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File metadata and controls

680 lines (394 loc) · 17.2 KB


Story :

Back in 2016 I was working on a Multimedia project “iptv internet protocol television ” and suddenly media servers' monthly subscription licenses became super costy and we had to develop our own solutions to cut this cost .

Problems :

in such projects performance and protocols implementation was the most demanded requirement for its nature. We need to handle thousand requests every second per user for thousand users 24/7 services .

Also, we need to handle more than a thousand live video feeds from satellite broadcasters . And deliver it in real time to those users .

Also, we have to keep these servers running forever for our users .

Another problem to consider! The bandwidth for those streams is about 35 ~ 40 GB . Most servers output was multicast packets . so UDP flood attack defending was daily mission

Brainstorm & overthinking :

Now I know the problem or most of it, the solution have to be light footprint , with fault tolerance in design , efficient , secure and easy to develop

So we need a fast and well known stack with great concurrency functionality .

C/C++ is a super language that will do any job however it will be super hard to develop this complex project with a minimum team …

Dart .. is a permission language and i was considering it on this time however it was very young

Go ,, elegant like c i wish i knew it at that time .. if i go back in time i will select it :-)

Now we had to choose between “java , scala and kotlin”

While scala implements the Actor model on vm witch i consider a great concurrency framework thats enable you to build a reactive server application however it’s fail on benchmark comparing to other jvm languages

You might notice that I will use jvm , what about other stacks “C# , python , node.js … etc i will answer this later ”

Jvm is a good environment to develop such applications . Now we need to define the technology stack like tools and framework … etc

In java world there are many frameworks for EE application like Spring Mvc , Spring Boot , Play framework and so on

However, in this project thairs more than CRUD & API concepts their is low level network protocol access like UDP / RTSP/RTMP/HLS/DASH/Websocket … etc

So we need to build it from ground with a b strong builtin HTTP server At this point you will find java has ton of toolkits [ java MINA , java netty ] was my options i test both and the winner was “ netty now on 2022 even play & spring use it to create their HTTP server “ On my quist i found a great library with great features called it’s built with Actor -like features called vertical , events bus , reactive programing and so on

we have another problem in such distributed systems Fault tolerance , i will not use Erlang to active this concept, so i have to implement a toolkit in jvm in 2016 this library wasn’t famous with very long documents to implement Actor model design .

Now that’s great i just need a templating engine to build the interface “I choose freemarker with no reason ”

Summary for that jvm languages will be used and any suitable builtin storages engine darby or any other external postgres or mysql , i pick 2 ORM’s to handle the data layer jooq orm and ebaens every one of them has it’s dark side

So it’s simply for http serving , to handle heavy tasks in actors design pattern Freemarker templating engine , ebaens as ORM

Super simple … right so after that decision i start developing a lightweight MVC java framework based on these tools …

It’s need a lot of effort and contributions so you are welcome }

create database I use Mysql use your own or even use H2 bout don't forget to add

your driver in Gradle file

Make your database Config correct at this files

  • /resources/
  • /resources/application.yaml
  • /resources/
  • also, you need to config same files in project root 'used when i need configuration outside the Jar '

  • First if you know OOP and MVC concepts you are good to go else {read about them first }

    Code First

    if need to go and build your database Like old school it's ok go and do it

    otherwise under app.models created file call
        package app.models;
        import javax.persistence.Entity;
        import javax.persistence.Id;
        import javax.persistence.Table;
        import java.sql.Timestamp;
        import io.ebean.Ebean;
        import io.ebean.Model;
        import io.ebean.annotation.Index;
        public class Admin extends Model {
            public long userId;
            public String userName;
            public String userPassword;
            public Timestamp dateCreated;
            public String lastIP;
            public String token;
            public Timestamp lastLogin;
            public String getAPI_token() {
                return API_token;
            public void setAPI_token(String API_token) {
                this.API_token = API_token;
            public String API_token;
            public String getAPI_Key() {
                return API_Key;
            public void setAPI_Key(String API_Key) {
                this.API_Key = API_Key;
            public String API_Key;
            public Admin() {
            public long getUserId() {
                return userId;
            public void setUserId(Long userId) {
                this.userId = userId;
            public String getUserName() {
                return userName;
            public void setUserName(String userName) {
                this.userName = userName;
            public String getUserPassword() {
                return userPassword;
            public void setUserPassword(String userPassword) {
                this.userPassword = userPassword;
            public Timestamp getDateCreated() {
                return dateCreated;
            public void setDateCreated(Timestamp dateCreated) {
                this.dateCreated = dateCreated;
            public String getLastIP() {
                return lastIP;
            public void setLastIP(String lastIP) {
                this.lastIP = lastIP;
            public String getToken() {
                return token;
            public void setToken(String token) {
                this.token = token;
            public Timestamp getLastLogin() {
                return lastLogin;
            public void setLastLogin(Timestamp lastLogin) {
                this.lastLogin = lastLogin;
            public Admin  finder(long id){
                return Ebean.find(Admin.class , id);

    your find this file and it's related files in repo code

    database migration

    if you didn't use Mysql go to DBmarge file and change database config to what you are using

    than run DBmarge it will create migration file than restart your server you will see the table admin :-)

        public class DBmarge {
           public static void main(String arg[]){
                try {
                    DbMigration dbMigration = DbMigration.create();
                    dbMigration.setPlatform(Platform.MYSQL); // change to your database type
                } catch (IOException e) {

    Models Helper and finder

    in models we create 2 dir called 
    1 - logic // for CRUD helpers 
    2 - finder // to search and finde 

    in logic create Admin Helper by creating

      package app.models.logic;
      import app.models.Admin;
      import com.cloudsgen.system.core.DataBase.CGModel;
      import com.cloudsgen.system.core.DataBase.ICrud;
      import io.ebean.Ebean;
      import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
      public class AdminHelper extends CGModel implements ICrud {
            //the constractor with RoutingContext
             public AdminHelper(RoutingContext rx)

    than we add CRUD method add , edit and delete

          public void add(Object tClass) {
          if(tClass instanceof Admin)
              Admin c = (Admin) tClass;
      public void edit(Object id ) {
          if(id instanceof Admin) {
              Admin c = (Admin) id;
      public void delete(Object id) {
              Admin c = Ebean.getDefaultServer().find(Admin.class).where().eq("user_id" , id).findOne();
             if(c != null) {

    you will find the code in the Repo..

    now one More step we need a finder to search our data you could use Ebean query

    The code for that will be in "/models.finder"

    package app.models.finder;
    import app.models.Admin;
    import io.ebean.Ebean;
    import io.ebean.Finder;
    import java.util.List;
    public class AuthModel extends Finder<Long, Admin>  {
        private String Username;
        private String Password;
        private int isValid;
        public AuthModel(){
        public Admin byId(long username)
            return  query().where().eq("user_id" , username ).findOne();
        public Admin byName(String username)
            return  query().where().eq("user_name" , username ).findOne();
        public Admin byNameAndPassword(String un , String pw) {
            return Ebean.getDefaultServer().find(Admin.class).where()
                    .eq("user_name", un)
                    .eq("user_password" , pw)
        public Admin byIdAndTookenAndIp(long id , String token , String ip)  {
            return Ebean.getDefaultServer().find(Admin.class).where()
                    .eq("user_id", id)
                    .eq("token" , token)
                    .eq("last_ip" , ip)
        public Admin byAPI( String token , String key) {
            return Ebean.getDefaultServer().find(Admin.class).where()
                    .eq("api_token", token)
                    .eq("api_key" , key)
        public List<Admin> GetAll()
            return  query().findList();
        public int GetAllCount()
            return  query().findList().size();

    controller and router : HowTo

    create your controller in language you know Kotlin , java , Scala

    ps : scala controller should be in Scala Folder not in java 
    kotlin could be in same java class Folder 
            public class HelloJava extends CG_Controller {
              public HelloJava(RoutingContext rxtx) {
                 *   index : this default method for every controller
                 *   Render :  will Print any thing to response
                 *   simply this will print $String "Hello world ! from java"
                 * @return void
                 * @throws IOException
                public void index() throws IOException
                    Render("Hello world ! from java");

    this very basic controller we have to add it to our router File like this Hellojava = app.controller.HelloJava

    in app.controller.HelloJava you will find how to Render View and pass data to it

    how to USE GET , POST , REQUEST and Signal Methods to get users input :

    this.input.POST("var_name"); its take String Parameter with name in query

    this.input.GET("var_name"); its take String Parameter with name in query

    this.input.REQUEST("var_name"); its take String Parameter with name in query work with GET and POST requites

    this.input.Signal(1); its take Integer Parameter with offset for requites path like /controller/metho/data1/data2

    this.input.setCookie("Cookie_name", "Cookie_val"); set Cookie 2 Parameter , Key_name and Value

    this.input.GetCookie("Cookie_name"); Get Cookie 1 Parameter , Key_name return Value

    Redirect("path/to/redirect"); this method will Redirect user to a path of your chaise

    annotation for Auth and Preloading

    we have built-in annotation parser for authenticate some action like user requites and ... etc

    you will find example called AdminAuth in models/logic

    package app.models.logic;
    import app.models.Admin;
    import app.models.finder.AuthModel;
    import com.cloudsgen.system.core.DataBase.CGModel;
    import io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext;
    public class AdminAuth  extends CGModel {
        public AdminAuth(RoutingContext rx) {
            String Tokin =  this.input.GetCookie("_cgmain");
            String UUID =  this.input.GetCookie("_cgalphas");
            String UserIp = this.input.getAgentIp();
            AuthModel authModel  = new AuthModel();
            Admin admin = null;
            if(Tokin == null || UUID == null)
            }else {
                long lid = 0;
                try {
                    lid = Long.parseLong(UUID);
                }catch (NumberFormatException ex)
                   lid = 0 ;
                try {
                    admin = authModel.byIdAndTookenAndIp(lid , Tokin , UserIp);
                    if(admin == null)
                }catch ( ExceptionInInitializerError e)

    Ok how to use to Auth any controller Simply like that "before controller class deceleration " or before method

    @Iauthentication(AuthModel = AdminAuth.class )
    public class Administration  extends CG_Controller {
        public Administration(RoutingContext rxtx) {
        public void index() throws IOException {

    Views : HowTo

  • we use Freemarker as template engine
  • view located in /resources/views

    static files served from /resources/webroot

    called in view like that

    <link href="/static/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">

    view's part is

    0 - /views/ 1 - /views/layout/ 2 - /views/partia/

    go to view and discover it and read Freemarker documentation for Var , Lists , Array , Loop it's literally will take no time to master it

    I hope this Help some one need fast and high performance APP the powerful point of this Work "The Built in Web server "

    TODO : add dashboard to control from it add more tutorial and library

    finally feel free to contact me


    [email protected]

    [email protected]




    stay tuned