You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 71
- Test long control
- Emulate Eyesight engaged state for car ECU-s
- Keep Eyesight in ready state - DONE
- rewrite CruiseControl Cruise_Activated = 0 to keep ES in ready state
- rewrite Brake_Status ES_Brake = 0 to keep ES from faulting on ES_Brake
- set ES_Status Cruise_Activated = 1, Cruise_RPM = 0
- set ES_Distance Cruise_Throttle = 808
- set ES_Brake Cruise_Activated = 1
- Control ES LKAS, throttle and brake using openpilot
- create Cruise_RPM and Cruise_Throttle output functions for actuators input
- Test using TCM RPM as input for Cruise_RPM
- create Cruise_RPM and Cruise_Throttle output functions for actuators input
- Allow Pre-Collision Braking and other stock safety functions passthrough
- ES faults when PCB is activated
- Do not set Brake_Status ES_Brake = 0 if ES side ES_Brake Cruise_Brake_Active = 1
- ES faults when PCB is activated
- Test if long control works without faked ES enabled state (CruiseControl rewrite is disabled)
- Keep Eyesight in ready state - DONE
- test slow down before turns
- engineering ui for long tuning?
- Emulate Eyesight engaged state for car ECU-s
- Test stop and go - DONE, POC implemented
- when in Hold and Car in front moved:
send ACC_Cancel to cancel ACC to get out of Hold (Engaged > Enabled)
send ACC_Resume to reengage ACC (Enabled > Engaged)?
- DONE, does not work, cruise_cancel from hold sets handbrake
when in Hold and Car in front moved:
- send Brake or Throttle to cancel ACC / standstill (Engaged > Enabled) - DONE
- send ACC Resume to engage ACC (Enabled > Engaged)
- sending Brake_Pedal cancels and ACC Resume engages, quite slow (2-3sec) - DONE
- Fix msg sending logic (70x brake, 5x acc resume) - DONE
- use Close_Distance as faster trigger instead of lead car moved alert - DONE
- test SNG on level ground - DONE
- test uphill SNG - DONE
- test downhill SNG - DONE
test ACC Resume reliability improvements (ES_Brake State/ES_DashStatus Cruise_State) - DONE
- working sample
- ES_Brake State changes 12 > 8 on Cruse_Resume, ES_DashStatus Cruise_State changes 0>2>0
- non-working sample
- ES_Brake State changes 12 > 0 on Cruise_Resume
- working sample
send ACC Resume and Set when ES is not engaged (using wipers) - DONE
- Set and Resume works for enabled > engaged and changing ACC max speed, button press signal needs to be min 5ms (5 cycles in carcontroller 100Hz loop)
- when in Hold and Car in front moved:
- Test and log using regular Cruise Control - DONE
- no difference in ES signals vs ACC, added icon signal to ES_DashStatus
- Document the ES can messages frequency - DONE
- Document the signals ES requires/checks from car
- filter messages using panda and document which missing msgs create ES fault
- Filter stock LKAS off message and chime
- visual notification (10sec):
- [ES_LKAS_State][LKAS_STATE] = 2
- alert beeps after visual (1sec):
- [ES_LKAS_State][FCW_Cont_Beep] = 1
- [ES_LKAS_State][FCW_Repeated_Beep] = 1
- Solution
- rewrite lkas_state = 0 when incoming lkas_state = 2
- record last frame when lkas_state changes to 2 > 0 and rewrite beeps = 0 for 100 frames (1 sec)
- visual notification (10sec):
ES_Distance contains acceleration and buttons status
- Cruise_Throttle
- Cruise_Brake_Active
- Cruise_EPB
- Cruise_Cancel
- Cruise_Set
- Cruise_Resume
- Brake_Pressure
- State (8 = cruise active, 12/13 = braking)
- Cruise_RPM
- Brake_Lights
ES_LKAS controls steering
- LKAS_Output - steering torque request
ES_LKAS_State controls dash display and notifications
- Keep_Hands_On_Wheel
- LKAS_ACTIVE (0..3)
- Backward_Speed_Limit_Menu?
- LKAS_Left_Line_Visible
- LKAS_Right_Line_Visible
- FCW_Cont_Beep
- FCW_Repeated_Beep
- Vehicle_In_Front_Has_Moved
- Throttle_Management_Activated (object in front detected)
- 50Hz ES_LKAS - LKAS steering control
- 20Hz ES_Brake - ACC brake pressure and status
- 20Hz ES_Distance - ACC state (Throttle and buttons)
- 20Hz ES_Status
- 20Hz ES_Blank
- 10Hz ES_DashStatus
- 10Hz ES_LKAS_State - LKAS and FCW dash status and notifications
- 10Hz ES_NEW_MSG_22
- Enabled
- Ready
- Engaged
- Hold
- Cancel
- Resume
- Set
- 18000 CarState = 100Hz
- 360 thermal = 2Hz
- 100Hz Steering
- 100Hz Throttle
- 100Hz NEW_MSG_1
- 100Hz Transmission
- 100Hz NEW_MSG_5
- 50Hz NEW_MSG_6
- 50Hz Steering_Torque
- 50Hz Brake_Pressure_L_R
- 50Hz Brake_Pedal
- 50Hz Wheel_Speeds
- 50Hz G_Sensor
- 50Hz NEW_MSG_3
- 50Hz Cruise_Buttons
- 50Hz NEW_MSG_4
- 33Hz NEW_MSG_10
- 20Hz CruiseControl
- 20Hz NEW_MSG_16
- 11Hz BodyInfo
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_23
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_2 (0:32b)
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_24
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_25
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_26
- 10Hz Dashlights
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_27
- 10Hz NEW_MSG_28
- 8Hz NEW_MSG_30
- 8Hz NEW_MSG_31
- 2Hz NEW_MSG_36
- 1Hz NEW_MSG_38
- 1Hz NEW_MSG_39
- 1Hz NEW_MSG_7
- 1Hz NEW_MSG_44
- 1Hz NEW_MSG_45
- 0.8Hz NEW_MSG_34
- 0.8Hz NEW_MSG_35
- 0.8Hz NEW_MSG_37
- 0.8Hz Dash_State
- 0.8Hz NEW_MSG_43
Replace eyesight with ACC buttons intercept board and static can messages?
Openpilot model outputs
- actuators.gas (0..1)
- actuators.brake (0..1)
toyota: apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake
Related brake signals
[Brake_Pedal][Brake_Pedal_On] (0/1) - 1 when brake pedal is pressed
[Brake_Pedal][Brake_Pedal] (0..500) - brake pedal pressure
[ES_Brake][Brake_Pressure] - (0..400) Hold: 394 - electric brake pressure
[ES_Brake][State] - 0 no brake, 8 es active, 12 & 13 es brake active
[ES_Status][Cruise_Brake] (0/1) - 1 when brake pedal or electronic brake on
[ES_DashStatus][Brake_Pedal] (0/1) - 1 when brake pedal or electronic brake on
Related gas/acceleration signals
[Throttle][Throttle_Cruise] (0..140)
[ES_Distance][Cruise_Throttle] (0..4000) LSB: 16 Size: 12 - based on Engine_RPM + desired acceleration?
[ES_Status][Cruise_RPM] - Eyesight RPM output for ECM/TCM?
[ES_DashStatus][Cruise_Status] (0 = normal, 3 = hold)
[ES_LKAS_State][Traffic_light_Ahead] - Vehicle in front has moved (Crosstrek 2018)