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ISODoc: Text
TextElement =
text | em | eref | strong | stem | sub | sup | tt | xref | br
paragraph =
element p { ParagraphType }
ParagraphType =
attribute alignment? ( { "left" | "right" | "center" } ),
( TextElement | reviewer_comment )*
# the definition lists reviewer_comment separately, but it is already a subclass of TextElement
paragraph_with_footnote =
element p {
attribute alignment? ( { "left" | "right" | "center" } ),
( TextElement | fn | reviewer_comment )*
# the definition lists reviewer_comment separately, but it is already a subclass of TextElement
fn =
element fn {
attribute type? ( "footnote" | "inline" ),
# no, this does not belong here, it belongs to ExternalReferenceElement
em = element em { text }
strong = element strong { text }
sub = element sub { text }
sup = element sup { text }
reviewer_comment =
element reviewer_comment {
attribute reviewer? { text },
attribute date { text },
eref =
element eref {
attribute normative { text },
# surely unnecessary if we have separate normative and informative reference sections;
# at minimum, this attribute should be optional
attribute citation { text },
attribute target { text },
# why are both needed? is target just a url?
# if so, ExternalRef and Hyperlink should be encoded as separate elements
# bibliographic xrefs can have urls some times (in RFC XML), but that's an abuse:
# the url belongs inside the bibliographic reference, not the citation
# Asciidoc conflates ExternalRef and CrossRef, but keeps Hyperlink separate.
# You are conflating, I think, ExternalRef and Hyperlink, which is misleading.
# We have not included the bibLocality in the converter yet, but that can be done, presumably in markup
# within the <<>> tag.
# eref, xref are *not* anchored elements; they do not have their own ids, they link to ids as targets.
# Moreover, they do not have bodies including arbitrary text elements (including other anchored elements).
# As far as I can tell, AnchoredElement.body replaces TextElement.content; that's consistent with the
# rule for instantiation I came up with
target = element target { text }
iso_ref =
element iso_ref {
attribute normative { text },
# surely unnecessary if we have separate normative and informative reference sections;
# at minimum, this attribute should be optional
# attribute citation { text },
attribute target { text },
# why are both needed? is target just a url?
# if so, eref and xref should be encoded as separate elements
# bibliographic xrefs can have urls some times (in RFC XML), but that's an abuse:
# the url belongs inside the bibliographic reference, not the citation
attribute isocode { text },
attribute isopublisher {text }
# isocode + isopublisher replace citation; the UML is misleading
xref =
element xref {
attribute targetAnchor { text }
image =
element image {
attribute anchor { text },
attribute source? { text },
# surprised you're not making the type of this a URI; relative file paths are still arguably URIs
attribute imageType { ("SVG" | "JPEG" | "GIF" | "PNG" | "PDF" ) }
# why supply this?
# images do not have textual content or bodies -- unless you want to model alt text that way
formula =
element formula {
attribute anchor { text },
# anchor redundantly specified on Formula
attribute type { "MathML" },
stem, dl?
# There's a confusion here: formula is the block, stem is the inline element. So Formula
# needs to move to the block model, and stem needs to replace it in the text model
stem =
element stem { text }
calloutlist =
element calloutlist {
annotation =
element annotation { paragraph_with_footnote+ }
# callouts the Asciidoc way are single paragraphs, and have no footnotes; we could allow
# this more liberal definition, but asciidoc will not deal with it
ul =
element ul { li+ }
li =
element li { paragraph_with_footnote+ }
ol =
element ol {
attribute type { "roman" | "alphabet" },
dl =
element dl {
(dt, dd)+
dt =
element dt { string }
# Do not use the type Term for dt, which is the quite elaborate Terms & Definitions structure;
# this is TextElement
dd =
element dd { paragraph_with_footnote+ }
Items for discussion (threaded: identify by number)
paragraph/reviewer_comment, paragraph_with_footnote/reviewer_comment: the UML the definition lists reviewer_comment separately, but it is already a subclass of TextElement, so it is redundant
Moved "notes" to BasicBlock so you can actually comment on a Block.
fn@type: no, this does not belong here, it belongs to ExternalReferenceElement
fn/paragraph: obligation is 1..* not 0..*
fn/associated_element: I don’t understand why associatedElement is needed at all; the associated element is the element it succeeds. This is not a conceptual model, but a logical model.
reviewer_comment/content: arguably it is paragraph+
eref@normative: surely unnecessary if we have separate normative and informative reference sections; at minimum, this attribute should be optional
eref@target: why are both citation and target needed? is target just a url? If so, ExternalRef and Hyperlink should be encoded as separate elements. Bibliographic xrefs can have urls some times (in RFC XML), but that’s an abuse: the url belongs inside the bibliographic reference, not the citation
was meant to be the TextElement that is linked to the Citation. No change here.
eref: Asciidoc conflates ExternalRef and CrossRef, but keeps Hyperlink separate. You are conflating, I think, ExternalRef and Hyperlink, which is misleading.
eref@citation: We have not included the bibLocality in the converter yet, but that can be done, presumably in markup within the <<>> tag. (It would likely have to be modelled as a separate element within eref though.)
eref, xref: eref, xref are not anchored elements; they do not have their own ids, they link to ids as targets. Moreover, they do not have bodies including arbitrary text elements (including other anchored elements).
Fixed, I think?
eref/content: As far as I can tell, AnchoredElement.body replaces TextElement.content; that’s consistent with the rule for instantiation I came up with
iso_ref/isocode: isocode + isopublisher replace eref/citation; the UML is misleading
image@source: surprised you’re not making the type of this a URI; relative file paths are still arguably URIs
image@imageType: why supply this?
In case MIME type detection fails?
image/content: images do not have textual content or bodies — unless you want to model alt text that way. UML is misleading.
formula@anchor: anchor redundantly specified on Formula, it is already inherited from parent
formula: There’s a confusion here: formula is the block, stem is the inline element. So Formula needs to move to the block model, and stem needs to replace it in the text model
annotation: callouts the Asciidoc way are single paragraphs, and have no footnotes; we could allow this more liberal definition, but asciidoc will not deal with it
dt: Do not use the type Term for dt, which is the quite elaborate Terms & Definitions structure; this is TextElement
InlineFormulas should go with TextElement, not AnchoredElement: they don’t have anchors, because they are inline, and they can occur where any other TextElement can.
You’re missing br
TextAlignment: add "justified"
paragraph/note: make it
, normal notes may still make it to paragraphs in implementations, and don’t want to conflate reviewer notes and normal notes anyway.