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A line through a column in MathML

Davide P. Cervone edited this page May 26, 2013 · 1 revision


How can I draw a line through a column (row and column at the same time) in a matrix?

An example in TEX: Draw a line through one column of a matrix

There isn't really a direct way to do this in MathML (or in TeX for that matter, tikz is getting help from the back end system and taking two runs of the document in the linked example) probably the simplest thing would be to put each entry in the column in an menclosed with notation="verticalstrike" so that each entry is struck out. You could do that same in a row and use notation="verticalstrike horizontalstrike" at the crossing point.


(That's from a mathml spec standpoint, I haven't checked that the implementations support all the attributes needed)

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