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Introduction to parameter optimization

Metrum Research Group

theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "top"))
options(mrgsolve.soloc = "build")

Sensitivity analysis with PBPK model

  • For a small change in a model parameter p, what is the change in model output y?
  • Local sensitivity analysis
  • Use the sensFun function from the FME package

Load the model

mod <- mread_cache("model/yoshikado.cpp")
mod <- update(mod, end = 12, delta = 0.025, atol=1E-12,rtol=1E-12)

Load a data set

data <- read_csv("data/fig4a.csv") 
data <- mutate(data, DV = ifelse(DV < 0, NA_real_, DV))
data <- filter(data, ID==2)
dose <- filter(data, evid==1)

Statin / cyclosporine DDI

mod %>% mrgsim_d(dose,delta=0.025) %>% plot(CP~time)

Define a function for sensitivity analysis

Do what we just did, but wrap it up in a function and pass in some parameters.

fun <- function(pars,data) {
  mod %>% 
    param(pars) %>%
    mrgsim_d(dose,obsonly=TRUE,output="df") %>%

Just like in the optimization function, we update the model object with whatever parameters were passed in and simulate.

IMPORTANT to return a data frame of simulated data

Pick parameters for sensitivity analysis

These are the parameters that we were focusing on in the regression model. Adding Vadi here as a negative control.

pars <- as.numeric(param(mod))
pars <- pars[c("fbCLintall", "ikiu", "fbile", "ka", "ktr", "Vadi")]

. fbCLintall       ikiu      fbile         ka        ktr       Vadi 
.  0.7371429  0.0118000  0.3300000  1.0600000  0.6790000  0.1430000

Call sensFun from the FME package

  • func - the sensitivity function we defined above
  • parms - parameters to investigate
  • sensvar - the output(s) that you want to look at
  • tiny the step size for sensitivity analysis
  • data this is an argument for our sensivitity function
locSens <- FME::sensFun(


.            value scale    L1   L2   Mean    Min   Max   N
. fbCLintall 0.737 0.737 1.121 1.23 -1.121 -1.773 0.000 481
. ikiu       0.012 0.012 0.553 0.62 -0.553 -1.041 0.000 481
. fbile      0.330 0.330 0.583 0.78  0.583  0.000 1.397 481
. ka         1.060 1.060 0.226 0.31 -0.065 -0.496 0.989 481
. ktr        0.679 0.679 0.285 0.41  0.221 -0.372 0.847 481
. Vadi       0.143 0.143 0.023 0.03  0.011 -0.056 0.059 481

Summary plots

plot(locSens, legpos="topright", lwd=2)


A nicer view

summ <- 
  as_tibble(summary(locSens)) %>%
  mutate(parms = names(pars)) 

ggplot(data=summ, aes(x=reorder(parms, Mean), y=Mean)) + 
  geom_col() + 
  labs(x="Parameter", y="Coefficient") +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty=2) 

#nicer view
df_temp <- as_tibble(locSens) %>%
  gather(Parameter, Coefficient, -x, -var) %>%
  mutate(Parameter = factor(Parameter)) %>%
  rename(time=x) %>%
  group_by(Parameter) %>%
  mutate(Coefficient = Coefficient - first(Coefficient)) %>%

ggplot(data=df_temp, aes(x=time, y=Coefficient, col=Parameter)) +
  geom_line(lwd=1) +
  theme(legend.position="right") +

fun2 <- function(pars,data) {
  mod <- param(mod, pars)
  out <- mrgsim_d(mod,data,output="df")
  wres <- (out[["CP"]] - data[["DV"]]) * 1/data[["DV"]]
  ofv <- sum(wres, na.rm=TRUE)
  tibble(time=12,ofv  = ofv)

locSens <- sensFun(func=fun2, parms=pars, tiny=1e-5,data=data)

summ <- 
  as_tibble(summary(locSens)) %>%
  mutate(parms = names(pars)) 

ggplot(data=summ, aes(x=reorder(parms, Mean), y=Mean)) + 
  geom_col() + 
  labs(x="Parameter", y="Coefficient") +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty=2)