diff --git a/crystal_toolkit/components/pourbaix.py b/crystal_toolkit/components/pourbaix.py
index 836d8d04..d5583841 100644
--- a/crystal_toolkit/components/pourbaix.py
+++ b/crystal_toolkit/components/pourbaix.py
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class PourbaixDiagramComponent(MPComponent):
# Deprecated. This method returns a figure with Pourbaix domains as "shapes" and labels
# as "annotations." The new figure method instead returns a Pourbaix diagram with
# domains and labels as independent traces, so that they can be interacted with and
- # placed ona legend.
+ # placed on a legend.
# Static method for getting plotly figure from a Pourbaix diagram.
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ def get_figure(
if not heatmap_entry:
if legend_entry == "Ion" or legend_entry == "Unknown":
- fillcolor = "rgb(255,255,250,1)" # same color as old website
+ fillcolor = "rgb(255,245,255,1)" # New purple white color
elif legend_entry == "Mixed Ion":
fillcolor = "rgb(255,255,240,1)"
elif legend_entry == "Solid":
@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ def get_figure(
# legendgrouptitle={"text": legend_entry},
text=f"{clean_formula} ({entry.entry_id})",
+ hoverinfo="text",
marker={"color": "Black"},
line={"color": "Black", "width": 0},
@@ -376,9 +377,9 @@ def get_figure(
path += "Z"
# stable entries are black with default color scheme,
- # so use white lines instead
+ # so use off-white lines instead
line = (
- {"color": "White", "width": 4}
+ {"color": "rgba(255,235,255,1)", "width": 4}
if heatmap_entry
else {"color": "Black", "width": 1}
@@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ def get_text_size(available_vertical_space):
# Generate hoverinfo
- hovertexts = []
+ hoverlabel = []
for ph_val, v_val, de_val in zip(
ph_mesh.ravel(), v_mesh.ravel(), decomposition_e.ravel()
@@ -464,13 +465,13 @@ def get_text_size(available_vertical_space):
hovertext = "
- hovertexts.append(hovertext)
- hovertexts = np.reshape(hovertexts, list(decomposition_e.shape))
+ hoverlabel.append(hovertext)
+ hoverlabel = np.reshape(hoverlabel, list(decomposition_e.shape))
# Enforce decomposition limit energy
- decomposition_e = np.min(
- [decomposition_e, np.ones(decomposition_e.shape)], axis=0
- )
+ # decomposition_e = np.min(
+ # [decomposition_e, np.ones(decomposition_e.shape)], axis=0
+ # )
heatmap_formula = unicodeify(
@@ -484,14 +485,26 @@ def get_text_size(available_vertical_space):
"title": "∆Gpbx (eV/atom)",
"titleside": "right",
- colorscale=PourbaixDiagramComponent.colorscale, # or magma
- zmin=0,
- zmax=1,
+ colorscale=[
+ [0, "#000004"],
+ [0.031, "#180f3d"],
+ [0.044, "#440f76"],
+ [0.063, "#721f81"],
+ [0.088, "#9e2f7f"],
+ [0.125, "#cd4071"],
+ [0.177, "#f1605d"],
+ [0.25, "#fd9668"],
+ [0.354, "#feca8d"],
+ [0.5, "#fcfdbf"],
+ [1, "#fcfdbf"],
+ ], # Custom Magma built exponentially rather than linearly
+ ncontours=50,
# contours_coloring="heatmap",
- text=hovertexts,
+ text=hoverlabel,
+ hoverinfo="text",
name=f"{heatmap_formula} ({heatmap_entry.entry_id}) Heatmap",