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Path Integral Optimiser

This repository implements Schrödinger-Föllmer-diffusion-based optimisers, primarily the Path Integral Optimiser, along with several meta-learning tasks. This is for the paper Path Integral Optimiser: Global Optimisation via Neural Schr"odinger-F"ollmer Diffusion, which was accepted to Neurips OPT 2024.


The repo heavily depends on jam, a versatile toolbox developed by Qsh.zh and jam-hlt, a decent deep leanring project template. ⭐️ if you like them.

poetry (Recommended)

curl -fsS -o /tmp/
python3 /tmp/ -y --no-modify-path
export PATH=$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH
poetry shell
poetry install


pip install .

Repo Overview

This repository uses PyTorch Lightning to conduct training (e.g. with metrics being Lightning callbacks); Nevergrad to run hyperparameter sweeps; Hydra to load from config files; and, optionally, wandb to log results. It is based on Zhang et al.'s Path Integral Sampler.

While SGD, Adam, Adagrad and PIS-MC (monte-carlo approximation) are directly applied as optimisers via, PIO itself has more involved Lightning setup adapted from the original PIS repo, to improve parallelisation. Rather than be treated as an optimiser, PIO is seen as an optimization target whose dataset is the Boltzmann transformation of its task-solving-model's parameters. Below is an overview of how PIO is trained, broken down into sections of PISBasedOptimizer, relied on by

Defining the forward loop, and attachments to data:

    .model: PIOModel(LightningModule)
        .sde_model: PISNN
        .training_step(batch) -> loss: float
            # this is where the model is actually run
            # i.e. sdeint_fn runs torchsde.sdeint(sde, y0, ts)
        .configure_optimizers() -> opt: Optimizer
            .task_next_data() # updates .x, .GT for task_weights_to_loss

Performing the Boltzmann transformation:

    .datamodule: BasicDataModule
        .dataset: OptGeneral
            .V()    # == .task_weights_to_loss()
        .batch_size: int

Defining the backwards loop:

        #, self.datamodule)
            # opt = self.model.configure_optimizers()
            # for data in
                # loss = self.model.training_step()
                # opt.update()


Use to queue up sweeping & seeding runs.


This makes calls to and, which can also be used standalone. e.g.

python src/ experiment=opt_carrillo.yaml model.optimizer=pis-mc model.m_monte_carlo=64 datamodule.dataset.sigma=0.017 model.sde_model.sigma_rescaling=static datamodule.dl.batch_size=1 model.dt=0.05 model.fig_path=/home/max/pis

PIS Reproduce

python experiment=ou.yaml logger=wandb

See the folder for more experiment configs.

There are some results reproduced by the repo.

Extension Ideas

  • Recursive training: train a PIS-based optimizer using a PIS-based optimizer, instead of e.g. Adam?
  • Integrate D-Adaptation
    • For PIS learning
    • For finding optimal sigma value?
  • Make PIS-Grad viable
    • Use a cheap heuristic grad?
    • Compare using different minibatches per grad computation vs same minibatch
  • Methods to improve PIS's stability
    • Other sigma schedules - noisy, to avoid local minima?
    • Gradient clipping
    • Stochastic Weight Averaging?
  • Can we initialize PIS to produce weights that correspond with e.g. a Xavier initilisation of task model? Solves issue PIS paper mentions of not knowing good prior to use.
    • Thougthat an advantage of PIS seems to be that it is more resiliant to initialisation? Meaning it works on black box models where good init is unclear anyway.
    • Some work on this in repo already, but incomplete