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UART Protocol 1.0.0

Special characters

There are two special characters:

  • Start: 0x7E
  • Escape: 0x5C

Every byte in the UART message that equals one of the special characters will be XORed by 0x40, and prepended by the escape character.

UART wrapper

Every UART message is wrapped.

UART wrapper

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Start 1 Start of a message (0x7E).
uint16 Size 2 Size of all data after this field, including CRC. Size 0 is always invalid.
uint8 Protocol major 1 Major protocol version, increased for breaking changes.
uint8 Protocol minor 1 Minor protocol version, increased when new types are added.
Uart message type Message type 1 Type of UART message, see below.
uint8[] Payload N Depends on message type.
uint16 CRC 2 The CRC16 (CRC-16-CCITT) of everything after the size field.

UART message type

A uint8 to differentiate between several uart message formats.

Type Payload Description
0 UART message Plain text UART message.
128 Encrypted UART message Encrypted UART message. Not implemented yet.

Encrypted UART message

Although the name suggests this is encrypted, only the encrypted data is actually encrypted. The other fields are unencrypted, but required for the encryption.

Encrypted UART message

Type Name Length Description
uint8[] Packet nonce 3 Packet nonce: should be different random numbers each time.
uint8 Key ID 1 Key ID used for encryption: always 0 for now. Also determines access level: always admin for now.
uint8[] Encrypted data N Encrypted with AES CTR. Get a (new) session nonce with the session nonce command.

Encrypted data

Encrypted data

Type Name Length Description
uint32 Validation 4 Validation: must be 0xCAFEBABE.
uint16 Message size 2 Size of the uart message in bytes.
uint8[] UART message Size The uart message.
uint8[] Padding N Padding to make this whole packet size a multiple of 16.

UART message

UART message

Type Name Length Description
uint16 Data type 2 Type of UART data.
uint8[] Data N The data packet, depends on type.

TX data types (commands)

Data types for messages sent to the Crownstone.

  • Each message will be replied to with a message with the same data type.
    • You must wait for the reply before sending the next message, else the next message will be ignored.
    • If your message is invalid (no access, wrong payload, unknown type, etc), there will be an error reply.
  • Messages with encrypted set to yes, have to be encrypted when the crownstone status has encryption required set to true.
  • Messages with encrypted set to optional, may be encrypted.
  • Types >= 50000 are for development. These may change, and will be disabled in release.
Type Type name Encrypted Data Description
0 Hello Never Hello First command that should sent, used to determine whether this is the right crownstone, and to tell and determine whether encryption has to be used.
1 Session nonce Never Session nonce Refresh the session nonce.
2 Heartbeat Optional Heartbeat Used to know whether the UART connection is alive. You can mix encrypted and unencrypted heartbeat commands. With current implementation though, each time you send an unencrypted heartbeat, the hub service data flag UART alive encrypted will be false until an encrypted heartbeat is sent.
3 Status Optional Status Status of the user, this will be advertised by a dongle when it is in hub mode. Hub mode can be enabled via a Set state control command.
4 Get MAC Never - Get MAC address of this Crownstone (in reverse byte order compared to string representation).
10 Control command Yes Control msg Send a control command.
11 Hub data reply Optional Hub data reply Only after receiving Hub data, reply with this command. This data will be relayed to the device (phone) connected via BLE.
50000 Enable advertising Never uint8 Enable/disable advertising.
50001 Enable mesh Never uint8 Enable/disable mesh.
50002 Get ID Never - Get ID of this Crownstone.
50103 Inc current range Never - Increase the range on the current channel.
50104 Dec current range Never - Decrease the range on the current channel.
50105 Inc voltage range Never - Increase the range on the voltage channel.
50106 Dec voltage range Never - Decrease the range on the voltage channel.
50108 Enable diff current Never uint8 Enable/disable differential mode on current channel. (Currently the packet is ignored, and it toggles instead)
50109 Enable diff voltage Never uint8 Enable/disable differential mode on voltage channel. (Currently the packet is ignored, and it toggles instead)
50110 Voltage pin Never uint8 Change the pin used on voltage channel. (Currently the packet is ignored, and it rotates between certain pins instead)
50200 Log current Never uint8 Enable sending current samples.
50201 Log voltage Never uint8 Enable sending voltage samples.
50202 Log filtered current Never uint8 Enable sending filtered current samples.
50204 Log power Never uint8 Enable sending calculated power samples.
60000 Inject event Never uint8[] Inject an internal event. Payload consists of the CS_TYPE and its associated event data structure.

RX data types (events and replies)

Data types for messages received from the Crownstone.

  • Messages with encrypted set to yes, will be encrypted when the crownstone status has encryption required set to true.
  • Messages with encrypted set to optional, may be encrypted.
  • Types in range 0 - 9900 are replies to a UART command with the same type.
  • Types in range 9900 - 10000 are error replies to any UART command.
  • Types in range 10000 - 20000 are events, not a (direct) reply to a UART command.
  • Types in range 40000 - 50000 are for development. These may change, and will be enabled in release.
  • Types >= 50000 are for development. These may change, and will be disabled in release.
Type Type name Encrypted Data Description
0 Hello Never Hello Hello reply.
1 Session nonce Never Session nonce The new session nonce.
2 Heartbeat Optional - Heartbeat reply. Will be encrypted if the command was encrypted too.
3 Status Never Status Status reply.
4 MAC Never uint8 [6] The MAC address of this crownstone.
10 Control result Yes Result packet Result of a control command. If the result code is WAIT_FOR_SUCCESS, a control result will be sent again later. You need to wait for this second reply before sending the next command.
11 Hub data reply ack Optional - Simply an acknowledgement that the hub data reply was received by the crownstone. Will be encrypted if the command was encrypted too.
9900 Parsing failed Never - Your command was probably formatted incorrectly, is too large, has an invalid data type, or you don't have the required access level.
9901 Error reply Never Status Your command was probably not encrypted while it should have been.
9902 Session nonce missing Never - The Crownstone has no session nonce, please send one.
9903 Decryption failed Never - Decryption failed due to missing or wrong key.
10000 Uart msg Yes string As requested via control command UART message.
10001 Session nonce missing Never - The Crownstone has no session nonce, please send one.
10002 Service data Yes Service data with device type Service data of this Crownstone.
10004 Presence change Yes Presence change packet Sent when the presence has changed. Note: a profile ID can be at multiple locations at the same time.
10005 Factory reset Yes - Sent when a factory reset will be performed.
10006 Booted Never - This Crownstone just booted, you probably want to start a new session.
10007 Hub data Optional uint8 [] As requested via control command Hub data. Make sure you reply with the Hub data reply uart command.
10008 Microapp data Yes Microapp message As requested by the microapp.
10102 Mesh state msg Yes Service data without device type State of other Crownstones in the mesh (unencrypted).
10103 Mesh state part 0 Yes External state part 0 Part of the state of other Crownstones in the mesh.
10104 Mesh state part 1 Yes External state part 1 Part of the state of other Crownstones in the mesh.
10105 Mesh result Yes Mesh result Result of an acked mesh command. You will get a mesh result for each Crownstone, also when it timed out. Note: you might get this multiple times for the same ID.
10106 Mesh ack all Yes Mesh ack all result SUCCESS when all IDs were acked, or TIMEOUT if any timed out.
10107 Rssi between stones Yes Deprecated.
10108 Asset MAC report Yes Asset MAC report Report of an asset a Crownstone on the mesh has seen.
10111 RSSI between stones report Yes RSSI between stones report A report of the RSSI between 2 Crownstones.
10112 Asset ID report Yes Asset ID report Report of an asset a Crownstone on the mesh has seen.
10200 Binary debug log Yes Binary log Binary debug logs, that you have to reconstruct on the client side.
10201 Binary debug log array Yes Binary log array Binary debug logs, that you have to reconstruct on the client side.
40000 Event Yes ? Raw data from the internal event bus.
40103 Mesh cmd time Yes Time Received command to set time from the mesh.
40110 Mesh profile location Yes Profile location Received the location of a profile from the mesh.
40111 Mesh set behaviour settings Yes Behaviour settings Received command to set behaviour settings from the mesh.
40112 Mesh tracked device register Yes Tracked device register Received command to register a tracked device from the mesh.
40113 Mesh tracked device token Yes Tracked device token Received command to set the token of a tracked device from the mesh.
40114 Mesh sync request Yes Sync request Received a sync request from the mesh.
40120 Mesh tracked device heartbeat Yes Tracked device heartbeat Received heartbeat command of a tracked device from the mesh.
50000 Advertising enabled Never uint8 Whether advertising is enabled.
50001 Mesh enabled Never uint8 Whether mesh is enabled.
50002 Stone ID Never uint8 The stone ID of this crownstone.
50100 ADC config Never ADC config ADC configuration.
50101 ADC restarted Never - ADC restarted.
50200 Current samples Never Current samples Raw ADC samples of the current channel.
50201 Voltage samples Never Voltage samples Raw ADC samples of the voltage channel.
50202 Filtered current samples Never Filtered current samples Filtered ADC samples of the current channel.
50203 Filtered voltage samples Never Filtered voltage samples Filtered ADC samples of the voltage channel.
50204 Power Never Power calculations Calculated power values.
60000 Debug log Never string Debug strings.
60001 Test Never string Firmware test strings.


User hello packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Flags 1 Status flags.

Crownstone hello packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Sphere ID 1 Short sphere ID, as given during setup.
status Status 1 Status packet.

Heartbeat packet

Type Name Length Description
uint16 Timeout 2 If no heartbeat is received for timeout seconds, the connection can be considered to be dead.

User status packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Type 1 Status type: 0=no-data, 1=crownstone-hub
uint8 Flags 1 Status flags.
uint8[] Data 9 Status data to be advertised by dongle (will be ignored if status type is no-data).

User status flags bitmask

Bit Name Description
0 Encryption required Whether messages with encrypted set to yes, have to be encrypted.
1 Has been set up Whether the hub has been set up.
2 Has internet Whether internet is available.
3 Has error Whether there is some error.
4-7 Reserved Reserved for future use, must be 0 for now.

Crownstone status packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Flags 1 Status flags.

Crownstone status flags bitmask

Bit Name Description
0 Encryption required Whether messages with encrypted set to yes, have to be encrypted.
1 Has been set up Whether the crownstone has been set up.
2 Hub mode Whether hub mode is enabled.
3 Has error Whether there is some error.
4-7 Reserved Reserved for future use, must be 0 for now.

Refresh session nonce packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Timeout 1 How long (minutes) this session nonce is valid.
uint8[] Session nonce 5 The session nonce to use for encrypted messages sent by the user.

Session nonce reply packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8[] Session nonce 5 The session nonce to use for encrypted messages sent by the crownstone.

Hub data reply

Type Name Length Description
uint16 Result code 2 The result code, which will be set as the result code of the result packet.
uint8[] Data N Data.

Presence change packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Type 1 Type of change.
uint8 Profile ID 1 ID of the profile.
uint8 Location ID 1 ID of the location.
Presence change type
Value Name Description
0 First sphere enter The first user entered the sphere. Ignore profile and location values.
1 Last sphere exit The last user left the sphere. Ignore profile and location values.
2 Profile sphere enter The first user of given profile entered the sphere. Ignore location value.
3 Profile sphere exit The last user of given profile left the sphere. Ignore location value.
4 Profile location enter The first user of given profile entered the given location.
5 Profile location exit The first user of given profile left the given location.

Microapp message

Type Name Length Description
Microapp header Header 2 The header.
uint8[] Data N The data, protocol is microapp specific.

Asset MAC report

Type Name Length Description
uint8[] MAC 6 Mac address of the observed asset (in reverse byte order compared to string representation).
uint8 Stone ID 1 ID of the Crownstone that observed the asset.
int8 RSSI 1 RSSI between the observed asset and the observing Crownstone.
uint8 Channel 1 BLE channel of the observed advertisement.

Asset ID report

Type Name Length Description
Asset ID Asset ID 3 The asset ID.
uint8 Stone ID 1 ID of the Crownstone that observed the asset.
uint8 Filter bitmask 1 Bitmask of filters that the asset advertisement passed and lead to this asset ID. Nth bit set, means the asset passed filter ID = N, and lead to this asset ID.
int8 RSSI 1 RSSI between the observed asset and the observing Crownstone.
uint8 Channel 1 BLE channel of the observed advertisement.

RSSI between stones report

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Type 1 Defines the remainder of this message to allow for future changes. For now, always 0.
uint8 Receiver ID 1 Stone ID of the stone that received a message.
uint8 Sender ID 1 Stone ID of the stone that sent a message.
int8 RSSI channel 37 1 RSSI between the two stones on channel 37, according to the receiver. A value of 0 means there is no data yet.
int8 RSSI channel 38 1 RSSI between the two stones on channel 38, according to the receiver. A value of 0 means there is no data yet.
int8 RSSI channel 39 1 RSSI between the two stones on channel 39, according to the receiver. A value of 0 means there is no data yet.
uint8 Last seen 1 How many seconds ago the sender was last seen by the receiver.
uint8 Report number 1 Number that is increased by 1 each time the receiver sends this report. This can be used to identify how many messages from the receiver ID are lost.

Binary log header

The log header should contain enough info to find the log string from the source code.

Binary log header

Type Name Length Description
uint32 Filename hash 4 32 bits DJB2 hash of the reversed filename of the source code where the log is.
uint16 Line number 2 Line number (starting at line 1) where the ; of the source code where the log is.
uint8 Log level 1 Verbosity of the log, similar to serial_verbosity in config: verbose=8, debug=7, info=6, warn=5, error=4, fatal=3.
flags Flags 1 Options for the log.
Binary log flags
Bit Name Description
0 New line Whether this log should end with a new line.
1 Reverse Whether to print in reverse (arrays only).
2-7 Reserved Reserved for future use.

Binary log packet

The binary log packet consists of a header and arguments. The header is used to find the string in printf format. The arguments are then filled in according to this string.

For example, if the format string is "%s is %u" then the first argument is interpreted as a string, which replaces the %s. While the second arguement is interpreted as an unsigned integer, that replaces the %u.

Binary log packet

Type Name Length Description
Header Header 8 Header.
uint8 Num args 1 Number of arguments that follow.
Args[] Args N Array of argument packets.

Binary log argument packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Arg size 1 Size of the payload.
uint8[] Payload N The argument data.

Binary log array packet

Binary log array packet

Type Name Length Description
Header Header 8 Header.
Element type Element type 1 The type of the elements.
uint8 Element size 1 The size of each element.
uint8[] Payload X The element data, of size: elementSize * numberOfElements.
Binary log element type
Value Name Description
0 INT Signed integer.
1 UINT Unsigned integer.
2 FLOAT Floating point number.
10 FORMAT Use format string to determine the type, like printf. Not implemented yet.

Mesh result packet

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Stone ID 1 ID of the stone.
Result packet Result N The result.

Mesh state part 0

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Stone ID 1 ID of the stone.
Mesh msg state 0 State 7 The state.

Mesh state part 1

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Stone ID 1 ID of the stone.
Mesh msg state 1 State 7 The state.

ADC config

Sent when the ADC config changes.

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Count 1 Number of channels.
channel_config[] Channels List of channel configs.
uint32 Sampling period 4 Sampling period in μs. Each period, all channels are sampled once.

ADC channel config

Type Name Length Description
uint8 Pin 1 Analog pin number (AIN..). 100 for Vdd.
uint32 Range 4 Range in mV. Max is 3600.
uint8 RefPin 1 Reference pin for differential measurements. Set to 255 to disable differential measurements.

Current samples

Type Name Length Description
uint32 Timestamp 4 Counter of the RTC (running at 32768 Hz, max value is 0x00FFFFFF).
int16[] Samples 200 Raw sample data.

Voltage samples

Type Name Length Description
uint32 Timestamp 4 Counter of the RTC (running at 32768 Hz, max value is 0x00FFFFFF).
int16[] Samples 200 Raw sample data.

Power calculations

Type Name Length Description
uint32 Timestamp 4 Counter of the RTC (running at 32768 Hz, max value is 0x00FFFFFF).
int32 currentRmsMA 4
int32 currentRmsMedianMA 4
int32 filteredCurrentRmsMA 4
int32 filteredCurrentRmsMedianMA 4
int32 avgZeroVoltage 4
int32 avgZeroCurrent 4
int32 powerMilliWattApparent 4
int32 powerMilliWattReal 4
int32 avgPowerMilliWattReal 4