para o trio de host detectado ({triplet}). Para resolver essa mensagem, adicione --triplet x86-windows para manter o mesmo comportamento.", "DeleteVcpkgConfigFromManifest": "-- Ou remova \"vcpkg-configuration\" do arquivo de manifesto {path}.", "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug agora está obsoleto.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Detectando hash do compilador para tripleto {triplet}...", @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "EmptyLicenseExpression": "A expressão da licença SPDX estava vazia.", "EndOfStringInCodeUnit": "encontrou o final da cadeia de caracteres no meio do ponto de código", "EnvInvalidMaxConcurrency": "{env_var} é {valor}, deve ser > 0", - "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Build environment commands are not supported on this platform", + "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Não há suporte para comandos de ambiente de build nesta plataforma", "EnvStrFailedToExtract": "não foi possível expandir a cadeia de caracteres do ambiente:", "ErrorDetectingCompilerInfo": "ao detectar informações do compilador:\nO conteúdo do arquivo de log em \"{path}\" é:", "ErrorIndividualPackagesUnsupported": "No modo de manifesto, `vcpkg install` não dá suporte a argumentos de pacotes individuais.\nPara instalar pacotes adicionais, edite o vcpkg.json e execute `vcpkg install` sem nenhum argumento de pacote.", @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Os pacotes a seguir não têm um CONTROL ou vcpkg.json válido:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Os seguintes pacotes não estão instalados:", "FollowingPackagesUpgraded": "Os seguintes pacotes estão atualizados:", - "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Environment variable VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES must be set on arm, s390x, ppc64le and riscv platforms.", + "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "A variável de ambiente VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES deve ser definida nas plataformas arm, s390x, ppc64le e riscv.", "FormattedParseMessageExpression": "na expressão: {value}", "GenerateMsgErrorParsingFormatArgs": "analisando a cadeia de caracteres de formato para {value}:", "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "a mensagem {value} tem um comentário incorreto:", @@ -388,29 +388,29 @@ "GraphCycleDetected": "Ciclo detectado no gráfico em {package_name}:", "HashFileFailureToRead": "falha ao ler o arquivo \"{path}\" para hash: ", "HeaderOnlyUsage": "{package_name} é somente de cabeçalho e pode ser usado da CMake via:", - "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimental feature: this may change or be removed at any time**\n\nvcpkg can use mirrors to cache downloaded assets, ensuring continued operation even if the original source changes or disappears.\n\nAsset caching can be configured either by setting the environment variable X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES to a semicolon-delimited list of sources or by passing a sequence of --x-asset-sources= command line options. Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources. Commas, semicolons, and backticks can be escaped using backtick (`).\n\nThe optional parameter for certain strings controls how they will be accessed. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\" and defaults to \"read\".\n\nValid sources:", - "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Adds an Azure Blob Storage source, optionally using Shared Access Signature validation. URL should include the container path and be terminated with a trailing \"/\". , if defined, should be prefixed with a \"?\". Non-Azure servers will also work if they respond to GET and PUT requests of the form: \"\".", - "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Disables fallback to the original URLs in case the mirror does not have the file available.", - "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Dispatches to an external tool to fetch the asset. Within the template, \"{{url}}\" will be replaced by the original url, \"{{sha512}}\" will be replaced by the SHA512 value, and \"{{dst}}\" will be replaced by the output path to save to. These substitutions will all be properly shell escaped, so an example template would be: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". \"{{{{\" will be replaced by \"}}\" and \"}}}}\" will be replaced by \"}}\" to avoid expansion. Note that this will be executed inside the build environment, so the PATH and other environment variables will be modified by the triplet.", - "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg can cache compiled packages to accelerate restoration on a single machine or across the network. By default, vcpkg will save builds to a local machine cache. This can be disabled by passing \"--binarysource=clear\" as the last option on the command line.\n\nBinary caching can be further configured by either passing \"--binarysource=\" options to every command line or setting the `VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` environment variable to a set of sources (Example: \";;...\"). Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources.\n\nThe \"\" optional parameter for certain strings controls whether they will be consulted for downloading binaries and whether on-demand builds will be uploaded to that remote. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\".\n\nGeneral sources:", - "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Uses the aws CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include s3:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Adds an AWS configuration; currently supports only 'no-sign-request' parameter that is an equivalent to the --no-sign-request parameter of the AWS CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web Services sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an Azure Blob Storage source. Uses Shared Access Signature validation. should include the container path. must be be prefixed with a \"?\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an COS source. Uses the cos CLI for uploads and downloads. should include the scheme 'cos://' and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Adds the default file-based location. Based on your system settings, the default path to store binaries is \"{path}\". This consults %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% on Windows and $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME on other platforms.", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Adds the default file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Adds a custom file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) source. Uses the gsutil CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include the gs:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Adds a custom http-based location. GET, HEAD and PUT request are done to download, check and upload the binaries. You can use the variables {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} and {{triplet}}. An example url would be'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}'. Via the header field you can set a custom header to pass an authorization token.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Adds a NuGet-based source; equivalent to the \"-Source\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Adds a NuGet-config-file-based source; equivalent to the \"-Config\" parameter of the NuGet CLI. This config should specify \"defaultPushSource\" for uploads.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet's cache is not used by default. To use it for every NuGet-based source, set the environment variable \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" to \"true\" (case-insensitive) or \"1\".\nThe \"nuget\" and \"nugetconfig\" source providers respect certain environment variables while generating NuGet packages. If the appropriate environment variables are defined and non-empty, \"metadata.repository\" field will be generated like one of the following examples:", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Enables NuGet interactive credential management; the opposite of the \"-NonInteractive\" parameter in the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Specifies a NuGet timeout for NuGet network operations; equivalent to the \"-Timeout\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", + "HelpAssetCaching": "**Recurso experimental: isso pode ser alterado ou ser removido a qualquer momento**\n\nO vcpkg pode usar espelhos para armazenar em cache os ativos baixados, garantindo a operação contínua mesmo se a fonte original mudar ou desaparecer.\n\nO cache de ativos pode ser configurado definindo a variável de ambiente X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES para uma lista de origens delimitada por ponto-e-vírgula ou passando uma sequência de --x-asset-sources= opções de linha de comando. As fontes da linha de comando são interpretadas após as fontes do ambiente. Vírgulas, ponto e vírgula e acentos graves podem ser escapados usando crase (`).\n\nO parâmetro opcional para certas cadeia de caracteres controla como elas serão acessadas. Ele pode ser especificado como \"read\", \"write\" ou \"readwrite\" e o padrão é \"read\".\n\nFontes válidas:", + "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Adiciona uma fonte de Armazenamento de Blobs do Azure, opcionalmente usando a validação de Assinatura de Acesso Compartilhado. O URL deve incluir o caminho do contêiner e terminar com um \"/\" à direita. , se definido, deve ser prefixado com um \"?\". Servidores não Azure também funcionarão se responderem a solicitações GET e PUT no formato: \"\".", + "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Desabilita o fallback para as URLs originais caso o espelho não tenha o arquivo disponível.", + "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Despacha para uma ferramenta externa para buscar o ativo. No modelo, \"{{url}}\" será substituído pelo URL original, \"{{sha512}}\" será substituído pelo valor SHA512 e \"{{dst}}\" será substituído pelo caminho de saída para salvar para. Essas substituições serão todas devidamente escapadas pelo shell, portanto, um modelo de exemplo seria: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". \"{{{{\" será substituído por \"}}\" e \"}}}}\" será substituído por \"}}\" para evitar expansão. Observe que isso será executado dentro do ambiente de construção, portanto, o PATH e outras variáveis de ambiente serão modificados pelo trio.", + "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg pode armazenar em cache pacotes compilados para acelerar a restauração em uma único computador ou na rede. Por padrão, o vcpkg salvará as compilações em um cache de computador local. Isso pode ser desabilitado passando \"--binarysource=clear\" como a última opção na linha de comando.\n\nO cache binário pode ser configurado posteriormente passando as opções \"--binarysource=\" para cada linha de comando ou definindo a variável de ambiente `VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` para um conjunto de fontes (Exemplo: \";;...\"). As fontes da linha de comando são interpretadas após as fontes do ambiente.\n\nO parâmetro opcional \"\" para certas cadeia de caracteres controla se elas serão consultadas para download de binários e se as compilações sob demanda serão carregadas para aquele controle remoto. Pode ser especificado como \"read\", \"write\" ou \"readwrite\".\n\nFontes gerais:", + "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimental: será alterado ou removido sem aviso prévio**\nAdiciona uma fonte AWS S3. Usa a AWS CLI para uploads e downloads. O prefixo deve incluir o esquema s3:// e ter o sufixo \"/\".", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimental: será alterado ou removido sem aviso prévio**\nAdiciona uma fonte AWS S3. Adiciona uma configuração AWS; atualmente dá suporte apenas ao parâmetro 'no-sign-request' que é equivalente ao parâmetro --no-sign-request da AWS CLI.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Fontes de Serviços Web do Azure", + "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimental: será alterado ou removido sem aviso prévio**\nAdiciona uma fonte de Armazenamento de Blobs do Azure. Usa validação de assinatura de acesso compartilhado. deve incluir o caminho do contêiner. deve ser prefixado com um \"?\".", + "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimental: será alterado ou removido sem aviso prévio**\nAdiciona uma fonte COS. Usa a CLI cos para uploads e downloads. deve incluir o esquema 'cos://' e ser sufixado com \"/\".", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Adiciona o local baseado em arquivo padrão. Com base nas configurações do sistema, o caminho padrão para armazenar binários é \"{path}\". Isso consulta %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% no Windows e $XDG_CACHE_HOME ou $HOME em outras plataformas.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Adiciona o local baseado em arquivo padrão.", + "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Adiciona um local baseado em arquivo personalizado.", + "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimental: será alterado ou removido sem aviso prévio**\nAdiciona uma origem do GCS (Armazenamento em Nuvem do Google). Usa a CLI gsutil para uploads e downloads. O prefixo deve incluir o esquema gs:// e ter o sufixo \"/\".", + "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Adiciona um local baseado em http personalizado. As solicitações GET, HEAD e PUT são feitas para baixar, verificar e carregar os binários. Você pode usar as variáveis {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} e {{triplet}}. Um URL de exemplo seria 'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}'. Por meio do campo de cabeçalho, você pode definir um cabeçalho personalizado para passar um token de autorização.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Adiciona uma origem baseada em NuGet; equivalente ao parâmetro \"-Source\" da CLI do NuGet.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Adiciona uma origem baseada em arquivo NuGet-config; equivalente ao parâmetro \"-Config\" da CLI do NuGet. Esta configuração deve especificar \"defaultPushSource\" para uploads.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "O cache do NuGet não é usado por padrão. Para usá-lo para cada origem baseada em NuGet, defina a variável de ambiente \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" como \"true\" (sem distinção entre maiúsculas e minúsculas) ou \"1\".\nOs provedores de origem \"nuget\" e \"nugetconfig\" respeitam determinadas variáveis de ambiente ao gerar pacotes NuGet. Se as variáveis de ambiente apropriadas estiverem definidas e não vazias, o campo \"metadata.repository\" será gerado como um dos seguintes exemplos:", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "Fontes do NuGet", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Habilita o gerenciamento interativo de credenciais do NuGet; o oposto do parâmetro \"-NonInteractive\" na CLI do NuGet.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Especifica um tempo limite NuGet para operações de rede NuGet; equivalente ao parâmetro \"-Timeout\" da CLI do NuGet.", "HelpBuiltinBase": "A linha de base faz referência a um commit no repositório vcpkg que estabelece uma versão mínima em cada dependência no gráfico. Por exemplo, se nenhuma outra restrição for especificada (direta ou transitivamente), a versão será resolvida para a linha de base do manifesto de nível superior. As linhas de base de dependências transitivas são ignoradas.", - "HelpCachingClear": "Removes all previous sources, including defaults.", + "HelpCachingClear": "Remove todas as fontes anteriores, incluindo padrões.", "HelpContactCommand": "Exibir informações de contato para enviar comentários.", "HelpCreateCommand": "Criar uma nova porta.", "HelpDependInfoCommand": "Exibir uma lista de dependências para portas.", @@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ "IncrementedUtf8Decoder": "Incrementado Utf8Decoder no final da cadeia de caracteres", "InfoSetEnvVar": "Você também pode definir a variável de ambiente '{env_var}' para um editor de sua escolha.", "InitRegistryFailedNoRepo": "Não foi possível criar um registro em {path} porque este não é um repositório git root.\nUse 'git init {command_line}' para criar um repositório git nesta pasta.", - "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} done", + "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} concluído", "InstallFailed": "falha: {path}: {error_msg}", "InstallPackageInstruction": "Com um projeto aberto, vá para Ferramentas->NuGet Gerenciador de Pacotes->Console Gerenciador de Pacotes e cole:\n Install-Package \"{value}\" -Source \"{path}\"", "InstallRootDir": "(Experimental) Especificar o diretório raiz de instalação.", - "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} skipped, up to date", + "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} ignorado, atualizado", "InstallWithSystemManager": "Você pode instalar esta ferramenta através do gerenciador de pacotes do sistema.", "InstallWithSystemManagerMono": "Os usuários do Ubuntu 18.04 podem precisar de uma versão mais recente do mono, disponível em {url}.", "InstallWithSystemManagerPkg": "Você pode instalar esta ferramenta através do gerenciador de pacotes do sistema ({command_line}).", diff --git a/locales/messages.tr.json b/locales/messages.tr.json index cba0bb0df4..951488475a 100644 --- a/locales/messages.tr.json +++ b/locales/messages.tr.json @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": "{env_var} dizininde source.properties eksik: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Makinede başka bir yükleme devam ediyor, yeniden denemeden önce 6s uykuda.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Bu vcpkg kökü için kullanıcı genelinde tümleştirme uygulandı.", - "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal processing: {path}", + "ApplocalProcessing": "vcpkg applocal işleme: {path}", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option}, yapıtı bulma üzerinde hiçbir etkiye sahip değildir.", "AssetSourcesArg": "Varlık önbelleğe alma için kaynak ekleyin. Bkz. 'vcpkg help assetcaching'.", "AttemptingToFetchPackagesFromVendor": "{count} paket {vendor} tarafından getirilmeye çalışılıyor", @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ "DateTableHeader": "Tarih", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Varsayılan tarayıcı {url} olarak başlatıldı.", "DefaultFlag": "Varsayılan olarak --{option} açık olarak ayarlanıyor.", - "DefaultTriplet": "Starting with the September 2023 release, the default triplet for vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet ({triplet}). To resolve this message, add --triplet x86-windows to keep the same behavior.", + "DefaultTriplet": "Eylül 2023 sürümünden başlayarak, vcpkg kitaplıkları için varsayılan üçlü, x86 pencerelerinden algılanan ana bilgisayar üçlüsüne ({üçlü}) değişecektir. Bu mesajı çözmek için, aynı davranışı sürdürmek üzere --triplet x86-windows ekleyin.", "DeleteVcpkgConfigFromManifest": "-- Veya \"vcpkg-configuration\" öğesini {path} bildirim dosyasından kaldırın.", "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug artık kullanımdan kaldırıldı.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Üçlü {triplet} için derleyici karması algılanamadı...", @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ "EmptyLicenseExpression": "SPDX lisans ifadesi boştu.", "EndOfStringInCodeUnit": "kod noktasının ortasında dizenin sonu bulundu", "EnvInvalidMaxConcurrency": "{env_var} değeri {value}, bu değer > 0 olmalıdır", - "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Build environment commands are not supported on this platform", + "EnvPlatformNotSupported": "Ortam derleme komutları bu platformda desteklenmiyor", "EnvStrFailedToExtract": "ortam dizesi genişletilemedi:", "ErrorDetectingCompilerInfo": "derleyici bilgileri algılanırken:\n \"{path}\" konumundaki günlük dosyası içeriği şu şekildedir:", "ErrorIndividualPackagesUnsupported": "Bildirim modunda `vcpkg install`, paket bağımsız değişkenlerini tek tek desteklemez.\nEk paketleri yüklemek için vcpkg.json dosyasını düzenleyin ve paket bağımsız değişkenleri olmadan `vcpkg install` komutunu çalıştırın.", @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Aşağıdaki paketlerin geçerli bir CONTROL veya vcpkg.json değeri yok:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Aşağıdaki paketler yüklü değil:", "FollowingPackagesUpgraded": "Aşağıdaki paketler günceldir:", - "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "Environment variable VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES must be set on arm, s390x, ppc64le and riscv platforms.", + "ForceSystemBinariesOnWeirdPlatforms": "VCPKG_FORCE_SYSTEM_BINARIES ortam değişkeni arm, s390x, ppc64le ve riscv platformlarında ayarlanmalıdır.", "FormattedParseMessageExpression": "{value} ifadesinde", "GenerateMsgErrorParsingFormatArgs": "{value} için biçim dizesi ayrıştırılıyor:", "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "{value} iletisi yanlış bir açıklama içeriyor:", @@ -388,29 +388,29 @@ "GraphCycleDetected": "{package_name} paketindeki grafik içinde döngü algılandı:", "HashFileFailureToRead": "karma için \"{path}\" dosyası okunamadı: ", "HeaderOnlyUsage": "{package_name} yalnızca üst bilgidir ve CMake'ten şu şekilde kullanılabilir:", - "HelpAssetCaching": "**Experimental feature: this may change or be removed at any time**\n\nvcpkg can use mirrors to cache downloaded assets, ensuring continued operation even if the original source changes or disappears.\n\nAsset caching can be configured either by setting the environment variable X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES to a semicolon-delimited list of sources or by passing a sequence of --x-asset-sources= command line options. Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources. Commas, semicolons, and backticks can be escaped using backtick (`).\n\nThe optional parameter for certain strings controls how they will be accessed. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\" and defaults to \"read\".\n\nValid sources:", - "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "Adds an Azure Blob Storage source, optionally using Shared Access Signature validation. URL should include the container path and be terminated with a trailing \"/\". , if defined, should be prefixed with a \"?\". Non-Azure servers will also work if they respond to GET and PUT requests of the form: \"\".", - "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Disables fallback to the original URLs in case the mirror does not have the file available.", - "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Dispatches to an external tool to fetch the asset. Within the template, \"{{url}}\" will be replaced by the original url, \"{{sha512}}\" will be replaced by the SHA512 value, and \"{{dst}}\" will be replaced by the output path to save to. These substitutions will all be properly shell escaped, so an example template would be: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". \"{{{{\" will be replaced by \"}}\" and \"}}}}\" will be replaced by \"}}\" to avoid expansion. Note that this will be executed inside the build environment, so the PATH and other environment variables will be modified by the triplet.", - "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg can cache compiled packages to accelerate restoration on a single machine or across the network. By default, vcpkg will save builds to a local machine cache. This can be disabled by passing \"--binarysource=clear\" as the last option on the command line.\n\nBinary caching can be further configured by either passing \"--binarysource=\" options to every command line or setting the `VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES` environment variable to a set of sources (Example: \";;...\"). Command line sources are interpreted after environment sources.\n\nThe \"\" optional parameter for certain strings controls whether they will be consulted for downloading binaries and whether on-demand builds will be uploaded to that remote. It can be specified as \"read\", \"write\", or \"readwrite\".\n\nGeneral sources:", - "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Uses the aws CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include s3:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an AWS S3 source. Adds an AWS configuration; currently supports only 'no-sign-request' parameter that is an equivalent to the --no-sign-request parameter of the AWS CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web Services sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an Azure Blob Storage source. Uses Shared Access Signature validation. should include the container path. must be be prefixed with a \"?\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds an COS source. Uses the cos CLI for uploads and downloads. should include the scheme 'cos://' and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Adds the default file-based location. Based on your system settings, the default path to store binaries is \"{path}\". This consults %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% on Windows and $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME on other platforms.", - "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Adds the default file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Adds a custom file-based location.", - "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Experimental: will change or be removed without warning**\nAdds a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) source. Uses the gsutil CLI for uploads and downloads. Prefix should include the gs:// scheme and be suffixed with a \"/\".", - "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Adds a custom http-based location. GET, HEAD and PUT request are done to download, check and upload the binaries. You can use the variables {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} and {{triplet}}. An example url would be'https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}'. Via the header field you can set a custom header to pass an authorization token.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "Adds a NuGet-based source; equivalent to the \"-Source\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "Adds a NuGet-config-file-based source; equivalent to the \"-Config\" parameter of the NuGet CLI. This config should specify \"defaultPushSource\" for uploads.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet's cache is not used by default. To use it for every NuGet-based source, set the environment variable \"VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" to \"true\" (case-insensitive) or \"1\".\nThe \"nuget\" and \"nugetconfig\" source providers respect certain environment variables while generating NuGet packages. If the appropriate environment variables are defined and non-empty, \"metadata.repository\" field will be generated like one of the following examples:", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet sources", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "Enables NuGet interactive credential management; the opposite of the \"-NonInteractive\" parameter in the NuGet CLI.", - "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "Specifies a NuGet timeout for NuGet network operations; equivalent to the \"-Timeout\" parameter of the NuGet CLI.", + "HelpAssetCaching": "**Deneysel özellik: bu herhangi bir zamanda değişebilir veya kaldırılabilir**\n\nvcpkg, indirilen varlıkları önbelleğe almak için aynaları kullanabilir ve orijinal kaynak değişse veya kaybolsa bile çalışmaya devam etmesini sağlar.\n\nVarlık önbelleğe alma, X_VCPKG_ASSET_SOURCES ortam değişkenini noktalı virgülle ayrılmış bir kaynak listesine ayarlayarak veya bir dizi --x-asset-sources= komut satırı seçeneği geçirerek yapılandırılabilir. Komut satırı kaynakları, ortam kaynaklarından sonra yorumlanır. Virgüller, noktalı virgüller ve ters tikler, ters tik (`) kullanılarak kaçılabilir.\n\nBelirli dizeler için isteğe bağlı parametresi, bunlara nasıl erişileceğini denetler. \"Read\", \"write\" veya \"readwrite\" olarak belirtilebilir ve varsayılan olarak \"read\" şeklindedir.\n\nGeçerli kaynaklar:", + "HelpAssetCachingAzUrl": "İsteğe bağlı olarak Paylaşılan Erişim İmzası doğrulamasını kullanarak bir Azure Blob Depolama kaynağı ekler. URL, kapsayıcı yolunu içermeli ve sonunda bir \"/\" ile sonlandırılmalıdır. , tanımlanmışsa, önüne \"?\" eklenmelidir. Azure dışı sunucular, \"\" biçimindeki GET ve PUT isteklerine yanıt verirlerse de çalışır.", + "HelpAssetCachingBlockOrigin": "Yansıtmanın kullanılabilir dosya olmaması durumunda orijinal URL'lere geri dönüşü devre dışı bırakır.", + "HelpAssetCachingScript": "Varlığı getirmek için harici bir araca gönderir. Şablonda, \"{{url}}\", orijinal url ile değiştirilecek, \"{{sha512}}\", SHA512 değeri ile değiştirilecek ve \"{{dst}}\", kaydedilecek çıkış yolu ile değiştirilecektir. Bu ikamelerin tümü uygun şekilde kabuk kaçışlı olacak, bu nedenle örnek bir şablon şöyle olacaktır: \"curl -L {{url}} --output {{dst}}\". Genişletmeden kaçınmak için \"{{{{\", \"}}\" ile değiştirilecek ve \"}}}}\", \"}}\" ile değiştirilecek. Bunun yapı ortamı içinde yürütüleceğini unutmayın, bu nedenle PATH ve diğer ortam değişkenleri üçlü tarafından değiştirilecektir.", + "HelpBinaryCaching": "vcpkg, tek bir makinede veya ağ genelinde geri yüklemeyi hızlandırmak için derlenmiş paketleri önbelleğe alabilir. Varsayılan olarak vcpkg, derlemeleri yerel bir makine önbelleğine kaydeder. Bu, komut satırında son seçenek olarak \"--binarysource=clear\" geçirilerek devre dışı bırakılabilir.\n\nİkili önbelleğe alma, her komut satırına \"--binarysource=\" seçeneklerini ileterek veya \"VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES\" ortam değişkenini bir kaynak grubuna ayarlayarak daha fazla yapılandırılabilir (Örnek: \";;.. \"). Komut satırı kaynakları, ortam kaynaklarından sonra yorumlanır.\n\nBelirli dizeler için isteğe bağlı \"\" parametresi, ikili dosyaları indirmek için bunlara danışılıp danışılmayacağını ve isteğe bağlı yapıların o uzaktan kumandaya yüklenip yüklenmeyeceğini kontrol eder. \"Read\", \"write\" veya \"readwrite\" olarak belirtilebilir.\n\nGenel kaynaklar:", + "HelpBinaryCachingAws": "**Deneysel: değiştirilecek veya uyarılmadan kaldırılacaktır**\nBir AWS S3 kaynağı ekler. Yüklemeler ve indirmeler için aws CLI'yi kullanır. Önek s3:// şemasını içermeli ve sonuna bir \"/\" eklenmelidir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsConfig": "**Deneysel: değiştirilecek veya uyarılmadan kaldırılacaktır**\nBir AWS S3 kaynağı ekler. Bir AWS yapılandırması ekler; şu anda yalnızca AWS CLI'nin --no-sign-request parametresine eşdeğer olan 'no-sign-request' parametresini desteklemektedir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingAwsHeader": "Azure Web Hizmetleri kaynakları", + "HelpBinaryCachingAzBlob": "**Deneysel: değiştirilecek veya uyarılmadan kaldırılacaktır**\nBir Azure Blob Depolama kaynağı ekler. Paylaşılan Erişim İmzası doğrulamasını kullanır. kapsayıcı yolunu içermelidir. önüne \"?\" eklenmelidir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingCos": "**Deneysel: değiştirilecek veya uyarılmadan kaldırılacaktır**\nBir COS kaynağı ekler. Yüklemeler ve indirmeler için cos CLI'yi kullanır. , 'cos://' şemasını içermeli ve sonuna \"/\" eklenmelidir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaults": "Varsayılan dosya tabanlı konumu ekler. Sistem ayarlarınıza bağlı olarak, ikili dosyaları depolamak için varsayılan yol \"{yol}\" şeklindedir. Bu, Windows'ta %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% ve diğer platformlarda $XDG_CACHE_HOME veya $HOME'a başvurur.", + "HelpBinaryCachingDefaultsError": "Varsayılan dosya tabanlı konumu ekler.", + "HelpBinaryCachingFiles": "Özel bir dosya tabanlı konum ekler.", + "HelpBinaryCachingGcs": "**Deneysel: değiştirilecek veya uyarılmadan kaldırılacaktır**\nBir Google Bulut Depolama (GCS) kaynağı ekler. Yüklemeler ve indirmeler için gsutil CLI'yi kullanır. Önek, gs:// şemasını içermeli ve sonuna \"/\" eklenmelidir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingHttp": "Özel bir http tabanlı konum ekler. İkili dosyaları indirmek, kontrol etmek ve yüklemek için GET, HEAD ve PUT isteği yapılır. {{name}}, {{version}}, {{sha}} ve {{triplet}} değişkenlerini kullanabilirsiniz. Örnek url, \"https://cache.example.com/{{triplet}}/{{name}}/{{version}}/{{sha}}\" olacaktır. Başlık alanı aracılığıyla, bir yetkilendirme belirtecini iletmek için özel bir başlık ayarlayabilirsiniz.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGet": "NuGet tabanlı bir kaynak ekler; NuGet CLI'nin \"-Source\" parametresine eşdeğerdir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetConfig": "NuGet-config dosyası tabanlı bir kaynak ekler; NuGet CLI'nin \"-Config\" parametresine eşdeğerdir. Bu yapılandırma, yüklemeler için \"defaultPushSource\" belirtmelidir.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetFooter": "NuGet önbelleği varsayılan olarak kullanılmaz. Bunu her NuGet tabanlı kaynakta kullanmak için \" VCPKG_USE_NUGET_CACHE\" ortam değişkenini \"true\" (büyük/küçük harf duyarsız) veya \"1\" olarak ayarlayın.\n\"nuget\" ve \"nugetconfig\" kaynak sağlayıcıları NuGet paketleri oluşturulurken belirli ortam değişkenlerine uyum sağlar. Uygun ortam değişkenleri tanımlanmışsa ve boş yoksa, \"metadata.repository\" alanı aşağıdaki örneklerden biri gibi oluşturulur:", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetHeader": "NuGet kaynakları", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetInteractive": "NuGet etkileşimli kimlik bilgisi yönetimini etkinleştirir; NuGet CLI'deki \"-NonInteractive\" parametresinin tersi.", + "HelpBinaryCachingNuGetTimeout": "NuGet ağ işlemleri için bir NuGet zaman aşımı belirtir; NuGet CLI'nin \"-Timeout\" parametresine eşdeğerdir.", "HelpBuiltinBase": "Temel, grafikteki her bağımlılık için minimum bir sürüm oluşturan vcpkg deposundaki bir taahhüdü referans alır. Örneğin, başka bir kısıtlama belirtilmemişse (doğrudan veya geçişli olarak), sürüm en üst düzey bildirimin taban çizgisine çözülecektir. Geçişli bağımlılıkların temelleri yok sayılır.", - "HelpCachingClear": "Removes all previous sources, including defaults.", + "HelpCachingClear": "Varsayılanlar dahil olmak üzere önceki tüm kaynakları kaldırır.", "HelpContactCommand": "Geri bildirim göndermek için iletişim bilgilerini görüntüleyin.", "HelpCreateCommand": "Yeni bir bağlantı noktası oluşturun.", "HelpDependInfoCommand": "Bağlantı noktaları için bağımlılıkların bir listesini görüntüleyin.", @@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ "IncrementedUtf8Decoder": "Dize sonunda artan Utf8Decoder", "InfoSetEnvVar": "Ayrıca '{env_var}' ortam değişkenini istediğiniz düzenleyiciye ayarlayabilirsiniz.", "InitRegistryFailedNoRepo": "Bu bir git deposu kökü olmadığından {path} yolunda kayıt defteri oluşturulamadı.\nBu klasörde bir git deposu oluşturmak için 'git init {command_line}' kullanın.", - "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} done", + "InstallCopiedFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} bitti", "InstallFailed": "başarısız oldu: {path}: {error_msg}", "InstallPackageInstruction": "Bir proje açıkken Araçlar->NuGet Paket Yöneticisi->Paket Yöneticisi Konsolu’na gidin ve yapıştırın:\n Install-Package \"{value}\" -Source \"{path}\"", "InstallRootDir": "(Deneysel) Yükleme kök dizinini belirtin.", - "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} skipped, up to date", + "InstallSkippedUpToDateFile": "{path_source} -> {path_destination} atlandı, güncel", "InstallWithSystemManager": "Bu aracı sistem paket yöneticiniz aracılığıyla yükleyebilirsiniz.", "InstallWithSystemManagerMono": "Ubuntu 18.04 kullanıcıları daha yeni bir Mono sürümüne gerek duyabilir, şuradan edinebilirsiniz: {url}.", "InstallWithSystemManagerPkg": "Bu aracı sistem paket yöneticiniz aracılığıyla yükleyebilirsiniz ({command_line}).",