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Update 1bit SGD Submodule Location

Alexey Orlov edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 7 revisions

Effective January 25, 2017 CNTK 1-bit Stochastic Gradient Descent (1bit-SGD) and BlockMomentumSGD code is moved to a new Repository in GitHub.

If you cloned CNTK Repository with 1bit-SGD enabled prior to January 25, 2017 you need to update git submodule configuration as described below.

If you cloned CNTK Repository after January 25, 2017, or if you do not use 1bit-SGD Repository code, you may safely ignore information in this article.

Updating 1bit-SGD Submodule information

In the instructions below we assume that the local copy of CNTK Repository is located at:

  • ~/Repos/cntk (Linux)
  • c:\repos\cntk (Windows)

To update the Submodule information for 1bit-SGD do the following:

  • Go to the root of your local Repository: cd ~/Repos/cntk (Linux) or cd c:\repos\cntk (Windows)

  • Checkout master branch and ensure it's up-to-date

git checkout master
git fetch
git pull
  • Update Submodule information: git submodule sync

Your code now should be in sync with the new 1bit-SGD location at GitHub.

Finally, you may check the content of the file .gitmodules located in the root of your local Repository. It should contain the following record:

[submodule "Source/1BitSGD"]
	path = Source/1BitSGD
	url =
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