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function [ReturnStatus] = MechMet()% program MechMet%% Compiled by Paul Dawson from codes and scripts from MAE courses, OdfPF, % pre- and post-processing tools for FEpX, other research projects% in the Deformation Processes Lab at Cornell University.%% Driver program for 3-d elasticity solution of virtual polycrystals % Intent: provide linear elastic solution for polycrystal samples using mesh% files generated by Neper (especially from HEDM data)%% Input: (1) Neper-generated grain and orientation files% (2) Neper-generated finite element mesh% (3) User-generated crystal property files%% Output: Using anisotropic elasticity field equations:% (1) displacement field for designated loading mode% (2) elastic strain field% (3) stress field % (4) grain-smoothed strain and stress fields% (5) mechanical metrics (eg, RE2SX ratio, Y2E, SchmidFactor)% ReturnStatus = 'Failed';status = ' Starting simulation: Read files with input data.'% Read Neper phase, grain and orientation datanepermicroname = input('Base name of microstructure files (with extensions .grain and .kocks): ', 's');[grains, phases, orientations] = ReadNeperMicrostructure(nepermicroname);bungeangles = BungeOfKocks(orientations,'degrees');rotations = RMatOfBunge(bungeangles,'degrees');ngrains=max(grains);clear bungeangles;microstructurefile = Data_Structure_Microstructure(phases,grains,orientations,rotations); % Read Neper mesh filesnepermeshname = input('Base name (with extension .mesh) of mesh file: ', 's');meshfile = ReadNeperMesh(nepermeshname);% Set mesh size variables from mesh coordinate and connectivity arrays[m n] = size(meshfile.crd);numeq = 3*n;numnp = n;[m n] = size(meshfile.con);numel = n;np = meshfile.con';coords = meshfile.crd;%%define local variables for coordinates%x = coords(1,:)';y = coords(2,:)';z = coords(3,:)';%% set up reference array that gives phase of each grain%phaseofgrain=zeros(1,ngrains);for iele=1:numel phasenum = phases(iele); igrain = grains(iele); phaseofgrain(igrain) = phasenum;end%% Set up the finite element shape function arrays and store in structure%shafac_structure = ShapeFunctionArrays();sfac = shafac_structure.sfac;dndxi = shafac_structure.dndxi;dndet = shafac_structure.dndet;dndze = shafac_structure.dndze;nqptv = shafac_structure.nqpt;wtqp = shafac_structure.wtqp;nnpe = shafac_structure.nnpe;%% Input the crystal-type, elastic moduli and slip systems strengths. % % Do this for each of the phases in the neper file input% two symmetries are now supported: cubic and hexagonal% In the s-x moduli file, specify 3 for cubic and 6 for hexagonal % (moduli needed% cubic: c_11, c_12, and c_44% hexagonal: c_11, c_12, c_13, and c_44 (c_33 and c_66 are computed))%% Slip system strengths:% For FCC, enter the strength of the slip systems (one value% for all) and slip system type (1 for fcc; 2 for bcc).% For HCP, enter 4 values: Strength of basal, strength of prismatic,% strength of pyramidal, and c over a ratio of the unit cell.%% maxss should be increased if more that 18 slip systems are used for any% phase (currently the number for hexagonal crystal type)% 12 ss are used for cubics; slip systems 13-18 are zeros.nphases = max(phases);maxss = 18;crytal_type_all = zeros(1,nphases);r_matrix_all = zeros(6,6,nphases);sss_all = zeros(maxss,nphases);sssr_all = zeros(maxss,nphases);covera_all = ones(1,nphases);message = ['Expecting material parameters for ', num2str(nphases), ' phase(s)'];disp(message)for iphase = 1:nphases message = ['Working on Phase ', num2str(iphase)];disp(message) sx_filename = input('Base name of single-crystal material file (with extension .matl): ', 's');%%evaulate the single crystal stiffness and slip system strengthl% [crystal_type,r_matrix,sss,sssr,covera] = SX_Moduli(sx_filename);crystal_type_all(iphase) = crystal_type;r_matrix_all(:,:,iphase) = r_matrix(:,:);sss_all(:,iphase) = sss(:);sssr_all(:,iphase) = sssr(:);covera_all(iphase) = covera;end%%compute and store rotated stiffness matrices for each grain%grain_rmatrix = zeros(6,6,ngrains);for igrain = 1:ngrainsmyrot = rotations(:,:,igrain);phasenum = phaseofgrain(igrain);r_matrix(:,:) = r_matrix_all(:,:,phasenum);grain_rmatrix(:,:,igrain) = RotateStiffnessMatrix(r_matrix,myrot);end% % Set the loading type%message = ['Loading code is defined as follows: '];message1 = ['loadcode = 1 -- x-tension'];message2 = ['loadcode = 2 -- y-tension'];message3 = ['loadcode = 3 -- z-tension'];message4 = ['loadcode = 4 -- x-y biaxial tension'];message5 = ['loadcode = 5 -- y-z biaxial tension'];message6 = ['loadcode = 6 -- z-x biaxial tension'];disp(message)disp(message1)disp(message2)disp(message3)disp(message4)disp(message5)disp(message6)loadcodes = input('Loadcode: ', 's');% the code is as follows:% loadcode = 1 -- x-tension% loadcode = 2 -- y-tension% loadcode = 3 -- z-tension% loadcode = 4 -- x-y biaxial tension% loadcode = 5 -- y-z biaxial tension% loadcode = 6 -- z-x biaxial tensionloadcode = str2num(loadcodes);%% allocate arrays for the global stiffness and force matrices% using sparse matrix solver Fsr=zeros(numel*3*nnpe,1); Fsv=zeros(numel*3*nnpe,1); Ksr=zeros(numel*9*nnpe*nnpe,1); Ksc=zeros(numel*9*nnpe*nnpe,1); Ksv=zeros(numel*9*nnpe*nnpe,1);fc=1; kc=1;%%defines body forces to be zero %(potentially could be used to include residual stresses)%gamvec = [ 0 0 0 ];element_volumes = zeros(1,numel);%status = ' Starting Element Integration and Assembly'%% Compute the elemental stiffness and force arrays and assemble%for iele =1:1:numel [dndx,dndy,dndz,detj,elvolume] = SFDerivatives(iele,nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,np,x,y,z,dndxi,dndet,dndze); element_volumes(iele) = elvolume; bigB = BigBmat(nnpe,nqptv,dndx,dndy,dndz); bigN = BigNmat(nnpe,nqptv,sfac); igrain = grains(iele); rotated_rmatrix = grain_rmatrix(:,:,igrain); se = ElementStiffnessMatrix(nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,bigB,detj,rotated_rmatrix); fe = ElementForceMatrix(nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,bigN,detj,gamvec); [Ksr,Ksc,Ksv,Fsr,Fsv,fc,kc] = AssembleSparse(iele,nnpe,np,se,fe,Ksr,Ksc,Ksv,Fsr,Fsv,fc,kc);endstatus = ' Finished Assembly '%% Define sparse matrices and clean up% f=sparse(Fsr,1,Fsv); sk=sparse(Ksr,Ksc,Ksv); clear Frr Fsv Ksr Ksc Ksv;% % % Solve for displacements using sparse direct solver % and return result in a full vector%status = ' Starting Displacement Solution'u = zeros(numeq,1);% % Set up the boundary condition arrays for the specified loading mode%%%compute sample dimensions and set compute displacements to produce a%nominal strain of 0.001%nominalstrain = 0.001;lenxyz = [(max(x) - min(x)) (max(y) - min(y)) (max(z) - min(z))];nomdisplacement = nominalstrain*lenxyz;%%set nominal strain for strength-to-stiffness computationEeff= nominalstrain;%[bccode,bcvalue,nomstress] = SetBCs(meshfile,loadcode,nomdisplacement);%% Apply boundary conditions% [sk,f] = BCSparse(bccode,bcvalue,sk,f); % % u=full(sk\f);%clear sk;clear f;%%remove tiny displacements caused by blasting (cosmetic)%tinydispl = 1.0e-7*norm(nomdisplacement);for i=1:numeq if(abs(u(i))<tinydispl) u(i) = 0; endendstatus = ' Finished Displacement Solution -- Starting Post-Processing'%% Post-process to compute strain, stress, and mechanical metrics%% first compute some geometric quantities for grains (just grain volume% for now)%grain_volumes = zeros(1,ngrains);grain_numels = zeros(1,ngrains);for iele =1:1:numel igrain = grains(iele);grain_volumes(igrain) = grain_volumes(igrain)+element_volumes(iele);grain_numels(igrain) = grain_numels(igrain)+1;endsample_volume = sum(grain_volumes);% now compute the strain, stress and deviatoric stress%epsilon = zeros(6,nqptv,numel);sigma = zeros(6,nqptv,numel);epsilon_ave= zeros(6,numel);sigma_ave=zeros(6,numel);sigma_average = zeros(6,1);epsilon_average = zeros(6,1);sigmaxs = zeros(6,1);sigmins = zeros(6,1);sigrangeqp = zeros(numel,1);for iele =1:1:numel igrain = grains(iele);rotated_rmatrix = grain_rmatrix(:,:,igrain);% %compute strain and stress at the element quadrature points%[elepsilon,elepsilon_ave,elsigma,elsigma_ave,eldsigma]=PostProcess(iele,rotated_rmatrix,nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,np,x,y,z,sfac,dndxi,dndet,dndze,u);%% compute running sum for the average stress %sigma_average(:) = sigma_average(:) + elsigma_ave(:)*element_volumes(iele);epsilon_average(:) = epsilon_average(:) + elepsilon_ave(:)*element_volumes(iele);%%save elemental quantities in global arrays% (strain saved in elasticity notation)%for iqpt = 1:1:nqptvsigma(:,iqpt,iele) = elsigma(:,iqpt);%dsigma(:,iqpt,iele) = eldsigma(:,iqpt);epsilon_sm(1:6) = [elepsilon(1,iqpt);elepsilon(2,iqpt);elepsilon(3,iqpt);elepsilon(4,iqpt)/2.;elepsilon(5,iqpt)/2.;elepsilon(6,iqpt)/2.];epsilon(:,iqpt,iele) = epsilon_sm(:);endfor icomp =1:1:6sigmaxs(icomp) = max(elsigma(icomp,:));sigmins(icomp) = min(elsigma(icomp,:));endsigrangeqp(iele) = max(sigmaxs(:)-sigmins(:));sigma_ave(:,iele) = elsigma_ave(:);epsilon_ave(:,iele) = elepsilon_ave(:);endsigma_average = sigma_average/sample_volume;[maxvalue,maxcomp] = max(sigma_average);%% begin smoothing of derivative quantities: stress and strain % % This uses a consistent penalty method applied grain-by-grain%% First, reconstuct the mesh without intragrain continuity (nodes on the% grain boundaries have separate numbers for each grain.%status = ' Re-numbering mesh for grain-by-grain stress and strain continuity. '[newnumnp,newnp,newnpinv,newcoords,old2new,grain4np,meshfilegbg]=GrainByGrainMesh(numel,numnp,np,nnpe,coords,grains);%%% Compute the elemental Consistent Penalty RHS and LHS arrays%% Average at nodal points%status = ' Starting Element-by-Element collocation of stress and strain, followed by averaging at nodes'damping_factors = zeros(numel,1);dampflagel = zeros(numel,1);sigrangenp = zeros(numel,1);sigmanpave = zeros(6,newnumnp);epsilonnpave = zeros(6,newnumnp);numelepernp = zeros(newnumnp,1);numfields = 12;feall = zeros(nnpe,numfields);xnew = newcoords(1,:)';ynew = newcoords(2,:)';znew = newcoords(3,:)';for iele =1:1:numel sigmanp = zeros(6,nnpe); epsilonnp = zeros(6,nnpe); dampflag = 0;damp_iter =0;while (dampflag ==0) damp_iter = damp_iter+1; igrain = grains(iele); dampfac = damping_factors(iele); [dndx,dndy,dndz,detj,elvolume] = SFDerivatives(iele,nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,newnp,xnew,ynew,znew,dndxi,dndet,dndze); bigN = sfac; bigNprime = BigNprimeMat(nnpe,nqptv,dndx,dndy,dndz); me = ElementLHS4ConPen(nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,bigN,bigNprime,detj,dampfac); for ifield = 1:1:numfields switch ifield case 1 data = sigma(1,:,iele); case 2 data = sigma(2,:,iele); case 3 data = sigma(3,:,iele); case 4 data = sigma(4,:,iele); case 5 data = sigma(5,:,iele); case 6 data = sigma(6,:,iele); case 7 data = epsilon(1,:,iele); case 8 data = epsilon(2,:,iele); case 9 data = epsilon(3,:,iele); case 10 data = epsilon(4,:,iele); case 11 data = epsilon(5,:,iele); case 12 data = epsilon(6,:,iele); end fe = ElementRHS4ConPen(nnpe,nqptv,wtqp,bigN,detj,data); feall(:,ifield) = fe(:); end phi = me\feall; sigmanp(1,:) = phi(:,1); sigmanp(2,:) = phi(:,2); sigmanp(3,:) = phi(:,3); sigmanp(4,:) = phi(:,4); sigmanp(5,:) = phi(:,5); sigmanp(6,:) = phi(:,6); epsilonnp(1,:) = phi(:,7); epsilonnp(2,:) = phi(:,8); epsilonnp(3,:) = phi(:,9); epsilonnp(4,:) = phi(:,10); epsilonnp(5,:) = phi(:,11); epsilonnp(6,:) = phi(:,12);sigelnp = zeros(nnpe,1); for jnp = 1:1:nnpe sigelnp(jnp) = phi(jnp,maxcomp); end sigmaxnp = max(sigelnp); sigminnp = min(sigelnp); sigrangenpmax = sigmaxnp-sigminnp; sigrangenp(iele) = sigrangenpmax; if(sigrangenp(iele) > 1.0*sigrangeqp(iele)) damping_factors(iele) = damp_iter*0.01; else dampflagel(iele) = 1; dampflag = 1; end if(damp_iter > 20) dampflag = 1; end%endfor jnp = 1:1:nnpe j1 = newnp(iele,jnp); sigmanpave(:,j1) = sigmanpave(:,j1)+sigmanp(:,jnp); epsilonnpave(:,j1) = epsilonnpave(:,j1)+epsilonnp(:,jnp); numelepernp(j1) = numelepernp(j1)+1;end end for inp = 1:1:newnumnp sigmanpave(:,inp) = sigmanpave(:,inp)./numelepernp(inp); epsilonnpave(:,inp) = epsilonnpave(:,inp)./numelepernp(inp); end status = ' Finished stress smoothing routine ' % next compute metrics related to stiffness (, ...) status = ' Starting calculation of stiffness-related metrics ' grain_inverse_rmatrix= zeros(6,6,ngrains);embeddedstiffness = zeros(1,newnumnp);re2sx = zeros(1,newnumnp);SXStiffness = zeros(1,newnumnp);for igrain = 1:ngrainsrotated_rmatrix = grain_rmatrix(:,:,igrain); inverse_rmatrix = inv(rotated_rmatrix);grain_inverse_rmatrix(:,:,igrain) =inverse_rmatrix(:,:);endfor inp = 1:1:newnumnp % look up grain number igrain = grain4np(inp); inverse_rmatrix = grain_inverse_rmatrix(:,:,igrain); % component of the stiffness/compliance depends on loading mode% -- currently SX stiffness and RE2IS computed only for uniaxial extension modes% -- still thinking about what makes sense for these% switch loadcode case 1 embeddedstiffness(inp) = sigma_average(1)/epsilonnpave(1,inp); SXStiffness(inp) = 1./inverse_rmatrix(1,1); re2sx(inp) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/SXStiffness(inp); case 2 embeddedstiffness(inp) = sigma_average(2)/epsilonnpave(2,inp); SXStiffness(inp) = 1./inverse_rmatrix(2,2); re2sx(inp) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/SXStiffness(inp); case 3 embeddedstiffness(inp) = sigma_average(3)/epsilonnpave(3,inp); SXStiffness(inp) = 1./inverse_rmatrix(3,3); re2sx(inp) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/SXStiffness(inp); case 4 embeddedstiffness(inp) = (sigma_average(1)/epsilonnpave(1,inp)+sigma_average(2)/epsilonnpave(2,inp))/2.; % re2sx(inp) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/rotated_rmatrix(1,1); case 5 embeddedstiffness(inp) = (sigma_average(2)/epsilonnpave(2,inp)+sigma_average(3)/epsilonnpave(3,inp))/2.; % re2sx(inp) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/rotated_rmatrix(1,1); case 6 embeddedstiffness(inp) = (sigma_average(1)/epsilonnpave(1,inp)+sigma_average(3)/epsilonnpave(3,inp))/2.; % re2sx(inp) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/rotated_rmatrix(1,1); end end%% now compute metrics that involve the SCYS%schmidfactors = zeros(1,newnumnp);rse = zeros(1,newnumnp);grain_schmidfactors = zeros(1,ngrains);%% Compute Schmid tensor for each grain% phase_schmid_tensors = PhaseSchmidTensor(nphases,crystal_type_all,covera_all,maxss); schmid_tensors = CalcSchmidTensors(rotations,phase_schmid_tensors,phaseofgrain,maxss);%% now compute the strength-related metrics% status = ' Starting calculation of (stiffness+strength)-related metrics ' for inp =1:1:newnumnp igrain = grain4np(inp);schmid_tensor = schmid_tensors(:,:,igrain); %pull elemental stress from global arraysnpsigma(:) = sigmanpave(:,inp);%compute resolved shear stressesrss = schmid_tensor*npsigma';%compute strength-to-stiffnesselrse = max(rss./sss);elrse = Eeff/elrse;%compute schmid factor based on nominal stressschmidfactor = max(abs(schmid_tensor*nomstress./sssr));%save elemental quantities in global arraysrse(inp) = elrse;schmidfactors(inp) = schmidfactor;%the next line redefines the schmidfactor over and over again, but they are%all the samegrain_schmidfactors(igrain) = schmidfactor; end% repeat the computation of metrics for the element-averaged stress and% strainembeddedstiffness_ave = zeros(1,numel);re2sx_ave = zeros(1,numel);SXStiffness_ave = zeros(1,numel);rse_ave= zeros(1,numel);schmidfactors_ave = zeros(1,numel);elsigma= zeros(6,1);elepsilon= zeros(6,1);for iele =1:1:numel igrain = grains(iele); %pull elemental stress and strain from global arrayselsigma(:) = sigma_ave(:,iele);elepsilon(:) = epsilon_ave(:,iele); % component of the stiffness/compliance depends on loading mode% -- currently SX stiffness and RE2IS computed only for uniaxial extension modes% -- still thinking about what makes sense for these% inverse_rmatrix = grain_inverse_rmatrix(:,:,igrain); switch loadcode case 1 embeddedstiffness_ave(iele) = sigma_average(1)/elepsilon(1); SXStiffness_ave(iele) = 1./inverse_rmatrix(1,1); re2sx_ave(iele) = embeddedstiffness_ave(iele)/SXStiffness_ave(iele); case 2 embeddedstiffness_ave(iele) = sigma_average(2)/elepsilon(2); SXStiffness_ave(iele) = 1./inverse_rmatrix(2,2); re2sx_ave(iele) = embeddedstiffness_ave(iele)/SXStiffness_ave(iele); case 3 embeddedstiffness_ave(iele) = sigma_average(3)/elepsilon(3); SXStiffness_ave(iele) = 1./inverse_rmatrix(3,3); re2sx(iele) = embeddedstiffness_ave(iele)/SXStiffness(iele); case 4 embeddedstiffness_ave(iele) = (sigma_average(1)/elepsilon(1)+sigma_average(2)/elepsilon(2))/2.; % re2sx_ave(iele) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/rotated_rmatrix(1,1); case 5 embeddedstiffness_ave(iele) = (sigma_average(2)/elepsilon(2)+sigma_average(3)/elepsilon(3))/2.; % re2sx_ave(iee) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/rotated_rmatrix(1,1); case 6 embeddedstiffness_ave(iele) = (sigma_average(1)/elepsilon(1)+sigma_average(3)/elepsilon(3))/2.; % re2sx_ave(iele) = embeddedstiffness(inp)/rotated_rmatrix(1,1); endschmid_tensor = schmid_tensors(:,:,igrain);%compute resolved shear stressesrss = schmid_tensor*elsigma;%compute strength-to-stiffnesselrse = max(rss./sss);elrse = Eeff/elrse;%compute schmid factor based on nominal stressschmidfactor = max(abs(schmid_tensor*nomstress./sssr));%save elemental quantities in global arraysrse_ave(iele) = elrse;schmidfactors_ave(iele) = schmidfactor;endstatus = ' Finished caluclation of metrics -- Starting Output to VTK file'% map displacements to new meshugbg = zeros(3*newnumnp,1);for inp = 1:1:numnp ugbg(3*inp) = u(3*inp); ugbg(3*inp-1) = u(3*inp-1); ugbg(3*inp-2) = u(3*inp-2);endfor inp = numnp+1:1:newnumnp inpold = old2new(inp); ugbg(3*inp) = u(3*inpold); ugbg(3*inp-1) = u(3*inpold-1); ugbg(3*inp-2) = u(3*inpold-2);endsolutionfilegbg = Data_Structure_Solution(ugbg,sigma_ave,epsilon_ave,sigmanpave,epsilonnpave,rse,schmidfactors,embeddedstiffness,SXStiffness,re2sx,rse_ave,schmidfactors_ave,embeddedstiffness_ave,SXStiffness_ave,re2sx_ave);graindatafile = Data_Structure_GrainData(grain_volumes,rotations,grain_schmidfactors);basenamegbg = input('Base name of grain-by-grain output VTK file: ', 's');SUF = 'vtk';fileVTKgbg = fopen(sprintf('%s.%s', [basenamegbg], SUF), 'w');Export_2_VTK(fileVTKgbg, crystal_type, microstructurefile, meshfilegbg, solutionfilegbg,graindatafile,grain4np)% ExportVTKFepx - Export mesh and data to VTK format for plotting);status = ' Finished writing output to VTK file'ReturnStatus = 'Simulation Completed';