- local OS X install, R 3.5.2
- ubuntu 14.04 (on travis-ci), R 3.5.2
- win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
- This is a new release.
This is 2nd submission. As for the remarks I received from 1st submission:
Thanks, if there are references describing the methods in your package,
please add these in the Description field of your DESCRIPTION file in
the form
authors (year) <doi:...>
authors (year) <arXiv:...>
authors (year, ISBN:...)
with no space after 'doi:', 'arXiv:' and angle brackets for auto-linking.
There are NO references describing the methods in this package.
Please replace \dontrun{} by \donttest{} or unwap the examples if they
can be executed in less than 5 sec per Rd-file.
The only examples for which I use \dontrun{}
are all in runstats.demo.Rd file:
runstats.demo(func.name = "RunningMean")
runstats.demo(func.name = "RunningSd")
runstats.demo(func.name = "RunningVar")
runstats.demo(func.name = "RunningCov")
runstats.demo(func.name = "RunningCor")
runstats.demo(func.name = "RunningL2Norm")
they generate animantions and they CANNOT be executed in less then 5 sec, hence I am keeping them as they are.
You have examples for unexported functions which cannot run in this way.
Please either add runstats::: to the function calls in the examples,
omit these examples or export these functions.
I have removed examples from the unexported function in question, that is, convJU()
function in core_func.R. I also added tag @noRd
to this function, and removed corresponding .Rd file.