This component is used to define the pipeline concept and run the pipelines in Jenkins. It processes user inputs to pipelines, configures and executes the pipeline and provides utility functions. It is writted in Groovy and follows the structure for a Jenkins Shared Library. License information is either explicitly stated in LICENSE file or defaults to MIT license.
Traditional jenkins jobs are defined as list of steps in the job, which have to be repeated across jobs.The jobs are static and don't allow possibility of easy configuration by the user.
Pipeliner defines the pipeline class, which is based on smaller, modular chunks of functionality, called stages. The stages are reusable across different pipelines, thus help avoid repitition. These pipelines can take inputs from the user and adapt accordingly. The stages and pipeline implementation is contained in a different repository, which is referred to as Pipeliner-Depot.
+-- doc # Documentation
| +-- overview.html
+-- src # Pipeliner source files
| +-- com
| +-- daimler
| +-- pipeliner
| +-- BasePipeline.groovy
| +-- InputParser.groovy
| + ...
+-- test # Pipeliner test files
| +-- unit-test
| +-- BuildTest.groovy # Unit Test for for source pipelines
| +-- resources
| +-- build.jenkins # Jenkins File that runs source pipeline
| +-- utils # Utility classes to extend testing framework
- Groovy 2.4
- Gradle 4.7
If you build/test Pipeliner locally, it is recommended to use sdkman:
curl -s | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk install groovy
sdk install gradle 4.7
Pipeliner cannot be used standalone, but as component of the Pipeliner-Depot. Please see detailed description and reference example in the Pipeliner-Depot project.
Documentation is build with GroovyDoc from the inline documentation in the code and some files in the doc/ directory. To build the documentation run
gradle groovydoc
You will find the documentation in the HTML format under build/docs/groovydoc/index.html
The Jenking Pipeline Unit testing Framework can be used to unit test pipelines.
To run all the tests, run below in the root project directory. This runs all the
tests in the test
directory. This can also be used while development of
gradle test
- Groovy
- Jenkins Shared Library
- Using Jenkins Shared Library
- Jenkins Shared Library structure
- Jenking Pipeline Unit testing Framework
- Pipeliner-Depot
Please visit for information on the provider.
Before you use the program in productive use, please take all necessary precautions, e.g. testing and verifying the program with regard to your specific use. The program was tested solely for our own use cases, which might differ from yours.