Dialect of Markdown.
To escape use \\
+# Heading1
+## Heading2
+### Heading3
+#### Heading4
+##### Heading5
+###### Heading6
+####{heading-id} Heading (new, makes heading-id the id of this heading)
+* Bullet points
++ Plus
+- Minus
+1. Numbered list
+2. Can be
+4. Any number
+. or just a dot (new),
+ can also indent
+> Blockquotes
+> can _be_ **formatted**
+Code blocks
+Have no formatting
+HTML & chars < automatically > escaped
+Inline formatting:
+Link: [text](url)
+ [text **can have formatting**](url "tooltip text")
+Image: ![](url)
+ ![alt text (image doesnt load)](url "tooltip text")
+Superscript (new): 4^(3) = 64
+Subscript (new): a[n] = 2n + 1
+Bold: **text**
+Underline: __text__
+italic: *text* _text_
+Strikethrough: ~~text~~
+Inline code (has formatting!): `text`
+Checkboxes anywhere in the document, not just lists: [ ] [x]
+Unformatted text with curly braces (new): {aaa **aaa** __aaa__}
+Raw curly braces (HTML chars left unescaped): {! foo <span>bar</span>}
+Nested curly braces: {aa {bb} cc {dd {ee}} ff}
+Inline code without formatting: `{1 < 3 ? _ * 3 + 3 * _ + 2 ** 2 ** 2 : 4 & 2}`
+Inline HTML (no formatting inside, raw curly braces might be better): <table>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>a 1</td>
+ <td>a 2</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>b 1</td>
+ <td>b 2</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
turns into HTML:
<p>To escape use \</p>
+<h1> Heading1</h1>
+<h2> Heading2</h2>
+<h3> Heading3</h3>
+<h4> Heading4</h4>
+<h5> Heading5</h5>
+<h6> Heading6</h6>
+<h4 id="heading-id"> Heading (new, makes heading-id the id of this heading)</h4>
+<ul><li>Bullet points</li><li>Plus</li><li>Minus</li></ul>
+<ol><li> Numbered list</li><li>Can be</li><li>Any number</li><li>or just a dot (new),
+ can also indent</li></ol>
+<blockquote><p> Blockquotes</p><p>can <em>be</em> <strong>formatted</strong></p></blockquote>
+<pre>Code blocks
+Have no formatting
+HTML & chars < automatically > escaped
+<p>Inline formatting:</p>
+<p>Link: <a href="url">text</a>
+ <a title="tooltip text" href="url">text <strong>can have formatting</strong></a>
+Image: <img src="url"/>
+ <img alt="alt text (image doesnt load)" title="tooltip text" src="url"/>
+Superscript (new): 4<sup>3</sup> = 64
+Subscript (new): a<sub>n</sub> = 2n + 1
+Bold: <strong>text</strong>
+Underline: <u>text</u>
+italic: <em>text</em> <em>text</em>
+Strikethrough: <s>text</s>
+Inline code (has formatting!): <code>text</code>
+Checkboxes anywhere in the document, not just lists: <input type="checkbox" disabled/> <input type="checkbox" disabled checked/>
+Unformatted text with curly braces (new): aaa **aaa** __aaa__
+Raw curly braces (HTML chars left unescaped): foo <span>bar</span>
+Nested curly braces: aa {bb} cc {dd {ee}} ff
+Inline code without formatting: <code>1 < 3 ? _ * 3 + 3 * _ + 2 ** 2 ** 2 : 4 & 2</code></p>
+<p>Inline HTML (no formatting inside, raw curly braces might be better): <table>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>a 1</td>
+ <td>a 2</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>b 1</td>
+ <td>b 2</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
Note: Nim's XML parser used for inline HTML uses StringStream from the streams module which does not work in JS for Nim version 1.2.x and earlier. To work around this, you can disable use of the XML parser, therefore disable inline HTML, by passing -d:margraveNoInlineHtml. This switch is available on all backends. You can still embed HTML inside curly braces.
proc parseMargrave(text: sink (string | cstring);
+ options: MargraveOptions = defaultParserOptions;
+ staticOptions: static MargraveOptions = defaultParserOptions): seq[
+ MargraveElement]
+ Alias of parseMargrave that takes any string as the argument.
+ Source
proc parseMargrave(text: sink NativeString;
+ options: MargraveOptions = defaultParserOptions;
+ staticOptions: static MargraveOptions = defaultParserOptions): seq[
+ MargraveElement]
+ Parses a string of text in margrave and translates it to HTML line by line. Result is a sequence of MargraveElements, to simply generate HTML with no need for readability turn these all into strings with $ and join them with "".
+ Source
proc parseMargrave(text: sink openArray[char];
+ options: MargraveOptions = defaultParserOptions;
+ staticOptions: static MargraveOptions = defaultParserOptions): seq[
+ MargraveElement]
Alias of parseMargrave that takes openarraychar as the argument.
+Currently copies.
+ Source