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How Command Queue works

A good chunk of the materials I covered in my scheduleitme and backend posts are now replaced by Command Queue, and it's a much cleaner looking utility. I recommend checking out those posts first because I will assume some familiarity with how existing stuff works. In the code snippets below, I also turned some one liner into multiple lines with intermediate variables so it's easier to explain.

The behaviour hasn't changed, and I use the same old dot product example:

from tinygrad.tensor import Tensor
a = Tensor([1,2])
b = Tensor([3,4])
res =
print(res) # 11

Lazydata and ScheduleItem construction remains the same, we land at the corealize method, with the identical schedules as discussed in earlier posts.

  def corealize(lst:Iterable[Tensor]):
    schedules = create_schedule(flatten([x.lazydata.lbs if isinstance(x.lazydata, MultiLazyBuffer) else [x.lazydata] for x in lst]))

Inside run_schedule is where things diverged:

def run_schedule(schedule:List[ScheduleItem]): 
  queue = CommandQueue(schedule)

We pass the schedule to the CommandQueue constructor, and then invoke it (via call). On a high level, the constructor keep a list of information on what operations are required to run, in which order, and the links between schedule items (input and output). When you invoke the instance, it will follow those information and actually call the .exec() method on the memory buffer and constructed program. There are other operations like WAIT and SYNC that need to run, they encapsulate dependency information which will be discussed later.

Here's the full implementation of the CommandQueue constructor:

  def __init__(self, schedule:List[ScheduleItem]):
    self.q: DefaultDict[str, List[Union[ScheduleItem, CopyItem, SyncItem, WaitItem]]] = defaultdict(list)

    def add_sync_item(device:str):
      if not len(self.q[device]) or not isinstance(sync_item:=self.q[device][-1], SyncItem):
        sync_item = SyncItem(device)
      return sync_item

    def add_wait_item(device:str, syncitem:SyncItem):
      # if you are adding this right after a first sync, delete this one
      if len(self.q[device]) and isinstance(wi:=self.q[device][-1], WaitItem) and wi.sync.device == syncitem.device:
        self.q[device] = self.q[device][:-1]
        wi.sync.waiters -= 1
        if wi.sync.waiters == 0: self.q[wi.sync.device].remove(wi.sync)
      if (wi:=WaitItem(syncitem)) not in self.q[device]:
        syncitem.waiters += 1

    while len(schedule):
      si = schedule.pop(0)
      assert len(set(x.device for x in si.outputs+si.inputs)) == 1 or (si.ast[0].op is LoadOps.COPY and len(si.outputs) == 1)
      queue = self.q[si.outputs[0].device]

      if si.ast[0].op is LoadOps.COPY:
        # TODO: add back copy device
        copy_device = si.outputs[0].device #+"-copy"
        add_wait_item(copy_device, add_sync_item(si.inputs[0].device))
        self.q[copy_device].append(CopyItem(si.outputs[0], si.inputs[0]))
        #add_wait_item(si.outputs[0].device, add_sync_item(copy_device))

      # NOTE: LoadOps.EMPTY and LoadOps.CUSTOM are making it here

We iterate through each scheduleitem, check what device it is on. Recall what our scheduleItem looks like.

and then put it in a dedicated list. We have scheduleitem that exist on external device ("EXT", for numpy data), on Metal, and for the return value, on cpu ("CLANG"). If the item is a regular kernel for some computation, we just add it to the queue for that device. But if it's a memory operation, for example, our two list of arrays, we have to encode some dependency. That's because in order for a data to be moved from one device to another, we must make sure the source has acknowledged that the data is available. For example, if we are moving the end result from GPU back to CPU to be printed, we need to make sure the computation has completed. This part will become clearer when I visualize the operations in later sections.

Next is how the invocation actually works, this one is longer.

  def __call__(self):
    active_queues = list(self.q.keys())
    waiting_queues: DefaultDict[SyncItem, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
    seen_sids = set()
    while len(active_queues):

active_queues is a list of key values we have for the .q attributes we set up before, this is what the .q looks like:

and if you visualize it:

Looking at the screenshot, we recognize familiar operations, the two COPY op that loads data from CPU to GPU, the ScheduleItem op that perform the multiplication and summation on the GPU (these three are inside the "METAL" box), and finally the COPY op that move the computed value from GPU to CPU (the "COPY" inside "CLANG" box). EXT represent the memory in numpy, which holds the two input data. CLANG represent the CPU that's running the code, which is where our result would be (to print it out). We see that the wait and sync operation are now made more explicit. For GPU to execute anything, it has to "wait" for an operation. This wait op requires an acknowledgement (SYNC) from the numpy data (EXT). Similarly, before our host/cpu (CLANG) can copy the result back, it must "wait" for an acknowledgement (SYNC) from the GPU (METAL).

Let's look at how it's implemented. The general idea is cycle through each device, and try to execute as many op as possible until you encounter a wait op. Doesn't matter which one you start off though:

active_queues = list(self.q.keys()) # ['METAL', 'EXT', 'CLANG']
waiting_queues = defaultdict(list) 

active_queues is how we do the cycling, and waiting_queues is what holds the wait information. Remember in the graph there are WAIT boxes that point to a SYNC box? that's what this is for. The key is the SYNC box, and the list is a list of device name whose first element is waiting for it:

  SyncItem(metal): ["metal"]

and this is how its being populated

elif isinstance(si, WaitItem):
  if si.sync not in seen_sids:

It says if I encounter a wait item, I need to append it to the wait_queue and just continue to the next cycle (becuase I'm waiting for stuff).

And this is how the waiting_queue gets resolved once stuff becomes available:

      if isinstance(si, SyncItem):
        # don't sync if there's other options
        if all(isinstance(self.q[x][0], SyncItem) for x in active_queues if len(self.q[x])):
          et = cpu_time_execution(Device[device].synchronize, enable=DEBUG>=2)
          update_stats(colored("synchronize", "RED"), 0, 0, {}, et, 1, device=device)
          if si in waiting_queues:
            active_queues += waiting_queues[si]
          # put it back
          self.q[device] = [si] + self.q[device]

It says if now we encounter a sync item, we would then add the device that was waiting on it back to the active queue. But before we do that, we must check whether other device on the active_queue can perform some actions. Note that although we represent the dependency as if the wait item depends on the sync item per se, really what we want to imply is "whatever comes after the wait item depend on the stuff that comes before the sync item". So in order to make sure we have realized all the dependencies, we check if sync are the only next item we can execute. A counter example is, look at the picture, if we encounter sync item on the EXT, and CLANG has something that depend on it but CLANG hasn't run, we shouldn't process the sync item on EXT. It's all about making sure you don't run ahead of your dependency.

That's a lot for setting things up. Let's look at the main loop operation with some simplified code:

seen_sids = set()
while len(active_queues): # ["METAL", "EXT", "CLANG"]
  device = active_queues.pop(0)
  si = self.q[device].pop(0)
  if isinstance(si, SyncItem):
    if si in waiting_queues:
      active_queues += waiting_queues[si]
  elif isinstance(si, WaitItem):
    if si.sync not in seen_sids:


This pop(0) and append is how we cycle through the three devices. Let me show you an example.

Suppose active_queue is ["METAL", "EXT", "CLANG"]. We then start with the METAL device (the order of the initial active_queue is somewhat random), we would first encounter a WAIT op, we add it to the waiting_queues and skip to the next iteration, without doing the append.

Now active_queues become ["EXT", "CLANG"], and waiting_queues become a dictionary with the key value pair: SYNC(EXT): ["METAL"].

In the next iteration, we encounter the SYNC item in EXT, we first check if all of the active_queue's first element is a SYNC item. There are two devices active, EXT and CLANG. EXT has itself (first item is SYNC), but CLANG isn't, it has a WAIT. What if this wait depends on the SYNC we are looking at right now? Better skip the SYNC for now and process CLANG first.

Now the active_queue is ["CLANG", "EXT"], and we will process the CLANG items. Same as the WAIT in metal, we add it to the wait_queue.

Now wait_queue is

SyncItem(EXT): ["METAL"]
SyncItem(METAL): ["CLANG"]

and active_queue is just ["EXT"]

We now process the sync item in the EXT. we see that this is one of the key in waiting_queues, so we add the Metal back to active_queues. Now active_queues become ["METAL"]. We complete the loop iteration, and append the device back to active_queue, which become ["METAL", "EXT"].

Next we process the next element in METAL, which is a COPY. Note that it is not WAIT because it was popped and stored in the wait_queue. We finish iteration and append METAL to queue: ["EXT", "METAL"].

We see EXT is empty now, so we skip it. Queue is now ["METAL"].

Next we process the METAL again, and process the COPY. You can see where this is going, the next loop will again be METAL, and the second COPY is processed and run. And then the ScheduleItem. The COPY and ScheduleItem part will look familiar:

      elif isinstance(si, CopyItem):
        fxn.exec([si.output, si.input])
      elif isinstance(si, ScheduleItem):
        for out in si.outputs:
          if not hasattr(out, "_buf") and not (out.device.startswith("DISK") and si.ast[0].op is BufferOps.STORE): out.allocate()
        if si.ast[0].op is not LoadOps.EMPTY:
          if si.ast[0].op is LoadOps.CUSTOM:
            runner:JITRunner = CustomOp(si.ast[0].arg)
          elif si.ast[0].op is BufferOps.STORE:
            runner = Device[si.outputs[0].device].get_runner(*si.ast)
          else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknown type {si}")
          runner.exec(list(si.outputs+si.inputs), si.var_vals)

Finally we get to the SyncItem under Metal, recall that the active_queue at this moment is empty becuase the only "Metal" is popped. So SyncItem is the only one we can process. So we look at what device has stuff that depends on it. Ah it's CLANG, we add CLANG back to the loop. Complete the iteration with the append.

active_queue is now ["CLANG", "METAL"].

We go into CLANG and see that it has the COPY op, we process it. We complete the iteration. And you can see everything is popped, so two more iterations will just exhaust the active_queue and we have the whole thing completed.

Let me mark the relevant order (starting from 0) of execution on each cell. Try to run the loop on a paper a few times, starting from any of the device, you will note that you always end up executing stuff in the same order: