🐛 dumbass ![npm](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/caa7ae40e846d511a62825f5b9f54ab3ba872c5b42da1cc9c8db722819ab7a42/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6e706d2f762f64756d626173732e7376673f6c6162656c3d26636f6c6f723d303038304646)
Chosen by toddlers, insects, and stupid coders.
Be boring, be dumb. Be too stupid for complex tools.
Make components from cross-browser web standards without thinking too hard.
No JSX, no Shadow DOM, no fancy framworks, no opinions.
- Just HTML, CSS and JavaScript—No JSX, no Shadow DOM, no fancy frameworks, no opinions.
- Stop learning, stagnate!—Use the syntax you already know. Stop learning new things. Do more with what's already here.
- Crazy and fun, but in a serious way—Dumbass is the tool for people who don't want to think too hard to make UI.
To learn more...oh wait, you already know enough.
function Spin(n) {
return d`
You soon will be. Nothing amazing here: Play with the full example on CodePen
See even more boring code in a 250 line TodoMVC test
Install dumbass with npm:
npm i --save dumbass
Parcel or Webpack dumbass and import:
import { d } from "dumbass"
See a CodeSandbox how-to of above
Or import in a module:
<script type="module">
import { d } from "https://unpkg.com/dumbass"