From 42ce88832128d76f2d6e8399c69a9b93b67fdd22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xu Yang <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:44:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] fix doc format

 docs/installation_and_configuration.rst | 54 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/installation_and_configuration.rst b/docs/installation_and_configuration.rst
index c976b2dec..536236d00 100644
--- a/docs/installation_and_configuration.rst
+++ b/docs/installation_and_configuration.rst
@@ -80,33 +80,33 @@ Configuration List
 - OpenAI API Setting
-| Configuration Option         | Meaning                                          | Default Value           |
-| OPENAI_API_KEY               | API key for both chat and embedding models       | None                    |
-| EMBEDDING_OPENAI_API_KEY     | Use a different API key for embedding model      | None                    |
-| CHAT_OPENAI_API_KEY          | Set to use a different API key for chat model    | None                    |
-| EMBEDDING_MODEL              | Name of the embedding model                      | text-embedding-3-small  |
-| CHAT_MODEL                   | Name of the chat model                           | gpt-4-turbo             |
-| EMBEDDING_AZURE_API_BASE     | Base URL for the Azure OpenAI API                | None                    |
-| EMBEDDING_AZURE_API_VERSION  | Version of the Azure OpenAI API                  | None                    |
-| CHAT_AZURE_API_BASE          | Base URL for the Azure OpenAI API                | None                    |
-| CHAT_AZURE_API_VERSION       | Version of the Azure OpenAI API                  | None                    |
-| USE_AZURE                    | True if you are using Azure OpenAI               | False                   |
-| CHAT_USE_AZURE_TOKEN_PROVIDER| True if you are using an Azure Token Provider in chat model    | False     |
-| EMBEDDING_USE_AZURE_TOKEN_PROVIDER| True if you are using an Azure Token Provider in embedding model| False |
+| Configuration Option              | Meaning                                                         | Default Value           |
+| OPENAI_API_KEY                    | API key for both chat and embedding models                      | None                    |
+| EMBEDDING_OPENAI_API_KEY          | Use a different API key for embedding model                     | None                    |
+| CHAT_OPENAI_API_KEY               | Set to use a different API key for chat model                   | None                    |
+| EMBEDDING_MODEL                   | Name of the embedding model                                     | text-embedding-3-small  |
+| CHAT_MODEL                        | Name of the chat model                                          | gpt-4-turbo             |
+| EMBEDDING_AZURE_API_BASE          | Base URL for the Azure OpenAI API                               | None                    |
+| EMBEDDING_AZURE_API_VERSION       | Version of the Azure OpenAI API                                 | None                    |
+| CHAT_AZURE_API_BASE               | Base URL for the Azure OpenAI API                               | None                    |
+| CHAT_AZURE_API_VERSION            | Version of the Azure OpenAI API                                 | None                    |
+| USE_AZURE                         | True if you are using Azure OpenAI                              | False                   |
+| CHAT_USE_AZURE_TOKEN_PROVIDER     | True if you are using an Azure Token Provider in chat model     | False                   |
+| EMBEDDING_USE_AZURE_TOKEN_PROVIDER| True if you are using an Azure Token Provider in embedding model| False                   |
 - Globol Setting