Android client library to assist with using the Watson Developer Cloud services, a collection of REST APIs and SDKs that use cognitive computing to solve complex problems.
Download the aar
with dependencies from the Releases page.
This SDK is built for use with the java-sdk. The examples below are specific for Android as they use the Microphone and Speaker; for actual services refer to the java-sdk.
More examples here.
Convenience function for creating an InputStream
from device microphone. You can record raw PCM data or data encoded using the ogg codec.
// record PCM data
InputStream myInputStream = new MicrophoneInputStream();
// record PCM data and encode it with the ogg codec
InputStream myOggStream = new MicrophoneInputStream(true);
An example using a Watson Developer Cloud service would look like
speechService.recognizeUsingWebSocket(new MicrophoneInputStream(),
getRecognizeOptions(), new BaseRecognizeCallback() {
public void onTranscription(SpeechResults speechResults){
String text = speechResults.getResults().get(0).getAlternatives().get(0).getTranscript();
public void onError(Exception e) {
@Override public void onDisconnected() {
Provides the ability to directly play an InputStream
StreamPlayer player = new StreamPlayer();
Provides simple camera access within an activity.
CameraHelper cameraHelper = new CameraHelper(this);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == CameraHelper.REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE) {
Like the CameraHelper, but allows for selection of images already on the device.
To open the gallery:
GalleryHelper galleryHelper = new GalleryHelper(this);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == GalleryHelper.PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST) {
System.out.println(galleryHelper.getFile(resultCode, data));
Testing in this SDK is accomplished with Espresso.
To run the tests, in Android Studio:
Within the example package, right-click the androidTest/java folder and click Run 'All Tests'.
Use Gradle (version 2.x) to build and test the project you can use
$ cd android-sdk
$ gradle test # run tests