copyright | lastupdated | ||
2019-04-08 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:tip: .tip} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:pre: .pre} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'}
Links to resources, videos, tutorials, and articles that can help you to get started faster and go further. {: shortdesc}
This version of the {{}} documentation is deprecated. Go here instead. {: deprecated}
- IBM Code Bot Asset Exchange {: new_window}
- Codeless test automation for your assistant ![External link icon](../../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon"{: new_window}
- Retail chat app {: new_window}
- Investment management chat app {: new_window}
- Cognitive Banking chatbot {: new_window}
- Pizza ordering chatbot using slots {: new_window}
- Building an Amazon Alexa Skill with {{}} {: new_window}
- Adding a chatbot to WordPress with {{}} {: new_window}
- Tutorial: Build a database-driven Slackbot {: new_window}
- Tutorial: Build a voice-enabled Android chatbot {: new_window}
From an IBM technical deep-dive series. These recordings provide step-by-step instructions and answers.
- Advanced integrations with {{}} {: new_window}
- Training {{}} to detect user intent {: new_window}
- New tools for dialog scripting {: new_window}
Additional videos created by IBMers.
- Digital Technical Enablement {: new_window}: A collection of resources, including a product tour and hands-on lab.
- {{}} Integrations Tutorial {: new_window}: A 10-minute tutorial you can follow to connect {{}} with Twilio using Botkit to create a SMS chatbot.
- Show me how to use {{}} {: new_window}: A 3-minute overview of the service
- Introducing {{}} service {: new_window}: A 1-minute introduction.
- Walkthrough of {{}} {: new_window}: A 14-minute technical walkthrough.
- {{}} Foundations {: new_window}
- Latest blogs on Medium ![External link icon](../../icons/launch-glyph.svg "External link icon"{: new_window}
- Simon Burns (IBM Watson developer) on Medium {: new_window}
- Simon O'Doherty (IBM Watson developer) {: new_window}
- IBM Watson blog {: new_window}