This is in charge of keeping Google Workspace Groups and Users sync with AWS Single Sing-On service using SCIM protocol, to do that in an efficient way it stores the last sync data into an AWS S3 Bucket
and periodically it will check if there are changes.
This program could work in three ways:
- As an AWS Lambda function deployed via AWS SAM or consumed directly from the AWS Serverless Application Repository
- As a command line tool
- As a Docker container
To understand how to configure the program, please read the Configuration file.
./idpscim --help
Sync your Google Workspace Groups and Users to AWS Single Sing-On using
idpscim [flags]
-k, --aws-s3-bucket-key string AWS S3 Bucket key to store the state (default "state.json")
-b, --aws-s3-bucket-name string AWS S3 Bucket name to store the state
-t, --aws-scim-access-token string AWS SSO SCIM API Access Token
-e, --aws-scim-endpoint string AWS SSO SCIM API Endpoint
-c, --config-file string configuration file (default ".idpscim.yaml")
-d, --debug fast way to set the log-level to debug
-n, --disable-state state status [true|false]
-q, --gws-groups-filter strings GWS Groups query parameter, example: --gws-groups-filter 'name:Admin* email:admin*' --gws-groups-filter 'name:Power* email:power*'
-s, --gws-service-account-file string path to Google Workspace service account file (default "credentials.json")
-u, --gws-user-email string GWS user email with allowed access to the Google Workspace Service Account
-r, --gws-users-filter strings GWS Users query parameter, example: --gws-users-filter 'name:Admin* email:admin*' --gws-users-filter 'name:Power* email:power*'
-h, --help help for idpscim
-f, --log-format string set the log format (default "text")
-l, --log-level string set the log level [panic|fatal|error|warn|info|debug|trace] (default "info")
-m, --sync-method string Sync method to use [groups] (default "groups")
-v, --version version for idpscim
This could be deployed using the official AWS Serverless public repository or using the method explained in the AWS SAM section.
This could be used following the instructions in the main file.
this is a WIP
Test and build the Docker image
make test
make container-build
docker run -it -v $HOME/tmp/idpscim.yaml:/app/.idpscim.yaml idpscim --debug