Retrieves all members from a slack channel and returns it in CSV format.
I wanted to segment mailing list based on Slack Channel members. I did not find a simple solution to fetch members list from a Slack Channel or a Group. So I wrote a small script called membersof.rb
what extract a csv formatted list.
You can use several tools to install Ruby. Check it out at
You can generate or find your personal Slack token here:
You can either call channels.list to get the list of all channels and to convert the channel name to its ID. Or. On Slack Web interface the link to Channels or Groups contains the ID
$ ./membersof.rb --help
This script retrieves all members from a slack channel
Usage: ./membersof.rb [options]
-t, --token Slack tocken How to get:
-g, --group Group ID How to get:
-c, --channel Channel ID How to get:
Example: Please be aware this methode can take 1-2 sec for each member. Be patient!!
$ ./membersof.rb -t xoxp-123456789A-BCDEF01234-56789ABCDE-F012345678 -g QWERTYUIO
John,Doe,[email protected]
Jane,Doe,[email protected]