diff --git a/+llms/+utils/errorMessageCatalog.m b/+llms/+utils/errorMessageCatalog.m
index 36fef5e..5a9be78 100644
--- a/+llms/+utils/errorMessageCatalog.m
+++ b/+llms/+utils/errorMessageCatalog.m
@@ -41,22 +41,22 @@
 catalog("llms:mustBeAssistantWithIdAndFunction") = "Field 'tool_call' must be a struct with fields 'id' and 'function'.";
 catalog("llms:mustBeAssistantWithNameAndArguments") = "Field 'function' must be a struct with fields 'name' and 'arguments'.";
 catalog("llms:assistantMustHaveTextNameAndArguments") = "Fields 'name' and 'arguments' must be text with one or more characters.";
-catalog("llms:mustBeValidIndex") = "Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must be less than or equal to ({1}).";
-catalog("llms:stopSequencesMustHaveMax4Elements") = "Number of elements must not be larger than 4.";
+catalog("llms:mustBeValidIndex") = "Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must be less than or equal to {1}.";
+catalog("llms:stopSequencesMustHaveMax4Elements") = "Number of stop sequences must be less than or equal to 4.";
 catalog("llms:endpointMustBeSpecified") = "Unable to find endpoint. Either set environment variable AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT or specify name-value argument ""Endpoint"".";
 catalog("llms:deploymentMustBeSpecified") = "Unable to find deployment name. Either set environment variable AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT or specify name-value argument ""Deployment"".";
 catalog("llms:keyMustBeSpecified") = "Unable to find API key. Either set environment variable {1} or specify name-value argument ""APIKey"".";
-catalog("llms:mustHaveMessages") = "Value must contain at least one message in Messages.";
+catalog("llms:mustHaveMessages") = "Message history must not be empty.";
 catalog("llms:mustSetFunctionsForCall") = "When no functions are defined, ToolChoice must not be specified.";
-catalog("llms:mustBeMessagesOrTxt") = "Messages must be text with one or more characters or a messageHistory object.";
-catalog("llms:invalidOptionAndValueForModel") = "'{1}' with value '{2}' is not supported for ModelName '{3}'";
-catalog("llms:invalidOptionForModel") = "{1} is not supported for ModelName '{2}'";
-catalog("llms:invalidContentTypeForModel") = "{1} is not supported for ModelName '{2}'";
-catalog("llms:functionNotAvailableForModel") = "This function is not supported for ModelName '{1}'";
-catalog("llms:promptLimitCharacter") = "Prompt must have a maximum length of {1} characters for ModelName '{2}'";
-catalog("llms:pngExpected") = "Argument must be a PNG image.";
+catalog("llms:mustBeMessagesOrTxt") = "Message must be nonempty string, character array, cell array of character vectors, or messageHistory object.";
+catalog("llms:invalidOptionAndValueForModel") = "'{1}' with value '{2}' is not supported for model ""{3}"".";
+catalog("llms:invalidOptionForModel") = "Invalid argument name {1} for model ""{2}"".";
+catalog("llms:invalidContentTypeForModel") = "{1} is not supported for model ""{2}"".";
+catalog("llms:functionNotAvailableForModel") = "Image editing is not supported for model ""{1}"".";
+catalog("llms:promptLimitCharacter") = "Prompt must contain at most {1} characters for model ""{2}"".";
+catalog("llms:pngExpected") = "Image must be a PNG file (*.png).";
 catalog("llms:warningJsonInstruction") = "When using JSON mode, you must also prompt the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message.";
-catalog("llms:apiReturnedError") = "Server error: ""{1}""";
+catalog("llms:apiReturnedError") = "Server returned error indicating: ""{1}""";
 catalog("llms:dimensionsMustBeSmallerThan") = "Dimensions must be less than or equal to {1}.";
 catalog("llms:stream:responseStreamer:InvalidInput") = "Input does not have the expected json format, got ""{1}"".";