The following are descriptions of rss-fetcher database columns that are (or might be) displayed in the web application.
Columns copied/updated from database:
- id - feed id
- sources_id - source id
- name - feed name
- url - rss feed URL
- active - whether feed is administratively enabled
- created_at - date/time feed was added
Generated/Internal data (subject to change):
- last_fetch_attempt - UTC (GMT) date/time of last fetch attempt (may be empty if not yet attempted).
- last_fetch_success - UTC date/time of last successful fetch (may be empty if not yet succeeded). NOTE! success only means that data was successfully retrieved, not that it was valid a RSS/Atom/RDF document.
- last_fetch_hash - MD5 checksum of the last document fetched (used to detect if the document has changed).
- last_fetch_failures - indication of how many times a fetch (and parse) have failed.
- "Hard" errors (one unlikely to change over time) increment last_fetch_failures by 1
- "Soft" errors (ones more likely to change over time) increment last_fetch_failures by 0.5
- "Temporary" errors (ones VERY likely to change over time) increment last_fetch_failures by 0.25
- http_etag - HTTP "ETag" header value returned by last fetch (used to prevent fetching unchanged documents).
- http_last_modified - HTTP "Last-Modified" header value returned by last fetch (used to prevent fetching unchanged documents). Stored (and sent back) exactly as provided by feed HTTP server. Format and time zone may vary.
- next_fetch_attempt - UTC date/time of next time to attempt a fetch (may be empty if just added).
- queued - Feed has will be fetched soon (typ. within a few minutes).
- system_enabled - Set to False, to disable fetching if next_fetch_attempt has exceeded configured threshold value.
- update_minutes - Number of minutes between document updates (published in feed. empty if no value published).
- http_304 - True if feed HTTP server has ever returned HTTP 304 "Not Modified" in response to an ETag or Last-Modified value we provided.
- system_status - A short string indicating status from the last fetch attempt:
DNS error
HTTP nnn Description
SSL error
connect timeout
connection error
fetch error
job timeout
parse error
read timeout
too many redirects
unknown hostname
- last_new_stories - UTC date/time of the last time new stories successfully fetched, parsed and stored.
- rss_title - Title of feed parsed from fetched document (may change every day!)
- poll_minutes - Minutes between fetches. Currently only set automatically, to a fixed value for feeds that often return no previously seen articles.
created_at - UTC date/time of creation of row.
feed_id - feed id number
event - event type, one of:
- fetch failed, and system_enabled set to FALSE.
note - description of reason fetch failed. Consists of two parts: the value reported in system_status optionally followed by a semicolon and detail information (often the representation of a Python exception) useful to technical folks to diagnose the issue.
:N skipped / N added
not modified
-- HTTP server returned 304 "Not Modified" statussame hash
-- document did not change
parse failed
-- returned document was emptyException('html?')
-- returned document appeared to be HTMLException('no version')
-- type/version (Atom/rss 1.0/rss 2.0/rdf) of returned document could not be detected.- `UnicodeEncodeError(....) -- could not decode document