diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index afee6c841..1530f67b2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,37 +1,9 @@ -# Museum 2 landing page -Implement landing page according to [Figma design](https://www.figma.com/file/HL3XGt5ZatvJoYBhOaWY5x/museum-prototype?node-id=323%3A1957) - Use BEM and SCSS - -Check font styles. Use [Playfair Display](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Playfair+Display?query=Playfair+Display), [Raleway](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Raleway?query=Raleway) - -- The design 1440px -- Desktop 1280px -- Tablet 640px -- Mobile (> 320px) - -1. Implement the header with menu. -1. Implement `Актуальтні виставки` block. -1. Implement `Найближчі події` block. -1. Implement `Сплануйте візит до музею` block. -1. Implement `Новини` block with the three cards. -1. Implement `Підпишіться на дайджест` block. -1. Implement footer. - - -## Github flow -1. **Fork** the repo. -2. **Clone** the forked one. (The project link should have your name but not `mate-academy`) -3. Run `npm install` (or just `npm i`). -4. Run `npm start`. -5. Open one more terminal window for the next steps. -6. `git checkout -b develop` - to create new branch and switch on it. -7. Write you code in `src` folder. -8. Run `npm run lint` and fix code style errors. -9. Run `npm run deploy` to deploy your solution to `gh-pages`. -10. `git add . && git commit -m 'write a short description of the changes you made'` to save your changes. -11. `git push origin develop` - to send you code for PR. -12. Create a Pull Request (PR) from your branch `develop` to branch `master` of original repo. -13. Replace `` with your Github username in the - [DEMO LINK](https://.github.io/Museum_2/). -14. Copy `DEMO LINK` to the PR description. - -> To update you PR repeat steps 7-11. +# Dia landing page +- Implemented landing page according to [Figma design](https://www.figma.com/file/HL3XGt5ZatvJoYBhOaWY5x/museum-prototype?node-id=323%3A1957) + +# Specifications +- The page was adapted to the desktop, tablet and mobile version +- HTML, SCSS, JS technologies were used +- Burger menu +- Semantic HTML, BEM, Grid, Flex +- Forms + validation