diff --git a/lib/dotcom/system_status/alerts.ex b/lib/dotcom/system_status/alerts.ex index 1bdd6d70e3..7511878fbc 100644 --- a/lib/dotcom/system_status/alerts.ex +++ b/lib/dotcom/system_status/alerts.ex @@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ defmodule Dotcom.SystemStatus.Alerts do end @doc """ - Given a list of alerts, filters only the ones that are active today, as defined in `&active_on_day?/2`. - See that function for details + Given a list of alerts, filters only the ones that are active today, as defined in `active_on_day?/2`. """ def for_day(alerts, datetime) do Enum.filter(alerts, &active_on_day?(&1, datetime))