!!IAM 系统错误码列表,由 codegen -type=int -doc
如果返回结果中存在 code
字段,则表示调用 API 接口失败。例如:
"code": 100101,
"message": "Database error"
上述返回中 code
表示该错误的具体信息。每个错误同时也对应一个 HTTP 状态码,比如上述错误码对应了 HTTP 状态码 500(Internal Server Error)。
IAM 系统支持的错误码列表如下:
Identifier | Code | HTTP Code | Description |
ErrUserNotFound | 110001 | 404 | User not found |
ErrUserAlreadyExist | 110002 | 400 | User already exist |
ErrReachMaxCount | 110101 | 400 | Secret reach the max count |
ErrSecretNotFound | 110102 | 404 | Secret not found |
ErrSuccess | 100001 | 200 | OK |
ErrUnknown | 100002 | 500 | Internal server error |
ErrBind | 100003 | 400 | Error occurred while binding the request body to the struct |
ErrValidation | 100004 | 400 | Validation failed |
ErrTokenInvalid | 100005 | 401 | Token invalid |
ErrDatabase | 100101 | 500 | Database error |
ErrEncrypt | 100201 | 401 | Error occurred while encrypting the user password |
ErrSignatureInvalid | 100202 | 401 | Signature is invalid |
ErrExpired | 100203 | 401 | Token expired |
ErrInvalidAuthHeader | 100204 | 401 | Invalid authorization header |
ErrMissingHeader | 100205 | 401 | The Authorization header was empty |
ErrorExpired | 100206 | 401 | Token expired |
ErrPasswordIncorrect | 100207 | 401 | Password was incorrect |
ErrPermissionDenied | 100208 | 403 | Permission denied |
ErrEncodingFailed | 100301 | 500 | Encoding failed due to an error with the data |
ErrDecodingFailed | 100302 | 500 | Decoding failed due to an error with the data |
ErrInvalidJSON | 100303 | 500 | Data is not valid JSON |
ErrEncodingJSON | 100304 | 500 | JSON data could not be encoded |
ErrDecodingJSON | 100305 | 500 | JSON data could not be decoded |
ErrInvalidYaml | 100306 | 500 | Data is not valid Yaml |
ErrEncodingYaml | 100307 | 500 | Yaml data could not be encoded |
ErrDecodingYaml | 100308 | 500 | Yaml data could not be decoded |