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Jiuqing Song edited this page Oct 2, 2017 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the roosterjs wiki!


Rooster is a framework-independent JavaScript rich-text editor neatly nested inside one HTML <div> element. Editing operations performed by end users are handled in simple ways to generate the final HTML.


How to use

Built-in plugins

Create your own plugin

Work with source code




Rooster contains 6 packages.

  1. roosterjs: A facade of all Rooster code for those who want a quick start. Use the createEditor() function in roosterjs to create an editor with default configurations.

  2. roosterjs-editor-core: Defines the core editor and plugin infrastructure. Use roosterjs-editor-core instead of roosterjs to build and customize your own editor.

  3. roosterjs-editor-api: Defines APIs for editor operations. Use these APIs to modify content and formatting in the editor you built using roosterjs-editor-core.

  4. roosterjs-editor-dom: Defines APIs for DOM operations. Use roosterjs-editor-api instead unless you want to access DOM API directly.

  5. roosterjs-editor-plugins: Defines basic plugins for common features. Examples: making hyperlinks, pasting HTML content, inserting inline images.

  6. roosterjs-editor-types: Defines public interfaces and enumerations.


Rooster provides DOM level APIs (in roosterjs-editor-dom) and formatting APIs (in roosterjs-editor-api) to perform editing operations.

roosterjs-editor-dom provides several levels of DOM operations:

  • Perform basic DOM operations such as fromHtml(), wrap(), unwrap(), ...
  • Wrap a given DOM node with InlineElement or BlockElement and perform operations with DOM Walker API.
  • Perform DOM operations on a given scope using scopers.
  • Travel among InlineElements and BlockElements with scope using ContentTraverser API.

roosterjs-editor-api provides APIs for scenario-based operations triggered by user interaction.


Rooster supports plugins. You can use built-in plugins or build your own. Plugins call APIs to communicate with the editor. When an operation is performed by the user or when content is changed by code, the editor will trigger events for the plugins to handle.

Here's a sample plugin which will show a dialog containing "Hello Rooster" when an "a" is typed in the editor:

class HelloRooster implements EditorPlugin {
    initialize(editor: Editor) {        

    dispose() {        

    onPluginEvent(e: PluginEvent) {
        if ( e.eventType == PluginEventType.KeyPress && 
            (e as PluginDomEvent).which == 65 ) {
            alert('Hello Rooster');


Install via NPM:

npm install roosterjs --save

You can also install sub packages separately:

npm install roosterjs-editor-core --save npm install roosterjs-editor-api --save ...

In order to run the code below, you may also need to install webpack:

npm install webpack -g


A quick start

  1. Create editor.htm contains a DIV with some styles, and a reference to a .js file:
        <div id='editorDiv' style='width: 500px; height: 300px; overflow: auto; 
        border: solid 1px black'></div>
        <script src='editor.js'></script>
  1. Create source.js to import roosterjs and create an editor:
var roosterjs = require('roosterjs');
var editorDiv = document.getElementById('editorDiv');
var editor = roosterjs.createEditor(editorDiv);
editor.setContent('Welcome to <b>RoosterJs</b>!');
  1. Compile the javascript file using webpack:

webpack source.js editor.js

  1. Navigate to editor.htm, you will see a editor shown in the page.

Add some format buttons

  1. Add some buttons into editor.htm:
        <div id='editorDiv' style='width: 500px; height: 300px; overflow: auto; 
        border: solid 1px black'></div>
        <button id='buttonB'>B</button>
        <button id='buttonI'>I</button>
        <button id='buttonU'>U</button>
        <script src='editor.js'></script>
  1. Add code to source.js to handle click event of the buttons:
var roosterjs = require('roosterjs');
var editorDiv = document.getElementById('editorDiv');
var editor = roosterjs.createEditor(editorDiv);
editor.setContent('Welcome to <b>RoosterJs</b>!');

document.getElementById('buttonB').addEventListener('click', function() {
document.getElementById('buttonI').addEventListener('click', function() {
document.getElementById('buttonU').addEventListener('click', function() {
  1. Compile the javascript file using webpack:

webpack source.js editor.js

  1. Navigate to editor.htm, you will see buttons with bold, italic, underline actions in the page.

Sample code

In the /sample/ folder is a sample editor that you can explore. To use the sample editor, follow these instructions:

  1. Get dependencies using npm.

    npm install
  2. Build the source code.

    npm run build
  3. Start the sample editor.

    npm start
  4. Navigate to the sample editor at http://localhost:3000/sample/sample.htm

License - MIT

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