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Mojo unreleased changelog

This is a list of UNRELEASED changes for the Mojo language and tools.

When we cut a release, these notes move to and that's what we publish.

[//]: # Here's the template to use when starting a new batch of notes: [//]: ## UNRELEASED [//]: ### ✨ Highlights [//]: ### Language changes [//]: ### Standard library changes [//]: ### Tooling changes [//]: ### ❌ Removed [//]: ### 🛠️ Fixed


✨ Highlights

Language changes

  • Initializers are now treated as static methods that return an instance of Self. This means the out argument of an initializer is now treated the same as a any other function result or out argument. This is generally invisible, except that patterns like instance.__init__() and x.__copyinit__(y) no longer work. Simply replace them with instance = T() and x = y respectively.

  • The legacy borrowed/inout keywords and -> T as foo syntax now generate a warning. Please move to read/mut/out argument syntax instead.

  • The @value decorator now additionally derives an implementation of the ExplicitlyCopyable trait. This will ease the transition to explicit copyablility requirements by default in the Mojo collection types.

  • Indexing into a homogenous tuple now produces the consistent element type without needing a rebind:

      var x = (1, 2, 3, 3, 4)
      var y : Int = x[idx]     # Just works!
  • You can now overload positional arguments with a keyword-only argument, and keyword-only arguments with different names:

      struct OverloadedKwArgs:
          var val: Int
          fn __init__(out self, single: Int):
              self.val = single
          fn __init__(out self, *, double: Int):
              self.val = double * 2
          fn __init__(out self, *, triple: Int):
              self.val = triple * 3
          fn main():
              OverloadedKwArgs(1)        # val=1
              OverloadedKwArgs(double=1) # val=2
              OverloadedKwArgs(triple=2) # val=6

    This also works with indexing operations:

    struct OverloadedKwArgs:
      var vals: List[Int]
      fn __init__(out self):
          self.vals = List[Int](0, 1, 2)
      fn __getitem__(self, idx: Int) -> Int:
          return self.vals[idx]
      fn __getitem__(self, *, idx2: Int) -> Int:
          return self.vals[idx2 * 2]
      fn __setitem__(mut self, idx: Int, val: Int):
          self.vals[idx] = val
      fn __setitem__(mut self, val: Int, *, idx2: Int):
            self.vals[idx2 * 2] = val
    fn main():
        var x = OverloadedKwArgs()
        print(x[1])       # 1
        print(x[idx2=1])  # 2
        x[1] = 42
        x[idx2=1] = 84
        print(x[1])       # 42
        print(x[idx2=1])  # 84

Standard library changes

  • Add a new validate parameter to the b64decode() function.

  • The free floating functions for constructing different types have been deprecated for actual constructors:

    before   after
    int()    Int()
    str()    String()
    bool()   Bool()
    float()  Float64()

    These functions were a workaround before Mojo had a way to distinguish between implicit and explicit constructors. For this release you'll get a deprecation warning, and in the next release they'll become compiler errors. You can quickly update your code by doing a Match Case and Match Whole Word search and replace for int( to Int( etc.

  • UnsafePointer's bitcast method has now been split into bitcast for changing the type, origin_cast for changing mutability, static_alignment_cast for changing alignment, and address_space_cast for changing the address space.

  • UnsafePointer is now parameterized on mutability. Previously, UnsafePointer could only represent mutable pointers.

    The new mut parameter can be used to restrict an UnsafePointer to a specific mutability: UnsafePointer[T, mut=False] represents a pointer to an immutable T value. This is analogous to a const * pointer in C++.

    • UnsafePointer.address_of() will now infer the origin and mutability of the resulting pointer from the argument. For example:

      var local = 10
      # Constructs a mutable pointer, because `local` is a mutable memory location
      var ptr = UnsafePointer.address_of(local)

      To force the construction of an immutable pointer to an otherwise mutable memory location, use a cast:

      var local = 10
      # Cast the mutable pointer to be immutable.
      var ptr = UnsafePointer.address_of(local).origin_cast[mut=False]()
    • The unsafe_ptr() method on several standard library collection types have been updated to use parametric mutability: they will return an UnsafePointer whose mutability is inherited from the mutability of the ref self of the receiver at the call site. For example, ptr1 will be immutable, while ptr2 will be mutable:

      fn take_lists(read list1: List[Int], mut list2: List[Int]):
          # Immutable pointer, since receiver is immutable `read` reference
          var ptr1 = list1.unsafe_ptr()
          # Mutable pointer, since receiver is mutable `mut` reference
          var ptr2 = list2.unsafe_ptr()
  • Added Optional.copied() for constructing an owned Optional[T] from an Optional[Pointer[T]] by copying the pointee value.

  • Added Dict.get_ptr() which returns an Optional[Pointer[V]]. If the given key is present in the dictionary, the optional will hold a pointer to the value. Otherwise, an empty optional is returned.

  • Added new List.extend() overloads taking SIMD and Span. These enable growing a List[Scalar[..]] by copying the elements of a SIMD vector or Span[Scalar[..]], simplifying the writing of some optimized SIMD-aware functionality.

  • Added Char, for representing and storing single Unicode characters.

    • Char implements CollectionElement, EqualityComparable, Intable, and Stringable.
    • Added String constructor from Char
    • Char can be converted to UInt32 via Char.to_u32().
    • Char provides methods for categorizing character types, including: Char.is_ascii(), Char.is_posix_space(), Char.is_python_space(), Char.is_ascii_digit(), Char.is_ascii_upper(), Char.is_ascii_lower(), Char.is_ascii_printable().
  • chr(Int) will now abort if given a codepoint value that is not a valid Char.

  • Added StringSlice.from_utf() factor method, for validated construction of a StringSlice from a buffer containing UTF-8 encoded data. This method will raise if the buffer contents are not valid UTF-8.

  • Added StringSlice.chars() which returns an iterator over Chars. This is a compliant UTF-8 decoder that returns each Unicode codepoint encoded in the string.

  • Added StringSlice.__getitem__(Slice) which returns a substring. Only step sizes of 1 are supported.

  • Several standard library functions have been changed to take StringSlice instead of String. This generalizes them to be used for any appropriately encoded string in memory, without requiring that the string be heap allocated.

    • atol()
    • atof()
    • ord()
    • ascii()
    • b64encode()
      • Additionally, the b64encode() overload that previously took List has been changed to take a Span.
    • b64decode()
    • b16encode()
    • b16decode()
  • Added new String.chars() and String.char_slices() iterator methods, and deprecated the existing String.__iter__() method.

    Different use-cases may prefer iterating over the Chars encoded in a string, or iterating over subslices containing single characters. Neither iteration semantics is an obvious default, so the existing __iter__() method has been deprecated in favor of writing explicit iteration methods for the time being.

    Code of the form:

    var s: String  = ...
    for c in s:
        # ...

    can be migrated to using the .char_slices() method:

    var s: String = ...
    for c in s.char_slices():
        # ...
  • The String.__len__() and StringSlice.__len__() methods now return the length of the string in bytes.

    Previously, these methods were documented to note that they would eventually return a length in Unicode codepoints. They have been changed to guarantee a length in bytes, since the length in bytes is how they are most often used today (for example, as bounds to low-level memory manipulation logic). Additionally, length in codepoints is a more specialized notion of string length that is rarely the correct metric.

    Users that know they need the length in codepoints can use the str.char_length() method, or len(str.chars()).

  • Various functionality has moved from String and StringRef to the more general StringSlice type.

    • StringSlice now implements Representable, and that implementation is now used by String.__repr__() and StringRef.__repr__().
  • StringSlice now implements EqualityComparable.

    Up until now, StringSlice has implemented a more general __eq__ and __ne__ comparision with StringSlice types that had arbitrary other origins. However, to satisfy EqualityComparable, StringSlice now also has narrower comparison methods that support comparing only with StringSlice's with the exact same origin.

  • Added StringSlice.char_length() method, to pair with the existing StringSlice.byte_length() method.

    In a future version of Mojo, StringSlice.__len__() may be changed to return the length in bytes, matching the convention of string length methods in languages like C++ and Rust. Callers that know they need the length in Unicode codepoints should update to calling StringSlice.char_length() instead.

  • Removed @implicit decorator from some standard library initializer methods that perform allocation. This reduces places where Mojo code could implicitly allocate where the user may not be aware.

    Remove @implicit from:

    • String.__init__(out self, StringRef)
    • String.__init__(out self, StringSlice)
    • List.__init__(out self, owned *values: T)
    • List.__init__(out self, span: Span[T])
  • The ExplicitlyCopyable trait has changed to require a fn copy(self) -> Self method. Previously, an initializer with the signature fn __init__(out self, *, other: Self) had been required by ExplicitlyCopyable.

    This improves the "greppability" and at-a-glance readability when a programmer is looking for places in their code that may be performing copies

  • bit_ceil has been renamed to next_power_of_two, and bit_floor to prev_power_of_two. This is to improve readability and clarity in their use.

  • The Indexer and IntLike traits which were previously both used for indexing have been combined. This enables SIMD scalar integer types and UInt to be used for indexing into all of the collection types, as well as optimizing away normalization checks for UInt indexing.

  • The ImplicitlyIntable trait has been added, allowing types to be implicitly converted to an Int by implementing the __as_int__ method:

    struct Foo(ImplicitlyIntable):
        var i: Int
        fn __as_int__(self) -> Int:
            return self.i
  • You can now cast SIMD types using constructors:

    var val = Int8(42)
    var cast = Int32(val)

    It also works when passing a scalar type to larger vector size:

    var vector = SIMD[DType.int64, 4](cast) # [42, 42, 42, 42]

    For values other than scalars the size of the SIMD vector needs to be equal:

    var float_vector = SIMD[DType.float64, 4](vector)

    SIMD.cast still exists to infer the size of new vector:

    var inferred_size = float_vector.cast[DType.uint64]() # [42, 42, 42, 42]
  • You can now use max() and min() with variadic number of arguments.

  • A new LinkedList type has been added to the standard library.

  • The String.write static method has moved to a String constructor, and is now buffered. Instead of doing:

    var msg = "my message " + String(x) + " " + String(y) + " " + String(z)

    Which reallocates the String you should do:

    var msg = String("my message", x, y, z, sep=" ")

    Which is cleaner, and buffers to the stack so the String is allocated only once.

  • You can now pass any Writer to write_buffered:

    from utils.write import write_buffered
    var string = String("existing string")
    write_buffered(string, 42, 42.4, True, sep=" ")

    This writes to a buffer on the stack before reallocating the String.

  • The __disable_del x operation has been tightened up to treat all fields of 'x' as consumed by the point of the del, so it should be used after all the subfields are transferred or otherwise consumed (e.g. at the end of the function) not before uses of the fields.

Tooling changes

  • mblack (aka mojo format) no longer formats non-mojo files. This prevents unexpected formatting of python files.

  • Full struct signature information is now exposed in the documentation generator, and in the symbol outline and hover markdown via the Mojo Language Server.

❌ Removed

  • StringRef is being deprecated. Use StringSlice instead.
    • Changed sys.argv() to return list of StringSlice.
    • Added Path explicit constructor from StringSlice.
    • removed StringRef.startswith() and StringRef.endswith()
    • removed StringRef.strip()
  • The Tuple.get[i, T]() method has been removed. Please use tup[i] or rebind[T](tup[i]) as needed instead.
  • StringableCollectionElement is deprecated, use WritableCollectionElement instead which still allows you to construct a String, but can avoid intermediary allocations.

🛠️ Fixed

  • The Mojo Kernel for Jupyter Notebooks is working again on nightly releases.

  • The command mojo debug --vscode now sets the current working directory properly.

  • Issue #3796 - Compiler crash handling for-else statement.

  • Issue #3540 - Using named output slot breaks trait conformance

  • Issue #3617 - Can't generate the constructors for a type wrapping !lit.ref

  • The Mojo Language Server doesn't crash anymore on empty init.mojo files. Issue #3826.

  • Issue #3935 - Confusing OOM error when using Tuple.get incorrectly.

  • Issue #3955 - Unexpected copy behaviour with def arguments in loops

  • Issue #3960 - Infinite for loop