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OpenAPIKit v2 Migration Guide

For general information on the v2 release, see the release notes on GitHub. The rest of this guide will be formatted as a series of changes and what options you have to migrate code from v1 to v2. Many people will not need to do anything to switch to OpenAPIKit v2, but if you find yourself curious or facing a compilation error, take a look at this guide.

OpenAPI.Server url property removed

In order to support server URLs with variables in them, you can no longer access a Foundation URL on the Server type. The url property has been replaced with the urlTemplate property. You will need to account for the possibility that the given urlTemplate is not a valid Foundation URL (because it can have variables for which values are not known yet).

  • Change from server.url (URL) to server.urlTemplate.url (URL?).
  • Change from server.url (URL) to server.urlTemplate.absoluteString (String).

OpenAPI.Content schema became optional

The OpenAPI Specification does not require the schema property on the Media Type Object (OpenAPI.Content) so v2 fixes a bug where it was previously required. You will need to handle its optionality.

  • Handle the optionality of the OpenAPI.Content and OpenAPI.DereferencedContent schema property.

OpenAPI.Components dereferencing methods refactored.

In OpenAPIKit v1, the OpenAPI.Components type offered the methods dereference(_:) and forceDereference(_:) to perform lookup of components by their references. These were overloaded to allow looking up Either types representing either a reference to a component or the component itself.

In OpenAPIKit v1.4, true dereferencing was introduced. True dereferencing does not just turn a reference into the value it refers to, it removes references deeply for all properties of the given value. That made the use of the word dereference in the OpenAPI.Components type's methods misleading -- these methods "looked up" values but did not "dereference" them.

OpenAPIKit v2 fixes this confusing naming by supporting component lookup via subscript (non-throwing) and lookup(_:) (throwing) methods. It no longer offers any methods that truly (deeply) dereference types. At the same time, OpenAPIKit v2 adds the dereferenced(in:) method to most OpenAPI types. This new method takes an OpenAPI.Components value and returns a fully dereferenced version of self. The dereferenced(in:) method offers the same deep dereferencing behavior exposed by the OpenAPI.Document locallyDereferenced() method that was added in OpenAPIKit v1.4.

  • Switch from components.dereference(resourceReference) to components[resourceReference] and from try components.forceDereference(resourceReference) to components.lookup(resourceReference).
  • Consider deep dereferencing with try resource.dereferenced(in: components).

DereferencedJSONSchema underlying schema property renamed

The DereferencedJSONSchema property previously named underlyingJSONSchema has been renamed jsonSchema to better reflect the fact that the schema is built from the dereferenced schema rather than being stored as an underlying type from which the dereferenced schema was built.

  • Rename dereferncedSchema.underlyingJSONSchema to dereferencedSchema.jsonSchema.

JSONSchema dereferenced methods renamed

JSONSchema used to have dereferencedSchemaObject() and dereferencedSchemaObject(resolvingIn:) methods. The former dereferenced a schema object if it already had no references and returned nil if it failed. The latter attempting to look references up in the given OpenAPI.Components and threw an error if it failed. Both of these dereferencing options are still available, but they have been renamed to dereferenced() and dereferenced(in:), respectively.

The new names align with that of the LocallyDereferenceable protocol that is conformed to by most types in OpenAPIKit v2.

  • Rename schema.dereferencedSchemaObject() to schema.dereferenced() and schema.dereferencedSchemaObject(resolvingIn:) to schema.dereferenced(in:).

JSONSchema and DereferencedJSONSchema Context types renamed

The JSONSchema.Context and DereferencedJSONSchema.Context types have both been renamed to CoreContext. Accordingly, the JSONSchema generalContext property has been renamed to coreContext. This new naming was originally inspired by naming chosen for the now-removed JSONSchemaFragment type (see below) but I kept them because the names coreContext/CoreContext do a good job of describing the context shared by all schema types.

  • Rename generalContext property uses to coreContext and rename Context type uses to CoreContext.

JSONSchema context optionality

In order to support schema fragments as part of the JSONSchema type (or in other words just make the JSONSchema type actually expressive enough to handle all schemas), a number of properties on some schema contexts needed to become optional. This was accomplished without changing the encoding/decoding behavior or indeed even the results returned by public accessors. However, the fact remains that whereas schemas could previously have nullable of true or false, they can now have nullable of true, false, and nil (interpreted as false at the time of encoding/decoding).

These changes will have no effect on the outputs of programs, but you may need to adjust logic that assumes, for example, that a schema with no nullable property will decode equivalently to a schema constructed in code with nullable false -- these are now two distinct schemas that just happen to have the same meaning.

JSONSchemaFragment rolled into JSONSchema

In OpenAPIKit v1.x there was a type JSONSchemaFragment that represented schemas that were not "complete" enough to be JSONSchemas. The problem was, this was largely an arbitrary distinction and certainly not one motivated by the very open-ended JSON Schema specification. In OpenAPIKit v2, JSONSchema can represent many more schemas and the cases represented by JSONSchemaFragment are not represented as one of the cases under JSONSchema. This also motivated the renaming of the (now much-more-powerful) JSONSchema case undefined to fragment.

  • Anywhere you have explicitly named the JSONSchemaFragment type, rename to JSONSchema. Update JSONSchema.undefined to JSONSchema.fragment. Update JSONSchemaFragment.general to JSONSchema.fragment.

JSONSchema compound cases gained a full CoreContext

Whereas the all(of:), any(of:), and one(of:) cases used to have a discriminator as their second associated value and the not() case did not have a second associated value at all, they all have gained a full CoreContext as their second associated value. This allows JSONSchema to express more valid OpenAPI schemas without too much sacrifice. There is an opportunity to add some Validations in the future to get back some of the strictness for which the OpenAPIKit library strives.

  • Update your case matching for these cases. If you need to access the discriminator, it now lives within the CoreContext of each case.