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OperatorHub is a central location to find the wide array of great Operators that have been built by the community. Packaging of the Operators indexed in relies on the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to install, manage and update Operators consistently on any Kubernetes cluster.

The OperatorHub and OLM are available via the OpenShift Container Platform web console as well and is the interface that cluster administrators use to discover and install Operators.


This chart enables specific operators as it creates a subscription for the specific operator. For this, it creates a Subscription resource instance and a OperatorGroup for the relevant operator's subscription. A ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) is created automatically since the value of CSV is set in the Subscription, so all of the custom resources relevant to the operator are created.

If installModes are specified, then the CSV object is patched accordingly.

If the namespaceSelector is set, then instead of targeting just the own Nnamespace, the operator will select multiple NS based on the label provided.

Installing the chart

To add the chart repo:

$ helm repo add rht-labs

After adding the chart repo, create a YAML file to specify the overrides in the following structure:

namespace: operator-namespace
  - name: subscription-name
      channel: operator-channel
      approval: approval-type
      operatorName: operator-name
      sourceName: catalog-source
      sourceNamespace: catalog-source-namespace
      csv: optional-catalog-source-version
      create: true

Change the values regarding to the operator you want to use. (See the Configuration section for the overrides' descriptions.)

To install the chart:

$ helm install -f custom-values.yaml rht-labs/operatorhub

Or you can just pass custom parameters without creating a YAML file:

$ helm install rht-labs/operatorhub --set operators[0].name=OPERATOR_NAME,operators[0].namespace=OPERATOR_NAMESPACE ... (set all the mandatory variables)

For more info about overriding variables see: Customizing the chart

Uninstalling the chart

To uninstall/delete the deployment:

$ helm uninstall <name of chart>


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the OperatorHub chart and their default values.

Parameter (For each operator) Description Default
name Name of the Subscription
namespace The namespace the Subscription will be created in Operator's subscription channel which is specific for the operator
subscription.approval Subscription's install plan approval Automatic
subscription.operatorName Name of the operator
subscription.sourceName Operator's source which the operator belongs to redhat-operators
subscription.sourceNamespace Operator's namespace where the operator will be pulled from openshift-marketplace
subscription.csv ClusterServiceVersion's name which will be created regarding to the operator
operatorgroup.create An OperatorGroup will be created with the same name of the Subscription if the value is true true
operatorgroup.namespaceSelector Optional. (It will be deprecated in futures releases). An OperatorGroup namespace Selector in case your operator needs to watch more than one ns. Example: "monitoring: yes".
operatorgroup.installModes: Optional. Change operator install modes in the ClusterServiceVersion object.

Prometheus Operator example, with namespaceSelector and installModes:

namespace: prometheus-operator
  - name: prometheus-operator
      channel: beta
      approval: Automatic
      operatorName: prometheus
      sourceName: community-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      csv: prometheusoperator.0.37.0
      create: true
      namespaceSelector: 'labelKey: LabelValue'
      OwnNamespace: true
      SingleNamespace: false
      MultiNamespace: true
      AllNamespaces: false