Scripts for installing Dokku and creating one of three flavors of rss-fetcher dokku app instance:
- production (app name rss-fetcher)
- staging (app name staging-rss-fetcher)
- development (app name USER-rss-fetcher)
- (not a script) shared code/config sourced by scripts vars can be overridden by adding a file to this directory.
- install dokku on system (must be run as root)
- remove dokku from system (must be run as root)
- create a dokku app instance
- takes arguments: create|destroy prod|staging|USER
- Can be re-run at any time to re-configure an app
- Script SHOULD be updated to include new config changes!!!
- Dokku app/service names created:
- "prod" creates "rss-fetcher" (app, plus postgres and redis services)
- "staging" creates "staging-rss-fetcher"
- "dev-USER" creates "USER-rss-fetcher"
- push current repository to dokku app instance based on current branch name (branch must be committed and pushed)
- run on an Internet visible server to create an https proxy to an app (or other plaintext http server) running on ANOTHER server that is NOT Internet visible.
test-feeds.psql: postgres commands to reset feeds (but not stories or fetch_events) to a small number of test cases (PB: I use this in my home test environment and in my pbudne-rss-fetcher dokku instance)
- clone one instance's database to another instance; Afterwards it's HIGHLY recommended that you manually disable most feeds by running (for varying values of N):
ssh -t dokku@$(hostname) postgres:connect INSTANCE-rss-fetcher update feeds set active = FALSE where id < N; \q
(PB: I do this for staging, with N = 100000, for development use a smaller value (1000) or the test-feeds.psql file above).
- returns postgres URL for a dokku postgres service suitable for use on dokker host as DATABASE_URL environment/.env config (for testing/debugging a script against a dokku database).
(scripts called by other scripts)
- create monitoring service; called by
- create proxy for letsencrypt; called by