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Add a Menu to the main app.

New Menu

One major concept of the Lumino library on which JupyterLab is built is the notion of Commands as explained in the commands example. One of the possibilities offered to the user to trigger that command is to call it from a menu item.

Adding new menu item works in a similar way to the command palette. The IMainMenu interface can be requested as a new argument to the activate function, but first it has to be imported. And the class Menu to create new menu needs also to be imported but from the Lumino library:

// src/index.ts#L6-L8

import { IMainMenu } from '@jupyterlab/mainmenu';

import { Menu } from '@lumino/widgets';

You can add the IMainMenu in the requires: property such that it is injected into the activate function. The extension looks like:

// src/index.ts#L15-L57

const extension: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {
  id: 'main-menu',
  autoStart: true,
  requires: [ICommandPalette, IMainMenu],
  activate: (
    app: JupyterFrontEnd,
    palette: ICommandPalette,
    mainMenu: IMainMenu
  ) => {
    const { commands } = app;

    // Add a command
    const command = 'jlab-examples:main-menu';
    commands.addCommand(command, {
      label: 'Execute jlab-examples:main-menu Command',
      caption: 'Execute jlab-examples:main-menu Command',
      execute: (args: any) => {
          `jlab-examples:main-menu has been called ${args['origin']}.`
          `jlab-examples:main-menu has been called ${args['origin']}.`

    // Add the command to the command palette
    const category = 'Extension Examples';
      args: { origin: 'from the palette' }

    // Create a menu
    const tutorialMenu: Menu = new Menu({ commands });
    tutorialMenu.title.label = 'Main Menu Example';
    mainMenu.addMenu(tutorialMenu, { rank: 80 });

    // Add the command to the menu
    tutorialMenu.addItem({ command, args: { origin: 'from the menu' } });

In this extension, you have the dependencies to @jupyterlab/mainmenu and @lumino/widgets. Before it builds, this dependencies have to be added to the package.json file. This is done invoking the following command:

jlpm add @jupyterlab/mainmenu @lumino/widgets

After the execution of that command, package.json should list them in the dependencies:

// package.json#L46-L50

"dependencies": {
  "@jupyterlab/application": "^3.0.0-rc.15",
  "@jupyterlab/mainmenu": "^3.0.0-rc.15",
  "@lumino/widgets": "^1.16.1"

With this extension installed, a new menu Main Menu Example should be present. And when clicking on the menu item jlab-examples:main-menu, the following text should appear in the web browser console.

jlab-examples:main-menu has been called from the menu.