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In 2017 I was given the Microsoft MVP Award in the 'Visual Studio and Development Technologies' Category - Yay!!
I've just taken part in a Virtual Panel: High Performance Application in .NET and I was quoted in an InfoWorld article 'Win-win: Open source .Net pays off for devs' (alongside Scott Hunter!!)
I've also been interviewed on a few podcasts:
- No Dogma talking about how the .NET Runtime has changed (2019)
- Herding Code discussing lots of low-level '.NET Internals' (2018)
- Stackify 'Developer Things' chatting about BenchmarkDotNet & Nerding out on Performance (2018)
- Hanselminutes talking about "Performance as a Feature!" (2015)
- [Dotnetos '.NET Performance Conference' Warsaw - 2019]( - [NDC London - 2019]( - [Update Conference Prague - 2018]( - [ProgNET London - 2018]( - [CORESTART 2.0 Prague - 2017](#CORESTART2017) - [Progscon London - 2017](#ProgSConLondon2017) - [Progscon Evening @ London Dev Community](#ProgsconLondonDevCommunity) - [Skills Matter - London .NET UG - 2017](#LondonDNUG2017)
- PostSharp Webinar (including Q&A) - 2016
- DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper 11 in Reading - 2016
- ProgSCon London - 2016
- Skills Matter - London .NET UG - 2016
- DeveloperSouthCoast - 2015
- NDC London - 2014
- DDD East Anglia - 2014
Slides are [available](

Skills Matter - London .NET User Group - Where the wild things are - Benchmarking and Micro-Optimisations

Click the image above to go to the recording

Performance is a fascinating topic in my opinion, and this was my favorite talk of them all.
I'm happy with that!
The slides are also available

Click below to see the video of my talk at NDC London 2014:

Starting with the premise that "Performance is a Feature", this session will look at how to measure, what to measure and how get the best performance from your .NET code. We will look at real-world examples from the Roslyn code-base and StackOverflow.
Thanks to @craigtptech for the image and also for his excellent write up, I've included a few quotes below:
Matt starts by asking Why does performance matter? What do we need to know? and When do we need to optimize performance?
Matt does suggest that we need to be careful and land somewhere in the middle of the spectrum between "optimizing everything all the time" (which can back us into a corner) versus "don't optimize anything" (the extreme end of the "performance optimization is the root of all evil" approach).
One of my slides was tweeted by an attendee and at last count had over 500 re-tweets, it seems like a lot of people really like statistics and in particular Hans Rosling!!