#Concert Clue: http://www.concertclue.com
##What problem does Concert Clue solve? Concert Clue addresses the problem that keeping track of many different artists and their shows in your area can be difficult and time consuming.
##Who has this problem? People who are concert goers and music fans. The targeted demographic is young and enthusiastic college students.
##How does your project solve this problem? Concert Clue lets you know when your favorite artists have a show in your city. When an artist on your list has an upcoming show; the showtime, location, and their website will pop up in your feed. Finally you can check one place and never miss a concert.
##What web APIs did it use? Concert Clue is powered by the Bands in Town API http://www.bandsintown.com/api/overview which is a free, open, and well maintained API. Bands in Town also offers the possibility to link to ticket sales and credit a referring site a portion of ticket sales.
##What technologies did it use? The site uses a Node.js Express server, jQuery, Google's Materialize Framework, Knex.js, Joi.js, PostgreSQL, request-promise, and bcrypt-as-promised.