Initial conda install
sudo yum install tmux git htop iotop
curl -sSL -o /tmp/
sudo bash /tmp/ -bfp /usr/local/
rm -rf /tmp/
sudo /usr/local/bin/conda update conda
Copied opendata file
$ xrdcp root:// /magnetic/
and also made a copy in /ssd/
and /dev/shm
For coffea benchmarks:
conda create -n coffea-bench -c conda-forge jupyterlab python==3.8.* ca-policy-lcg coffea==0.7.9 psutil
conda activate coffea-bench
For RDF benchmarks:
conda create -n root-bench -c conda-forge python==3.8.* root==6.24.6
conda activate root-bench
$CXX -O3 $(root-config --cflags --libs) root_bench.cxx -o root_bench
(compilation took 10s)