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Enrico Tassi edited this page Jun 10, 2021
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Non Forgetful Inheritance is a very nasty problem which can arise if a hierarchy is badly designed and is very hard to pinpoint.
HB is capable of detecting the problem and, unless the #[non_forgetful_inheritance]
attribute is passed, it refuses to declare
instances which break the invariant. In some rare cases it may make sense to break the invariant locally, hence the reason of existance for the attribute.
This problem was studied in this paper in the context of functional analysis, here we describe it in a simpler, but more artificial, setting.
From HB Require Import structures.
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Module BadInheritance.
HB.mixin Record HasMul T := {
mul : T -> T -> T;
HB.structure Definition Mul := { T of HasMul T }.
HB.mixin Record HasSq T := {
sq : T -> T;
HB.structure Definition Sq := { T of HasSq T }.
(* We need a functorial construction (a container)
which preserves both structures. The simplest one is the option type. *)
Definition option_mul {T : Mul.type} (o1 o2 : option T) : option T :=
match o1, o2 with
| Some n, Some m => Some (mul n m)
| _, _ => None
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Mul.type) := HasMul.Build (option T) option_mul.
Definition option_square {T : Sq.type} (o : option T) : option T :=
match o with
| Some n => Some (sq n)
| None => None
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Sq.type) := HasSq.Build (option T) option_square.
(* Now we mix the two unrelated structures by building Sq out of Mul.
*** This breaks Non Forgetful Inheritance ***
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Mul.type) := HasSq.Build T (fun x => mul x x).
(* As we expect we can proved this (by reflexivity) *)
Lemma sq_mul (V : Mul.type) (v : V) : sq v = mul v v.
Proof. by reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma problem (W : Mul.type) (w : option W) : sq w = mul w w.
Fail reflexivity. (* What? It used to work! *)
Fail rewrite sq_mul. (* Lemmas don't cross the container either! *)
(* Let's investigate *)
rewrite /mul/= /sq/=.
(* As we expect, we are on the option type. In the LHS it is the Sq built using
the NFI instance
option_square w = option_mul w w
rewrite /option_mul/=.
rewrite /option_square/sq/=.
congr (match w with Some n => _ | None => None end).
(* The branches for Some differ, since w is a variable,
they don't compare as equal
(fun n : W => Some (mul n n)) =
(fun n : W => match w with
| Some m => Some (mul n m)
| None => None
End BadInheritance.
Since the structures Mul
and Sq
are somewhat related, since the operations of the two are expected to validate a common law,
we should put them in the same hierarchy.
From HB Require Import structures.
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Module GoodInheritance.
HB.mixin Record HasMul T := {
mul : T -> T -> T;
HB.structure Definition Mul := { T of HasMul T }.
HB.mixin Record HasSq T of Mul T := {
sq : T -> T;
sq_mul : forall x, sq x = mul x x;
HB.structure Definition Sq := { T of HasSq T & Mul T }.
Definition option_mul {T : Mul.type} (o1 o2 : option T) : option T :=
match o1, o2 with
| Some n, Some m => Some (mul n m)
| _, _ => None
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Mul.type) := HasMul.Build (option T) option_mul.
Definition option_square {T : Sq.type} (o : option T) : option T :=
match o with
| Some n => Some (sq n)
| None => None
Lemma option_sq_mul {T : Sq.type} (o : option T) : option_square o = mul o o.
Proof. by rewrite /option_square; case: o => [x|//]; rewrite sq_mul. Qed.
HB.instance Definition _ (T : Sq.type) := HasSq.Build (option T) option_square option_sq_mul.
Lemma problem (W : Sq.type) (w : option W) : sq w = mul w w.
Proof. by rewrite sq_mul. Qed.
End GoodInheritance.