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Mauricio David edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 5 revisions

Version 4.0

Break changes

  • Remove transactions
  • Remove auto-id register function for custom type
  • Remove index definitions on mapper (fluent/attribute)
  • Remove auto create index on query execution. If the index is not found do full scan search (use EnsureIndex on initialize database)

New Features

  • New Expressions/Path
  • New shell command: UPDATE fields only
  • New shell command: SELECT with transform
  • Remove physical journal file (store journal pages after file ends)
  • Add auto-id in engine level with pre-defined common types
  • Add collection sequence (ulong) to use in engine level auto-id
  • Auto-id default true to _id with BsonType = ObjectId, Guid, DateTime, Int32 or Int64
  • Add include in engine/document level with any level
  • Compiled in NET35 for Unity3D support, NET40 and NETSTANDARD 1.3
  • Implement FilterDocument option in all query implementations (full scan document)
  • In Query.And use only one index side with full scan on other
  • Print query execution plan in Query.ToString() (Seek([Age] > 10) and Filter([Name] startsWith "John"))
  • Convert Query.And to Query.Between when possible
  • Add support to Query.Between open/close interval
  • QueryLinq for non resolved linq expression on visitor col.Find(x => x.Id < 10 && x.Name.Length > 10)
  • Support index creation with expressions
  • Support expression on full searchs
  • Better shell error messages in parser with position in error
  • Fix simple lock control (multi-read/single write) in thread/process. Removed reserved lock state
  • Upgrade to VS2017


  • Upload from local disk on storage
  • DateTime.Now indexed date (milliseconds problem)
  • When query using > or < must use same BsonType (do not returns null values)
  • Remove return Duplicate values in MultiKey indexes