Cordova Crosswalk Engine is a Crosswalk WebView based engine to work with Apache Cordova for Android. This requires Cordova Android 4.0.0+.
The following directions are for cordova-cli (most people). Alternatively you can use the Android platform scripts workflow.
- Open an existing cordova project, with cordova-android 4.0.0+, and using the latest CLI.
- Add this plugin
$ cordova plugin add cordova-crosswalk-engine
- Build
$ cordova build android
The build script will automatically fetch the Crosswalk WebView libraries from Crosswalk project download site ( and build for both X86 and ARM architectures.
For example, building android with Crosswalk generates:
Note that it is also possible to publish a multi-APK application on the Play Store that uses Crosswalk for Pre-L devices, and the (updatable) system webview for L+:
To build Crosswalk-enabled apks, add this plugin and run:
$ cordova build --release
To build System-webview apk, remove this plugin and run:
$ cordova build --release -- --android-minSdkVersion=21