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62 lines (61 loc) · 3.98 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (61 loc) · 3.98 KB

NocWorx PHP Coding Standard

  1. Indention: always 2 spaces
  • Always place opening brace on same line of block declaration
  • Indent all block bodies one level (2 spaces)
  • Closing brace of any block is -2 spaces from the body's indention and on its own line (exceptions for else, elseif, do-while, and multiline function call/declaration)
  • Function calls or declarations needing multiple lines, follow indention guidelines for blocks. The opening brace for a declaration appears on the same line as the closing paranthesis.
  • Line length: 120
  • Comments
    1. Use doc block style comments on each files, classes, functions, methods, and class properties
    • File doc block must include our legal template
    • Class doc block must include @package. Include @subpackage only if applicable
      • Package name will correlate with the repo name (eg. "Lib" for the "nocworx/lib" repo)
      • Subpackage name will correlate with a module name in the repo (eg. "Client" for the "nocworx/core" client module)
    • Method doc block must include @param, @returns, @throws where applicable to the method itself (not parent). Omit where not applicable.
  • Strings
    1. Use single quotes for plain strings
    • Use double quotes for including variables and function/method calls (as opposed to breaking in and out with concatenation
    • Always encapsulate variables and function/method calls in curley braces
  • All text must use language string placeholders. No English (or other language) in the code.
  • Always a single space around operators (including assignment operator)
  • Always a single space after a keyword (if, while, etc.)
  • One space after but not before a comma separator unless at the end of a line
  • Arrays
    • Never use array() - use [] instead
    • Push with [] instead of array_push() (eg. $food[] = 'banana')
    • If not on one line, each element must be on their own line. Follow indention guidelines for blocks.
  • Naming
    • All naming
      1. Must start with a letter (with the exception of certain class properties and methods below)
      • Must only contain word characters
      • Use descriptive names (single letter names acceptable only for simple loops)
      • Avoid abbreviations
    • Functions (and class methods): always use camelCase
    • Classes: always use TitleCase
    • Non-public class properties must start with a single underscore then lowercase letter
    • Non-public class methods must start with a single underscore then lowercase letter
    • Constants: always use CAPITAL_SNAKE_CASE
    • Array keys: always use snake_case
    • Event names: colon separated scopes, kebab-case each scope name but prefer single word names
    • All others: always use snake_case
  • Classes should not contain public properties. Use setters and getters.
  • Ternary
    • Never nest ternary statements
    • Wrap the condition in ()
    • Must be contained on either one or three lines
    • The shorthand ?: may be used as a substitute for the expression (! empty($a)) ? $a : $b (note, $a must already be defined)
  • Every block (if, while, etc.) must be contained in braces
  • Concatentation operator at the end of the line for multiline statements
  • Multiline strings should be concatenated. Indent two spaces from indention of the first line.
  • Use a single blank line to separate logical groupings statements. More than one consecutive blank line is prohibited.
  • Parenthesis must hug contents
  • Conditionals
    • Never use else if. Always elseif.
    • Always use identity checks over equality checks (=== vs. ==)
    • All conditions should be explicit and evaluate to a boolean
    • Falsey checks are not acceptable BAD: if($s) Unless $x is boolean
    • Do not assign while checking. BAD: if (x = something()) {
  • Use paren bracket style delimiters for preg_* functions and the like preg_match('(^\d+)', $text)
  • No trailing whitespace on any line
  • Every file must end with a single new line character
  • For any case not explicitly addressed here, consult PSR-2