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123 lines (82 loc) · 4.75 KB


A command-line tool to execute MPS model checker on a project or a subset thereof and output results as a JUnit XML report file.


The tool is JVM-based and needs on its classpath:

  • The MPS libraries (${mps_home}/lib/**/*.jar).
  • The mps-httpsupport plugin (${mps_home}/plugins/mps-httpsupport/**/*.jar).
  • The mps-modelchecker plugin (${mps_home}/plugins/mps-modelchecker/**/*.jar).

The simplest way to run it is by using Gradle's JavaExec task. See below for an example.

Supported arguments

usage: modelcheck [-h] [--plugin PLUGIN]... [--macro MACRO]... [--plugin-location PLUGIN_LOCATION]
                  [--plugin-root PLUGIN_ROOT]... [--build-number BUILD_NUMBER] [--test-mode]
                  [--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--no-libraries]
                  --project PROJECT [--model MODEL]... [--module MODULE]...
                  [--exclude-model EXCLUDE_MODEL]... [--exclude-module EXCLUDE_MODULE]...
                  [--parallel] [--warning-as-error] [--error-no-fail] [--result-file RESULT_FILE]
                  [--result-format RESULT_FORMAT]

required arguments:
  --project PROJECT                   project to generate from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                          show this help message and exit

  --plugin PLUGIN                     plugin to load. The format is --plugin=<id>::<path>

  --macro MACRO                       macro to define. The format is --macro=<name>::<value>

  --plugin-location PLUGIN_LOCATION   location to load additional plugins from

  --plugin-root PLUGIN_ROOT           directory to search for plugins in. This detection method is
                                      independent from --plugin and --plugin-location

  --build-number BUILD_NUMBER         build number used to determine if the plugins are compatible

  --test-mode                         run in test mode

  --environment ENVIRONMENT           kind of environment to initialize, supported values are
                                      'idea' (default), 'mps'

  --log-level LOG_LEVEL               console log level. Supported values: info, warn, error, off.
                                      Default: warn.

  --no-libraries                      do not load project libraries under MPS environment

  --model MODEL                       list of models to check (regexes)

  --module MODULE                     list of modules to check (regexes)

  --exclude-model EXCLUDE_MODEL       list of models to exclude from check (regexes)

  --exclude-module EXCLUDE_MODULE     list of modules to exclude from check (regexes)

  --parallel                          run model checker in parallel

  --warning-as-error                  treat model checker warning as errors

  --error-no-fail                     report errors but don't fail the build

  --result-file RESULT_FILE           stores the result as an JUnit xml file

  --result-format RESULT_FORMAT       reporting format for the JUnit file

The --result-format option takes one of three values: model produces one test per tested model (the default, deprecated and buggy, see below), module-and-model produces one test per module and tested model, message produces one test for each model checker message.

Option --result-format=model is deprecated because the resulting XML report does not contain module-level errors. It is however kept as default for backwards compatibility.

If no models (--model) nor modules (--module) are given, the entire project will be checked. Models or modules can be excluded from checking via --exclude-model or --exclude-module options. All options accept regular expressions that will be matched against the model or module name (excluding model stereotypes).

All checkers that are registered in the CheckerRegistry of MPS will be run.

Gradle example (Kotlin syntax)

val mps by configurations.creating
val modelcheck by configurations.creating

dependencies {

val mpsHome = File(buildDir, "mps")

val unpackMps by tasks.registering(Sync::class) {
    from({ mps.resolve().map(project::zipTree) })

val runModelCheck by tasks.registering(JavaExec::class) {
    classpath(fileTree(mpsHome) {
        // modelcheck uses HttpSupportUtil#getURL()


    args("--project", it.projectDir)
    args("--result-file", file("$buildDir/modelcheck-results.xml"))

    args("--model", "")