Gets statistics from CPE and pushes to InfluxDB.
Developed for the D-Link DWR-1010 CPE.
# build
go build -o out/dlinkscraper ./cmd/dlinkscraper/...
# run
dlinkscraper scrapes data from a D-Link router
dlinkscraper [flags]
-a, --address string telnet server address of the dlink router (default "router_url")
-h, --help help for dlinkscraper
-n, --hostname string hostname of the system
-b, --influx_bucket string bucket on influxdb server to utilise
-o, --influx_org string organisation on influxdb server to utilise
-t, --influx_token string api token for influxdb server
-s, --influx_url string url of influxdb server
-i, --interval duration time between each poll - minimum is 20 secs
-p, --password string password for the dlink router
-u, --username string username for the dlink router
-v, --verbose output debug logs
Args can be passed via command line, json (config.json in the working directory) or environment variables (see compose.yml)
Minimum duration between polls is 20 secs due to limitations on how frequently the router can be accessed. If no interval is specified, no looping will ocour.