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--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/README.md b/beta_use_cases/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..535f85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Use Case Datasets
+This directory includes datasets for use on the "use cases" landing pages for mathesar.org.
+## Loading into Mathesar
+Each dataset has a `schema.sql` and `generated_data.sql` file which can be loaded into Mathesar. Each `schema.sql` file will drop an existing schema with the same name and create a new one.
+Here's an example of loading these into a locally-running Mathesar instance.
+# (Optional) Generate the data
+python {use_case_name}/generate_data.py
+# First load the schema and tables
+docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < {use_case_name}/schema.sql
+# Then the sample data
+docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < {use_case_name}/generated_data.sql
+## Philosophy
+These datasets use a mix of "low fidelity" faker data and more domain-specific hardcoded strings to create fake, but plausible, datasets for various Mathesar use cases.
+Timestamp columns that would be used for auditing, soft deletes, and so on have been omitted to reduce clutter.
+## Development
+The only requirement is to install dependencies with `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/README.md b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4e43e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Bike Shop sample data
+This sample dataset represents a bicycle shop managing their customer service requests.
+%% https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html
+    Customers {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        TEXT first_name "NOT NULL"
+        TEXT last_name "NOT NULL"
+        TEXT email
+        TEXT phone
+    }
+    EquipmentTypes {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        TEXT name "NOT NULL"
+    }
+    Equipment {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        TEXT serial_number "NOT NULL UNIQUE"
+        TEXT notes
+        BIGINT type_id FK
+    }
+    Mechanics {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        TEXT first_name "NOT NULL"
+        TEXT last_name "NOT NULL"
+    }
+    ServiceStatuses {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        TEXT name "NOT NULL UNIQUE"
+    }
+    ServiceRequests {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT customer_id FK
+        BIGINT equipment_id FK
+        BIGINT mechanic_id FK
+        TEXT request_description "NOT NULL"
+        NUMERIC_10_2 cost
+        TIMESTAMP time_in
+        TIMESTAMP time_out
+    }
+    ServiceMilestones {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT service_request_id FK
+        BIGINT status_id FK
+        TIMESTAMP update_time "DEFAULT NOW()"
+        TEXT notes
+    }
+    Equipment ||--|| EquipmentTypes : "type_id"
+    ServiceRequests ||--|| Customers : "customer_id"
+    ServiceRequests ||--|| Equipment : "equipment_id"
+    ServiceRequests ||--|| Mechanics : "mechanic_id"
+    ServiceMilestones ||--|| ServiceRequests : "service_request_id"
+    ServiceMilestones ||--|| ServiceStatuses : "status_id"
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/generate_data.py b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/generate_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e7b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/generate_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+import os
+import random
+from datetime import timedelta, datetime
+from faker import Faker
+fake = Faker()
+# Helper functions
+def clean_value(value):
+    """Clean a value for SQL COPY operations."""
+    if value is None:
+        return r"\N"
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
+    return str(value)
+def write_to_sql_file(output_path, search_path, tables):
+    """Write the generated data to an SQL file."""
+    with open(output_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'SET search_path="{search_path}";\n\n')
+        for table_name, generator in tables.items():
+            f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
+            for row in generator:
+                cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
+                f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
+            f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    print(f"SQL file generated: {output_path}")
+def get_output_file_path(filename):
+    """Get the output file path relative to the current script's directory."""
+    current_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    return os.path.join(current_file_dir, filename)
+# Constants
+    "Mountain Bike",
+    "Road Bike",
+    "Hybrid Bike",
+    "Electric Bike",
+    "BMX Bike",
+    "Cyclocross Bike",
+    "Folding Bike",
+    "Touring Bike"
+    "Frame": [
+        "Small dent on the top tube identified during inspection.",
+        "Frame cleaned and polished; customer commented on how shiny it looked.",
+        "Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.",
+    ],
+    "Wheels": [
+        "Bent rear rim; trued the wheel successfully.",
+        "Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.",
+        "Customer pleased with how smooth the wheels now spin.",
+    ],
+    "Tires": [
+        "Replaced a worn-out rear tire; customer opted for puncture-resistant model.",
+        "Front tire inflated; slow leak detected and patched.",
+        "Customer appreciated advice on tire pressure for road biking.",
+    ],
+    "Brakes": [
+        "Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.",
+        "Rear brake cable frayed; replaced with a new one.",
+        "Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.",
+    ],
+    "Gears": [
+        "Shifted gears sticking; replaced derailleur hanger.",
+        "Customer reported skipping gears; adjusted indexing.",
+        "Lubricated drivetrain; customer noticed quieter pedaling.",
+    ],
+    "Handlebars": [
+        "Re-wrapped handlebar tape; customer loved the color choice.",
+        "Handlebar alignment corrected; was slightly off-center.",
+        "Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.",
+    ],
+    "Pedals": [
+        "Left pedal bearings replaced due to grinding noise.",
+        "Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.",
+        "Mechanic noticed loose threads on right pedal spindle; tightened securely.",
+    ],
+    "Seat": [
+        "Seatpost adjusted for proper height; customer reported better comfort.",
+        "Replaced torn saddle with a new gel-padded seat.",
+        "Customer commented that the saddle now feels like new.",
+    ],
+    "Bike makes a clicking noise while pedaling.",
+    "Brakes feel soft and don't stop effectively.",
+    "Gears are not shifting smoothly.",
+    "Rear wheel wobbles; possible rim issue.",
+    "Flat tire; needs replacement or repair.",
+    "Customer wants a full tune-up before a race.",
+    "Looking to upgrade to tubeless tires.",
+    "Front fork feels stiff; possible suspension issue.",
+    "Customer complained about an uncomfortable saddle.",
+    "Handlebars feel loose and need adjustment.",
+    "Chain keeps falling off during rides.",
+    "Rear derailleur seems bent after a crash.",
+    "Customer wants clipless pedals installed.",
+    "Headset creaks when turning the handlebars.",
+    "Electric bike battery isn't holding charge.",
+    "Customer wants help installing accessories (e.g., lights, rack).",
+    "Bike feels heavy and sluggish; might need a drivetrain cleaning.",
+    "Suspension setup needs adjusting for rider weight.",
+    "Customer reported squeaky brakes after riding in wet conditions.",
+    "Child seat needs to be installed securely on the frame.",
+SERVICE_STATUSES = ["Received", "In Progress", "Awaiting Part", "Completed"]
+def generate_customers():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_CUSTOMERS + 1):
+        yield [
+            i,
+            fake.first_name(),
+            fake.last_name(),
+            fake.email(),
+            fake.phone_number()
+        ]
+def generate_equipment_types():
+    for i, name in enumerate(EQUIPMENT_TYPES, start=1):
+        yield [i, name]
+def generate_mechanics():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_MECHANICS + 1):
+        yield [
+            i,
+            fake.first_name(),
+            fake.last_name()
+        ]
+def generate_service_statuses():
+    for i, name in enumerate(SERVICE_STATUSES, start=1):
+        yield [i, name]
+def generate_equipment(equipment_type_ids):
+    for i in range(1, NUM_EQUIPMENT + 1):
+        yield [
+            i,
+            random.choice(equipment_type_ids),  # Valid type_id
+            fake.unique.ean13(), # serial number
+            ""
+        ]
+def generate_service_requests(customer_ids, equipment_ids, mechanic_ids):
+    for i in range(1, NUM_SERVICE_REQUESTS + 1):
+        yield [
+            i,
+            random.choice(customer_ids),  # Valid customer_id
+            random.choice(equipment_ids),  # Valid equipment_id
+            random.choice(mechanic_ids),  # Valid mechanic_id
+            random.choice(REQUEST_DESCRIPTIONS),  # Realistic request description
+            round(random.uniform(20, 500), 2),
+            fake.date_time_this_year(),
+            fake.date_time_this_year() if random.random() < 0.5 else None
+        ]
+def generate_service_milestones(service_request_ids, status_ids):
+    for i in range(1, NUM_SERVICE_MILESTONES + 1):
+        part, notes = random.choice(list(PARTS_AND_NOTES.items()))
+        yield [
+            i,
+            random.choice(service_request_ids),  # Valid service_request_id
+            random.choice(status_ids),  # Valid status_id
+            fake.date_time_this_year(),
+            f"{part}: {random.choice(notes)}"  # Realistic service note
+        ]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Generate valid IDs based on schema
+    customer_ids = list(range(1, NUM_CUSTOMERS + 1))
+    equipment_type_ids = list(range(1, NUM_EQUIPMENT_TYPES + 1))
+    equipment_ids = list(range(1, NUM_EQUIPMENT + 1))
+    mechanic_ids = list(range(1, NUM_MECHANICS + 1))
+    service_request_ids = list(range(1, NUM_SERVICE_REQUESTS + 1))
+    status_ids = list(range(1, len(SERVICE_STATUSES) + 1))
+    # Generate tables
+    equipment = list(generate_equipment(equipment_type_ids))
+    service_requests = list(generate_service_requests(customer_ids, equipment_ids, mechanic_ids))
+    service_milestones = list(generate_service_milestones(service_request_ids, status_ids))
+    tables = {
+        "Customers": generate_customers(),
+        "Equipment Types": generate_equipment_types(),
+        "Equipment": iter(equipment),  # Pre-generated equipment
+        "Mechanics": generate_mechanics(),
+        "Service Statuses": generate_service_statuses(),
+        "Service Requests": iter(service_requests),  # Pre-generated service requests
+        "Service Milestones": iter(service_milestones),  # Pre-generated milestones
+    }
+    sql_file = get_output_file_path("generated_data.sql")
+    write_to_sql_file(sql_file, "Bike Shop", tables)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/generated_data.sql b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/generated_data.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9e334f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/generated_data.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+SET search_path="Bike Shop";
+COPY "Customers" FROM stdin;
+1	Dana	Hammond	brianlucero@example.net	500.434.0936x02343
+2	Andrew	Haley	qjackson@example.com	402-383-1537
+3	Latoya	Ryan	amystanton@example.org	5734421348
+4	Luis	Craig	garyowens@example.org	764-473-7881
+5	Anna	Wilson	patricialogan@example.org	+1-596-698-4888
+6	Jennifer	Jones	andrew77@example.net	287-769-1758x09930
+7	John	Dickson	ericgilbert@example.com	4703913317
+8	Joshua	Morrow	ydorsey@example.net	2309613577
+9	Tracy	Knapp	jonesmichael@example.com	+1-507-277-0079x0202
+10	Matthew	Castro	patrickhughes@example.net	001-608-917-0321x7060
+11	Alexis	Matthews	hermanpaul@example.org	849-702-8934x365
+12	Tracey	Arnold	suzanne42@example.com	975.894.8159x7223
+13	Jonathan	Kennedy	rogerschristopher@example.net	(325)363-2885
+14	Dawn	Martinez	vsmith@example.net	001-881-825-7502
+15	Elizabeth	Abbott	mccoykelly@example.com	001-367-630-4020x2308
+16	Lucas	Jones	taylorheather@example.net	618.618.6664
+17	Caitlin	Cohen	brittanymiller@example.net	632.511.4592
+18	Tamara	Williams	mary88@example.org	240-204-5496
+19	James	Smith	walkerkatherine@example.org	6562600692
+20	Mark	Ramos	javier21@example.net	969.592.1524x3010
+COPY "Equipment Types" FROM stdin;
+1	Mountain Bike
+2	Road Bike
+3	Hybrid Bike
+4	Electric Bike
+5	BMX Bike
+6	Cyclocross Bike
+7	Folding Bike
+8	Touring Bike
+COPY "Equipment" FROM stdin;
+1	6	6458772687570	
+2	4	6594089210329	
+3	6	5190009593483	
+4	4	6718554847050	
+5	5	9200252313991	
+6	3	4457791543531	
+7	1	1313596868138	
+8	6	7597318412708	
+9	8	4822292633102	
+10	8	6928696723901	
+11	2	9087530160153	
+12	7	8156041618444	
+13	8	6339115962717	
+14	6	0239931969258	
+15	5	7605596045249	
+16	6	1321956525430	
+17	4	7310667388148	
+18	7	5412973340598	
+19	2	5904086137092	
+20	2	3143755868147	
+21	8	7043091616982	
+22	4	8977680662663	
+23	2	7093982076906	
+24	3	3005620372046	
+25	7	0986708322357	
+26	5	3879027954651	
+27	1	6396350982436	
+28	8	8160438444721	
+29	2	1647803671328	
+30	4	1530779227975	
+31	2	7459687096371	
+32	8	0696592306301	
+33	3	5561083523862	
+34	1	5021832255203	
+35	1	7788337724167	
+36	2	5297339846811	
+37	6	6663537305655	
+38	3	9531881398159	
+39	1	9778005257590	
+40	8	9497182259592	
+41	4	7832125962412	
+42	6	0255046378549	
+43	2	2204600333980	
+44	3	0511149076134	
+45	4	1905685515315	
+46	5	7838907236399	
+47	6	5354962280679	
+48	5	1278560664928	
+49	8	2620475088747	
+50	2	0982582070834	
+COPY "Mechanics" FROM stdin;
+1	Charles	Adkins
+2	Robert	Thompson
+3	Megan	Thomas
+4	Matthew	Wheeler
+5	Tracy	Charles
+COPY "Service Statuses" FROM stdin;
+1	Received
+2	In Progress
+3	Awaiting Part
+4	Completed
+COPY "Service Requests" FROM stdin;
+1	10	20	2	Front fork feels stiff; possible suspension issue.	458.1	2025-01-05 10:11:28.768122	2025-01-15 10:24:10.038635
+2	10	48	5	Front fork feels stiff; possible suspension issue.	261.49	2025-01-08 16:10:27.364208	2025-01-15 17:25:56.997396
+3	16	32	2	Flat tire; needs replacement or repair.	483.91	2025-01-04 05:48:32.389068	\N
+4	17	17	3	Chain keeps falling off during rides.	453.96	2025-01-08 03:27:45.850520	2025-01-05 05:13:56.358573
+5	1	32	2	Flat tire; needs replacement or repair.	103.24	2025-01-10 02:20:00.766097	2025-01-11 15:35:10.915119
+6	15	18	1	Electric bike battery isn't holding charge.	197.54	2025-01-01 12:03:58.042472	\N
+7	7	3	4	Bike makes a clicking noise while pedaling.	233.9	2025-01-13 11:20:58.417285	\N
+8	2	21	3	Customer wants clipless pedals installed.	485.6	2025-01-09 13:27:47.273917	2025-01-11 09:47:39.761001
+9	20	8	2	Bike makes a clicking noise while pedaling.	81.49	2025-01-06 19:51:24.391168	\N
+10	3	14	5	Chain keeps falling off during rides.	27.05	2025-01-11 19:53:08.606539	\N
+11	13	18	5	Gears are not shifting smoothly.	481.54	2025-01-09 06:56:16.379648	\N
+12	2	16	4	Headset creaks when turning the handlebars.	472.97	2025-01-11 05:58:06.703393	\N
+13	14	10	5	Customer wants clipless pedals installed.	286.19	2025-01-14 00:44:47.515397	2025-01-01 10:35:45.207151
+14	11	34	1	Bike makes a clicking noise while pedaling.	216.63	2025-01-14 23:39:50.833382	2025-01-14 00:24:09.762261
+15	10	14	2	Rear wheel wobbles; possible rim issue.	231.79	2025-01-06 20:24:41.615423	\N
+16	5	48	2	Looking to upgrade to tubeless tires.	469.17	2025-01-15 16:32:01.041626	\N
+17	5	13	3	Headset creaks when turning the handlebars.	271.76	2025-01-11 13:03:39.234821	\N
+18	2	8	5	Flat tire; needs replacement or repair.	336.89	2025-01-02 20:24:57.577083	\N
+19	2	44	1	Rear derailleur seems bent after a crash.	234.89	2025-01-01 04:41:49.123657	2025-01-08 03:11:36.165671
+20	2	2	2	Handlebars feel loose and need adjustment.	68.9	2025-01-04 15:39:04.496455	2025-01-09 15:19:04.966949
+21	7	33	3	Chain keeps falling off during rides.	482.64	2025-01-06 22:59:03.201623	2025-01-04 11:08:54.975466
+22	2	8	2	Rear derailleur seems bent after a crash.	294.89	2025-01-03 03:16:14.928212	\N
+23	7	5	3	Rear derailleur seems bent after a crash.	93.91	2025-01-06 11:17:17.671771	2025-01-11 01:01:42.800117
+24	4	18	4	Brakes feel soft and don't stop effectively.	174.67	2025-01-02 21:19:45.129610	2025-01-07 07:31:27.930341
+25	12	11	5	Brakes feel soft and don't stop effectively.	430.31	2025-01-12 01:24:57.391244	\N
+26	19	50	2	Child seat needs to be installed securely on the frame.	431.75	2025-01-16 00:37:20.169067	\N
+27	11	27	2	Customer wants clipless pedals installed.	116.08	2025-01-14 13:16:53.938555	\N
+28	17	37	3	Electric bike battery isn't holding charge.	184.13	2025-01-10 14:40:12.640842	\N
+29	8	44	2	Child seat needs to be installed securely on the frame.	166.73	2025-01-06 21:30:57.229592	2025-01-09 11:43:42.579269
+30	20	33	5	Customer wants help installing accessories (e.g., lights, rack).	440.01	2025-01-10 19:04:08.686107	\N
+COPY "Service Milestones" FROM stdin;
+1	10	2	2025-01-07 08:47:46.217143	Frame: Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.
+2	10	2	2025-01-14 21:53:49.646056	Wheels: Customer pleased with how smooth the wheels now spin.
+3	2	2	2025-01-16 03:49:19.193744	Seat: Replaced torn saddle with a new gel-padded seat.
+4	11	2	2025-01-01 14:47:41.900180	Gears: Lubricated drivetrain; customer noticed quieter pedaling.
+5	15	3	2025-01-03 20:15:51.170396	Handlebars: Handlebar alignment corrected; was slightly off-center.
+6	17	1	2025-01-08 17:22:39.155486	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+7	26	1	2025-01-10 10:38:02.995214	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+8	19	4	2025-01-09 04:36:45.996913	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+9	8	4	2025-01-08 18:23:47.468222	Brakes: Rear brake cable frayed; replaced with a new one.
+10	26	3	2025-01-08 09:12:41.813921	Frame: Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.
+11	8	2	2025-01-08 20:10:16.393944	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+12	16	2	2025-01-12 10:50:06.552320	Seat: Customer commented that the saddle now feels like new.
+13	30	2	2025-01-03 19:01:00.816007	Tires: Replaced a worn-out rear tire; customer opted for puncture-resistant model.
+14	10	2	2025-01-15 07:55:45.629029	Tires: Customer appreciated advice on tire pressure for road biking.
+15	30	4	2025-01-01 06:48:38.057140	Gears: Lubricated drivetrain; customer noticed quieter pedaling.
+16	28	1	2025-01-03 04:44:26.454817	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+17	18	4	2025-01-09 10:01:37.291468	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+18	6	3	2025-01-05 00:56:05.460386	Tires: Customer appreciated advice on tire pressure for road biking.
+19	8	1	2025-01-16 16:12:54.908881	Brakes: Rear brake cable frayed; replaced with a new one.
+20	22	4	2025-01-10 01:31:00.976382	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+21	24	1	2025-01-13 01:57:55.013202	Frame: Frame cleaned and polished; customer commented on how shiny it looked.
+22	6	2	2025-01-08 02:57:08.638848	Seat: Customer commented that the saddle now feels like new.
+23	13	2	2025-01-08 11:12:10.861305	Brakes: Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.
+24	7	1	2025-01-03 23:27:02.387476	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+25	12	1	2025-01-09 16:56:10.217908	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
+26	21	1	2025-01-01 20:13:06.888947	Frame: Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.
+27	18	2	2025-01-05 21:03:53.670845	Pedals: Mechanic noticed loose threads on right pedal spindle; tightened securely.
+28	6	4	2025-01-10 02:57:38.500126	Seat: Replaced torn saddle with a new gel-padded seat.
+29	21	1	2025-01-15 03:17:37.690491	Frame: Small dent on the top tube identified during inspection.
+30	2	1	2025-01-06 17:35:00.879927	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+31	18	1	2025-01-07 18:13:48.771544	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+32	18	2	2025-01-12 07:02:03.466806	Seat: Customer commented that the saddle now feels like new.
+33	22	2	2025-01-02 22:43:37.408209	Frame: Small dent on the top tube identified during inspection.
+34	10	4	2025-01-06 14:07:43.797434	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+35	1	4	2025-01-09 10:32:20.447052	Seat: Customer commented that the saddle now feels like new.
+36	26	2	2025-01-03 04:55:00.043649	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+37	18	2	2025-01-04 03:00:33.453246	Gears: Customer reported skipping gears; adjusted indexing.
+38	4	1	2025-01-12 02:49:09.994843	Frame: Small dent on the top tube identified during inspection.
+39	8	1	2025-01-02 13:32:22.550040	Brakes: Rear brake cable frayed; replaced with a new one.
+40	29	3	2025-01-01 14:47:35.608643	Brakes: Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.
+41	24	1	2025-01-12 19:07:40.671851	Handlebars: Handlebar alignment corrected; was slightly off-center.
+42	5	1	2025-01-03 11:24:44.784795	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
+43	11	2	2025-01-07 09:07:49.404417	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+44	26	2	2025-01-05 23:07:49.298178	Brakes: Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.
+45	9	2	2025-01-04 07:33:35.602183	Tires: Customer appreciated advice on tire pressure for road biking.
+46	18	3	2025-01-12 16:21:27.611156	Wheels: Bent rear rim; trued the wheel successfully.
+47	5	3	2025-01-01 05:17:01.035835	Frame: Frame cleaned and polished; customer commented on how shiny it looked.
+48	30	4	2025-01-12 23:37:54.705064	Wheels: Customer pleased with how smooth the wheels now spin.
+49	29	4	2025-01-08 23:42:24.226790	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+50	3	1	2025-01-14 04:23:15.225983	Pedals: Mechanic noticed loose threads on right pedal spindle; tightened securely.
+51	10	1	2025-01-04 13:03:41.987045	Seat: Customer commented that the saddle now feels like new.
+52	20	2	2025-01-08 20:16:51.693332	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+53	30	3	2025-01-16 08:44:05.328637	Tires: Replaced a worn-out rear tire; customer opted for puncture-resistant model.
+54	25	4	2025-01-07 22:58:50.430439	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+55	19	1	2025-01-12 03:34:01.011877	Pedals: Left pedal bearings replaced due to grinding noise.
+56	6	1	2025-01-03 20:19:40.075034	Pedals: Left pedal bearings replaced due to grinding noise.
+57	1	3	2025-01-15 11:55:15.440209	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
+58	14	2	2025-01-03 03:33:45.567633	Brakes: Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.
+59	3	2	2025-01-11 17:19:42.898977	Frame: Small dent on the top tube identified during inspection.
+60	26	1	2025-01-06 19:15:00.420295	Brakes: Rear brake cable frayed; replaced with a new one.
+61	13	1	2025-01-14 12:16:37.648064	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+62	1	2	2025-01-03 08:26:01.927882	Brakes: Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.
+63	29	2	2025-01-14 00:16:34.229102	Tires: Replaced a worn-out rear tire; customer opted for puncture-resistant model.
+64	20	4	2025-01-10 21:03:09.608222	Handlebars: Re-wrapped handlebar tape; customer loved the color choice.
+65	29	4	2025-01-07 07:00:07.904576	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+66	18	1	2025-01-02 10:05:24.989370	Wheels: Bent rear rim; trued the wheel successfully.
+67	9	4	2025-01-02 05:23:49.940989	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+68	29	1	2025-01-05 12:44:50.590624	Brakes: Customer remarked how responsive the brakes feel now.
+69	14	1	2025-01-08 13:34:34.011710	Pedals: Mechanic noticed loose threads on right pedal spindle; tightened securely.
+70	16	1	2025-01-08 18:06:58.447946	Handlebars: Handlebar alignment corrected; was slightly off-center.
+71	12	4	2025-01-06 01:12:12.590045	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+72	6	1	2025-01-07 15:06:05.361839	Frame: Small dent on the top tube identified during inspection.
+73	3	2	2025-01-09 08:58:18.849503	Tires: Front tire inflated; slow leak detected and patched.
+74	2	4	2025-01-11 23:16:55.910491	Pedals: Left pedal bearings replaced due to grinding noise.
+75	13	4	2025-01-13 04:47:30.801282	Pedals: Upgraded pedals to a clipless system; customer very happy.
+76	2	1	2025-01-09 13:41:58.636115	Tires: Replaced a worn-out rear tire; customer opted for puncture-resistant model.
+77	29	2	2025-01-10 06:53:45.983297	Gears: Lubricated drivetrain; customer noticed quieter pedaling.
+78	30	2	2025-01-07 12:32:40.057594	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+79	24	4	2025-01-07 15:44:32.816038	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
+80	12	3	2025-01-07 02:46:14.069672	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+81	17	2	2025-01-12 10:44:53.000051	Frame: Frame cleaned and polished; customer commented on how shiny it looked.
+82	21	1	2025-01-05 12:32:51.917834	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+83	10	2	2025-01-09 23:35:26.263723	Frame: Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.
+84	3	1	2025-01-02 21:12:29.416106	Tires: Customer appreciated advice on tire pressure for road biking.
+85	25	4	2025-01-15 21:36:30.448941	Gears: Shifted gears sticking; replaced derailleur hanger.
+86	15	2	2025-01-14 18:45:36.484494	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
+87	22	1	2025-01-02 18:26:36.340023	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+88	21	1	2025-01-02 03:40:01.158450	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
+89	18	3	2025-01-15 18:18:53.681251	Gears: Customer reported skipping gears; adjusted indexing.
+90	1	2	2025-01-02 03:17:35.638653	Handlebars: Handlebar alignment corrected; was slightly off-center.
+91	24	4	2025-01-03 09:20:37.081151	Tires: Customer appreciated advice on tire pressure for road biking.
+92	2	2	2025-01-08 13:35:06.177571	Handlebars: Installed new ergonomic grips; customer was excited about the comfort.
+93	6	4	2025-01-06 19:12:43.223897	Frame: Frame cleaned and polished; customer commented on how shiny it looked.
+94	28	3	2025-01-08 17:30:58.228861	Tires: Front tire inflated; slow leak detected and patched.
+95	17	3	2025-01-09 11:28:29.178429	Brakes: Adjusted brake pads for better stopping power.
+96	1	3	2025-01-02 05:15:28.978011	Frame: Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.
+97	2	1	2025-01-12 01:59:04.712426	Frame: Noticed a crack near the bottom bracket; recommended a replacement.
+98	22	4	2025-01-12 22:50:53.991210	Tires: Front tire inflated; slow leak detected and patched.
+99	3	4	2025-01-12 14:45:07.111919	Gears: Shifted gears sticking; replaced derailleur hanger.
+100	29	2	2025-01-07 03:32:51.205724	Wheels: Replaced a broken spoke on the front wheel.
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/schema.sql b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27a9820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/bike_service_shop/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+SET search_path = "Bike Shop";
+CREATE TABLE "Customers" (
+  first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  last_name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  email TEXT,
+  phone TEXT
+CREATE TABLE "Equipment Types" (
+CREATE TABLE "Equipment" (
+  type_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment Types" (id),
+  serial_number TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+  notes TEXT
+CREATE TABLE "Mechanics" (
+  first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  last_name TEXT NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE "Service Statuses" (
+CREATE TABLE "Service Requests" (
+  customer_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Customers" (id),
+  equipment_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment" (id),
+  mechanic_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Mechanics" (id),
+  request_description TEXT NOT NULL,
+  cost NUMERIC(10, 2),
+  time_in TIMESTAMP,
+  time_out TIMESTAMP
+CREATE TABLE "Service Milestones" (
+  service_request_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Service Requests" (id),
+  status_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Service Statuses" (id),
+  update_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(),
+  notes TEXT
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/README.md b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/README.md
index 497fdb1..dd8a833 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/README.md
+++ b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/README.md
@@ -59,21 +59,3 @@ erDiagram
     "Transactions" ||--|{ "Customers" : "customer_id"
     "Rentals" ||--|| "Transactions" : "transaction_id"
-## Loading Data
-The generated SQL file, `generate_data/load_data.sql`, contains all the necessary COPY commands to import data into your database. The data (and the load data file) are produced by the `generate_data.py` file, which can be adjusted and re-run to alter the data if needed.
-Load the data into a locally-running Mathesar instance like this:
-# First load the schema and tables
-docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < schema.sql
-# Then the sample data
-docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < generated_data.sql
-## Development
-The only requirement is to install dependencies with `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generate_data.py b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generate_data.py
index d5a022a..770ed0a 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generate_data.py
+++ b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generate_data.py
@@ -1,54 +1,68 @@
 import os
 import random
+from datetime import timedelta, datetime
 from faker import Faker
-import faker_commerce
-from datetime import timedelta
 fake = Faker()
-# Number of rows to generate
+# Helper functions
+def clean_value(value):
+    """Clean a value for SQL COPY operations."""
+    if value is None:
+        return r"\N"
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
+    return str(value)
+def write_to_sql_file(output_path, search_path, tables):
+    """Write the generated data to an SQL file."""
+    with open(output_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'SET search_path="{search_path}";\n\n')
+        for table_name, generator in tables.items():
+            f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
+            for row in generator:
+                cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
+                f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
+            f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    print(f"SQL file generated: {output_path}")
+def get_output_file_path(filename):
+    """Get the output file path relative to the current script's directory."""
+    current_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    return os.path.join(current_file_dir, filename)
+# Constants
-# Base product names with allowed descriptors
-    "lawn mower": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
-    "socket set": ["size", "feature", "set_type"],
+    "air compressor": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
     "chainsaw": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
+    "drill": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
     "hammer": ["quality", "feature"],
     "hand axe": ["size", "quality"],
-    "drill": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
+    "lawn mower": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
     "leaf blower": ["size", "feature"],
-    "wrench set": ["size", "set_type", "quality"],
-    "screwdriver set": ["size", "feature", "set_type"],
-    "power saw": ["feature", "quality"],
     "pliers set": ["size", "set_type"],
+    "power saw": ["feature", "quality"],
+    "screwdriver set": ["size", "feature", "set_type"],
     "shovel": ["size", "quality"],
+    "socket set": ["size", "feature", "set_type"],
     "wheelbarrow": ["size", "quality"],
     "workbench": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
-    "air compressor": ["size", "feature", "quality"],
+    "wrench set": ["size", "set_type", "quality"],
-# Descriptor categories
-    "size": ["xl", "sm", "compact", "oversized", "portable"],
     "feature": ["adjustable", "collapsible", "ergonomic", "cordless", "heavy-duty"],
     "quality": ["deluxe", "professional", "basic", "lightweight", "industrial"],
     "set_type": ["10pc", "20pc", "5pc", "15pc"],
+    "size": ["xl", "sm", "compact", "oversized", "portable"],
-# Helper function to clean values for SQL COPY
-def clean_value(value):
-    if value is None:
-        return r"\N"
-    if isinstance(value, str):
-        return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
-    return str(value)
 # Helper function to generate asset names
 def generate_asset_name():
     base_product = random.choice(list(BASE_PRODUCTS.keys()))
@@ -60,7 +74,6 @@ def generate_asset_name():
             descriptor = random.choice(DESCRIPTORS[category])
             name_parts.insert(0, descriptor)  # Add descriptor before the base product name
-    # Title case the final product name
     return " ".join(name_parts).title()
 # Table Data Generation
@@ -89,7 +102,7 @@ def generate_assets(store_ids):
         yield [
-            generate_asset_name(),  # Use the custom asset name generator
+            generate_asset_name(),
@@ -115,31 +128,20 @@ def generate_rentals(transaction_ids):
         rental_time = rental_end - rental_start
         yield [i, transaction_id, rental_start, rental_end, rental_start, rental_end, rental_time]
-# Generate Data
-store_ids = list(range(1, NUM_STORES + 1))
-customer_ids = list(range(1, NUM_CUSTOMERS + 1))
-asset_ids = list(range(1, NUM_ASSETS + 1))
-transaction_ids = list(range(1, NUM_TRANSACTIONS + 1))
-tables = {
-    "Store Locations": generate_store_locations(),
-    "Customers": generate_customers(),
-    "Assets": generate_assets(store_ids),
-    "Transactions": generate_transactions(asset_ids, customer_ids),
-    "Rentals": generate_rentals(transaction_ids),
-# Write to SQL file
-sql_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "generated_data.sql")
-with open(sql_file, "w") as f:
-    f.write('SET search_path="Hardware Store";\n\n')
-    for table_name, generator in tables.items():
-        f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
-        for row in generator:
-            cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
-            f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
-        f.write("\\.\n\n")
-print(f"SQL file generated: {sql_file}")
+# Main Script
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    store_ids = list(range(1, NUM_STORES + 1))
+    customer_ids = list(range(1, NUM_CUSTOMERS + 1))
+    asset_ids = list(range(1, NUM_ASSETS + 1))
+    transaction_ids = list(range(1, NUM_TRANSACTIONS + 1))
+    tables = {
+        "Store Locations": generate_store_locations(),
+        "Customers": generate_customers(),
+        "Assets": generate_assets(store_ids),
+        "Transactions": generate_transactions(asset_ids, customer_ids),
+        "Rentals": generate_rentals(transaction_ids),
+    }
+    sql_file = get_output_file_path("generated_data.sql")
+    write_to_sql_file(sql_file, "Hardware Store", tables)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generated_data.sql b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generated_data.sql
index d8766e4..38d1f26 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generated_data.sql
+++ b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/generated_data.sql
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
 SET search_path="Hardware Store";
 COPY "Store Locations" FROM stdin;
-1	Trevino Group	71605 Andrews Parks Suite 687 Brandonstad, PA 99796
-2	Brewer Inc	02266 Cherry Locks Suite 010 Bartonport, MT 94578
-3	Sanders-King	6995 Petty Wall Lake Tiffany, IL 62558
-4	Mercado, Rogers and Brown	225 Day Junction West Breannaberg, PA 88210
-5	Price-Nichols	96728 Katie Heights West Brian, MD 51538
+1	Hurley-Solis	536 Harris Lodge Suite 008 North Thomaston, NH 71798
+2	Thompson, Patel and Fernandez	89803 Huerta Fields Apt. 469 Marytown, NV 46853
+3	Kramer Group	92494 Adam Prairie Suite 859 North Lisaport, MT 75809
+4	Garcia, Colon and Greene	489 Gill Run Suite 432 Campbellside, AR 57973
+5	Black, Evans and Larson	679 Bradley Vista Darlenemouth, ID 66594
 COPY "Customers" FROM stdin;
-1	Ashley	Ward	scott22@example.net	+1-459-556-9681x0513	6063 Gregory Hills Suite 535 Acostastad, FM 71631
-2	Dustin	Caldwell	cortezkaren@example.com	001-834-270-6744x842	0007 Amber Common East Corey, MA 59143
-3	Gabrielle	Baker	sarah33@example.com	001-990-383-2710x67743	06813 Allen Motorway Suite 843 New Alicia, OR 46076
-4	Erik	Peterson	cohenchad@example.net	(366)572-8254x71350	7671 Katherine Forge Frankshire, MD 07599
-5	Kevin	Evans	jasonbarnett@example.com	(466)305-9881	46125 Jeffrey Gateway Suite 565 West Thomasbury, ID 24569
-6	John	Webb	johnsonlori@example.org	(737)710-3216x46641	1940 King Unions Suite 415 Whiteland, TX 68939
-7	Peter	Merritt	edward25@example.org	8617950872	45850 Wilkinson Rue Lake Anthonyfort, MP 89881
-8	Brandon	Rodriguez	michaelaadams@example.com	(298)949-0999	3974 Miller Loaf Gilbertfurt, MN 17810
-9	Rebecca	Curry	shelbyjackson@example.com	8516621372	PSC 6178, Box 0751 APO AE 21593
-10	Jeffrey	Johnson	isaiahmeza@example.com	372-686-6707x4126	72132 Victoria Rapids Port Diana, IL 70209
-11	Darren	Estrada	alexandra25@example.com	001-518-586-9532	3318 Wilkins Fall Lake Karen, MS 75639
-12	Eric	Welch	holmesaimee@example.org	798.666.4566x616	4608 Smith Canyon Suite 432 East Eugenetown, ND 72115
-13	Katie	Baker	danielgarner@example.net	(986)514-0418x125	5679 Edwards Streets Apt. 911 Boydchester, OH 22398
-14	Brandon	Clark	moralesderek@example.org	+1-663-778-2532x421	79055 Fletcher Path Robertfurt, NY 15838
-15	William	Townsend	rbailey@example.org	506.776.8121x3772	4322 Michael Streets Apt. 870 Ortizfurt, FL 42290
-16	Alex	Brooks	snydertony@example.com	4203760327	PSC 6413, Box 0489 APO AP 10741
-17	Katie	Jacobs	rebeccathompson@example.org	682.881.8241x67063	3605 Patrick Springs New Zacharyville, VA 94333
-18	Michelle	Allen	omiller@example.com	001-887-617-1236x0552	3636 Davis Lakes Apt. 702 East Debraport, MN 85425
-19	Theresa	Bradley	robert79@example.com	359-723-0264	269 Audrey Spur Apt. 224 Linshire, CA 04630
-20	Brandi	Morris	kayladaniels@example.org	384-405-6200x75369	29153 Jack Extension Graveschester, OK 68775
+1	Thomas	Jackson	jgonzalez@example.org	362-837-5867x2899	609 White Viaduct South Cynthiaborough, MD 83104
+2	Jennifer	Johnson	randyherman@example.net	728-444-8558	06541 Jonathan Cape Sullivanburgh, MD 63946
+3	Ashley	Love	mark13@example.com	901.428.0252x586	648 Thomas Haven Suite 578 East Kenneth, MA 39887
+4	Whitney	Smith	woodsregina@example.com	+1-695-532-4668x89672	0102 Brock Mission Donnastad, VA 97687
+5	Jeremiah	Martin	suarezryan@example.net	+1-217-943-7072	7510 Hernandez Center Suite 573 Barnesberg, UT 89733
+6	Kayla	Johnson	alexis63@example.net	7519843054	092 Stanley Throughway Tinafort, TX 99119
+7	Joy	May	anita14@example.com	(927)920-0205	891 Laura Islands East Ariel, NV 94940
+8	Jennifer	Acosta	joshua33@example.net	001-214-901-0253	522 Li Rue West Colinchester, GA 42286
+9	Katrina	Lee	chelsea00@example.com	(360)257-2698x51410	4981 Robert Circle Apt. 498 Knightport, MD 20332
+10	William	Mendez	johnjones@example.net	235-779-7223	78543 Crosby Walk Deborahland, FL 63430
+11	James	Ryan	natasha70@example.com	389.685.3529	93495 James Mount Annaside, CA 82169
+12	Gloria	Li	ihernandez@example.org	336.927.6257	36963 Wu Heights Port Anabury, TX 44715
+13	Kim	Beltran	marshaaron@example.com	529-681-7888x38684	7475 Logan Crest Apt. 371 Monicachester, FL 67857
+14	Cassandra	Burns	margaretweiss@example.com	(470)918-6426	1277 Burton Track Thompsonborough, NY 59472
+15	Andrea	Solomon	katiemack@example.com	+1-810-775-7845x530	625 Becky Skyway Suite 833 Stacyview, PW 12442
+16	James	Jones	wayne73@example.net	001-745-443-1959	772 Davis Branch West Kellyfurt, NV 36159
+17	Lisa	Dixon	christina78@example.org	3799989111	384 Taylor Glens Apt. 082 Mooreport, RI 83558
+18	Matthew	Adams	collinsamy@example.com	231-387-3903x91236	8840 Ryan Manors Apt. 036 New Jeremyview, MP 35584
+19	Nicole	Price	halljimmy@example.net	001-519-235-3715x80381	2202 Christine Stravenue Pettyborough, AS 95530
+20	Lori	Marsh	perezjonathan@example.net	(675)596-2593x8823	766 Hanson Junction Apt. 926 Juanborough, ME 30242
 COPY "Assets" FROM stdin;
-1	Compact Workbench	4764648751354	64.9	\N	weekly	Aisle 17 - Shelf 5	2
-2	5Pc Collapsible Xl Socket Set	0693950909884	86.98	\N	monthly	Aisle 12 - Shelf 3	5
-3	Hammer	0359539144960	44.24	\N	weekly	Aisle 17 - Shelf 5	4
-4	Compact Workbench	2147208530446	37.28	\N	weekly	Aisle 9 - Shelf 6	4
-5	Basic 10Pc Wrench Set	5963850343947	47.81	\N	monthly	Aisle 14 - Shelf 1	4
-6	Professional Collapsible Portable Workbench	3997985927064	81.04	\N	weekly	Aisle 13 - Shelf 7	4
-7	Lightweight Xl Wheelbarrow	4394073379078	45.9	\N	monthly	Aisle 5 - Shelf 3	1
-8	10Pc Cordless Socket Set	8701477472612	37.52	\N	weekly	Aisle 11 - Shelf 8	4
-9	Lightweight Xl Wheelbarrow	9807094026623	90.55	\N	daily	Aisle 20 - Shelf 10	5
-10	Lightweight 5Pc Xl Wrench Set	4058705276493	85.36	\N	daily	Aisle 17 - Shelf 9	2
-11	Lightweight Ergonomic Power Saw	1915300091919	22.79	\N	monthly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 1	5
-12	Industrial 5Pc Oversized Wrench Set	1072012338524	10.59	5.97	weekly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 9	3
-13	Collapsible Xl Leaf Blower	9823535206072	31.38	19.15	daily	Aisle 13 - Shelf 4	5
-14	Sm Lawn Mower	1611063723578	58.26	\N	weekly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 1	2
-15	Portable Wheelbarrow	2039239952000	67.73	\N	daily	Aisle 19 - Shelf 10	5
-16	Industrial Hammer	9939312769798	92.19	\N	daily	Aisle 14 - Shelf 9	5
-17	Compact Leaf Blower	2745014889828	95.48	\N	weekly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 6	5
-18	Professional Portable Hand Axe	7452365900441	70.37	\N	monthly	Aisle 3 - Shelf 4	2
-19	Adjustable Portable Leaf Blower	8006841347245	74.22	\N	monthly	Aisle 20 - Shelf 1	5
-20	Adjustable Sm Screwdriver Set	3923792733420	88.32	\N	weekly	Aisle 20 - Shelf 3	2
-21	20Pc Wrench Set	2846183087104	37.97	\N	monthly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 10	2
-22	Basic Shovel	7233252203780	27.21	\N	monthly	Aisle 13 - Shelf 4	3
-23	Industrial Cordless Portable Workbench	4982498374862	66.43	\N	monthly	Aisle 20 - Shelf 10	5
-24	Air Compressor	7640743027402	10.74	6.64	weekly	Aisle 10 - Shelf 6	2
-25	Professional Compact Shovel	8295562014684	38.39	\N	daily	Aisle 4 - Shelf 5	5
-26	Adjustable Air Compressor	3644877144800	7.95	\N	monthly	Aisle 20 - Shelf 2	3
-27	Industrial Heavy-Duty Power Saw	9805106083701	56.45	\N	daily	Aisle 15 - Shelf 2	5
-28	20Pc Ergonomic Portable Socket Set	6075017960634	30.33	\N	daily	Aisle 3 - Shelf 7	4
-29	Basic Portable Hand Axe	5075274507710	10.12	7.35	monthly	Aisle 11 - Shelf 3	3
-30	Lightweight Wrench Set	2081585744990	31.79	\N	monthly	Aisle 4 - Shelf 4	4
-31	Basic Sm Chainsaw	6841447246224	43.26	\N	daily	Aisle 20 - Shelf 9	3
-32	Basic 10Pc Compact Wrench Set	5922008160713	74.25	\N	weekly	Aisle 12 - Shelf 6	5
-33	15Pc Pliers Set	2647656594217	50.93	\N	weekly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 8	5
-34	Deluxe 10Pc Wrench Set	1236030580468	68.57	\N	monthly	Aisle 3 - Shelf 7	5
-35	Leaf Blower	3429746782594	95.79	\N	monthly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 4	2
-36	Heavy-Duty Hammer	5708790566632	87.33	57.81	daily	Aisle 20 - Shelf 3	5
-37	Lightweight Compact Hand Axe	1618822852180	47.96	34.07	weekly	Aisle 3 - Shelf 10	1
-38	Xl Shovel	6895488918480	97.63	\N	monthly	Aisle 17 - Shelf 7	4
-39	Deluxe Hammer	0580594807181	42.42	\N	weekly	Aisle 19 - Shelf 10	3
-40	Cordless Oversized Chainsaw	8523528320723	88.6	\N	monthly	Aisle 10 - Shelf 9	4
-41	Professional 5Pc Portable Wrench Set	6464548168952	46.02	\N	daily	Aisle 16 - Shelf 3	4
-42	5Pc Pliers Set	4989176347521	57.23	\N	weekly	Aisle 20 - Shelf 4	5
-43	15Pc Cordless Compact Socket Set	3889867276080	39.76	\N	monthly	Aisle 14 - Shelf 6	4
-44	Shovel	6583295690841	65.29	\N	monthly	Aisle 18 - Shelf 1	4
-45	Deluxe Compact Wheelbarrow	9141358850495	67.18	\N	monthly	Aisle 6 - Shelf 9	4
-46	Lightweight Cordless Sm Lawn Mower	8010330382884	60.49	\N	weekly	Aisle 5 - Shelf 3	5
-47	Compact Lawn Mower	5067919914588	53.57	\N	weekly	Aisle 4 - Shelf 4	3
-48	20Pc Compact Socket Set	7456728595190	38.8	\N	daily	Aisle 4 - Shelf 2	3
-49	15Pc Xl Wrench Set	0285394729090	31.91	\N	weekly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 10	3
-50	Basic Oversized Wrench Set	1671457610006	47.13	\N	monthly	Aisle 19 - Shelf 5	1
+1	Cordless Sm Leaf Blower	0574437137986	31.34	\N	monthly	Aisle 18 - Shelf 3	3
+2	Lightweight Ergonomic Xl Drill	6488355187432	17.86	\N	weekly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 9	1
+3	Heavy-Duty Leaf Blower	2663332158740	53.26	\N	monthly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 5	2
+4	10Pc Adjustable Oversized Socket Set	1059198945593	71.26	52.76	monthly	Aisle 17 - Shelf 2	5
+5	Deluxe Xl Wheelbarrow	1317106696587	18.72	\N	daily	Aisle 10 - Shelf 9	2
+6	Industrial Collapsible Oversized Drill	8963774291192	44.87	\N	monthly	Aisle 14 - Shelf 3	2
+7	Industrial Collapsible Air Compressor	7560418869840	15.03	\N	monthly	Aisle 3 - Shelf 4	3
+8	Industrial Compact Hand Axe	1217013427888	59.52	\N	weekly	Aisle 1 - Shelf 6	5
+9	Sm Leaf Blower	6130913686481	12.56	\N	monthly	Aisle 9 - Shelf 6	3
+10	Professional Cordless Power Saw	6416306814335	57.82	\N	monthly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 10	2
+11	Compact Pliers Set	4777970730638	80.93	\N	monthly	Aisle 6 - Shelf 10	4
+12	Lightweight Sm Workbench	8153516242807	34.69	\N	monthly	Aisle 10 - Shelf 4	1
+13	Basic Oversized Chainsaw	2918456724631	59.68	\N	daily	Aisle 3 - Shelf 9	5
+14	Professional Oversized Drill	7260544423892	9.53	5.0	monthly	Aisle 14 - Shelf 5	3
+15	Workbench	7172419939233	12.36	\N	weekly	Aisle 4 - Shelf 5	3
+16	Industrial 5Pc Oversized Wrench Set	8565854998207	44.74	\N	monthly	Aisle 17 - Shelf 7	3
+17	10Pc Ergonomic Portable Screwdriver Set	2941284297916	16.55	10.27	weekly	Aisle 15 - Shelf 6	5
+18	Lightweight Heavy-Duty Xl Lawn Mower	5995520241918	92.19	65.69	daily	Aisle 1 - Shelf 5	5
+19	5Pc Cordless Oversized Socket Set	2460274532054	17.18	\N	weekly	Aisle 10 - Shelf 3	5
+20	Industrial Cordless Lawn Mower	3146538540308	82.13	\N	monthly	Aisle 15 - Shelf 10	2
+21	Basic Collapsible Sm Chainsaw	3582832945898	30.91	\N	weekly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 10	4
+22	Adjustable Power Saw	8850535651930	87.84	65.62	monthly	Aisle 13 - Shelf 5	2
+23	Deluxe Adjustable Oversized Workbench	9227790843063	91.04	\N	monthly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 1	4
+24	20Pc Sm Pliers Set	4307793540154	34.12	\N	weekly	Aisle 10 - Shelf 8	1
+25	Basic Cordless Portable Air Compressor	7129179035668	72.9	\N	weekly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 10	4
+26	Heavy-Duty Xl Leaf Blower	0919413045174	55.96	\N	monthly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 10	3
+27	Industrial Chainsaw	0517149954441	8.25	\N	weekly	Aisle 15 - Shelf 2	4
+28	Deluxe Hand Axe	9291143638118	88.23	\N	monthly	Aisle 1 - Shelf 5	3
+29	10Pc Pliers Set	6050005970017	36.41	\N	weekly	Aisle 12 - Shelf 9	4
+30	Socket Set	6903549366955	55.35	\N	weekly	Aisle 3 - Shelf 3	3
+31	Industrial Sm Hand Axe	8709844754552	73.38	\N	weekly	Aisle 12 - Shelf 5	2
+32	Xl Socket Set	7223302823778	75.44	40.27	monthly	Aisle 14 - Shelf 2	4
+33	Adjustable Industrial Hammer	8447912337305	73.32	\N	weekly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 4	5
+34	Cordless Professional Hammer	1025389301721	16.21	10.64	monthly	Aisle 7 - Shelf 6	3
+35	Professional Ergonomic Power Saw	5449975865316	43.97	\N	weekly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 7	2
+36	Portable Leaf Blower	7904884317946	64.91	\N	monthly	Aisle 11 - Shelf 3	1
+37	20Pc Heavy-Duty Sm Screwdriver Set	9953725511294	73.74	48.2	monthly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 2	5
+38	Sm Screwdriver Set	2549934771405	74.81	59.76	monthly	Aisle 4 - Shelf 7	5
+39	Professional Hammer	2000904792320	62.4	\N	monthly	Aisle 11 - Shelf 1	4
+40	Screwdriver Set	4061449507921	42.97	\N	monthly	Aisle 2 - Shelf 8	2
+41	Heavy-Duty Leaf Blower	5113291161376	74.27	48.15	weekly	Aisle 11 - Shelf 8	5
+42	Basic Adjustable Compact Lawn Mower	6686523447108	76.4	\N	weekly	Aisle 15 - Shelf 1	3
+43	10Pc Screwdriver Set	4785884903321	82.8	\N	daily	Aisle 5 - Shelf 7	4
+44	Professional Collapsible Compact Air Compressor	4037593164037	76.56	43.75	weekly	Aisle 18 - Shelf 3	1
+45	5Pc Ergonomic Screwdriver Set	6810216720814	25.92	17.52	weekly	Aisle 13 - Shelf 7	2
+46	Collapsible Chainsaw	6225496600051	69.57	\N	weekly	Aisle 8 - Shelf 4	4
+47	Professional Oversized Wrench Set	3136269884192	27.04	15.85	daily	Aisle 13 - Shelf 4	1
+48	Deluxe Wrench Set	8854452317191	48.77	\N	monthly	Aisle 6 - Shelf 9	1
+49	Collapsible Portable Leaf Blower	6342074974271	63.71	\N	monthly	Aisle 16 - Shelf 9	4
+50	Basic Adjustable Compact Workbench	4960648616000	73.89	\N	monthly	Aisle 10 - Shelf 5	5
 COPY "Transactions" FROM stdin;
-1	38	14	Return	2025-01-11 10:29:38.641904	154.19	Television child stay simple as.
-2	10	12	Rental	2025-01-14 17:53:15.142980	211.07	Race themselves them yet unit.
-3	26	8	Rental	2025-01-01 15:17:08.017574	358.34	Little across moment allow early will sometimes.
-4	34	11	Rental	2025-01-13 17:05:16.510237	275.76	Each full their clearly find marriage site spend.
-5	14	12	Return	2025-01-07 05:20:41.305944	494.71	Might interesting scene opportunity.
-6	30	10	Rental	2025-01-16 13:23:03.240775	450.3	Wide reason news high dream.
-7	3	8	Rental	2025-01-14 00:46:20.580798	109.75	Product glass front candidate.
-8	15	4	Return	2025-01-13 18:19:17.317374	26.44	Wrong fight deal home fish moment.
-9	23	14	Return	2025-01-01 21:22:38.067740	61.49	Well bag blood performance somebody.
-10	26	2	Rental	2025-01-09 13:12:06.210819	149.81	Inside begin stage message it art.
-11	20	8	Return	2025-01-01 09:31:42.965164	403.28	Chance born interest couple project everybody treat.
-12	50	20	Return	2025-01-15 18:42:29.604983	28.23	Change produce wall energy list public.
-13	46	14	Rental	2025-01-01 06:17:38.359206	179.14	Three member collection forward young today nice.
-14	32	20	Sale	2025-01-13 03:12:23.368580	176.83	Someone floor pay prevent paper Democrat.
-15	30	9	Rental	2025-01-06 16:37:09.982674	168.57	Onto stop lay crime.
-16	36	7	Sale	2025-01-11 15:13:15.639642	237.1	Compare official power positive loss.
-17	43	13	Sale	2025-01-09 05:06:34.563619	380.9	Read receive without eight similar unit.
-18	32	2	Sale	2025-01-10 17:38:13.758519	98.54	Within today over hundred.
-19	37	8	Sale	2025-01-03 15:46:32.724208	313.6	Everyone stuff give when.
-20	14	16	Sale	2025-01-13 21:03:17.200600	139.59	Address sign another simple book.
-21	48	1	Return	2025-01-14 17:49:50.493488	299.81	Together voice too city day.
-22	39	7	Sale	2025-01-06 14:40:28.259804	91.73	Politics degree improve day.
-23	23	9	Rental	2025-01-14 09:26:19.755088	224.17	Last much great radio security.
-24	31	13	Rental	2025-01-16 10:31:18.716804	133.42	Wife color issue bill.
-25	43	4	Rental	2025-01-13 01:41:14.413522	272.9	Truth paper certainly.
-26	19	1	Rental	2025-01-02 13:02:11.629915	413.65	Sometimes guy lot account bar total expect major.
-27	4	12	Return	2025-01-15 22:53:35.743362	358.93	Direction red team seven cost sing five.
-28	42	18	Sale	2025-01-11 15:18:31.178994	234.63	Stuff less activity same.
-29	19	17	Sale	2025-01-13 08:20:10.697422	431.55	Realize old enough to never federal game.
-30	33	20	Return	2025-01-06 10:30:03.636599	282.16	Wide night voice expect.
-31	24	5	Rental	2025-01-13 09:44:07.467851	133.0	Level think popular note debate.
-32	42	18	Sale	2025-01-04 17:32:17.971929	252.81	Ready what outside evening and capital.
-33	17	16	Rental	2025-01-13 20:22:36.720834	141.13	Field have total section issue doctor people.
-34	42	7	Sale	2025-01-13 03:22:20.801136	228.12	True help manage want season authority might.
-35	16	5	Sale	2025-01-10 19:39:03.496366	52.52	American century full actually international commercial bag of.
-36	49	1	Return	2025-01-11 01:19:48.236142	277.69	Course act become recent money to.
-37	13	2	Sale	2025-01-10 10:09:21.684744	323.22	Politics truth now no last rather thing during.
-38	36	6	Sale	2025-01-10 02:11:47.237427	490.87	Movie senior itself dark fly show.
-39	23	15	Sale	2025-01-12 04:29:12.383708	276.7	Development face service list son per system.
-40	8	6	Rental	2025-01-01 06:16:15.704939	205.21	Enjoy real hold likely suffer drive language.
-41	21	1	Sale	2025-01-02 06:22:09.363593	342.24	Continue upon rise word rock name per husband.
-42	4	11	Sale	2025-01-03 17:31:41.267555	13.13	Stop show community white not edge heavy.
-43	23	17	Rental	2025-01-07 03:14:32.829909	487.24	Culture third action available century whatever.
-44	47	12	Rental	2025-01-13 07:17:37.270696	180.43	South course clearly gas mother fill else style.
-45	43	17	Rental	2025-01-04 13:33:33.843472	225.13	Respond clear respond identify.
-46	50	1	Rental	2025-01-16 03:05:44.428561	361.25	Tell paper whether health finish win.
-47	25	20	Return	2025-01-15 03:50:08.729208	76.95	Under production hundred enough note government.
-48	29	13	Return	2025-01-11 16:32:45.006137	440.54	Structure at wide fine out another.
-49	38	13	Sale	2025-01-16 11:12:28.585670	417.98	Human include admit indicate tax.
-50	3	6	Return	2025-01-15 11:46:31.087954	258.48	That one order key reflect quite.
-51	22	4	Sale	2025-01-09 02:56:13.875788	384.42	By discussion order resource small nothing.
-52	29	16	Return	2025-01-09 10:55:03.673645	286.64	Government wide toward memory know management school.
-53	11	2	Sale	2025-01-01 03:41:03.524182	368.28	Cell morning job.
-54	38	19	Rental	2025-01-05 18:34:55.128522	386.51	Call campaign condition cell seat.
-55	40	9	Rental	2025-01-15 22:35:10.772769	456.73	Guy anyone act same guess.
-56	41	5	Return	2025-01-05 19:22:37.757410	11.74	Price language test image.
-57	3	13	Rental	2025-01-04 10:30:15.977328	246.17	Field report your onto Mr local.
-58	30	18	Return	2025-01-07 23:47:57.472533	248.4	Mean against write yourself understand family field.
-59	30	14	Sale	2025-01-14 17:56:34.286029	207.07	Might interview whether cup fight employee.
-60	24	4	Return	2025-01-01 23:55:47.053550	125.21	Kind thing employee.
+1	44	6	Return	2025-01-14 01:12:15.717130	372.56	Hour voice physical child skin idea.
+2	11	15	Sale	2025-01-10 16:36:17.374514	481.98	Machine group decide throughout exist weight.
+3	10	2	Rental	2025-01-05 14:03:26.880986	61.41	Our house none author.
+4	23	17	Sale	2025-01-02 20:53:55.237754	255.96	Shake arrive way reach difficult interesting.
+5	34	19	Return	2025-01-09 14:50:12.946386	361.52	Per couple east PM.
+6	19	17	Return	2025-01-05 19:59:45.238171	496.21	Forward eight political unit color.
+7	2	19	Return	2025-01-03 07:41:02.759297	466.65	Actually court camera my.
+8	27	18	Return	2025-01-05 11:16:01.558993	192.4	Book stock possible and city since only.
+9	29	4	Return	2025-01-12 12:58:30.174510	284.69	Simply wish grow these better fly individual court.
+10	36	8	Sale	2025-01-12 06:34:26.184055	145.83	Action send teach section prevent.
+11	38	9	Sale	2025-01-06 09:04:29.809872	297.73	Decision reason light international.
+12	14	12	Return	2025-01-05 16:55:11.441694	418.45	Hour deep over teacher how.
+13	3	13	Sale	2025-01-15 15:09:08.714173	415.33	Pattern pick unit bad budget picture subject.
+14	36	12	Sale	2025-01-15 17:46:17.720273	34.54	Even foot culture simple lay.
+15	2	20	Rental	2025-01-07 19:01:11.503356	107.09	American environmental challenge both actually small network.
+16	39	20	Rental	2025-01-07 15:19:43.028895	353.71	Deal response blood recognize wife.
+17	16	19	Return	2025-01-13 12:30:20.008234	248.42	Address animal quite resource artist street.
+18	15	16	Return	2025-01-10 11:58:24.509332	204.97	Network middle game.
+19	34	16	Rental	2025-01-05 05:33:20.805026	104.96	Live late long will.
+20	30	11	Return	2025-01-08 20:57:14.361743	49.3	Discover avoid focus throughout.
+21	36	3	Rental	2025-01-04 21:05:46.269181	391.02	Right five heavy per which month list author.
+22	12	6	Rental	2025-01-07 21:03:25.304081	235.41	Reduce base order despite.
+23	18	17	Return	2025-01-02 04:31:17.728158	463.37	Few lawyer artist miss.
+24	36	13	Return	2025-01-12 05:42:42.700571	94.84	Drive floor hard majority.
+25	7	15	Sale	2025-01-08 19:20:13.032610	86.63	Minute marriage message.
+26	38	8	Return	2025-01-11 02:02:47.264664	489.45	During important black term.
+27	27	8	Return	2025-01-03 20:59:37.959371	207.93	Poor actually career protect better.
+28	29	13	Rental	2025-01-16 01:13:51.361029	497.01	Laugh ok free center.
+29	33	10	Return	2025-01-16 12:51:15.013598	228.4	Smile choose statement area.
+30	25	10	Rental	2025-01-01 19:53:13.532603	160.27	Recent while game deep visit nor.
+31	2	7	Rental	2025-01-10 15:16:00.754944	14.21	Good memory lot fast project.
+32	36	3	Return	2025-01-12 07:17:53.331670	395.63	Baby go film major approach bed determine.
+33	41	13	Sale	2025-01-12 04:48:31.866474	344.47	Good investment seem remember baby.
+34	5	13	Rental	2025-01-13 15:54:05.788319	403.56	Determine to force degree paper technology.
+35	26	11	Rental	2025-01-09 06:33:14.537233	182.81	Should action few anyone believe not.
+36	36	20	Rental	2025-01-16 01:34:35.357456	465.57	Manage minute red continue consider image air.
+37	48	4	Rental	2025-01-12 22:37:28.432510	127.22	Purpose few box.
+38	2	18	Rental	2025-01-09 17:57:35.583112	128.78	Force along health message popular great.
+39	40	8	Sale	2025-01-12 18:12:45.966812	218.51	Whose much see notice certainly.
+40	39	18	Return	2025-01-05 02:48:30.732469	139.36	Imagine deep design claim institution.
+41	28	19	Sale	2025-01-03 07:31:01.414544	193.07	Yourself five address arm character.
+42	15	16	Return	2025-01-06 08:54:28.655614	313.55	Side sure likely interview north follow unit.
+43	5	20	Sale	2025-01-01 19:06:02.820357	69.45	Marriage work here form particular.
+44	15	10	Sale	2025-01-09 08:57:47.577757	299.72	Per news party themselves magazine.
+45	30	8	Sale	2025-01-14 22:28:57.191851	154.51	Charge performance somebody much religious these war.
+46	40	13	Return	2025-01-04 02:08:05.297604	63.93	How paper here serious wrong media safe let.
+47	11	11	Sale	2025-01-01 11:27:05.672644	94.34	Blood throughout huge authority cover one edge.
+48	10	4	Return	2025-01-12 10:23:06.752172	12.07	Themselves near image truth knowledge let draw.
+49	13	16	Sale	2025-01-09 04:08:23.584846	296.43	Beyond vote drug north kitchen knowledge create.
+50	16	9	Rental	2025-01-03 14:40:26.249933	63.62	Gun war by.
+51	2	6	Sale	2025-01-08 10:01:02.917752	378.66	Reduce strong medical national organization.
+52	31	3	Return	2025-01-15 11:36:43.645435	346.99	Full reason four sometimes option kind.
+53	29	11	Rental	2025-01-10 02:16:43.360853	371.81	Firm trip here once response gun future.
+54	4	2	Return	2025-01-14 14:25:19.336760	205.94	Impact without name process easy hand science head.
+55	1	17	Rental	2025-01-09 17:18:50.763310	426.62	Ok up treat rock window generation speech.
+56	23	5	Rental	2025-01-15 21:26:55.649941	119.73	Maybe war together school.
+57	25	16	Rental	2025-01-11 12:42:07.584720	356.6	Follow public would else bag himself value.
+58	34	7	Sale	2025-01-06 10:26:49.227023	408.63	Three miss leader.
+59	2	12	Return	2025-01-11 12:27:05.764802	485.43	Board even community onto help him.
+60	8	17	Sale	2025-01-11 00:08:08.258023	175.51	Cold current moment level road.
 COPY "Rentals" FROM stdin;
-1	51	2025-01-08 02:57:11.052869	2025-01-11 03:19:30.184497	2025-01-08 02:57:11.052869	2025-01-11 03:19:30.184497	3 days, 0:22:19.131628
-2	57	2025-01-08 15:06:13.708507	2025-01-08 21:44:09.995479	2025-01-08 15:06:13.708507	2025-01-08 21:44:09.995479	6:37:56.286972
-3	35	2025-01-08 09:18:24.179434	2025-01-13 13:17:41.526040	2025-01-08 09:18:24.179434	2025-01-13 13:17:41.526040	5 days, 3:59:17.346606
-4	17	2025-01-04 07:11:17.644689	2025-01-10 23:58:41.902182	2025-01-04 07:11:17.644689	2025-01-10 23:58:41.902182	6 days, 16:47:24.257493
-5	17	2025-01-13 07:58:47.902249	2025-01-15 07:23:17.796954	2025-01-13 07:58:47.902249	2025-01-15 07:23:17.796954	1 day, 23:24:29.894705
-6	47	2025-01-13 23:48:52.076232	2025-01-15 19:24:36.521039	2025-01-13 23:48:52.076232	2025-01-15 19:24:36.521039	1 day, 19:35:44.444807
-7	58	2025-01-07 10:09:06.309845	2025-01-15 23:46:52.861104	2025-01-07 10:09:06.309845	2025-01-15 23:46:52.861104	8 days, 13:37:46.551259
-8	42	2025-01-15 12:17:34.657850	2025-01-16 10:26:39.580255	2025-01-15 12:17:34.657850	2025-01-16 10:26:39.580255	22:09:04.922405
-9	10	2025-01-03 16:32:06.042506	2025-01-14 02:11:36.444795	2025-01-03 16:32:06.042506	2025-01-14 02:11:36.444795	10 days, 9:39:30.402289
-10	5	2025-01-14 13:02:14.863178	2025-01-15 14:08:51.841079	2025-01-14 13:02:14.863178	2025-01-15 14:08:51.841079	1 day, 1:06:36.977901
-11	17	2025-01-14 09:45:56.160443	2025-01-14 23:51:20.247861	2025-01-14 09:45:56.160443	2025-01-14 23:51:20.247861	14:05:24.087418
-12	44	2025-01-10 19:48:13.045856	2025-01-13 07:00:49.559386	2025-01-10 19:48:13.045856	2025-01-13 07:00:49.559386	2 days, 11:12:36.513530
-13	15	2025-01-06 22:32:25.584957	2025-01-11 22:02:14.829104	2025-01-06 22:32:25.584957	2025-01-11 22:02:14.829104	4 days, 23:29:49.244147
-14	9	2025-01-12 22:22:03.437372	2025-01-15 09:36:36.880715	2025-01-12 22:22:03.437372	2025-01-15 09:36:36.880715	2 days, 11:14:33.443343
-15	56	2025-01-13 07:35:08.545202	2025-01-14 17:00:47.409960	2025-01-13 07:35:08.545202	2025-01-14 17:00:47.409960	1 day, 9:25:38.864758
-16	18	2025-01-06 19:33:30.641766	2025-01-07 05:03:26.074224	2025-01-06 19:33:30.641766	2025-01-07 05:03:26.074224	9:29:55.432458
-17	13	2025-01-05 08:13:36.901505	2025-01-14 15:52:12.278558	2025-01-05 08:13:36.901505	2025-01-14 15:52:12.278558	9 days, 7:38:35.377053
-18	13	2025-01-12 04:55:23.526789	2025-01-13 18:32:45.552281	2025-01-12 04:55:23.526789	2025-01-13 18:32:45.552281	1 day, 13:37:22.025492
-19	53	2025-01-12 02:52:10.584372	2025-01-15 03:03:33.009250	2025-01-12 02:52:10.584372	2025-01-15 03:03:33.009250	3 days, 0:11:22.424878
-20	19	2025-01-10 10:32:34.600275	2025-01-12 06:23:39.150088	2025-01-10 10:32:34.600275	2025-01-12 06:23:39.150088	1 day, 19:51:04.549813
-21	35	2025-01-10 12:16:54.921721	2025-01-13 18:37:00.603293	2025-01-10 12:16:54.921721	2025-01-13 18:37:00.603293	3 days, 6:20:05.681572
-22	51	2025-01-12 12:28:30.250854	2025-01-16 06:57:51.286906	2025-01-12 12:28:30.250854	2025-01-16 06:57:51.286906	3 days, 18:29:21.036052
-23	59	2025-01-10 20:23:45.440837	2025-01-16 11:17:17.055649	2025-01-10 20:23:45.440837	2025-01-16 11:17:17.055649	5 days, 14:53:31.614812
-24	55	2025-01-12 01:28:58.815454	2025-01-13 17:46:31.143322	2025-01-12 01:28:58.815454	2025-01-13 17:46:31.143322	1 day, 16:17:32.327868
-25	29	2025-01-07 12:30:10.076787	2025-01-08 10:42:50.812055	2025-01-07 12:30:10.076787	2025-01-08 10:42:50.812055	22:12:40.735268
-26	12	2025-01-05 11:17:33.459758	2025-01-09 02:03:13.046710	2025-01-05 11:17:33.459758	2025-01-09 02:03:13.046710	3 days, 14:45:39.586952
-27	3	2025-01-06 10:46:21.723989	2025-01-08 00:47:39.232241	2025-01-06 10:46:21.723989	2025-01-08 00:47:39.232241	1 day, 14:01:17.508252
-28	36	2025-01-16 12:58:22.985702	2025-01-16 13:13:28.307940	2025-01-16 12:58:22.985702	2025-01-16 13:13:28.307940	0:15:05.322238
-29	49	2025-01-13 15:57:26.112898	2025-01-16 04:22:54.553319	2025-01-13 15:57:26.112898	2025-01-16 04:22:54.553319	2 days, 12:25:28.440421
-30	47	2025-01-15 08:55:55.139504	2025-01-15 11:18:10.383965	2025-01-15 08:55:55.139504	2025-01-15 11:18:10.383965	2:22:15.244461
+1	1	2025-01-14 04:26:26.328177	2025-01-15 22:58:33.557403	2025-01-14 04:26:26.328177	2025-01-15 22:58:33.557403	1 day, 18:32:07.229226
+2	7	2025-01-11 14:56:41.332181	2025-01-16 09:30:04.717844	2025-01-11 14:56:41.332181	2025-01-16 09:30:04.717844	4 days, 18:33:23.385663
+3	42	2025-01-11 09:20:58.716115	2025-01-15 19:13:41.348131	2025-01-11 09:20:58.716115	2025-01-15 19:13:41.348131	4 days, 9:52:42.632016
+4	25	2025-01-11 00:40:10.462173	2025-01-11 10:49:54.928587	2025-01-11 00:40:10.462173	2025-01-11 10:49:54.928587	10:09:44.466414
+5	57	2025-01-08 05:21:36.066744	2025-01-15 16:22:16.706849	2025-01-08 05:21:36.066744	2025-01-15 16:22:16.706849	7 days, 11:00:40.640105
+6	44	2025-01-09 12:08:15.365088	2025-01-11 11:13:53.172388	2025-01-09 12:08:15.365088	2025-01-11 11:13:53.172388	1 day, 23:05:37.807300
+7	33	2025-01-14 17:19:55.122743	2025-01-16 02:04:22.282941	2025-01-14 17:19:55.122743	2025-01-16 02:04:22.282941	1 day, 8:44:27.160198
+8	12	2025-01-15 16:37:02.143343	2025-01-16 03:42:55.016759	2025-01-15 16:37:02.143343	2025-01-16 03:42:55.016759	11:05:52.873416
+9	33	2025-01-07 04:10:04.304050	2025-01-14 06:17:22.136856	2025-01-07 04:10:04.304050	2025-01-14 06:17:22.136856	7 days, 2:07:17.832806
+10	20	2025-01-15 14:09:47.385854	2025-01-15 18:44:30.038260	2025-01-15 14:09:47.385854	2025-01-15 18:44:30.038260	4:34:42.652406
+11	51	2025-01-01 00:59:52.596560	2025-01-13 06:43:48.551291	2025-01-01 00:59:52.596560	2025-01-13 06:43:48.551291	12 days, 5:43:55.954731
+12	28	2025-01-02 06:47:28.206004	2025-01-14 19:53:03.403793	2025-01-02 06:47:28.206004	2025-01-14 19:53:03.403793	12 days, 13:05:35.197789
+13	35	2025-01-08 22:14:02.275092	2025-01-11 13:22:11.275146	2025-01-08 22:14:02.275092	2025-01-11 13:22:11.275146	2 days, 15:08:09.000054
+14	17	2025-01-07 21:36:32.756117	2025-01-12 04:19:45.223709	2025-01-07 21:36:32.756117	2025-01-12 04:19:45.223709	4 days, 6:43:12.467592
+15	53	2025-01-10 00:34:32.546673	2025-01-13 22:10:33.702885	2025-01-10 00:34:32.546673	2025-01-13 22:10:33.702885	3 days, 21:36:01.156212
+16	41	2025-01-03 14:01:49.125384	2025-01-08 15:07:54.397550	2025-01-03 14:01:49.125384	2025-01-08 15:07:54.397550	5 days, 1:06:05.272166
+17	41	2025-01-06 19:04:06.435975	2025-01-09 02:27:22.195577	2025-01-06 19:04:06.435975	2025-01-09 02:27:22.195577	2 days, 7:23:15.759602
+18	29	2025-01-08 07:24:11.936044	2025-01-12 18:36:12.780490	2025-01-08 07:24:11.936044	2025-01-12 18:36:12.780490	4 days, 11:12:00.844446
+19	2	2025-01-04 10:46:35.348547	2025-01-11 11:52:22.688845	2025-01-04 10:46:35.348547	2025-01-11 11:52:22.688845	7 days, 1:05:47.340298
+20	10	2025-01-15 09:40:05.112260	2025-01-15 22:14:33.721039	2025-01-15 09:40:05.112260	2025-01-15 22:14:33.721039	12:34:28.608779
+21	15	2025-01-14 19:00:10.133783	2025-01-14 21:37:13.933264	2025-01-14 19:00:10.133783	2025-01-14 21:37:13.933264	2:37:03.799481
+22	42	2025-01-06 16:55:11.121820	2025-01-14 09:21:06.182009	2025-01-06 16:55:11.121820	2025-01-14 09:21:06.182009	7 days, 16:25:55.060189
+23	7	2025-01-04 20:04:51.794343	2025-01-08 00:52:56.852043	2025-01-04 20:04:51.794343	2025-01-08 00:52:56.852043	3 days, 4:48:05.057700
+24	12	2025-01-16 05:58:10.433179	2025-01-16 13:41:28.318825	2025-01-16 05:58:10.433179	2025-01-16 13:41:28.318825	7:43:17.885646
+25	28	2025-01-03 11:42:20.829689	2025-01-04 11:42:49.848795	2025-01-03 11:42:20.829689	2025-01-04 11:42:49.848795	1 day, 0:00:29.019106
+26	54	2025-01-14 23:16:57.359030	2025-01-15 01:39:05.735848	2025-01-14 23:16:57.359030	2025-01-15 01:39:05.735848	2:22:08.376818
+27	18	2025-01-13 07:47:10.263691	2025-01-14 02:44:11.996043	2025-01-13 07:47:10.263691	2025-01-14 02:44:11.996043	18:57:01.732352
+28	19	2025-01-10 01:51:29.314503	2025-01-16 00:29:42.513510	2025-01-10 01:51:29.314503	2025-01-16 00:29:42.513510	5 days, 22:38:13.199007
+29	49	2025-01-16 06:51:14.826388	2025-01-16 07:34:47.029669	2025-01-16 06:51:14.826388	2025-01-16 07:34:47.029669	0:43:32.203281
+30	50	2025-01-10 05:25:10.205822	2025-01-15 03:01:21.308648	2025-01-10 05:25:10.205822	2025-01-15 03:01:21.308648	4 days, 21:36:11.102826
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/schema.sql b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/schema.sql
index 0ebee02..00bdbb6 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/schema.sql
+++ b/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/schema.sql
@@ -2,14 +2,12 @@ DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "Hardware Store" CASCADE;
 CREATE SCHEMA "Hardware Store";
 SET search_path = "Hardware Store";
--- Store Locations Table
 CREATE TABLE "Store Locations" (
     name TEXT NOT NULL,
     address TEXT
--- Customers Table
 CREATE TABLE "Customers" (
     first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
@@ -19,7 +17,6 @@ CREATE TABLE "Customers" (
     address TEXT
--- Assets Table: Stores asset details
 CREATE TABLE "Assets" (
     name TEXT NOT NULL,
@@ -33,7 +30,6 @@ CREATE TABLE "Assets" (
 CREATE INDEX idx_assets_store_id ON "Assets" (store_id);
--- Transactions Table: General transactions for sales, rentals, and returns
 CREATE TABLE "Transactions" (
@@ -47,7 +43,6 @@ CREATE TABLE "Transactions" (
 CREATE INDEX idx_transactions_asset_id ON "Transactions" (asset_id);
 CREATE INDEX idx_transactions_customer_id ON "Transactions" (customer_id);
--- Rentals Table: Tracks rental-specific details
 CREATE TABLE "Rentals" (
     transaction_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Transactions"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/README.md b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acad89c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Ice Cream Employee Management
+This schema represents an employee management system for an ice cream distributor, tracking employees, their timesheets, and schedules.
+%% https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html
+    "Employees" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+        string role
+        string email
+    }
+    "Timesheets" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT employee_id FK
+        TIMESTAMP clock_in
+        TIMESTAMP clock_out
+        NUMERIC hours_worked
+        DATE schedule_date
+    }
+    "Schedules" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT employee_id FK
+        TIMESTAMP start_time
+        TIMESTAMP end_time
+        string business_needs
+    }
+%% Relationships
+    "Timesheets" ||--|| "Employees" : "employee_id"
+    "Schedules" ||--|| "Employees" : "employee_id"
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/generate_data.py b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/generate_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c80877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/generate_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import os
+import random
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from faker import Faker
+fake = Faker()
+def clean_value(value):
+    """Clean a value for SQL COPY operations."""
+    if value is None:
+        return r"\N"
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
+    return str(value)
+def write_to_sql_file(output_path, search_path, tables):
+    """Write the generated data to an SQL file."""
+    with open(output_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'SET search_path="{search_path}";\n\n')
+        for table_name, generator in tables.items():
+            f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
+            for row in generator:
+                cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
+                f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
+            f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    print(f"SQL file generated: {output_path}")
+def get_output_file_path(filename):
+    """Get the output file path relative to the current script's directory."""
+    current_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    return os.path.join(current_file_dir, filename)
+# Constants
+ROLES = [
+    "Warehouse Manager",
+    "Delivery Driver",
+    "Dispatcher",
+    "Order Picker",
+    "Forklift Operator",
+    "Operations Manager",
+    "Sales Representative",
+    "Inventory Clerk",
+    "Customer Service Rep",
+    "Quality Assurance Specialist",
+# Table Data Generation
+def generate_employees():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_EMPLOYEES + 1):
+        yield [i, fake.name(), random.choice(ROLES), fake.unique.email()]
+def generate_timesheets(employee_ids):
+    for i in range(1, NUM_TIMESHEETS + 1):
+        employee_id = random.choice(employee_ids)
+        clock_in = fake.date_time_this_year()
+        clock_out = clock_in + timedelta(hours=random.uniform(4, 8))
+        hours_worked = round((clock_out - clock_in).total_seconds() / 3600, 2)
+        schedule_date = clock_in.date()
+        yield [i, employee_id, clock_in, clock_out, hours_worked, schedule_date]
+def generate_schedules(employee_ids):
+    for i in range(1, NUM_SCHEDULES + 1):
+        employee_id = random.choice(employee_ids)
+        start_time = fake.date_time_this_year()
+        end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=random.uniform(4, 8))
+        business_needs = random.choice([
+            "Restocking inventory",
+            "Processing shipments",
+            "Loading delivery trucks",
+            "Quality control",
+            "Training session",
+        ])
+        yield [i, employee_id, start_time, end_time, business_needs]
+# Main Script
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    employee_ids = list(range(1, NUM_EMPLOYEES + 1))
+    tables = {
+        "Employees": generate_employees(),
+        "Timesheets": generate_timesheets(employee_ids),
+        "Schedules": generate_schedules(employee_ids),
+    }
+    sql_file = get_output_file_path("generated_data.sql")
+    write_to_sql_file(sql_file, "Ice Cream Employee Management", tables)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/generated_data.sql b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/generated_data.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..690dd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/generated_data.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+SET search_path="Ice Cream Employee Management";
+COPY "Employees" FROM stdin;
+1	Amber Floyd	Forklift Operator	monicanewton@example.org
+2	Mary Knight	Inventory Clerk	sheri20@example.net
+3	Michelle Carter	Inventory Clerk	ycarroll@example.com
+4	Gabrielle Diaz	Operations Manager	singhwesley@example.net
+5	Eric Rodriguez	Delivery Driver	veronica74@example.com
+6	Kimberly Hayden	Quality Assurance Specialist	vhughes@example.net
+7	Crystal Kennedy	Quality Assurance Specialist	williamspaul@example.net
+8	Melanie Cole	Sales Representative	jbright@example.net
+9	Daniel Greene	Dispatcher	cisneroschelsey@example.net
+10	Douglas Wood	Delivery Driver	joannecurtis@example.com
+11	Douglas Jenkins	Inventory Clerk	andrew81@example.com
+12	Edward Adams	Sales Representative	mccarthyderrick@example.org
+13	Thomas Martinez	Forklift Operator	davisbarbara@example.org
+14	Peter Hill	Inventory Clerk	christopherbrown@example.org
+15	David Mclaughlin	Dispatcher	david51@example.net
+16	Maria Hall	Delivery Driver	heather20@example.com
+17	Eric Manning	Forklift Operator	jamesmunoz@example.org
+18	Timothy Nguyen	Customer Service Rep	michael65@example.net
+19	Kelli Turner	Forklift Operator	timothyyu@example.net
+20	Hannah Brewer	Warehouse Manager	dixonkeith@example.com
+COPY "Timesheets" FROM stdin;
+1	19	2025-01-13 20:50:08.563111	2025-01-14 02:47:21.751524	5.95	2025-01-13
+2	19	2025-01-01 17:13:03.243277	2025-01-01 22:49:00.074219	5.6	2025-01-01
+3	15	2025-01-16 11:08:26.155973	2025-01-16 18:30:12.271467	7.36	2025-01-16
+4	12	2025-01-06 20:53:34.424381	2025-01-07 03:55:53.814798	7.04	2025-01-06
+5	20	2025-01-10 02:17:24.054437	2025-01-10 08:29:35.394059	6.2	2025-01-10
+6	10	2025-01-11 18:27:32.165774	2025-01-11 23:50:56.465913	5.39	2025-01-11
+7	20	2025-01-13 03:17:41.047021	2025-01-13 07:32:36.372273	4.25	2025-01-13
+8	3	2025-01-16 00:12:02.477727	2025-01-16 07:36:04.382052	7.4	2025-01-16
+9	20	2025-01-15 22:31:45.410231	2025-01-16 05:48:43.930281	7.28	2025-01-15
+10	2	2025-01-13 05:51:55.892037	2025-01-13 10:48:19.162608	4.94	2025-01-13
+11	5	2025-01-12 14:18:13.847977	2025-01-12 21:50:07.515121	7.53	2025-01-12
+12	15	2025-01-15 07:29:58.992815	2025-01-15 13:12:36.600722	5.71	2025-01-15
+13	11	2025-01-03 23:04:23.058294	2025-01-04 04:14:27.454460	5.17	2025-01-03
+14	4	2025-01-01 04:38:16.020697	2025-01-01 11:03:07.000861	6.41	2025-01-01
+15	3	2025-01-03 16:25:12.554060	2025-01-04 00:19:46.434074	7.91	2025-01-03
+16	6	2025-01-10 23:54:05.963402	2025-01-11 04:02:25.980970	4.14	2025-01-10
+17	19	2025-01-07 00:46:22.708651	2025-01-07 08:33:35.449447	7.79	2025-01-07
+18	10	2025-01-15 11:32:21.729011	2025-01-15 16:22:50.556381	4.84	2025-01-15
+19	7	2025-01-03 22:31:03.871479	2025-01-04 05:45:55.860805	7.25	2025-01-03
+20	8	2025-01-05 22:51:06.894219	2025-01-06 04:46:07.707107	5.92	2025-01-05
+21	12	2025-01-01 21:42:32.984710	2025-01-02 03:42:52.280405	6.01	2025-01-01
+22	8	2025-01-13 09:48:47.034528	2025-01-13 16:08:46.029829	6.33	2025-01-13
+23	7	2025-01-13 17:56:56.272060	2025-01-14 00:26:12.219642	6.49	2025-01-13
+24	7	2025-01-02 08:23:30.531367	2025-01-02 15:19:38.696501	6.94	2025-01-02
+25	20	2025-01-04 13:19:34.047049	2025-01-04 17:20:32.958968	4.02	2025-01-04
+26	6	2025-01-12 12:50:12.386865	2025-01-12 16:50:15.786879	4.0	2025-01-12
+27	17	2025-01-11 20:15:13.751392	2025-01-12 03:26:27.536201	7.19	2025-01-11
+28	18	2025-01-16 02:37:17.866056	2025-01-16 07:23:03.719130	4.76	2025-01-16
+29	11	2025-01-15 13:30:58.306273	2025-01-15 20:24:56.951643	6.9	2025-01-15
+30	18	2025-01-13 06:37:48.836574	2025-01-13 13:30:43.947849	6.88	2025-01-13
+31	16	2025-01-12 05:43:18.869477	2025-01-12 10:05:31.443834	4.37	2025-01-12
+32	11	2025-01-07 14:32:53.803081	2025-01-07 21:48:02.969306	7.25	2025-01-07
+33	3	2025-01-15 01:16:17.415556	2025-01-15 07:23:13.775709	6.12	2025-01-15
+34	5	2025-01-06 06:25:46.154505	2025-01-06 11:42:46.032721	5.28	2025-01-06
+35	9	2025-01-04 22:04:06.459901	2025-01-05 04:48:42.391666	6.74	2025-01-04
+36	2	2025-01-07 19:45:33.130274	2025-01-08 03:12:27.056897	7.45	2025-01-07
+37	12	2025-01-10 11:14:50.589301	2025-01-10 17:31:04.984809	6.27	2025-01-10
+38	9	2025-01-04 09:40:38.514596	2025-01-04 15:27:54.127815	5.79	2025-01-04
+39	12	2025-01-07 06:37:52.238430	2025-01-07 13:37:44.753917	7.0	2025-01-07
+40	11	2025-01-07 21:09:10.845505	2025-01-08 01:11:08.036562	4.03	2025-01-07
+41	1	2025-01-02 03:28:55.022101	2025-01-02 08:47:57.232268	5.32	2025-01-02
+42	20	2025-01-12 21:48:56.284322	2025-01-13 04:55:06.293602	7.1	2025-01-12
+43	20	2025-01-15 03:48:22.310376	2025-01-15 09:02:41.783954	5.24	2025-01-15
+44	18	2025-01-09 02:50:44.368068	2025-01-09 08:22:50.567494	5.54	2025-01-09
+45	15	2025-01-11 12:53:52.473470	2025-01-11 17:38:37.789720	4.75	2025-01-11
+46	14	2025-01-05 06:58:53.497452	2025-01-05 11:17:49.554537	4.32	2025-01-05
+47	8	2025-01-13 16:20:18.197104	2025-01-13 20:40:08.204040	4.33	2025-01-13
+48	2	2025-01-11 09:48:43.811543	2025-01-11 15:07:12.670014	5.31	2025-01-11
+49	20	2025-01-15 20:41:30.398623	2025-01-16 01:51:48.341750	5.17	2025-01-15
+50	14	2025-01-01 01:44:58.477481	2025-01-01 09:09:10.302117	7.4	2025-01-01
+COPY "Schedules" FROM stdin;
+1	10	2025-01-13 02:25:56.994067	2025-01-13 09:48:02.070122	Quality control
+2	1	2025-01-03 15:13:49.262238	2025-01-03 20:20:14.640924	Loading delivery trucks
+3	13	2025-01-14 07:57:29.329422	2025-01-14 13:24:56.549714	Processing shipments
+4	2	2025-01-15 16:32:47.894829	2025-01-15 22:15:28.502814	Loading delivery trucks
+5	6	2025-01-09 12:51:38.823687	2025-01-09 18:35:38.041795	Training session
+6	18	2025-01-15 17:29:34.920549	2025-01-15 23:31:59.774665	Training session
+7	10	2025-01-06 01:22:46.081317	2025-01-06 05:41:40.377657	Training session
+8	12	2025-01-10 19:42:06.597029	2025-01-11 00:07:38.993160	Restocking inventory
+9	13	2025-01-04 00:46:57.181703	2025-01-04 06:29:47.911629	Quality control
+10	20	2025-01-07 15:30:59.774489	2025-01-07 23:11:25.739526	Training session
+11	20	2025-01-14 13:11:45.271858	2025-01-14 17:33:46.632323	Restocking inventory
+12	16	2025-01-02 19:17:05.535340	2025-01-03 00:26:37.615243	Restocking inventory
+13	11	2025-01-08 15:10:09.777190	2025-01-08 22:21:36.085676	Training session
+14	3	2025-01-13 05:40:48.423594	2025-01-13 13:25:02.448176	Restocking inventory
+15	4	2025-01-16 09:30:09.234002	2025-01-16 13:31:27.400791	Training session
+16	2	2025-01-11 23:34:10.985305	2025-01-12 06:53:35.494328	Quality control
+17	10	2025-01-13 07:14:26.963166	2025-01-13 14:29:00.834688	Quality control
+18	15	2025-01-04 14:02:59.433708	2025-01-04 20:06:04.084059	Processing shipments
+19	8	2025-01-07 00:18:03.104338	2025-01-07 06:57:53.901661	Loading delivery trucks
+20	19	2025-01-12 01:31:12.594947	2025-01-12 09:11:08.514296	Quality control
+21	7	2025-01-01 12:00:14.082933	2025-01-01 19:10:16.253894	Loading delivery trucks
+22	13	2025-01-01 06:01:47.053241	2025-01-01 12:10:01.941483	Processing shipments
+23	4	2025-01-09 13:07:44.147804	2025-01-09 20:13:58.711770	Processing shipments
+24	9	2025-01-14 14:47:41.807832	2025-01-14 20:59:32.199412	Quality control
+25	19	2025-01-07 09:04:12.905998	2025-01-07 14:07:49.034179	Training session
+26	9	2025-01-10 17:52:14.365013	2025-01-10 22:54:56.793067	Quality control
+27	4	2025-01-12 21:08:39.219214	2025-01-13 04:51:26.355417	Quality control
+28	3	2025-01-05 18:57:36.886595	2025-01-06 01:40:09.371538	Training session
+29	15	2025-01-16 00:15:20.513286	2025-01-16 07:17:36.713029	Training session
+30	1	2025-01-01 15:34:05.702021	2025-01-01 20:47:29.832745	Processing shipments
+31	2	2025-01-15 07:55:21.264659	2025-01-15 15:30:45.226639	Quality control
+32	3	2025-01-10 20:54:41.645221	2025-01-11 03:41:45.949855	Training session
+33	7	2025-01-14 18:44:55.143203	2025-01-15 00:34:33.649466	Restocking inventory
+34	14	2025-01-16 12:12:29.955432	2025-01-16 16:15:11.872420	Processing shipments
+35	4	2025-01-05 12:25:15.905673	2025-01-05 18:12:10.342993	Quality control
+36	16	2025-01-01 16:29:51.259942	2025-01-01 22:10:30.385487	Training session
+37	4	2025-01-09 14:12:29.808595	2025-01-09 20:20:28.803041	Restocking inventory
+38	13	2025-01-11 21:31:02.562493	2025-01-12 01:56:56.885104	Loading delivery trucks
+39	17	2025-01-10 15:39:14.564881	2025-01-10 20:17:50.718492	Training session
+40	13	2025-01-14 07:16:23.048436	2025-01-14 14:38:57.367881	Processing shipments
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/schema.sql b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1002b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/ice_cream_timesheets/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "Ice Cream Employee Management" CASCADE;
+CREATE SCHEMA "Ice Cream Employee Management";
+SET search_path = "Ice Cream Employee Management";
+CREATE TABLE "Employees" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  role TEXT NOT NULL,
+CREATE TABLE "Timesheets" (
+  hours_worked NUMERIC(5, 2),
+  schedule_date DATE NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE "Schedules" (
+  business_needs TEXT
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/justfile b/beta_use_cases/justfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a57125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/justfile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+load DATASET:
+  #!/usr/bin/env bash
+  # First load the schema and tables
+  docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < {{DATASET}}/schema.sql
+  # Then the sample data
+  docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < {{DATASET}}/generated_data.sql
+generate DATASET:
+  python {{DATASET}}/generate_data.py
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/README.md b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e3fa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Library Makerspace Sample Data
+This sample dataset represents a library makerspace managing equipment, patrons, and job requests with enforced training requirements for patrons.
+%% https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html
+    "Equipment" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+        string location
+        BIGINT status_id FK
+        BIGINT type_id FK
+    }
+    "Patrons" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+        string email
+    }
+    "Jobs" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT equipment_id FK
+        BIGINT patron_id FK
+        BIGINT status_id FK
+        int queue_order
+        TIMESTAMP requested_at
+        TIMESTAMP job_start
+        TIMESTAMP job_end
+    }
+    "Equipment Statuses" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+    }
+    "Job Statuses" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+    }
+    "Equipment Types" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+    }
+    "Category Statuses" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT type_id FK
+        string status_name
+    }
+    "Equipment Training" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT patron_id FK
+        BIGINT equipment_id FK
+        TIMESTAMP trained_at
+    }
+%% Relationships
+%%  See: https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html#relationship-syntax
+    "Equipment" ||--|| "Equipment Statuses" : "status_id"
+    "Equipment" ||--|| "Equipment Types" : "type_id"
+    "Equipment" ||--o{ "Equipment Training" : "equipment_id"
+    "Equipment Types" ||--o{ "Category Statuses" : "type_id"
+    "Patrons" ||--o{ "Equipment Training" : "patron_id"
+    "Jobs" ||--|| "Equipment" : "equipment_id"
+    "Jobs" ||--|| "Patrons" : "patron_id"
+    "Jobs" ||--|| "Job Statuses" : "status_id"
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/generate_data.py b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/generate_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7236c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/generate_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import os
+import random
+from datetime import datetime
+from faker import Faker
+fake = Faker()
+# Helper functions
+def clean_value(value):
+    """Clean a value for SQL COPY operations."""
+    if value is None:
+        return r"\N"
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
+    return str(value)
+def write_to_sql_file(output_path, search_path, tables):
+    """Write the generated data to an SQL file."""
+    with open(output_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'SET search_path="{search_path}";\n\n')
+        for table_name, generator in tables.items():
+            f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
+            for row in generator:
+                cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
+                f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
+            f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    print(f"SQL file generated: {output_path}")
+def get_output_file_path(filename):
+    """Get the output file path relative to the current script's directory."""
+    current_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    return os.path.join(current_file_dir, filename)
+# Constants
+NUM_JOBS = 50
+    "Sewing Machine",
+    "Laser Cutter",
+    "Vinyl Cutter",
+    "Sublimation Printer",
+    "3D Printer",
+    "Sewing Machine": ["Brother", "Singer", "Janome"],
+    "Laser Cutter": ["Epilog", "Glowforge", "Trotec"],
+    "Vinyl Cutter": ["Silhouette", "Cricut"],
+    "Sublimation Printer": ["Sawgrass", "Epson", "Canon"],
+    "3D Printer": ["Creality", "Prusa", "MakerBot"],
+    "Main Library",
+    "Mount Pleasant",
+    "Rochambeau",
+    "Knight Memorial",
+JOB_STATUSES = ["Pending", "In Progress", "Completed", "Cancelled", "On Hold", "See Desk"]
+EQUIPMENT_STATUSES = ["Available", "In Use", "Out of Order", "Under Maintenance", "On Loan"]
+def generate_patrons():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_PATRONS + 1):
+        yield [i, fake.name(), fake.unique.email()]
+def generate_equipment_types():
+    for i, name in enumerate(EQUIPMENT_TYPES, start=1):
+        yield [i, name]
+def generate_equipment():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_EQUIPMENT + 1):
+        equipment_type = random.choice(EQUIPMENT_TYPES)
+        brand = random.choice(BRANDS[equipment_type])
+        model = f"{fake.random_uppercase_letter()}{random.randint(100, 999)}"
+        yield [
+            i,
+            f"{brand} {equipment_type} {model}",  # Equipment name
+            random.choice(LOCATIONS),  # Location
+            random.randint(1, NUM_EQUIPMENT_STATUSES),  # Status ID
+            EQUIPMENT_TYPES.index(equipment_type) + 1,  # Type ID (1-based index)
+        ]
+def generate_training_records():
+    trained_pairs = set()
+    for _ in range(NUM_TRAINING_RECORDS):
+        patron_id = random.randint(1, NUM_PATRONS)
+        equipment_id = random.randint(1, NUM_EQUIPMENT)
+        if (patron_id, equipment_id) not in trained_pairs:
+            trained_pairs.add((patron_id, equipment_id))
+            yield [len(trained_pairs), patron_id, equipment_id, fake.date_time_this_year()]
+def generate_jobs(training_records):
+    for i in range(1, NUM_JOBS + 1):
+        # Randomly select a valid training record
+        _, patron_id, equipment_id, _ = random.choice(training_records)
+        yield [
+            i,
+            equipment_id,
+            patron_id,
+            random.randint(1, NUM_JOB_STATUSES),
+            i,  # queue_order
+            fake.date_time_this_year(),
+            fake.date_time_this_year() if random.random() < 0.7 else None,
+            fake.date_time_this_year() if random.random() < 0.5 else None,
+        ]
+def generate_statuses(status_list):
+    for i, name in enumerate(status_list, start=1):
+        yield [i, name]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Pre-generate training records
+    training_records = list(generate_training_records())
+    tables = {
+        "Equipment Statuses": generate_statuses(EQUIPMENT_STATUSES),
+        "Job Statuses": generate_statuses(JOB_STATUSES),
+        "Equipment Types": generate_equipment_types(),
+        "Equipment": generate_equipment(),
+        "Patrons": generate_patrons(),
+        "Equipment Training": iter(training_records),
+        "Jobs": generate_jobs(training_records),
+    }
+    sql_file = get_output_file_path("generated_data.sql")
+    write_to_sql_file(sql_file, "Library Makerspace", tables)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/generated_data.sql b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/generated_data.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ca984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/generated_data.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+SET search_path="Library Makerspace";
+COPY "Equipment Statuses" FROM stdin;
+1	Available
+2	In Use
+3	Out of Order
+4	Under Maintenance
+5	On Loan
+COPY "Job Statuses" FROM stdin;
+1	Pending
+2	In Progress
+3	Completed
+4	Cancelled
+5	On Hold
+6	See Desk
+COPY "Equipment Types" FROM stdin;
+1	Sewing Machine
+2	Laser Cutter
+3	Vinyl Cutter
+4	Sublimation Printer
+5	3D Printer
+COPY "Equipment" FROM stdin;
+1	Sawgrass Sublimation Printer W987	Main Library	4	4
+2	MakerBot 3D Printer D224	Mount Pleasant	4	5
+3	Singer Sewing Machine N364	Main Library	3	1
+4	Cricut Vinyl Cutter S798	Mount Pleasant	2	3
+5	Epilog Laser Cutter N416	Main Library	4	2
+6	Epilog Laser Cutter F650	Rochambeau	1	2
+7	Cricut Vinyl Cutter J407	Main Library	2	3
+8	Brother Sewing Machine F892	Rochambeau	1	1
+9	MakerBot 3D Printer V670	Mount Pleasant	2	5
+10	Janome Sewing Machine C625	Mount Pleasant	4	1
+11	Canon Sublimation Printer H926	Main Library	2	4
+12	Creality 3D Printer J991	Knight Memorial	4	5
+13	MakerBot 3D Printer J805	Rochambeau	4	5
+14	Cricut Vinyl Cutter Q537	Main Library	1	3
+15	Glowforge Laser Cutter I191	Mount Pleasant	3	2
+16	Cricut Vinyl Cutter R145	Main Library	1	3
+17	Cricut Vinyl Cutter S184	Mount Pleasant	4	3
+18	Epilog Laser Cutter T355	Mount Pleasant	1	2
+19	Cricut Vinyl Cutter D133	Main Library	4	3
+20	Prusa 3D Printer G693	Knight Memorial	2	5
+21	Janome Sewing Machine X183	Main Library	2	1
+22	Epson Sublimation Printer G314	Main Library	3	4
+23	Silhouette Vinyl Cutter H407	Main Library	4	3
+24	Brother Sewing Machine T514	Rochambeau	2	1
+25	Brother Sewing Machine O206	Rochambeau	1	1
+26	Silhouette Vinyl Cutter C590	Mount Pleasant	2	3
+27	Creality 3D Printer V252	Main Library	3	5
+28	Janome Sewing Machine Y500	Knight Memorial	1	1
+29	Creality 3D Printer E740	Mount Pleasant	2	5
+30	Epson Sublimation Printer X133	Main Library	3	4
+COPY "Patrons" FROM stdin;
+1	John Perkins	larrygray@example.org
+2	Michael Rodriguez	raymondrandall@example.net
+3	Rhonda Chung	groberts@example.net
+4	Curtis Hansen	lindabarnett@example.net
+5	Stephen Brown	campbellclarence@example.net
+6	Michael Small	debramoon@example.com
+7	Maureen Moore	chad70@example.net
+8	Allison Caldwell	howardmelissa@example.net
+9	Amanda Mills	vprince@example.net
+10	Wesley Warren	ifisher@example.net
+11	Wendy Garza	josephcampbell@example.com
+12	Ryan Serrano	shannon59@example.com
+13	Katie Ortega	joyce15@example.com
+14	Natalie Bryant	wendymoore@example.org
+15	Sandra Avery	brandonhoward@example.net
+16	Jennifer Williams	daniel17@example.net
+17	Nicole Jenkins	bgarza@example.net
+18	Alexandra Thompson	maryclayton@example.org
+19	Thomas Burke	hhines@example.com
+20	Wendy Good	fmiller@example.org
+COPY "Equipment Training" FROM stdin;
+1	1	15	2025-01-03 23:26:40.199358
+2	13	20	2025-01-06 00:37:45.785448
+3	12	24	2025-01-10 10:02:55.453621
+4	3	10	2025-01-05 17:32:06.870889
+5	7	13	2025-01-03 11:59:26.861895
+6	1	25	2025-01-09 23:53:53.998417
+7	16	12	2025-01-01 10:23:42.330150
+8	5	19	2025-01-10 18:30:43.934640
+9	14	1	2025-01-06 03:51:29.090905
+10	17	22	2025-01-05 23:00:01.373499
+11	20	27	2025-01-14 18:13:08.864392
+12	17	7	2025-01-14 05:05:37.293080
+13	1	23	2025-01-11 02:51:56.943888
+14	8	4	2025-01-13 02:43:22.228214
+15	14	30	2025-01-07 15:32:08.082597
+16	15	8	2025-01-04 05:27:00.874010
+17	6	9	2025-01-10 07:01:43.345248
+18	16	19	2025-01-01 05:50:44.063754
+19	7	9	2025-01-06 21:37:49.904934
+20	6	15	2025-01-03 15:11:16.696003
+21	12	21	2025-01-03 20:22:13.194737
+22	9	10	2025-01-15 08:55:10.341485
+23	6	25	2025-01-10 09:56:28.768175
+24	6	21	2025-01-11 18:52:05.069437
+25	17	4	2025-01-05 11:19:51.536982
+26	14	17	2025-01-16 01:27:04.924575
+27	8	1	2025-01-01 23:59:13.566663
+28	20	18	2025-01-08 18:40:08.225922
+29	14	6	2025-01-13 02:34:10.492475
+30	10	15	2025-01-15 04:27:13.097361
+31	6	16	2025-01-01 18:48:31.680527
+32	3	13	2025-01-13 11:11:24.931279
+33	20	11	2025-01-01 19:53:42.656989
+34	14	19	2025-01-08 22:09:30.936280
+35	2	2	2025-01-01 20:38:42.682912
+36	2	26	2025-01-10 11:54:24.647240
+37	12	18	2025-01-02 13:48:54.654248
+38	15	3	2025-01-05 02:24:30.363100
+COPY "Jobs" FROM stdin;
+1	4	8	1	1	2025-01-15 19:48:43.552434	2025-01-02 19:21:02.163269	2025-01-03 04:48:09.336896
+2	19	5	5	2	2025-01-13 00:17:52.839903	\N	2025-01-12 12:49:37.435127
+3	23	1	2	3	2025-01-06 05:32:06.767621	\N	\N
+4	30	14	4	4	2025-01-14 01:26:41.866860	2025-01-12 09:18:41.420974	2025-01-16 03:06:20.292391
+5	15	10	2	5	2025-01-12 10:07:31.349304	\N	2025-01-10 18:21:18.008380
+6	3	15	1	6	2025-01-15 06:53:33.834182	2025-01-05 22:51:36.625056	\N
+7	2	2	4	7	2025-01-08 14:31:47.168803	2025-01-11 12:42:28.915767	\N
+8	4	8	4	8	2025-01-04 07:37:02.303042	\N	\N
+9	15	10	2	9	2025-01-08 09:28:38.631279	\N	2025-01-10 09:55:59.987533
+10	26	2	3	10	2025-01-14 16:29:21.741730	2025-01-11 02:02:59.032064	\N
+11	4	8	5	11	2025-01-01 19:41:13.006415	2025-01-15 22:35:54.650185	2025-01-06 05:26:27.725281
+12	30	14	1	12	2025-01-11 22:48:31.286979	2025-01-04 01:45:30.821146	\N
+13	19	5	2	13	2025-01-05 18:14:09.834708	2025-01-01 08:21:49.295401	2025-01-12 15:31:48.839205
+14	19	5	1	14	2025-01-03 23:27:32.723922	2025-01-12 22:54:15.106789	2025-01-08 21:24:31.412678
+15	12	16	4	15	2025-01-11 08:05:05.644700	2025-01-09 03:02:06.710709	2025-01-15 07:45:53.251518
+16	10	9	1	16	2025-01-03 15:01:56.444147	2025-01-05 11:02:23.259763	\N
+17	23	1	3	17	2025-01-15 08:58:16.058669	2025-01-05 19:17:24.303866	\N
+18	11	20	4	18	2025-01-13 07:37:52.066643	2025-01-11 16:46:46.950879	2025-01-06 22:59:41.216824
+19	9	6	2	19	2025-01-16 13:35:48.445005	2025-01-01 00:39:17.821871	\N
+20	6	14	1	20	2025-01-10 19:35:26.122582	\N	\N
+21	4	17	5	21	2025-01-12 07:19:35.253678	\N	2025-01-05 06:38:11.328380
+22	15	10	1	22	2025-01-09 20:42:41.967700	\N	\N
+23	21	12	5	23	2025-01-14 09:03:28.248323	2025-01-01 23:56:17.826654	\N
+24	13	3	3	24	2025-01-09 21:36:48.511732	\N	2025-01-14 17:26:57.553673
+25	19	14	2	25	2025-01-15 02:39:47.890399	2025-01-03 21:24:25.330063	\N
+26	2	2	1	26	2025-01-12 08:45:31.568590	\N	\N
+27	25	1	1	27	2025-01-05 06:25:57.856893	2025-01-04 13:45:29.698746	2025-01-03 02:25:12.923054
+28	19	16	2	28	2025-01-11 06:51:18.877261	2025-01-04 10:29:33.974414	\N
+29	26	2	1	29	2025-01-12 13:20:50.112684	2025-01-16 18:41:40.439770	\N
+30	19	16	4	30	2025-01-09 02:15:02.549183	2025-01-07 15:24:35.925649	2025-01-09 00:23:02.284361
+31	15	6	4	31	2025-01-14 04:25:22.753648	\N	\N
+32	6	14	1	32	2025-01-15 00:12:46.609896	2025-01-07 12:34:32.447647	\N
+33	25	6	1	33	2025-01-10 06:10:45.086229	2025-01-02 04:41:57.962266	\N
+34	15	1	5	34	2025-01-02 12:17:25.561854	\N	2025-01-15 08:14:34.964554
+35	2	2	4	35	2025-01-16 08:56:05.594327	\N	\N
+36	30	14	4	36	2025-01-03 22:43:17.443394	2025-01-08 18:15:33.932495	\N
+37	27	20	3	37	2025-01-02 08:23:00.759751	\N	\N
+38	20	13	3	38	2025-01-08 08:04:53.197479	\N	2025-01-13 14:11:52.436438
+39	22	17	4	39	2025-01-05 14:56:29.796596	\N	2025-01-11 07:30:21.558733
+40	11	20	2	40	2025-01-15 06:38:18.053659	2025-01-03 07:37:42.236742	2025-01-10 03:16:06.794250
+41	8	15	2	41	2025-01-01 14:57:41.047105	\N	2025-01-02 21:43:02.817504
+42	12	16	2	42	2025-01-10 16:02:23.584153	\N	\N
+43	4	8	3	43	2025-01-15 13:12:20.947076	2025-01-02 05:57:52.754697	\N
+44	25	1	4	44	2025-01-13 09:04:19.548939	2025-01-07 12:43:46.636346	\N
+45	13	3	3	45	2025-01-15 04:38:52.617357	2025-01-15 05:13:20.018702	\N
+46	19	16	5	46	2025-01-08 16:12:38.108931	2025-01-12 23:06:25.278850	2025-01-01 06:26:39.406554
+47	10	9	5	47	2025-01-10 08:36:06.709483	2025-01-11 23:05:11.542603	2025-01-06 02:24:45.792833
+48	11	20	4	48	2025-01-10 07:30:13.044270	2025-01-13 17:25:34.337202	\N
+49	13	7	5	49	2025-01-05 07:02:38.064458	\N	\N
+50	1	14	1	50	2025-01-11 05:02:01.251550	2025-01-02 16:33:45.935645	2025-01-10 22:14:47.580793
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/schema.sql b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35e2b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/library_makerspace/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+CREATE SCHEMA "Library Makerspace";
+SET search_path = "Library Makerspace";
+CREATE TABLE "Equipment Statuses" (
+CREATE TABLE "Job Statuses" (
+CREATE TABLE "Equipment Types" (
+CREATE TABLE "Equipment" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  location TEXT,
+  status_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment Statuses" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  type_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment Types" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
+CREATE TABLE "Patrons" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  equipment_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  patron_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Patrons" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  status_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Job Statuses" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  queue_order INT NOT NULL,
+CREATE TABLE "Category Statuses" (
+  type_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment Types" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  status_name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  UNIQUE (type_id, status_name)
+CREATE TABLE "Equipment Training" (
+  patron_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Patrons" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  equipment_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Equipment" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  UNIQUE (patron_id, equipment_id)
+    -- Check if the patron is trained for the equipment
+        SELECT 1
+        FROM "Equipment Training"
+        WHERE "Equipment Training".patron_id = NEW.patron_id
+          AND "Equipment Training".equipment_id = NEW.equipment_id
+    ) THEN
+        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Patron % is not trained on equipment %', NEW.patron_id, NEW.equipment_id;
+    END IF;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE TRIGGER enforce_training
+EXECUTE FUNCTION check_training();
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/README.md b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/README.md
index 182ad60..4df4f59 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/README.md
+++ b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/README.md
@@ -44,29 +44,17 @@ erDiagram
         BIGINT exhibit_id FK
+    "Item_Collections" {
+        BIGINT item_id FK
+        BIGINT collection_id FK
+    }
 %% Relationships
 %%  See: https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html#relationship-syntax
     "Exhibits" ||--|| "Locations" : "location_id"
     "Items" ||--|| "Acquisition Types" : "acquisition_type_id"
-    "Items" ||--|| "Collections" : "collection_id"
     "Items" ||--|| "Exhibits" : "exhibit_id"
+    "Item_Collections" }|--|| "Items" : "item_id"
+    "Item_Collections" }|--|| "Collections" : "collection_id"
-## Loading Data
-The generated SQL file, `generate_data/load_data.sql`, contains all the necessary COPY commands to import data into your database. The data (and the load data file) are produced by the `generate_data.py` file, which can be adjusted and re-run to alter the data if needed.
-Load the data into a locally-running Mathesar instance like this:
-# First load the schema and tables
-docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < schema.sql
-# Then the sample data
-docker exec -i mathesar_dev_db bash -c 'psql -U mathesar' < generated_data.sql
-## Development
-The only requirement is to install dependencies with `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generate_data.py b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generate_data.py
index 5a4c8fd..0b8fecb 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generate_data.py
+++ b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generate_data.py
@@ -1,36 +1,103 @@
 import os
 import random
-from faker import Faker
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from faker import Faker
 fake = Faker()
-# Number of rows to generate
-# Helper function to clean values for COPY
+# Helper functions
 def clean_value(value):
+    """Clean a value for SQL COPY operations."""
     if value is None:
         return r"\N"
     if isinstance(value, str):
         return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
     return str(value)
-adjectives = ["Ancient", "Modern", "Historic", "Rare", "Exquisite"]
-nouns = ["Art", "Relics", "Artifacts", "Paintings", "Manuscripts", "Sculptures", "Vases", "Bowls"]
+def write_to_sql_file(output_path, search_path, tables):
+    """Write the generated data to an SQL file."""
+    with open(output_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'SET search_path="{search_path}";\n\n')
+        for table_name, generator in tables.items():
+            f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
+            for row in generator:
+                cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
+                f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
+            f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    print(f"SQL file generated: {output_path}")
+def get_output_file_path(filename):
+    """Get the output file path relative to the current script's directory."""
+    current_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    return os.path.join(current_file_dir, filename)
+# Constants
+# Base and descriptor model for items
+    "artifact": ["region", "time_period", "material"],
+    "manuscript": ["region", "time_period", "content_type"],
+    "painting": ["art_style", "region", "texture"],
+    "sketches": ["art_style", "region", "texture", "content_type"],
+    "portrait series": ["art_style", "region", "texture"],
+    "drawing": ["themes", "art_style", "region", "texture"],
+    "sculpture": ["material", "art_style", "region"],
+    "vase": ["material", "region", "art_style"],
+    "pot": ["region", "art_style"],
+    "bowl and plate": ["material", "region", "art_style"],
+    "themes": ["bird", "landscape", "butterfly", "isolation", "urban landscapes", "the home"],
+    "art_style": ["impressionist", "baroque", "abstract", "cubist", "modernist"],
+    "content_type": ["religious", "philosophical", "scientific", "literary"],
+    "material": ["marble", "bronze", "clay", "papyrus", "wood", "charcoal", "pen"],
+    "region": ["greek", "roman", "egyptian", "asian", "medieval european"],
+    "texture": ["smooth", "rough", "polished", "weathered"],
+    "time_period": ["ancient", "medieval", "renaissance", "19th century", "20th century"],
+    "decontextualizing",
+    "reclaiming the",
+    "liminal retreat in",
+    "voices in",
+    "silence: exploring",
+    "perspectives on",
+    "the evolution of",
+# Helper function to generate item names
+def generate_item_name():
+    base_item = random.choice(list(BASE_ITEMS.keys()))
+    allowed_descriptors = BASE_ITEMS[base_item]
+    name_parts = [base_item]
+    for category in allowed_descriptors:
+        if random.random() < 0.7:  # 70% chance to include a descriptor
+            descriptor = random.choice(DESCRIPTORS[category])
+            name_parts.insert(0, descriptor)
+    if random.random() < 0.5:  # 50% chance to include a theme
+        theme = random.choice(DESCRIPTORS["themes"])
+        name_parts.insert(0, theme)
+    return " ".join(name_parts).capitalize()
-# Table Data Generation
 def generate_locations():
     for i in range(1, NUM_LOCATIONS + 1):
         yield [i, f"Museum Location {i}", fake.address()]
 def generate_collections():
     for i in range(1, NUM_COLLECTIONS + 1):
-        name = f"{random.choice(adjectives)} {random.choice(nouns)} Collection"
+        art_style = random.choice(DESCRIPTORS["art_style"])
+        time_period = random.choice(DESCRIPTORS["time_period"])
+        name = f"{time_period} {art_style} Collection".title()
         yield [i, name, fake.text(max_nb_chars=50)]
 def generate_acquisition_types():
@@ -40,7 +107,10 @@ def generate_acquisition_types():
 def generate_exhibits(location_ids):
     for i in range(1, NUM_EXHIBITS + 1):
-        name = f"{random.choice(adjectives)} {random.choice(nouns)} Exhibit"
+        base_item = random.choice(list(BASE_ITEMS.keys()))
+        exhibit_theme = random.choice(COLLECTION_THEMES)
+        item_theme = random.choice(DESCRIPTORS["themes"])
+        name = f"{exhibit_theme} {item_theme} {base_item}".title()
         start_date = fake.date_this_year()
         end_date = (
             fake.date_between_dates(date_start=start_date, date_end=datetime.today() + timedelta(days=180))
@@ -53,12 +123,12 @@ def generate_exhibits(location_ids):
             random.choice([True, False]),
-            fake.text(max_nb_chars=100)
+            fake.text(max_nb_chars=100),
 def generate_items(acquisition_type_ids, collection_ids, exhibit_ids):
     for i in range(1, NUM_ITEMS + 1):
-        name = f"{random.choice(adjectives)} {random.choice(nouns)}"
+        name = generate_item_name()
         acquisition_date = fake.date_this_year()
         exhibit_id = random.choice(exhibit_ids) if random.random() < 0.5 else None
         yield [
@@ -67,36 +137,37 @@ def generate_items(acquisition_type_ids, collection_ids, exhibit_ids):
-            random.choice(collection_ids),
-            exhibit_id
+            exhibit_id,
-# Generate Data
-location_ids = list(range(1, NUM_LOCATIONS + 1))
-collection_ids = list(range(1, NUM_COLLECTIONS + 1))
-acquisition_type_ids = list(range(1, NUM_ACQUISITION_TYPES + 1))
-exhibit_ids = list(range(1, NUM_EXHIBITS + 1))
-tables = {
-    "Locations": generate_locations(),
-    "Collections": generate_collections(),
-    "Acquisition Types": generate_acquisition_types(),
-    "Exhibits": generate_exhibits(location_ids),
-    "Items": generate_items(acquisition_type_ids, collection_ids, exhibit_ids),
+def generate_item_collections(collection_ids, item_ids):
+    """Generate relationships between items and multiple collections."""
+    for item_id in item_ids:
+        num_collections = random.randint(1, 3)  # Each item belongs to 1-3 collections
+        assigned_collections = random.sample(collection_ids, num_collections)
+        for collection_id in assigned_collections:
+            yield [item_id, collection_id]
-# Write to SQL file
-sql_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "generated_data.sql")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # Generate IDs
+    location_ids = list(range(1, NUM_LOCATIONS + 1))
+    collection_ids = list(range(1, NUM_COLLECTIONS + 1))
+    acquisition_type_ids = list(range(1, NUM_ACQUISITION_TYPES + 1))
+    exhibit_ids = list(range(1, NUM_EXHIBITS + 1))
+    item_ids = list(range(1, NUM_ITEMS + 1))
-with open(sql_file, "w") as f:
-    f.write('SET search_path="Museum Exhibits";\n\n')
+    # Generate tables
+    tables = {
+        "Locations": generate_locations(),
+        "Collections": generate_collections(),
+        "Acquisition Types": generate_acquisition_types(),
+        "Exhibits": generate_exhibits(location_ids),
+        "Items": generate_items(acquisition_type_ids, collection_ids, exhibit_ids),  # Generate Items first
+    }
-    for table_name, generator in tables.items():
-        # Add quotes around table name since it contains spaces
-        f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
-        for row in generator:
-            cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
-            f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
-        f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    # Generate Item_Collections after Items
+    tables["Item_Collections"] = generate_item_collections(collection_ids, item_ids)
-print(f"SQL file generated: {sql_file}")
+    # Write to SQL file
+    sql_file = get_output_file_path("generated_data.sql")
+    write_to_sql_file(sql_file, "Museum Exhibits", tables)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generated_data.sql b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generated_data.sql
index b0bcadc..f1b4bbe 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generated_data.sql
+++ b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/generated_data.sql
@@ -1,102 +1,201 @@
 SET search_path="Museum Exhibits";
 COPY "Locations" FROM stdin;
-1	Museum Location 1	3342 Thomas Walk Suite 970 Mitchellville, NM 52630
-2	Museum Location 2	312 Jared Ford Suite 913 South Nicholas, OH 72577
-3	Museum Location 3	59689 Brianna Flats Schmidtfort, MP 28349
-4	Museum Location 4	97612 Janice Isle Suite 251 Smithtown, AS 12945
-5	Museum Location 5	3120 Scott Rapid Apt. 766 North Rebeccaburgh, TN 32185
+1	Museum Location 1	96178 Shaw Station New Charles, SC 93243
+2	Museum Location 2	20618 Krystal Park Suite 943 North Cherylmouth, WI 08589
+3	Museum Location 3	9471 Cheryl Station Suite 488 Ramseyton, OR 12788
+4	Museum Location 4	705 Butler Causeway Suite 166 Port Anthony, MO 73573
+5	Museum Location 5	PSC 4330, Box 7699 APO AA 73204
 COPY "Collections" FROM stdin;
-1	Modern Paintings Collection	Thousand whole last certainly leader dog.
-2	Ancient Sculptures Collection	Sign student would evidence detail short.
-3	Historic Sculptures Collection	World mother while across big feel.
-4	Exquisite Paintings Collection	More city difficult Republican ask play.
-5	Rare Artifacts Collection	Wife yes thing ball long camera that.
-6	Exquisite Artifacts Collection	Its road them significant serious.
-7	Historic Artifacts Collection	Affect own vote article really above fast.
-8	Exquisite Relics Collection	Strong next water involve perform.
-9	Ancient Art Collection	Ground apply feeling wrong benefit sell.
-10	Historic Vases Collection	Radio south study goal much.
+1	20Th Century Cubist Collection	Raise real yet Mrs. Decision thus shake least.
+2	Renaissance Baroque Collection	Several travel determine decade son.
+3	20Th Century Impressionist Collection	Yet national nice.
+4	20Th Century Abstract Collection	Get continue television. From result late likely.
+5	Renaissance Baroque Collection	College least apply put direction poor hospital.
+6	19Th Century Modernist Collection	Country myself bit start anyone. Bed head edge.
+7	20Th Century Cubist Collection	Wife administration leg garden glass Congress.
+8	Ancient Cubist Collection	Fall hundred candidate peace sea record pattern.
+9	19Th Century Impressionist Collection	Unit single interesting than.
+10	Renaissance Baroque Collection	Green phone fish reality.
 COPY "Acquisition Types" FROM stdin;
-1	Donation	However market few citizen deep measure senior.
-2	Purchase	Near consider police.
-3	Bequest	Even then sing continue machine.
-4	Loan	Lawyer both boy body water pick itself despite.
-5	Exchange	Contain ten stay analysis word military attorney.
+1	Donation	Upon candidate center baby.
+2	Purchase	Individual feel the particular.
+3	Bequest	Great lawyer main heavy pick.
+4	Loan	Task father attorney.
+5	Exchange	Take check teacher talk again.
 COPY "Exhibits" FROM stdin;
-1	Exquisite Sculptures Exhibit	2025-01-01	2025-02-02	2	True	Such give grow drive their character. Mouth scene measure modern deep ability free.
-2	Historic Manuscripts Exhibit	2025-01-07	2025-05-17	5	True	Threat eye up line front worker red response. Fight option study fear director role show.
-3	Modern Relics Exhibit	2025-01-03	2025-04-25	2	True	Thank while need half. Score he thank southern community whole. Small art knowledge crime.
-4	Exquisite Vases Exhibit	2025-01-07	\N	1	True	Fire occur garden ago feel wide. Stage them instead lose college discuss reveal.
-5	Modern Art Exhibit	2025-01-01	2025-04-16	4	True	Large huge could research happy responsibility car.
-6	Ancient Paintings Exhibit	2025-01-02	2025-01-07	2	True	Study human view sometimes. School card what.
-7	Historic Art Exhibit	2025-01-08	2025-01-30	4	True	Idea prevent my indeed this yet. Big audience today popular media.
-8	Rare Vases Exhibit	2025-01-02	2025-03-05	2	True	Fall require activity science ability. Music term red.
-9	Rare Artifacts Exhibit	2025-01-05	2025-04-21	2	True	For doctor point. Tough serve grow water avoid determine. Increase near glass southern fly.
-10	Historic Paintings Exhibit	2025-01-08	2025-06-02	4	False	Simply skin billion clearly option table determine. Detail whole to later type short.
-11	Historic Manuscripts Exhibit	2025-01-06	2025-06-22	4	False	Return help deep me family. Plan response send contain subject.
-12	Rare Paintings Exhibit	2025-01-08	2025-01-31	2	True	Cultural even run yes with.
-13	Exquisite Relics Exhibit	2025-01-03	2025-01-19	4	False	Loss any represent window now argue. Training into majority rise person respond thought.
-14	Historic Artifacts Exhibit	2025-01-01	\N	4	True	Reveal member which without everyone green fear. Beyond me view quality seem.
-15	Ancient Art Exhibit	2025-01-04	2025-04-27	3	True	Child best business conference system. Face us work. Detail note body during sure feel often bar.
+1	The Evolution Of Butterfly Sketches	2025-01-11	2025-05-15	3	False	Everything majority less. South crime open start.
+2	Perspectives On The Home Manuscript	2025-01-11	2025-03-08	5	False	Save for prepare group human some wind. Claim future base she.
+3	The Evolution Of The Home Sculpture	2025-01-12	\N	1	False	Professor from certain enter sound he suggest.
+4	Liminal Retreat In Urban Landscapes Sculpture	2025-01-04	2025-07-04	2	True	Color project world three public.
+5	Reclaiming The Landscape Sculpture	2025-01-10	\N	3	True	Approach including modern success whole. Unit market least yard life inside agreement.
+6	Silence: Exploring Landscape Portrait Series	2025-01-02	2025-03-08	1	True	Understand remain perhaps people hit since. Simple dog sister somebody.
+7	Silence: Exploring Butterfly Vase	2025-01-04	2025-07-09	3	True	From another talk quality nor minute option. East officer sort rock significant bank network.
+8	Decontextualizing Isolation Sketches	2025-01-15	2025-05-22	1	False	Able soon necessary upon color chair run. Which concern believe necessary.
+9	Perspectives On The Home Artifact	2025-01-02	2025-05-02	5	False	His bank human never newspaper discussion. Use itself wish.
+10	Silence: Exploring The Home Pot	2025-01-06	2025-07-09	4	False	Avoid meet ball study.
+11	Perspectives On Bird Sculpture	2025-01-15	2025-07-06	2	True	Open strong go.
+12	Reclaiming The Urban Landscapes Portrait Series	2025-01-09	2025-04-19	5	False	Though save cover indeed case hear write. Approach get a audience forward his wonder.
+13	Perspectives On Urban Landscapes Vase	2025-01-01	2025-03-12	3	False	Heart cause outside argue sort her sing. However board employee.
+14	Reclaiming The Butterfly Portrait Series	2025-01-02	2025-05-05	1	True	Information treat story food relationship rule. Ball recognize cold investment mind.
+15	Perspectives On Butterfly Sculpture	2025-01-01	\N	4	True	Of mean choice staff you. Cost price course series your. Expert size allow create.
 COPY "Items" FROM stdin;
-1	Ancient Artifacts	7861969220297	2025-01-05	3	2	15
-2	Ancient Vases	8820074493636	2025-01-01	5	9	4
-3	Ancient Artifacts	2625026956919	2025-01-01	5	10	12
-4	Historic Bowls	8695494022694	2025-01-08	1	1	\N
-5	Ancient Sculptures	8518672551345	2025-01-07	1	10	13
-6	Historic Paintings	3630925335627	2025-01-03	2	2	\N
-7	Historic Paintings	8069955695053	2025-01-06	5	6	11
-8	Ancient Bowls	3505984304054	2025-01-03	4	7	\N
-9	Exquisite Manuscripts	7526113518926	2025-01-06	2	4	10
-10	Historic Paintings	2125602538121	2025-01-02	1	1	2
-11	Modern Relics	4707548142853	2025-01-01	2	7	8
-12	Ancient Artifacts	1532720226921	2025-01-05	4	1	\N
-13	Rare Bowls	8058055853272	2025-01-06	4	1	9
-14	Rare Relics	1999697582984	2025-01-04	5	10	\N
-15	Modern Artifacts	0695161049687	2025-01-06	1	3	11
-16	Historic Sculptures	1846493212600	2025-01-04	2	5	\N
-17	Exquisite Paintings	4074847383493	2025-01-05	5	2	8
-18	Rare Relics	8540721566970	2025-01-02	4	6	12
-19	Ancient Vases	0963776290450	2025-01-01	5	2	9
-20	Rare Sculptures	3833419958528	2025-01-05	5	8	1
-21	Rare Sculptures	0950298840362	2025-01-08	5	9	13
-22	Ancient Art	0818100697606	2025-01-03	1	2	\N
-23	Exquisite Paintings	6690314200704	2025-01-07	3	2	10
-24	Exquisite Bowls	5606147743654	2025-01-06	2	5	11
-25	Modern Paintings	3813534602704	2025-01-06	2	9	\N
-26	Rare Paintings	6721744958290	2025-01-07	5	10	2
-27	Historic Art	9485048537991	2025-01-07	3	8	11
-28	Historic Artifacts	9735752321639	2025-01-01	3	6	\N
-29	Rare Manuscripts	0327009188684	2025-01-07	5	1	8
-30	Rare Paintings	3876964658185	2025-01-07	3	4	\N
-31	Historic Paintings	3572359527899	2025-01-03	5	1	15
-32	Ancient Relics	6759492550756	2025-01-04	3	9	\N
-33	Rare Relics	1140458904167	2025-01-07	5	10	3
-34	Exquisite Art	1465923516349	2025-01-05	5	1	14
-35	Historic Vases	3287812094565	2025-01-04	1	3	\N
-36	Exquisite Sculptures	1662516081011	2025-01-05	4	7	\N
-37	Exquisite Vases	7475174373947	2025-01-06	4	5	12
-38	Rare Paintings	2599395429414	2025-01-02	4	4	13
-39	Historic Art	3098942732209	2025-01-03	5	8	\N
-40	Historic Art	6889724096872	2025-01-05	1	10	14
-41	Exquisite Artifacts	4031573040526	2025-01-08	3	10	9
-42	Rare Artifacts	5495800649989	2025-01-03	4	8	\N
-43	Modern Manuscripts	5107602652059	2025-01-07	4	10	9
-44	Ancient Artifacts	3348770363312	2025-01-03	5	10	5
-45	Rare Art	9743628810767	2025-01-08	3	4	\N
-46	Modern Artifacts	7318515963097	2025-01-07	4	6	\N
-47	Exquisite Paintings	8794344557673	2025-01-06	5	5	\N
-48	Historic Sculptures	7775970437400	2025-01-06	2	10	\N
-49	Ancient Artifacts	2825435332964	2025-01-04	1	7	\N
-50	Modern Artifacts	4624956992552	2025-01-04	3	8	\N
+1	Bronze vase	1862193314406	2025-01-05	3	\N
+2	Landscape weathered baroque portrait series	9535874743896	2025-01-05	3	6
+3	Baroque asian bronze vase	4800379049251	2025-01-06	1	\N
+4	Philosophical medieval egyptian manuscript	6379059931400	2025-01-09	3	7
+5	Baroque asian vase	9933923670481	2025-01-08	5	5
+6	Polished asian painting	0144935136233	2025-01-06	3	2
+7	Weathered greek modernist portrait series	7268749722130	2025-01-09	5	7
+8	Baroque medieval european bowl and plate	2275542342859	2025-01-02	5	\N
+9	Isolation weathered modernist butterfly drawing	5388368939145	2025-01-11	2	\N
+10	Baroque roman pen bowl and plate	6414803832043	2025-01-01	4	14
+11	Impressionist portrait series	0029966751542	2025-01-03	1	\N
+12	Philosophical 20th century manuscript	6586913183244	2025-01-10	4	11
+13	The home weathered egyptian landscape drawing	1516486210936	2025-01-04	3	\N
+14	The home cubist medieval european clay bowl and plate	3938295034066	2025-01-13	4	\N
+15	Ancient artifact	7984733976401	2025-01-14	3	\N
+16	Rough painting	9480842383768	2025-01-13	2	\N
+17	Literary 20th century roman manuscript	8075779896132	2025-01-09	4	12
+18	Rough greek impressionist portrait series	0003882794715	2025-01-07	3	13
+19	Polished egyptian baroque portrait series	1933437898119	2025-01-11	4	14
+20	Landscape roman modernist landscape drawing	4354869487967	2025-01-07	3	15
+21	Clay sculpture	6001343163166	2025-01-15	4	12
+22	Baroque sculpture	8196716726333	2025-01-12	5	11
+23	Landscape medieval european sculpture	9074954082819	2025-01-14	5	\N
+24	Rough medieval european cubist portrait series	4886834291786	2025-01-05	5	\N
+25	Urban landscapes roman pot	2692004359925	2025-01-02	2	13
+26	Landscape charcoal artifact	2383142547670	2025-01-01	4	12
+27	Weathered cubist portrait series	9540678654064	2025-01-14	3	15
+28	The home egyptian pot	7154717552949	2025-01-12	1	\N
+29	The home cubist pot	2218589397260	2025-01-13	3	3
+30	Isolation smooth medieval european modernist painting	3499690477112	2025-01-14	1	12
+31	Landscape medieval european impressionist painting	5221016819300	2025-01-12	1	\N
+32	Abstract roman vase	9188117485055	2025-01-15	2	5
+33	Urban landscapes scientific polished asian baroque sketches	2375255060412	2025-01-04	4	\N
+34	The home 19th century artifact	9567257514625	2025-01-02	4	12
+35	Medieval european painting	0424561107495	2025-01-09	1	7
+36	Bird abstract asian charcoal vase	1020427654432	2025-01-02	1	6
+37	Bird cubist roman marble bowl and plate	5633822694994	2025-01-11	1	\N
+38	Baroque pot	6399700317773	2025-01-10	3	\N
+39	Cubist egyptian pot	1939386479751	2025-01-01	3	\N
+40	Scientific 19th century asian manuscript	5012449018725	2025-01-02	2	12
+41	Egyptian baroque wood sculpture	3923255267295	2025-01-05	2	\N
+42	Asian impressionist portrait series	1364389777274	2025-01-15	1	13
+43	Ancient greek artifact	6729603764594	2025-01-14	3	\N
+44	Religious ancient roman manuscript	7533693134972	2025-01-06	2	\N
+45	Bird weathered greek baroque painting	6604095702333	2025-01-02	1	10
+46	Bird cubist pot	1439136675278	2025-01-02	3	2
+47	Medieval european vase	8903998365378	2025-01-14	5	\N
+48	Bird roman bowl and plate	6659922405512	2025-01-08	4	\N
+49	19th century asian artifact	1103195281151	2025-01-09	1	7
+50	Landscape marble artifact	5726845015164	2025-01-03	1	13
+COPY "Item_Collections" FROM stdin;
+1	6
+1	4
+1	3
+2	10
+2	6
+3	4
+4	5
+5	9
+5	10
+5	5
+6	9
+6	1
+6	3
+7	6
+7	8
+7	2
+8	6
+9	1
+10	7
+10	2
+11	2
+11	7
+11	10
+12	1
+12	5
+13	5
+13	4
+14	1
+14	7
+15	1
+15	4
+16	4
+16	6
+16	7
+17	6
+17	4
+17	8
+18	5
+19	5
+20	2
+20	10
+20	7
+21	9
+22	10
+23	1
+23	9
+24	7
+25	10
+25	2
+25	6
+26	4
+27	9
+28	9
+29	8
+29	3
+29	1
+30	7
+31	2
+31	7
+32	7
+32	1
+33	2
+33	4
+34	7
+34	9
+35	1
+35	3
+36	5
+37	7
+38	3
+39	8
+40	1
+41	2
+41	4
+41	6
+42	8
+42	10
+43	4
+43	6
+44	3
+44	5
+44	6
+45	5
+45	2
+45	3
+46	6
+46	4
+47	2
+47	1
+47	10
+48	7
+48	2
+49	5
+50	4
+50	9
+50	7
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/requirements.txt b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 62e3730..0000000
--- a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/schema.sql b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/schema.sql
index 879809b..739e4f1 100644
--- a/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/schema.sql
+++ b/beta_use_cases/museum_exhibits/schema.sql
@@ -2,41 +2,45 @@ DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "Museum Exhibits" CASCADE;
 CREATE SCHEMA "Museum Exhibits";
 SET search_path = "Museum Exhibits";
+CREATE TABLE "Acquisition Types" (
+  type_name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+  description TEXT
-create table "Acquisition Types" (
-  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
-  type_name text not null unique,
-  description text
+CREATE TABLE "Collections" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  description TEXT
-create table "Collections" (
-  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
-  name text not null,
-  description text
+CREATE TABLE "Locations" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  address TEXT
-create table "Locations" (
-  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
-  name text not null,
-  address text
+CREATE TABLE "Exhibits" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  start_date DATE NOT NULL,
+  end_date DATE,
+  location_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Locations" (id),
+  description TEXT
-create table "Exhibits" (
-  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
-  name text not null,
-  start_date date not null,
-  end_date date,
-  location_id bigint not null references "Locations" (id),
-  featured boolean default false,
-  description text
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  serial_number TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
+  acquisition_date DATE NOT NULL,
+  acquisition_type_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Acquisition Types" (id),
+  exhibit_id BIGINT REFERENCES "Exhibits" (id)
-create table "Items" (
-  id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
-  name text not null,
-  serial_number text not null unique,
-  acquisition_date date not null,
-  acquisition_type_id bigint not null references "Acquisition Types" (id),
-  collection_id bigint not null references "Collections" (id),
-  exhibit_id bigint references "Exhibits" (id)
+CREATE TABLE "Item_Collections" (
+  collection_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Collections" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+  PRIMARY KEY (item_id, collection_id)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/README.md b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a276cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Nonprofit Grant Tracking Sample Data
+This sample dataset represents a nonprofit organization tracking grants, their lifecycle stages, staff involvement, and fund allocations.
+%% https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html
+    "Grants" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+        string description
+        NUMERIC amount
+        DATE start_date
+        DATE end_date
+        string status
+    }
+    "Staff" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+        string position
+    }
+    "Lifecycle Stages" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        string name
+        string description
+    }
+    "Grant Lifecycle" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT grant_id FK
+        BIGINT stage_id FK
+        BIGINT staff_id FK
+        TIMESTAMP signed_off_at
+        int stage_order
+        string notes
+        string role
+    }
+    "Grant Allocations" {
+        BIGINT id PK
+        BIGINT grant_id FK
+        string category
+        NUMERIC allocated_amount
+        NUMERIC spent_amount
+    }
+%% Relationships
+%%  See: https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html#relationship-syntax
+    "Grant Lifecycle" ||--|| "Grants" : "grant_id"
+    "Grant Lifecycle" ||--|| "Lifecycle Stages" : "stage_id"
+    "Grant Lifecycle" ||--|| "Staff" : "staff_id"
+    "Grant Allocations" ||--|| "Grants" : "grant_id"
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/generate_data.py b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/generate_data.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c112d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/generate_data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import os
+import random
+from datetime import datetime
+from faker import Faker
+fake = Faker()
+def clean_value(value):
+    """Clean a value for SQL COPY operations."""
+    if value is None:
+        return r"\N"
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return value.replace("\t", " ").replace("\n", " ")
+    return str(value)
+def write_to_sql_file(output_path, search_path, tables):
+    """Write the generated data to an SQL file."""
+    with open(output_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(f'SET search_path="{search_path}";\n\n')
+        for table_name, generator in tables.items():
+            f.write(f'COPY "{table_name}" FROM stdin;\n')
+            for row in generator:
+                cleaned_row = "\t".join(map(clean_value, row))
+                f.write(f"{cleaned_row}\n")
+            f.write("\\.\n\n")
+    print(f"SQL file generated: {output_path}")
+def get_output_file_path(filename):
+    """Get the output file path relative to the current script's directory."""
+    current_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    return os.path.join(current_file_dir, filename)
+# Constants
+    "Application Submitted",
+    "Review Process",
+    "Approved",
+    "Fund Disbursed",
+    "Implementation",
+    "Final Report",
+# Table Data Generation
+def generate_grants():
+    stock_phrases = [
+        "Literacy Program",
+        "Time to Read",
+        "Building Readers",
+        "Read and Succeed",
+        "Community Reading Initiative",
+    ]
+    for i in range(1, NUM_GRANTS + 1):
+        name = f"{fake.city()} {random.choice(stock_phrases)}"
+        yield [
+            i,
+            name,
+            fake.paragraph(),
+            round(random.uniform(1000, 50000), 2),
+            fake.date_this_decade(),
+            fake.date_this_decade(),
+        ]
+def generate_staff():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_STAFF + 1):
+        yield [
+            i,
+            fake.name(),
+            random.choice(["Program Manager", "Coordinator", "Administrator", "Finance Officer"]),
+        ]
+def generate_lifecycle_stages():
+    for i, stage in enumerate(LIFECYCLE_STAGES, start=1):
+        yield [i, stage, fake.paragraph()]
+def generate_grant_lifecycle():
+    lifecycle_entries = set()
+    for i in range(1, NUM_GRANT_LIFECYCLE_ENTRIES + 1):
+        grant_id = random.randint(1, NUM_GRANTS)
+        stage_id = random.randint(1, NUM_LIFECYCLE_STAGES)
+        staff_id = random.randint(1, NUM_STAFF)
+        if (grant_id, stage_id) not in lifecycle_entries:
+            lifecycle_entries.add((grant_id, stage_id))
+            yield [
+                i,
+                grant_id,
+                stage_id,
+                staff_id,
+                fake.date_time_this_year(),
+            ]
+def generate_allocations():
+    for i in range(1, NUM_ALLOCATIONS + 1):
+        yield [
+            i,
+            random.randint(1, NUM_GRANTS),
+            round(random.uniform(500, 5000), 2),  # Allocated amount
+            round(random.uniform(0, 5000), 2),   # Spent amount
+        ]
+# Main Script
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    tables = {
+        "Grants": generate_grants(),
+        "Staff": generate_staff(),
+        "Lifecycle Stages": generate_lifecycle_stages(),
+        "Grant Lifecycle": generate_grant_lifecycle(),
+        "Grant Allocations": generate_allocations(),
+    }
+    sql_file = get_output_file_path("generated_data.sql")
+    write_to_sql_file(sql_file, "Nonprofit Grant Tracking", tables)
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/generated_data.sql b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/generated_data.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9682111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/generated_data.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+SET search_path="Nonprofit Grant Tracking";
+COPY "Grants" FROM stdin;
+1	Mirandafurt Time to Read	Ever discover lay success. Popular yard site physical. Media push able foot us tend.	20560.71	2020-06-16	2024-09-22
+2	South Paigefort Literacy Program	Rich lot determine worry story nor prove. Defense into these themselves improve base senior true.	38957.42	2022-05-19	2022-07-29
+3	Calvinmouth Literacy Program	Century difference help seat.	36293.85	2023-02-23	2024-06-08
+4	East Shawn Time to Read	International ability until friend interest. Ahead detail nation girl.	40919.9	2023-08-02	2022-07-09
+5	Emilyburgh Building Readers	Such white movie instead happy why. Knowledge base leave trial. Paper director style might value development.	35555.2	2020-07-20	2024-09-18
+6	Moniquefurt Building Readers	Wait community every least. Sit audience leave against center Republican.	7439.65	2021-07-20	2020-07-26
+7	North Madisonside Building Readers	Station article stop throughout pass section. Military huge state seek serve opportunity modern.	27374.36	2024-02-05	2022-12-04
+8	Ericland Building Readers	Wish discover happy your seem ago. Word rest federal network.	4744.98	2022-07-13	2024-01-17
+9	South Kristen Community Reading Initiative	Join candidate site near none shake join. Data never air. Up management bag trip yeah.	8185.23	2024-08-10	2022-03-09
+10	Barrymouth Time to Read	Ever challenge production challenge difficult same dinner. Close face form. Several window top discussion.	47852.93	2021-09-24	2022-02-20
+11	West Shawnstad Time to Read	Science worry responsibility wide. System nor care once south meet.	45127.51	2021-10-02	2021-08-31
+12	Kingland Read and Succeed	Worker kitchen evidence carry author.	20604.19	2021-05-08	2022-01-22
+13	Moorebury Literacy Program	Old course born particularly either future. Short attorney direction point.	12723.6	2022-06-08	2020-03-10
+14	Kimberlyport Literacy Program	Scientist few have much dinner church. Professor realize into. State because difference no gun health.	7436.28	2022-01-14	2024-08-28
+15	Yoderton Building Readers	Mrs happy show could floor. Away term check.	15972.76	2022-07-09	2022-09-09
+16	West James Time to Read	American money even with. Yes mother deep mission whom business. Increase property gun free field door.	25983.05	2020-03-31	2024-08-02
+17	Fowlerfurt Read and Succeed	Place know dinner war become whom check. Article forward focus audience. Already man still music free cold.	24207.67	2021-06-24	2021-12-15
+18	Garzabury Read and Succeed	Loss team main figure hit can. Begin senior rich about ten yet your. Just store arm herself both mention bed. Wish argue job sister.	21446.09	2024-03-07	2022-11-15
+19	Holtview Community Reading Initiative	Station old place determine race. Responsibility history eat some two. Former pass glass adult social foreign myself.	31677.06	2021-02-25	2021-12-25
+20	Lake Rebeccafurt Community Reading Initiative	Wait enough enjoy seem war tonight least. Discover water resource against everything region. Throughout detail listen generation do capital single.	24176.07	2020-10-25	2020-02-15
+COPY "Staff" FROM stdin;
+1	Sarah Branch	Coordinator
+2	James Cuevas	Administrator
+3	Victoria Costa	Coordinator
+4	Brian Clark	Administrator
+5	David Peters	Finance Officer
+6	Christina Price	Coordinator
+7	Beth Shannon	Administrator
+8	Marcus Cox	Program Manager
+9	Mrs. Janet Mays	Administrator
+10	Sarah Odom	Program Manager
+11	Ellen Murphy	Program Manager
+12	Kelly Russell	Administrator
+13	Emma Shaw	Finance Officer
+14	Renee Fox	Administrator
+15	Timothy Martinez	Finance Officer
+COPY "Lifecycle Stages" FROM stdin;
+1	Application Submitted	Career check better news artist power official. Art southern drop probably fast catch. Power agency red successful down give free teach.
+2	Review Process	Natural last campaign call assume wind law. Everything office recently without law issue while.
+3	Approved	Series commercial American money company. Catch success city laugh sister else.
+4	Fund Disbursed	Ahead white treat small hundred drop after. Attack back fight tend shake. Lose many inside tree.
+5	Implementation	Walk wide serious major wish yeah should. Compare approach read from drive.
+6	Final Report	Often choice admit but. Likely south girl minute.
+COPY "Grant Lifecycle" FROM stdin;
+1	17	3	8	2025-01-01 23:01:09.302967
+2	2	2	4	2025-01-05 04:37:25.748302
+3	9	1	9	2025-01-08 02:20:05.010619
+4	15	2	3	2025-01-03 08:51:58.382561
+5	13	2	3	2025-01-05 21:03:30.384342
+6	8	2	12	2025-01-16 01:02:23.357373
+7	19	4	4	2025-01-05 04:32:06.337236
+8	19	3	11	2025-01-13 04:25:54.491900
+9	3	3	1	2025-01-12 01:28:36.476066
+10	18	2	3	2025-01-11 00:03:34.332647
+13	12	6	10	2025-01-01 16:04:40.429566
+14	18	4	12	2025-01-04 04:44:02.778167
+15	10	3	6	2025-01-12 08:43:00.378012
+16	2	6	4	2025-01-05 19:51:32.403716
+17	18	3	10	2025-01-16 00:22:19.465580
+18	16	2	10	2025-01-09 07:27:56.594906
+19	3	6	14	2025-01-03 14:04:21.093857
+20	4	6	6	2025-01-12 17:24:48.507572
+21	16	5	3	2025-01-02 08:08:19.705695
+22	15	5	1	2025-01-02 01:01:36.816840
+23	12	2	1	2025-01-03 01:56:27.607091
+25	1	1	4	2025-01-03 08:31:36.603785
+27	9	5	4	2025-01-03 15:44:15.496038
+28	8	4	4	2025-01-05 20:58:22.970851
+29	1	2	12	2025-01-02 15:59:56.479601
+30	17	5	14	2025-01-12 23:18:34.977835
+31	3	5	1	2025-01-15 23:15:01.088765
+32	14	6	3	2025-01-14 18:55:42.485923
+33	10	1	4	2025-01-12 14:40:14.505989
+34	19	1	3	2025-01-04 15:02:11.476928
+35	1	5	12	2025-01-11 12:47:16.679809
+36	10	6	13	2025-01-13 19:31:04.269175
+37	20	6	13	2025-01-12 04:42:14.324461
+39	8	6	7	2025-01-08 08:21:55.603816
+40	3	2	15	2025-01-05 10:33:43.935986
+42	6	2	13	2025-01-09 12:34:03.728249
+43	13	5	4	2025-01-13 10:35:36.171886
+44	1	4	1	2025-01-02 21:44:01.380399
+46	13	4	10	2025-01-14 10:08:24.603706
+47	10	5	15	2025-01-09 23:51:24.157053
+48	11	6	4	2025-01-01 13:20:44.106455
+49	17	2	15	2025-01-03 04:59:09.806400
+50	6	1	15	2025-01-04 15:10:18.177152
+COPY "Grant Allocations" FROM stdin;
+1	14	1924.67	3641.29
+2	6	2473.16	104.72
+3	13	3817.23	2404.98
+4	20	1361.09	3137.25
+5	20	1096.94	1493.9
+6	3	2521.53	3811.58
+7	13	3104.41	2965.79
+8	10	2525.86	4488.7
+9	13	3048.99	3507.54
+10	7	4479.25	41.89
+11	9	1823.97	806.5
+12	8	2355.36	3418.43
+13	15	1362.66	331.03
+14	11	4592.34	1387.3
+15	19	2734.38	2303.21
+16	14	805.47	3123.89
+17	6	1263.36	4151.05
+18	16	2396.67	22.43
+19	9	1387.45	2833.53
+20	11	3392.78	3781.49
+21	12	2459.42	756.17
+22	7	1207.52	4768.76
+23	2	3735.55	2242.26
+24	5	2963.03	1080.31
+25	13	1053.23	306.83
+26	2	944.89	2397.22
+27	12	1262.85	1476.51
+28	9	3881.34	3624.98
+29	11	2766.7	4755.4
+30	1	4031.01	968.46
+31	10	4752.34	3674.41
+32	9	3542.73	4667.71
+33	9	4985.84	2229.88
+34	5	1108.8	1637.5
+35	4	811.14	1024.91
+36	14	1038.06	4343.46
+37	9	4817.11	4700.2
+38	19	2031.59	4446.95
+39	12	1753.27	1965.34
+40	5	3326.81	1000.13
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/schema.sql b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f416c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beta_use_cases/nonprofit_grant_tracking/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "Nonprofit Grant Tracking" CASCADE;
+CREATE SCHEMA "Nonprofit Grant Tracking";
+SET search_path = "Nonprofit Grant Tracking";
+CREATE TABLE "Grants" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  description TEXT,
+  amount NUMERIC(12, 2) NOT NULL,
+  start_date DATE NOT NULL,
+  end_date DATE NOT NULL
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  position TEXT
+CREATE TABLE "Lifecycle Stages" (
+  name TEXT NOT NULL,
+  description TEXT
+CREATE TABLE "Grant Lifecycle" (
+  stage_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES "Lifecycle Stages" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
+CREATE TABLE "Grant Allocations" (
+  allocated_amount NUMERIC(12, 2) NOT NULL,
+  spent_amount NUMERIC(12, 2) DEFAULT 0
diff --git a/beta_use_cases/hardware_store/requirements.txt b/beta_use_cases/requirements.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from beta_use_cases/hardware_store/requirements.txt
rename to beta_use_cases/requirements.txt