diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e9ef6c3..b257cb3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,2 +1,169 @@ # labs-pentest + Labs Gratuitos para Treinar suas Habilidades em Pentest/CTF + + + +-> Academy Hackaflag -BR +https://academy.hackaflag.com.br/ + + +-> Attack-Defense +https://attackdefense.com/ + + +-> alert to win +https://alf.nu/alert1 + + +-> CTF Komodo Security +https://ctf.komodosec.com/ + + +-> CMD Challenge +https://cmdchallenge.com + + +-> Explotation Education +https://exploit.education/ + + +-> Google CTF +https://capturetheflag.withgoogle.com/ + + +-> HackTheBox +https://www.hackthebox.eu + + +-> Hackthis +https://www.hackthis.co.uk + + +-> Hacksplaining +https://www.hacksplaining.com/exercises + + +-> Hacker101 +https://ctf.hacker101.com + + +-> Hacker Security +https://capturetheflag.com.br/ + + +-> Hacking-Lab +https://www.hacking-lab.com/index.html + + +-> ImmersiveLabs +https://immersivelabs.com/ + + +-> Labs Wizard Security +https://labs.wizard-security.net + + +-> NewbieContest +https://www.newbiecontest.org/ + + +-> OverTheWire +http://overthewire.org + + +-> Practical Pentest Labs +https://practicalpentestlabs.com + + +-> Pentestlab +https://pentesterlab.com/ + + +-> Penetration Testing Practice Labs +http://www.amanhardikar.com/mindmaps/Practice.html + + +-> PentestIT LAB +https://lab.pentestit.ru + + +-> PicoCTF +https://picoctf.com + + +-> PWNABLE +https://pwnable.kr/play.php + + +-> Root-Me +https://www.root-me.org/ + + +-> Root in Jail +http://ctf.rootinjail.com + + +-> Shellter +https://shellterlabs.com/pt/ + + +-> SANS Challenger +https://www.holidayhackchallenge.com/ + + +-> SmashTheStack +http://smashthestack.org/wargames.html + + +-> Try Hack Me +https://tryhackme.com/ + + +-> The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges +https://cryptopals.com/ + + +-> Vulnhub +https://www.vulnhub.com + + +-> W3Challs +https://w3challs.com/ + + +-> WHO4REYOU + + + +-> WeChall +http://www.wechall.net/ + + +-> Zenk-Security +https://www.zenk-security.com/epreuves.php + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +