From 55ea7988f4fedf3396e4d42926656bdf088bbe6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LangLangBart <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 07:15:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix: correct unread notification marking logic (#90)
* fix: correct unread notification marking logic
* feat: add toggle key for notifications
* docs: Update GH_NOTIFY_FZF_OPTS description and usage
* style: improve code structure and comments
* chore: Improve notification marking and debugging
* chore: cleanup mark_individual_read function
* docs: add fzf height example in README
gh-notify | 247 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- | 23 +++++
2 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gh-notify b/gh-notify
index 3c66f02..dfb78d8 100755
--- a/gh-notify
+++ b/gh-notify
@@ -2,27 +2,31 @@
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
-# ====================== Infos =======================
+# Information
# NotificationReason:
# assign, author, comment, invitation, manual, mention, review_requested, security_alert, state_change, subscribed, team_mention, ci_activity
# NotificationSubjectTypes:
# CheckSuite, Commit, Discussion, Issue, PullRequest, Release, RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert, ...
-# ====================== set variables =======================
+# Set Variables
-# The minimum fzf version that the user needs to run all interactive commands.
-# export variables for use in child processes
+# Export variables for use in child processes.
+set -o allexport
-export GH_REST_API_VERSION="X-GitHub-Api-Version:2022-11-28"
# Enable terminal-style output even when the output is redirected.
-export GH_FORCE_TTY=1
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034
+# The maximum number of notifications per page set by GitHub.
-# Need to be exported because of its use in the 'print_help_text' function
-set -o allexport
# Customize the fzf keys using environment variables
@@ -31,16 +35,51 @@ set -o allexport
: "${GH_NOTIFY_RELOAD_KEY:=ctrl-r}"
: "${GH_NOTIFY_MARK_READ_KEY:=ctrl-t}"
: "${GH_NOTIFY_COMMENT_KEY:=ctrl-x}"
+: "${GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_KEY:=ctrl-y}"
: "${GH_NOTIFY_VIEW_KEY:=enter}"
-set +o allexport
-# The maximum number of notifications per page (set by GitHub)
# Assign 'GH_NOTIFY_DEBUG_MODE' with 'true' to see more information
+: "${GH_NOTIFY_DEBUG_MODE:=false}"
+# 'SHLVL' variable represents the nesting level of the current shell
+FINAL_MSG='All caught up!'
+# color codes
+set +o allexport
+# No need to export, since they aren't used in any child process.
+# The minimum fzf version that the user needs to run all interactive commands.
+# Debugging and Error Handling Configuration
+die() {
+ echo ERROR: "$*" >&2
+ exit 1
export gh_notify_debug_log="${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/gh_notify_debug.log"
@@ -67,6 +106,16 @@ if $GH_NOTIFY_DEBUG_MODE; then
# Redirect possible errors and debug information from 'gh api' calls to a file
# exec 5> >(tee -a "$gh_notify_debug_log")
+ # Ensure Bash 4.1+ for BASH_XTRACEFD support.
+ if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 || (${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -eq 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} -lt 1) ]]; then
+ die "Bash 4.1 or newer is required for debugging. Current version: ${BASH_VERSION}"
+ fi
+ # Ensure fzf 0.51.0+ for '--with-shell' support.
+ MIN_FZF_VERSION="0.51.0"
+ # Ensure xtrace is enabled in all child processes started by 'fzf'.
+ FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS-} --with-shell \"$(which bash) -o xtrace -o nounset -o pipefail -c\""
# Redirect xtrace output to a file
exec 6>>"$gh_notify_debug_log"
# Write the trace output to file descriptor 6
@@ -75,36 +124,11 @@ if $GH_NOTIFY_DEBUG_MODE; then
export PS4='+$(date +%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S) ${FUNCNAME[0]:-}:L${LINENO:-}: '
set -o xtrace
-# 'SHLVL' variable represents the nesting level of the current shell
-export FINAL_MSG='All caught up!'
-# color codes
-export GREEN='\033[0;32m'
-export DARK_GRAY='\033[0;90m'
-export NC='\033[0m'
-export WHITE_BOLD='\033[1m'
-export filter_string=''
-export num_notifications=0
-export only_participating_flag=false
-export include_all_flag=false
-export preview_window_visibility='hidden'
-export python_executable=''
-# not necessarily to be exported, since they are not used in any child process
-# ===================== basic functions =====================
-die() {
- echo ERROR: "$*" >&2
- exit 1
+# Helper Functions
-# Create help message with colored text
# IMPORTANT: Keep it synchronized with the README, but without the Examples.
print_help_text() {
local help_text
@@ -139,6 +163,7 @@ ${WHITE_BOLD}Key Bindings fzf${NC}
${GREEN}${GH_NOTIFY_MARK_READ_KEY} ${NC} mark the selected notification as read and reload
${GREEN}${GH_NOTIFY_COMMENT_KEY} ${NC} write a comment with the editor and quit
+ ${GREEN}${GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_KEY} ${NC} toggle the selected notification
${GREEN}esc ${NC} quit
${WHITE_BOLD}Table Format${NC}
@@ -158,37 +183,6 @@ EOF
echo -e "$help_text"
-# ====================== parse command-line options =======================
-while getopts 'e:f:n:u:pawhsr' flag; do
- case "${flag}" in
- e)
- FINAL_MSG="No results found."
- exclusion_string="${OPTARG}"
- ;;
- f)
- FINAL_MSG="No results found."
- filter_string="${OPTARG}"
- ;;
- n) num_notifications="${OPTARG}" ;;
- p) only_participating_flag=true ;;
- u) update_subscription_url="${OPTARG}" ;;
- a) include_all_flag=true ;;
- w) preview_window_visibility='nohidden' ;;
- s) print_static_flag=true ;;
- r) mark_read_flag=true ;;
- h)
- print_help_text
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- die "see 'gh notify -h' for help"
- ;;
- esac
-# ===================== helper functions ==========================
gh_rest_api() {
command gh api --header "$GH_REST_API_VERSION" --method GET --cache=0s "$@"
@@ -503,6 +497,10 @@ view_in_pager() {
view_notification --all_comments "$1" | command less "${less_args[@]}" >/dev/tty
+# Use this only when the list isn't filtered to avoid marking not displayed notifications as read.
+# Check if the 'fzf' query or '-e' (exclude) or '-f' (filter) flags were used by examining
+# the emptiness of '{q}' and any changes to `FINAL_MSG`, specifically if it remains "All caught up".
+# TODO: The 2nd check is hacky; seek a cleaner solution with minimal code addition.
mark_all_read() {
local iso_time
IFS=' ' read -r iso_time _ <<<"$1"
@@ -513,9 +511,30 @@ mark_all_read() {
mark_individual_read() {
local thread_id thread_state
- IFS=' ' read -r _ thread_id thread_state _ <<<"$1"
- if [[ $thread_state == "UNREAD" ]]; then
- gh_rest_api --silent --method PATCH "notifications/threads/${thread_id}"
+ declare -a array_threads=()
+ while IFS=' ' read -r _ thread_id thread_state _; do
+ if [[ $thread_state == "UNREAD" ]]; then
+ array_threads+=("$thread_id")
+ fi
+ done <"$1"
+ if [[ ${#array_threads[@]} -eq 1 ]]; then
+ gh_rest_api --silent --method PATCH "notifications/threads/${array_threads[0]}" ||
+ die "Failed to mark notifications as read."
+ elif [[ ${#array_threads[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then
+ # If there is a large number of threads to be processed, the number of background jobs can
+ # put pressure on the PC. Additionally, too many requests in short succession can trigger a
+ # rate limit by GitHub. Therefore, we process the threads in batches of 30, with a short
+ # delay of 0.3 seconds between each batch. This approach worked well in my tests with 200
+ # notifications.
+ for ((i = 0; i < ${#array_threads[@]}; i += 30)); do
+ for j in "${array_threads[@]:i:30}"; do
+ # Running commands in the background of a script can cause it to hang, especially if
+ # the command outputs to stdout:
+ gh_rest_api --silent --method PATCH "notifications/threads/${j}" &>/dev/null &
+ done
+ command sleep 0.3
+ done
@@ -531,20 +550,18 @@ select_notif() {
# a failed 'print_notifs' call, but does not display the message.
# See the man page (man fzf) for an explanation of the arguments.
- # '--print-query' and '--delimiter' are not strictly needed here,
- # but a user could have them in their ‘FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS’
- # and so the lines would get screwed up and fail if we don't take that into account.
- SHELL="$(which bash)" command fzf \
+ SHELL="$(which bash)" FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="${FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS-} ${GH_NOTIFY_FZF_OPTS-}" command fzf \
--ansi \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_RESIZE_PREVIEW_KEY}:change-preview-window(75%:nohidden|75%:down:nohidden:border-top|nohidden)" \
--bind "change:first" \
- --bind "${GH_NOTIFY_MARK_ALL_READ_KEY}:execute-silent(mark_all_read {})+reload:print_notifs || true" \
+ --bind "${GH_NOTIFY_MARK_ALL_READ_KEY}:select-all+execute-silent(if [[ -z {q} && \$FINAL_MSG =~ 'All caught up' ]]; then mark_all_read {}; else mark_individual_read {+f}; fi)+reload:print_notifs || true" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_OPEN_BROWSER_KEY}:execute-silent:open_in_browser {}" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_VIEW_DIFF_KEY}:toggle-preview+change-preview:if command grep -q PullRequest <<<{10}; then command gh pr diff {11} --repo {5} | highlight_output; else view_notification {}; fi" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_VIEW_PATCH_KEY}:toggle-preview+change-preview:if command grep -q PullRequest <<<{10}; then command gh pr diff {11} --patch --repo {5} | highlight_output; else view_notification {}; fi" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_RELOAD_KEY}:reload:print_notifs || true" \
- --bind "${GH_NOTIFY_MARK_READ_KEY}:execute-silent(mark_individual_read {})+reload:print_notifs || true" \
+ --bind "${GH_NOTIFY_MARK_READ_KEY}:execute-silent(mark_individual_read {+f})+reload:print_notifs || true" \
+ --bind "${GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_KEY}:toggle+down" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_VIEW_KEY}:execute:view_in_pager {}" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_PREVIEW_KEY}:toggle-preview+change-preview:view_notification {}" \
--bind "${GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_HELP_KEY}:toggle-preview+change-preview:print_help_text" \
@@ -556,21 +573,23 @@ select_notif() {
--expect "esc,${GH_NOTIFY_COMMENT_KEY}" \
--header "${GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_HELP_KEY} help · esc quit" \
--info=inline \
- --no-multi \
+ --multi \
--pointer="▶" \
--preview "view_notification {}" \
--preview-window "default:wrap:${preview_window_visibility}:60%:right:border-left" \
- --print-query \
+ --no-print-query \
--prompt "GitHub Notifications > " \
--reverse \
--with-nth 6.. <<<"$1"
# actions that close fzf are defined below
- # 1st line ('--print-query'): the input query string
- # 2nd line ('--expect'): the actual key
- # 3rd line: the selected line when the user pressed the key
- expected_key="$(command sed '1d;3d' <<<"$output")"
- selected_line="$(command sed '1d;2d' <<<"$output")"
+ # 1st line ('--expect'): the actual key
+ # 2nd line: the selected line when the user pressed the key
+ expected_key="$(command sed q <<<"$output")"
+ selected_line="$(command sed '1d' <<<"$output")"
+ if [[ $(sed -n '$=' <<<"$selected_line") -gt 1 && $expected_key != "esc" ]]; then
+ die "Please select only one notification for this operation."
+ fi
IFS=' ' read -r _ thread_id thread_state _ repo_full_name _ _ _ _ type num _ <<<"$selected_line"
[[ -z $type ]] && exit 0
case "$expected_key" in
@@ -581,7 +600,8 @@ select_notif() {
if command grep -qE "Issue|PullRequest" <<<"$type"; then
command gh issue comment "$num" --repo "$repo_full_name"
- mark_individual_read "$selected_line" || die "Failed to mark the notification as read."
+ # The function requires input in a file-like format
+ mark_individual_read <(echo "$selected_line")
printf "Writing comments is only supported for %bIssues%b and %bPullRequests%b.\n" \
@@ -678,8 +698,35 @@ update_subscription() {
-gh_notify() {
+main() {
local python_version notifs
+ # CLI Options
+ while getopts 'e:f:n:u:pawsrh' flag; do
+ case "${flag}" in
+ e)
+ FINAL_MSG="No results found."
+ exclusion_string="${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ f)
+ FINAL_MSG="No results found."
+ filter_string="${OPTARG}"
+ ;;
+ n) num_notifications="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ p) only_participating_flag=true ;;
+ u) update_subscription_url="${OPTARG}" ;;
+ a) include_all_flag=true ;;
+ w) preview_window_visibility='nohidden' ;;
+ s) print_static_flag=true ;;
+ r) mark_read_flag=true ;;
+ h)
+ print_help_text
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "see 'gh notify -h' for help"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
if ! command -v gh >/dev/null; then
die "install 'gh'"
@@ -690,8 +737,12 @@ gh_notify() {
if $mark_read_flag; then
- mark_all_read "" || die "Failed to mark notifications as read."
- echo "All notifications have been marked as read."
+ if [[ $FINAL_MSG =~ 'All caught up' ]]; then
+ mark_all_read "" || die "Failed to mark notifications as read."
+ echo "All notifications have been marked as read."
+ else
+ die "Can't mark all notifications as read when either the '-e' or '-f' flag was used, as it would also mark notifications as read that are filtered out."
+ fi
exit 0
@@ -709,7 +760,6 @@ gh_notify() {
if ! command -v fzf >/dev/null; then
die "install 'fzf' or use the -s flag"
check_version fzf "$MIN_FZF_VERSION"
@@ -726,7 +776,8 @@ gh_notify() {
-# This will call the function only when the script is run, not when it's sourced
-if [[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} == "${0}" ]]; then
- gh_notify
+# Script Execution
+main "$@"
diff --git a/ b/
index 679424c..b44c8fd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ gh notify [Flags]
| ctrlr | reload | `GH_NOTIFY_RELOAD_KEY` |
| ctrlt | mark the selected notification as read and reload | `GH_NOTIFY_MARK_READ_KEY` |
| ctrlx | write a comment with the editor and quit | `GH_NOTIFY_COMMENT_KEY` |
+| ctrly | toggle the selected notification | `GH_NOTIFY_TOGGLE_KEY` |
| esc | quit | |
### Table Format
@@ -100,6 +101,23 @@ export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="
--bind 'ctrl-w:preview-half-page-up,ctrl-s:preview-half-page-down'"
+This environment variable lets you specify additional options and key bindings to customize the
+search and display of notifications. Unlike `FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS`, `GH_NOTIFY_FZF_OPTS` specifically
+applies to the `gh notify` extension.
+# --exact: Enables exact matching instead of fuzzy matching.
+GH_NOTIFY_FZF_OPTS="--exact" gh notify -an 5
+# With the height flag and ~, fzf adjusts its height based on input size without filling the entire screen.
+# Requires fzf +0.34.0
+GH_NOTIFY_FZF_OPTS="--height=~100%" gh notify -an 5
+#### Modifying Keybindings
You can also customize the keybindings created by this extension to avoid conflicts with
the ones defined by `fzf`. For example, change `ctrl-p` to `ctrl-u`:
@@ -107,6 +125,11 @@ the ones defined by `fzf`. For example, change `ctrl-p` to `ctrl-u`:
GH_NOTIFY_VIEW_PATCH_KEY="ctrl-u" gh notify
+Or, switch the binding for toggling a notification and toggling the preview.
**NOTE:** The assigned key must be a valid key listed in the `fzf` man page: