NDS is derived from the TPC-DS Benchmarks and as such any results obtained using NDS are not comparable to published TPC-DS Benchmark results, as the results obtained from using NDS do not comply with the TPC-DS Benchmarks.
NDS is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.
Additionally, certain files in NDS are licensed subject to the accompanying TPC EULA (also available at tpc.org. Files subject to the TPC EULA are identified as such within the files.
You may not use NDS except in compliance with the Apache License, Version 2.0 and the TPC EULA.
python >= 3.6
Necessary libraries
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless gcc make flex bison byacc maven
TPC-DS Tools
User must download TPC-DS Tools from official TPC website. The tool will be downloaded as a zip package with a random guid string prefix. After unzipping it, a folder called
will be seen.User must set a system environment variable
pointing to this directory. e.g.export TPCDS_HOME=/PATH/TO/YOUR/DSGen-software-code-3.2.0rc1
This variable will help find the TPC-DS Tool when building essential component for this repository.
To help user run NDS, we provide a template to define the main Spark configs for spark-submit command. User can use different templates to run NDS with different configurations for different environment. We create spark-submit-template, which accepts a template file and submit the Spark job with the configs defined in the template file.
Example command to submit via spark-submit-template
./spark-submit-template convert_submit_cpu.template \
nds_transcode.py raw_sf3k parquet_sf3k report.txt
We give 3 types of template files used in different steps of NDS:
- convert_submit_*.template for converting the data by using nds_transcode.py
- maintenance_*.template for data maintenance by using nds_maintenance.py
- power_run_*.template for power run by using nds_power.py
We predefine different template files for different environment. For example, we provide below template files to run nds_transcode.py for different environment:
is for Spark CPU clusterconvert_submit_cpu_delta.template
is for Spark CPU cluster with DeltaLakeconvert_submit_cpu_iceberg.template
is for Spark CPU cluster with Icebergconvert_submit_gpu.template
is for Spark GPU cluster
You need to choose one as your template file and modify it to fit your environment.
We define a base.template to help you define some basic variables for your envionment.
And all the other templates will source base.template
to get the basic variables.
When you hope to run multiple steps of NDS, you just need to modify base.template
to fit for your cluster.
cd tpcds-gen
Note that if your OS's default gcc
version is 10+ the most recent version of
TPC-DS Tools 3.2 does not link due to errors such as:
/usr/bin/ld: s_purchase.o:/home/gshegalov/gits/NVIDIA/spark-rapids-benchmarks/nds/tpcds-gen/target/tools/s_purchase.c:55: multiple definition of `nItemIndex'; s_catalog_order.o:/home/gshegalov/gits/NVIDIA/spark-rapids-benchmarks/nds/tpcds-gen/target/tools/s_catalog_order.c:56: first defined here
as a result of defaulting to -fno-common
As a workaround re-execute make in tpcds-gen
make clean all LINUX_CC='gcc -fcommon'
Then two jars will be built at:
How to generate data to local or HDFS
$ python nds_gen_data.py -h
usage: nds_gen_data.py [-h] [--range RANGE] [--overwrite_output] {local,hdfs} scale parallel data_dir
positional arguments:
{local,hdfs} file system to save the generated data.
scale volume of data to generate in GB.
parallel build data in <parallel_value> separate chunks
data_dir generate data in directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--range RANGE Used for incremental data generation, meaning which part of childchunks are
generated in one run. Format: "start,end", both are inclusive. e.g. "1,100". Note:
the child range must be within the "parallel", "--parallel 100 --range 100,200" is
--overwrite_output overwrite if there has already existing data in the path provided.
--replication REPLICATION
the number of replication factor when generating data to HDFS. if not set, the Hadoop job will use the setting in the Hadoop cluster.
--update UPDATE generate update dataset <n>. <n> is identical to the number of streams used in the Throughput Tests of the benchmark
Example command:
python nds_gen_data.py hdfs 100 100 /data/raw_sf100 --overwrite_output
To do the data conversion, the nds_transcode.py
need to be submitted as a Spark job. User can leverage
the spark-submit-template utility to simplify the submission.
The utility requires a pre-defined template file where user needs to put
necessary Spark configurations. Either user can submit the nds_transcode.py
directly to spark with
arbitrary Spark parameters.
CSV is the default input format for data conversion, it can be overridden by --input_format
Parquet, Orc, Avro, JSON and Iceberg are supported for output data format at present with CPU. For GPU conversion, only Parquet and Orc are supported.
Note: when exporting data from CSV to Iceberg, user needs to set necessary configs for Iceberg in submit template. e.g. convert_submit_cpu_iceberg.template
User can also specify --tables
to convert specific table or tables. See argument details below.
if --floats
is specified in the command, DoubleType will be used to replace DecimalType data in Parquet files,
otherwise DecimalType will be saved.
To convert CSV to DeltaLake managed tables,
user needs to leverage a hive metastore service. For example, on Dataproc, you can use Dataproc Metastore service.
When creating a Dataproc Metastore service,
user needs to specify the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir
to your desired gs bucket at section Metastore config overrides
as the DeltaLake warehouse directory. e.g. hive.metastore.warehouse.dir=gs://YOUR_BUCKET/warehouse
This action is required when set --output_format
to delta
when transcoding. Note, the output_prefix
will not take effect in this situation.
Don't forget to export
Metastore content that contains database and table metadata to a gs bucket
when you are about to shutdown the Metastore service.
For unmanaged tables,
user doesn't need to create the Metastore service, appending --delta_unmanaged
to arguments will be enough.
Arguments for nds_transcode.py
python nds_transcode.py -h
usage: nds_transcode.py [-h] [--output_mode {overwrite,append,ignore,error,errorifexists}] [--input_format {csv,parquet,orc,avro,json}] [--output_format {parquet,orc,avro,json,iceberg,delta}] [--tables TABLES] [--log_level LOG_LEVEL] [--floats] [--update]
[--iceberg_write_format {parquet,orc,avro}] [--compression COMPRESSION] [--delta_unmanaged] [--hive] [--database DATABASE]
input_prefix output_prefix report_file
positional arguments:
input_prefix text to prepend to every input file path (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-generated-data"; the
default is empty)
output_prefix text to prepend to every output file (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-parquet"; the default is empty). If output_format is "iceberg", this argument will be regarded as the value of property "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.warehouse". Only default Spark catalog session
name "spark_catalog" is supported now, customized catalog is not yet supported.
report_file location to store a performance report(local)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output_mode {overwrite,append,ignore,error,errorifexists}
save modes as defined by https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-data-sources-load-save-functions.html#save-modes.default value is errorifexists, which is the Spark default behavior.
--input_format {csv,parquet,orc, avro, json}
input data format to be converted. default value is csv.
--output_format {parquet,orc,avro,json,iceberg,delta}
output data format when converting CSV data sources.
--tables TABLES specify table names by a comma separated string. e.g. 'catalog_page,catalog_sales'.
--log_level LOG_LEVEL
set log level for Spark driver log. Valid log levels include: ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE, WARN(default: INFO)
--floats replace DecimalType with DoubleType when saving parquet files. If not specified, decimal data will be saved.
--update transcode the source data or update data
--iceberg_write_format {parquet,orc,avro}
File format for the Iceberg table; parquet, avro, or orc
--compression COMPRESSION
Compression codec to use when saving data. See https://iceberg.apache.org/docs/latest/configuration/#write-properties for supported codecs in Iceberg. See
https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/sql-data-sources.html for supported codecs for Spark built-in formats. When not specified, the default for the requested output format will be used.
--delta_unmanaged Use unmanaged tables for DeltaLake. This is useful for testing DeltaLake without leveraging a
Metastore service
--hive create Hive external tables for the converted data.
--database DATABASE the name of a database to use instead of `default`, currently applies only to Hive
Example command to submit via spark-submit-template
./spark-submit-template convert_submit_gpu.template \
nds_transcode.py raw_sf3k parquet_sf3k report.txt
User can also use spark-submit
to submit nds_transcode.py
We provide two basic templates for GPU run(convert_submit_gpu.template) and CPU run(convert_submit_cpu.template). To enable GPU run, user needs to download the following jar.
After that, please set environment variable SPARK_RAPIDS_PLUGIN_JAR
to the path where the jars are
downloaded to in spark submit templates.
When converting CSV to Parquet data, the script will add data partitioning to some tables:
Table | Partition Column |
catalog_sales | cs_sold_date_sk |
catalog_returns | cr_returned_date_sk |
inventory | inv_date_sk |
store_sales | ss_sold_date_sk |
store_returns | sr_returned_date_sk |
web_sales | ws_sold_date_sk |
web_returns | wr_returned_date_sk |
The templates.patch that contains necessary modifications to make NDS queries runnable in Spark will be applied automatically in the build step. The final query templates will be in folder $TPCDS_HOME/query_templates
after the build process.
we applied the following changes to original templates released in TPC-DS v3.2.0:
keyword before alldate interval add
for syntax compatibility in Spark SQL. -
mark to`
mark for syntax compatibility in Spark SQL.
usage: nds_gen_query_stream.py [-h] (--template TEMPLATE | --streams STREAMS)
template_dir scale output_dir
positional arguments:
template_dir directory to find query templates and dialect file.
scale assume a database of this scale factor.
output_dir generate query in directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--template TEMPLATE build queries from this template. Only used to generate one query from one tempalte. This argument is mutually exclusive with --streams. It
is often used for test purpose.
--streams STREAMS generate how many query streams. This argument is mutually exclusive with --template.
--rngseed RNGSEED seed the random generation seed.
Example command to generate one query using query1.tpl:
python nds_gen_query_stream.py $TPCDS_HOME/query_templates 3000 ./query_1 --template query1.tpl
Example command to generate 10 query streams each one of which contains all NDS queries but in different order:
python nds_gen_query_stream.py $TPCDS_HOME/query_templates 3000 ./query_streams --streams 10
There's a customized Spark listener used to track the Spark task status e.g. success or failed or success with retry. The results will be recorded at the json summary files when all jobs are finished. This is often used for test or query monitoring purpose.
To build:
cd jvm_listener
mvn package
will be generated in jvm_listener/target
After user generates query streams, Power Run can be executed using one of them by submitting nds_power.py
to Spark.
Arguments supported by nds_power.py
usage: nds_power.py [-h] [--input_format {parquet,orc,avro,csv,json,iceberg,delta}] [--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX] [--output_format OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--property_file PROPERTY_FILE] [--floats] [--json_summary_folder JSON_SUMMARY_FOLDER] [--delta_unmanaged] [--hive] input_prefix query_stream_file time_log
positional arguments:
input_prefix text to prepend to every input file path (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-generated-data"). If input_format is "iceberg", this argument will be regarded as the value of property "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog.warehouse". Only default Spark catalog session name
"spark_catalog" is supported now, customized catalog is not yet supported. Note if this points to a Delta Lake table, the path must be absolute. Issue: https://github.com/delta-io/delta/issues/555
query_stream_file query stream file that contains NDS queries in specific order
time_log path to execution time log, only support local path.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input_format {parquet,orc,avro,csv,json,iceberg,delta}
type for input data source, e.g. parquet, orc, json, csv or iceberg, delta. Certain types are not fully supported by GPU reading, please refer to https://github.com/NVIDIA/spark-rapids/blob/branch-22.08/docs/compatibility.md for more details.
--output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX
text to prepend to every output file (e.g., "hdfs:///ds-parquet")
--output_format OUTPUT_FORMAT
type of query output
--property_file PROPERTY_FILE
property file for Spark configuration.
--floats When loading Text files like json and csv, schemas are required to determine if certain parts of the data are read as decimal type or not. If specified, float data will be used.
--json_summary_folder JSON_SUMMARY_FOLDER
Empty folder/path (will create if not exist) to save JSON summary file for each query.
--delta_unmanaged Use unmanaged tables for DeltaLake. This is useful for testing DeltaLake without leveraging a
Metastore service
--hive use table meta information in Hive metastore directly without registering temp views.
--extra_time_log EXTRA_TIME_LOG
extra path to save time log when running in cloud environment where driver node/pod cannot be accessed easily. User needs to add essential extra jars and configurations to access different cloud storage systems. e.g. s3, gs etc.
--sub_queries SUB_QUERIES
comma separated list of queries to run. If not specified, all queries in the stream file will be run. e.g. "query1,query2,query3". Note, use "_part1" and "_part2" suffix for the following query names: query14, query23, query24, query39. e.g. query14_part1,
Example command to submit nds_power.py by spark-submit-template utility:
./spark-submit-template power_run_gpu.template \
nds_power.py \
parquet_sf3k \
./nds_query_streams/query_0.sql \
time.csv \
--property_file properties/aqe-on.properties
User can also use spark-submit
to submit nds_power.py
To simplify the performance analysis process, the script will create a local CSV file to save query(including TempView creation) and corresponding execution time. Note: please use client
mode(set in your power_run_gpu.template
file) when running in Yarn distributed environment to make sure the time log is saved correctly in your local path.
Note the template file must follow the spark-submit-template
utility as the first argument.
All Spark configuration words (such as --conf
and corresponding k=v
values) are quoted by
double quotes in the template file. Please follow the format in power_run_gpu.template.
User can define the properties
file like aqe-on.properties. The properties will be passed to the submitted Spark job along with the configurations defined in the template file. User can define some common properties in the template file and put some other properties that usually varies in the property file.
The command above will use collect()
action to trigger Spark job for each query. It is also supported to save query output to some place for further verification. User can also specify output format e.g. csv, parquet or orc:
./spark-submit-template power_run_gpu.template \
nds_power.py \
parquet_sf3k \
./nds_query_streams/query_0.sql \
time.csv \
--output_prefix /data/query_output \
--output_format parquet
Throughput Run simulates the scenario that multiple query sessions are running simultaneously in Spark.
We provide an executable bash utility nds-throughput
to do Throughput Run.
Example command for Throughput Run that runs 2 Power Run in parallel with stream file query_1.sql and query_2.sql and produces csv log for execution time time_1.csv and time_2.csv.
./nds-throughput 1,2 \
./spark-submit-template power_run_gpu.template \
nds_power.py \
parquet_sf3k \
./nds_query_streams/query_'{}'.sql \
When providing spark-submit-template
to Throughput Run, please do consider the computing resources
in your environment to make sure all Spark job can get necessary resources to run at the same time,
otherwise some query application may be in WAITING status(which can be observed from Spark UI or
Yarn Resource Manager UI) until enough resources are released.
Data Maintenance performance data update over existed dataset including data INSERT and DELETE. The update operations cannot be done atomically on raw Parquet/Orc files, so we use Iceberg as dataset metadata manager to overcome the issue.
Enabling Iceberg requires additional configuration. Please refer to Iceberg Spark for details. We also provide a Spark submit template with necessary Iceberg configs: maintenance_iceberg.template
The data maintenance queries are in data_maintenance folder. DF_*.sql
DELETE queries while LF_*.sql
are INSERT queries.
Note: The Delete functions in Data Maintenance cannot run successfully in Spark 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 due to a known Spark issue. User can run it in Spark 3.2.2 or later. More details including work-around for version 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 could be found in this link
Arguments supported for data maintenance:
usage: nds_maintenance.py [-h] [--maintenance_queries MAINTENANCE_QUERIES] [--property_file PROPERTY_FILE] [--json_summary_folder JSON_SUMMARY_FOLDER] [--warehouse_type {iceberg,delta}] [--delta_unmanaged] warehouse_path refresh_data_path maintenance_queries_folder time_log
positional arguments:
warehouse_path warehouse path for Data Maintenance test.
refresh_data_path path to refresh data
folder contains all NDS Data Maintenance queries. If "--maintenance_queries"
is not set, all queries under the folder will beexecuted.
time_log path to execution time log in csv format, only support local path.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--maintenance_queries MAINTENANCE_QUERIES
specify Data Maintenance query names by a comma seprated string. e.g. "LF_CR,LF_CS"
--property_file PROPERTY_FILE
property file for Spark configuration.
--json_summary_folder JSON_SUMMARY_FOLDER
Empty folder/path (will create if not exist) to save JSON summary file for each query.
--warehouse_type {iceberg,delta}
Type of the warehouse used for Data Maintenance test.
--delta_unmanaged Use unmanaged tables for DeltaLake. This is useful for testing DeltaLake without leveraging a Metastore service.
An example command to run only LF_CS and DF_CS functions:
./spark-submit-template maintenance_iceberg.template \
nds_maintenance.py \
update_data_sf3k \
./data_maintenance \
time.csv \
--maintenance_queries LF_CS,DF_CS \
--data_format orc
Note: to make the maintenance query compatible in Spark, we made the following changes:
- change
in all INSERT queries due to [SPARK-29630] - change data type for column
in tables_store_returns
due to known issue
To validate query output between Power Runs with and without GPU, we provide nds_validate.py to do the job.
Arguments supported by nds_validate.py
usage: nds_validate.py [-h] [--input1_format INPUT1_FORMAT] [--input2_format INPUT2_FORMAT] [--max_errors MAX_ERRORS] [--epsilon EPSILON] [--ignore_ordering] [--use_iterator] [--floats] --json_summary_folder JSON_SUMMARY_FOLDER input1 input2 query_stream_file
positional arguments:
input1 path of the first input data.
input2 path of the second input data.
query_stream_file query stream file that contains NDS queries in specific order.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input1_format INPUT1_FORMAT
data source type for the first input data. e.g. parquet, orc. Default is: parquet.
--input2_format INPUT2_FORMAT
data source type for the second input data. e.g. parquet, orc. Default is: parquet.
--max_errors MAX_ERRORS
Maximum number of differences to report.
--epsilon EPSILON Allow for differences in precision when comparing floating point values.
Given 2 float numbers: 0.000001 and 0.000000, the diff of them is 0.000001 which is less than the epsilon 0.00001, so we regard this as acceptable and will not report a mismatch.
--ignore_ordering Sort the data collected from the DataFrames before comparing them.
--use_iterator When set, use `toLocalIterator` to load one partition at a time into driver memory, reducing.
memory usage at the cost of performance because processing will be single-threaded.
--floats whether the input data contains float data or decimal data. There're some known mismatch issues due to float point, we will do some special checks when the input data is float for some queries.
--json_summary_folder JSON_SUMMARY_FOLDER
path of a folder that contains json summary file for each query.
Example command to compare output data of two queries:
python nds_validate.py \
query_output_cpu \
query_output_gpu \
./nds_query_streams/query_1.sql \
nds_bench.py along with its yaml config file bench.yml is the script
to run the whole process NDS benchmark to get final metrics.
User needs to fill in the config file to specify the parameters of the benchmark.
User can specify the skip
field in the config file to skip certain part of the benchmarks.
Please note: each part of the benchmark will produce its report file for necessary metrics like total
execution time, start or end timestamp. The final metrics are calculated by those reports. Skipping
a part of the benchmark may cause metrics calculation failure in the end if there's no necessary reports
generated previously.
Example command to run the benchmark:
usage: python nds_bench.py [-h] yaml_config
positional arguments:
yaml_config yaml config file for the benchmark