extends pc.EventHandler
Main interface to connect to a server and interact with networked data.
.me : User
.room : Room
.latency : number
.levels : Levels
connect => (user)
error => (error)
* => ([data])
connect(host, port, useSSL, payload, callback)
createRoom(data, callback)
joinRoom(id, callback)
send(name, [data], [callback])
Local User object.
.latency : number
Current network latency in miliseconds.
Interface that allows to save hierarchy data to a server.
connect [event] => (user)
Fired when client has connected to a server and received own User data.
Param | Type | Description |
user | User | Own User instance. |
disconnect [event]
Fired after client has been disconnected from a server.
error [event] => (error)
Fired when networking error occurs.
Param | Type |
error | Error |
* [event] => ([data])
Fired on receive of a named network messages.
Param | Type | Description |
data | null | object | array | string | number | boolean |
Message data. |
Create a WebSocket connection to the PlayNetwork server.
Param | Type | Description |
host | string |
Host of a server. |
port | number |
Port of a server. |
useSSL | boolean |
Use secure connection. |
payload | object | array | string | number | boolean | null |
Client authentication data. |
callback | connectCallback | Will be fired when connection is succesfull or failed. |
Send a request to a server, to create a Room.
Param | Type | Description |
data | object |
Request data that can be used by Server to decide room creation. |
callback | createRoomCallback | Will be fired when room is created or failed. |
Send a request to a server, to join a Room.
Param | Type | Description |
id | number |
ID of a Room to join. |
callback | joinRoomCallback | Will be fired when Room is joined or failed. |
Send a request to a server, to leave current Room.
Param | Type | Description |
callback | leaveRoomCallback | Will be fired when Room is left or failed. |
Send named message to the server.
Param | Type | Description |
name | string |
Name of a message. |
data (optional) | object | array | string | number | boolean |
JSON friendly message data. |
callback (optional) | responseCallback | Callback that will be fired when a response message is received. |
connectCallback [callback] => (error, user)
Param | Type | Description |
error | null | Error |
Error if connection failed. |
user | null | User |
Own User object. |
createRoomCallback [callback] => (error, roomId)
Param | Type | Description |
error | null | Error |
Error if failed to create a Room. |
roomId | null | number |
ID of a created Room. |
joinRoomCallback [callback] => (error)
Param | Type | Description |
error | null | Error |
Error if failed to join a Room. |
leaveRoomCallback [callback] => (error)
Param | Type | Description |
error | null | Error |
Error if failed to leave a Room. |
responseCallback [callback] => (error, data)
Param | Type | Description |
error | null | [Error] |
Error provided with with a response. |
data | null | object | array | string | number | boolean |
Data provided with a response. |